Epson T069120-BCS Durabrite Ultra Ink - Black, Cyan, Magneta, Yellow at
This blog has changed to support my Fb page: Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
just me being creative while being bored...
I am using these as profile pictures on Fb n on my Fb-group...
I have the "NO" symbol over HP n ACER because I don't trust them...
because they both didn't honor their warranties...
HP refused to repair a laptop that the USB port shorted n fried the MB...
ACER refused to repair a flat screen monitor that acts wacky if apt. gets too warm (about 80degrees+), they said they couldn't see anything wrong and refused to reproduce the temps to see the effects of a normal room temp... so I have to use an extra fan to help cool the display but some days that doesn't help...
Monday, December 20, 2010
Bloody HP printers! « Consumist
Bloody HP printers! « Consumist
Hey, its not only their printers...
HP SCREWED me on a warranty issue...
I got a new laptop in August 2005 which I loved until in Dec 2005 a USB port shorted the motherboard... I sent to HP to be repaired... and they refused to!!!
I WILL NEVER TRUST or BUY HP product ever again...
I warn everyone not to deal with them!!...!
I say they didn't honor their warranty with me so I don't TRUST them!!!
Hey, its not only their printers...
HP SCREWED me on a warranty issue...
I got a new laptop in August 2005 which I loved until in Dec 2005 a USB port shorted the motherboard... I sent to HP to be repaired... and they refused to!!!
I WILL NEVER TRUST or BUY HP product ever again...
I warn everyone not to deal with them!!...!
I say they didn't honor their warranty with me so I don't TRUST them!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010 Duracell Powerpack 450: Automotive
This really could be handy when my wheelchair battery runs low!!! Duracell Powerpack 450: Automotive Duracell Powerpack 450: Automotive
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I finally got a netBook but has limited power...
This would be super helpful for me to be able to do more on my netBook...
Energizer Energi To Go XP8000 Power Pack for Netbooks
Energizer Energi To Go XP8000 Power Pack for Netbooks
Sunday, November 21, 2010
this is my dream wheelchair, too bad it cost so(too) much...
C500 Corpus
Solution to Seating and Mobility Needs.
A technically advanced chassis created down to the last detail for tackling all the most difficult challenges together with one of the world’s most admired seats. Together they give strength, endurance and fantastic sitting and driving performance.
* R-net and ICS allow you to combine and control all electrical functions on the Corpus seat in perfect coordination with the chair’s superlative driving performance.
C500 is incredibly versatile and is available both in a Lowrider version with low sitting height and with extra strong motors for higher maximum speed (10 km/h). With a C500 you also have full access to our most advanced seat systems and all supplementary functions.
Top speed : 6.5 Mph
Range : 19-25 Miles
Solution to Seating and Mobility Needs.
A technically advanced chassis created down to the last detail for tackling all the most difficult challenges together with one of the world’s most admired seats. Together they give strength, endurance and fantastic sitting and driving performance.
* R-net and ICS allow you to combine and control all electrical functions on the Corpus seat in perfect coordination with the chair’s superlative driving performance.
C500 is incredibly versatile and is available both in a Lowrider version with low sitting height and with extra strong motors for higher maximum speed (10 km/h). With a C500 you also have full access to our most advanced seat systems and all supplementary functions.
Top speed : 6.5 Mph
Range : 19-25 Miles
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I tried to be a bad guy once... to attracted bad girls... but my nice guy kept beating up my bad guy :-D
I tried to be a bad guy once... to attracted bad girls... but my nice guy kept beating up my bad guy :-D
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
New picture n some news about me physical therapy...
I took this picture heading to the bus station after physical therapy today (11/11/10)...
therapy is going well... I think I over did it while working on my right shoulder...
about a few hours after therapy my right upper arm felt like lead :-)
now its a little bit sore/achy...
think I need to take a couple extra-strength tylenols...
I know therapy is going well, over all I feel better n with less pain n discomfort...
so have to be doing something right!!!
...side note: when I 1st went to PT to get evaluated to be seen the PT guy that 1st saw me made me feel small n worthless saying I should have started PT when I 1st got here to Florida (no sh!t) 1st I went to like 3 local places near where I live non took my insurance... than according to my insurance's hand-book the only place to get PT was in another county... so I thought I was out of luck... until new doctor (yr n 1/2 later) told me I could go to Manatee Hospital outpatient... so I did try to find help before not my fault it took this long... but so the guy was a total A$$ to me... n because I have (since stroke) stop(try not) arguing w/ people I left... but feeling worthless n small until I thought I should complain to the hospitals admins... which worked great they called me n said they were so sorry n asked for another chance... I gave it a 2nd chance(well I wanted/needed PT) so I had no real choice... its working out great, different PT person... every time I go to PT I go cheerful n say hi to everyone but original PT person that saw me demeanor changes as soon as I wheel in, he goes from happy to sore... me n mom think they must have really let him have it for how he treated me... oh well I have tried to make nice with him but he doesn't want to... his loss n show how small he is!!!
Hope you all are doing well... take care, thx for your continued support!!!
therapy is going well... I think I over did it while working on my right shoulder...
about a few hours after therapy my right upper arm felt like lead :-)
now its a little bit sore/achy...
think I need to take a couple extra-strength tylenols...
I know therapy is going well, over all I feel better n with less pain n discomfort...
so have to be doing something right!!!
...side note: when I 1st went to PT to get evaluated to be seen the PT guy that 1st saw me made me feel small n worthless saying I should have started PT when I 1st got here to Florida (no sh!t) 1st I went to like 3 local places near where I live non took my insurance... than according to my insurance's hand-book the only place to get PT was in another county... so I thought I was out of luck... until new doctor (yr n 1/2 later) told me I could go to Manatee Hospital outpatient... so I did try to find help before not my fault it took this long... but so the guy was a total A$$ to me... n because I have (since stroke) stop(try not) arguing w/ people I left... but feeling worthless n small until I thought I should complain to the hospitals admins... which worked great they called me n said they were so sorry n asked for another chance... I gave it a 2nd chance(well I wanted/needed PT) so I had no real choice... its working out great, different PT person... every time I go to PT I go cheerful n say hi to everyone but original PT person that saw me demeanor changes as soon as I wheel in, he goes from happy to sore... me n mom think they must have really let him have it for how he treated me... oh well I have tried to make nice with him but he doesn't want to... his loss n show how small he is!!!
Hope you all are doing well... take care, thx for your continued support!!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I am a proud Human Being, American, Christian... ah??? I think...
I am a Human Being, American, and Christian...
I do like being so...
Well have no choice on being a human :-D
......(unless I'm reborn as a dog or etc...)......
being an American is cool especially for me and the time/year I was born in...
some people with disabilities born few years before I was were not treated well...
and about the time I was born, people in america started thinking about access to public places for people with disabilities... Cool... still many areas still need work!!!
Some countries have not even started... I know some have... I don't know which ones or which country is doing the best/better job at this...
and america has some great features and people so yes I'm an American!!! Yippie!!!
I do have a great choice on my beliefs and I am a Christian... Christ teachings are very good!!!
but here are my buts!!!
Question am I proud of these things yes and NO!!!
What??? Why???
Well being Human, we can do such great things and I think my friends are great humans!!!
but when you see on the news about the bull humans do to other humans and animals...
(fellow humans) ex: abuse, rape, murder etc... (animal) ex: torture, neglect, etc..
it kind of makes you wish you could move to another planet away from humans...
being an American: we have done great things but we have done some not so good of things...
I wish we could say we are the best(don't believe any country can say it is either)...
the USA has done bad but the US people for the most part try too...
really most US people are just trying to get them and their families though life!!!!
does america have troubles??? hell yes we do...
there are many things america does that make me want to live on a private island...
but hey for the most part the US people are good people...
just like people from other countries...
all countries have good n great people but we both also have dumb-asses too...
ok I also say I'm a Christian and someday think WTF...
why Christ taught love, understand and forgiveness...
and people say be Christ like!!! but they don't always seem to follow their own advise...
Christ says forgive your enemy...
......... says love your neighbor...
and judge not for you will be judged by ho you judge... hard one to do...
as Jesus once said "he without sin, cast the 1st stone"...
I see so many Christian that do great/good things...
but see so many willing to cast that stone (n with both hands)
they are willing to hate or kill because they disagree with something...
I have seen a thing "WWJD" (what would Jesus do)...
I wish Christian would think about that more often!!!
I am a Proud Human Being, America, an Christian...
but just wish humans would wise up and be better to fellow humans n animals n any other being here on earth or any that many come!!!
My thoughts(I'm not perfect), again I don't want to offend...
but DO Want to Enlighten or Awaken others!!!
Sincerely Giovano a.k.a. Koala
I do like being so...
Well have no choice on being a human :-D
......(unless I'm reborn as a dog or etc...)......
being an American is cool especially for me and the time/year I was born in...
some people with disabilities born few years before I was were not treated well...
and about the time I was born, people in america started thinking about access to public places for people with disabilities... Cool... still many areas still need work!!!
Some countries have not even started... I know some have... I don't know which ones or which country is doing the best/better job at this...
and america has some great features and people so yes I'm an American!!! Yippie!!!
I do have a great choice on my beliefs and I am a Christian... Christ teachings are very good!!!
but here are my buts!!!
Question am I proud of these things yes and NO!!!
What??? Why???
Well being Human, we can do such great things and I think my friends are great humans!!!
but when you see on the news about the bull humans do to other humans and animals...
(fellow humans) ex: abuse, rape, murder etc... (animal) ex: torture, neglect, etc..
it kind of makes you wish you could move to another planet away from humans...
being an American: we have done great things but we have done some not so good of things...
I wish we could say we are the best(don't believe any country can say it is either)...
the USA has done bad but the US people for the most part try too...
really most US people are just trying to get them and their families though life!!!!
does america have troubles??? hell yes we do...
there are many things america does that make me want to live on a private island...
but hey for the most part the US people are good people...
just like people from other countries...
all countries have good n great people but we both also have dumb-asses too...
ok I also say I'm a Christian and someday think WTF...
why Christ taught love, understand and forgiveness...
and people say be Christ like!!! but they don't always seem to follow their own advise...
Christ says forgive your enemy...
......... says love your neighbor...
and judge not for you will be judged by ho you judge... hard one to do...
as Jesus once said "he without sin, cast the 1st stone"...
I see so many Christian that do great/good things...
but see so many willing to cast that stone (n with both hands)
they are willing to hate or kill because they disagree with something...
I have seen a thing "WWJD" (what would Jesus do)...
I wish Christian would think about that more often!!!
I am a Proud Human Being, America, an Christian...
but just wish humans would wise up and be better to fellow humans n animals n any other being here on earth or any that many come!!!
My thoughts(I'm not perfect), again I don't want to offend...
but DO Want to Enlighten or Awaken others!!!
Sincerely Giovano a.k.a. Koala
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Star Trek vs Star Wars???
Star Trek vs Star Wars???
I was just wondering...
there are so many areas that they differ...
Star Trek was made before Star Wars...
Star Trek (is not the 1st Sci-Fi show, there was Flash Gordon on TV in Black in White {filmed before I was around} I know there where many others) but Star Trek seems to be the start of Fan followings (ex: Cons, fan fiction, etc...)
Star War came along and also got a fan following...
now I was thinking, Star Trek is very cool with its tech but is military based... they are ranked based you don't see alot of non-starfleet people (I know there are, so don't yell about that) but StarFleet is all military, Klingons are warrior based, Romulans are also military based...
so no offense meant but just have a question??? do Star Trek fans get got up with ranks or is ranks just a wacky idea???
Star Wars has a few sides to it...
the Empire a military based system but more of a controlled life, the empire n few that have any power/command...
the rebels side freedom fighters a loosely military based system...
the Jedis a semi based policing force based of a higher power for guidance (aka the force)...
also the little people in the middle (Darth Vader's Mom, Han Solo, Lando, Luke's Uncle n Aunt, etc...) no ranks there!!!
they also have cool tech (ex: the droids, light-sabers)
so whats the draw???
why is there a debate over which is better???
is it not all just fun n fiction???
but do fans get too got up in it???
do fans take ranks way too far???
I mean no offense to fans, I like both Star Trek n Star Wars!!! I am just wondering!!!
I was just wondering...
there are so many areas that they differ...
Star Trek was made before Star Wars...
Star Trek (is not the 1st Sci-Fi show, there was Flash Gordon on TV in Black in White {filmed before I was around} I know there where many others) but Star Trek seems to be the start of Fan followings (ex: Cons, fan fiction, etc...)
Star War came along and also got a fan following...
now I was thinking, Star Trek is very cool with its tech but is military based... they are ranked based you don't see alot of non-starfleet people (I know there are, so don't yell about that) but StarFleet is all military, Klingons are warrior based, Romulans are also military based...
so no offense meant but just have a question??? do Star Trek fans get got up with ranks or is ranks just a wacky idea???
Star Wars has a few sides to it...
the Empire a military based system but more of a controlled life, the empire n few that have any power/command...
the rebels side freedom fighters a loosely military based system...
the Jedis a semi based policing force based of a higher power for guidance (aka the force)...
also the little people in the middle (Darth Vader's Mom, Han Solo, Lando, Luke's Uncle n Aunt, etc...) no ranks there!!!
they also have cool tech (ex: the droids, light-sabers)
so whats the draw???
why is there a debate over which is better???
is it not all just fun n fiction???
but do fans get too got up in it???
do fans take ranks way too far???
I mean no offense to fans, I like both Star Trek n Star Wars!!! I am just wondering!!!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Me being Silly/Crazy/a Trekkie/Nerd... LOL
Phaser is set to flashing lite n weird sounds and I'm ready for any Orion Girls... I'll protect everyone from them, I'll hold them so everyone else can get away... don't worry about me, I'll handle those Orion Girls
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Showing Improvements in controling my right hand
I'm able to hold key down without hitting other keys... takes abit of mind control but IS getting better...
so who nows in near future I'll be able to type again... well like before I was a 1 finger typer :-)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
my Dream Girlfriend would be like this:
Dream Girl:
age range 25-35, petite, Punkish(SG type), playful, sense humor, smart, witty, knows how to be a little demon but deep down is an Angel... I don't care if she has some drama in her life but I HATE girls that play head games!!!(been there done that n totally done with that!!!)...
age range 25-35, petite, Punkish(SG type), playful, sense humor, smart, witty, knows how to be a little demon but deep down is an Angel... I don't care if she has some drama in her life but I HATE girls that play head games!!!(been there done that n totally done with that!!!)...
Sunday, July 25, 2010
was thinking again... about celebrities n the 1st Amendment!!!
this is a weird one to be thinking about...
1 - I was a photographer (well still am - now just a hobby)
2 - I am not a celebrity
but it does piss me off that paparazzi rush/race/hide to the 1st Amendment to defend their actions saying its their right to photograph any celebrities any where any time... I think that's bull!!! There has to be a middle ground!!!
My ideas:
1: the paparazzi(including their staff/friends/associates of the paparazzi) cannot block/resist movement of anyone and/or a vehicle...
2: use of strobes/flashes aimed in the direction of an moving vehicle has to be illegal... may cause accident/death
3: paparazzi have to stay 15feet away for a celebrity...
4: cannot take photos/videos of a minor (celeb/or not) unless parents say it's ok or the minor is committing a crime(breaking the law - all bets off)...
these ideas help protect celebrities space/life/family/well being... and allows the paparazzi to still have their 1st Amendment right to be a butt head... the 1st Amendment gives a right of freedom of the press but doesn't give or mean paparazzi have the right to block/resist/harass/endanger another person!!!
just me thinking again....
1 - I was a photographer (well still am - now just a hobby)
2 - I am not a celebrity
but it does piss me off that paparazzi rush/race/hide to the 1st Amendment to defend their actions saying its their right to photograph any celebrities any where any time... I think that's bull!!! There has to be a middle ground!!!
My ideas:
1: the paparazzi(including their staff/friends/associates of the paparazzi) cannot block/resist movement of anyone and/or a vehicle...
2: use of strobes/flashes aimed in the direction of an moving vehicle has to be illegal... may cause accident/death
3: paparazzi have to stay 15feet away for a celebrity...
4: cannot take photos/videos of a minor (celeb/or not) unless parents say it's ok or the minor is committing a crime(breaking the law - all bets off)...
these ideas help protect celebrities space/life/family/well being... and allows the paparazzi to still have their 1st Amendment right to be a butt head... the 1st Amendment gives a right of freedom of the press but doesn't give or mean paparazzi have the right to block/resist/harass/endanger another person!!!
just me thinking again....
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
my mother's challenging Life
I figured I put this down to give insight on my mother's life and mine...
My mom had a very rough start in life, her mother married a man who to put it pleasantly as possible didn't really like the fact my mother was a child of the man before him... He wasn't a pleasant AT ALL to my mother as she was growing up, she ran away from home to escape pain the she got when home... some other things happened in her teen years that was upsetting as well...
I'm won't can't go in to details about the pains of her childhood but it wasn't a happy beginning!
The Cool thing that happened next... she met my father...
My dad was a bit older than my Mother (by 20years)... some of my dad's family didn't like mom n dad being together, oh well they were!!!
Mom was told by a doctor she couldn't have kids... so Fate/God threw mom n dad a curve ball and a big one at that... Mom found got she was going to have a baby in 1967... but things got weird and mom left dad and went to Virginia and in October of 1967 she gave birth to a boy... (oops I was born)
Well, Dad got mom to come back to Maine under false hope they would get married...
Mom found out about 6months later her baby had a problem... he was born with a very rare(in 1967 OI was very rare) bone disorder called Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle Bones)...
In someways my be a blessing, why? well studies say parents that were abused as a kid tend to abuse their children... and seeing I was brittle I was handle with extreme care... I still broke many bones... don't really remember how many I think until I reached my mid teens I was in at least 1 to 2 cast a year and some times with multiple fractures....
Also when I was in my pre-teen years my father had his 1st heart attack... and Mom n Dad still were not married... well about the age 17 I had anger issues and started seeing someone to help me with that and I got my mother to also start to see someone about her issues... well after some time mom finally got the strength up to leave when dad finally saw mom was really going to leave he kind of smarten up... he married mom but still didn't move in with mom he felt he had to take care of his sister so he still stay at the family home with his sister upstairs... Mom also finds out she has MS...
Well Mom finally got dad to help get a real family home for us... when dad's health started getting a bit worse he started really living at home with us...
So about this time my health issues were basically ok, I kind-of stop having fractures but my weight became my next challenge but wasn't at a high risk... so mom's changed from worrying about her son to her husband... She learned ways to make food that he could have because his heart n other issues limited salt n sugar intake (later near the end a very limited liquid intake)...
So Mom went from a bone specialist to a heart n dietician specialist... (nurses n doctors could learn from her)
Well in 1992 her son gets electrocuted well at a festival he/I have to have left shoulder ball replaced n than after that on way home from hospital fell out of wheelchair breaking leg...
So now Mom as a very ill husband to care for n a son with a broken leg n a healing left arm... A bit of a hand full for her... Son recover fine but Dad's health kept going down... But not as fast as the doctors thought they were amazed by how long he lasted... Mainly mom's care n her custom cooking kept him going n very likely their love for each other...
Well in 10/1993 dad passed away... Mom didn't take that well even though I knew I had/was going to happen she was wishing/hoping for many more years with him...
well things happened from there I broke another leg but because mom was drained from dad's death I had to get help from a friend while I recovered...
in October of 1994 mom met a man she decided to marry I liked this it gave me a good excuse to finally leave home an out on my own... oh mean while my weight continued to go up... Mom n her new husband left the house in Maine n moved to Florida... I think it was in 1998 I visited her down in Florida and I weighed over 350lbs on a road to death most likely from heart attack (Dad n 1/2 bro have/had heart issues)... and her health start to gets bad she finds out she has cancer n has to have the chemotherapy...
In 2001 I finally realized my weight was beyond my control and I needed help I finally got a doctor that listened to me n I listened to him... We decided stomach surgery was a good way to go... I did it in 12/2001 by mid 2002 I weighed 206 and was walking and having a normal life... I felt like a new person... I was wearing/buying cloths from normal store(no big n tall shops) off the rack (1st time I tried a shirt on from the rack I was dancing n store clerks look at me as I was crazy) :-)
Well, Mom was happy about my change but her life got crazy because of a mistake she made...
She dealt with her mistake and then her 2nd Husband became ill (heart troubles) they had to move back to Maine... her health mean while isn't going very good but cancer has backed away for now... n mean while her son/Me messed up... I got carried away with my new health/life I fell for someone with a lot of problems... and so I started drinking a lot because of mental depression n with the stomach surgery booze went right to my system...
So mom see's her son falling into a pit of dis-pear and her 2nd husband than passes away... she than couldn't afford her own rent her son/Me decides to move in with her to help her pay her rent...
Problem was I was a full fledged Drunk... I hated life n most everything else and I didn't care if I lived or die n was even hoping for death... 12/2007 I got hit by a car n I broke my left hip bone... after healing from that I had my stroke n mom is lost unknown if her son/me was going to live or die... well I lived n knowing mom would want to help take care of me but I know her health was good enough to do that I fought hard and regain a lot more than the doctor thought I'd ever be able to get back... I even started Loving life n stop drinking and things started looking up... I got a settlement for getting hit by the car n moved Mom, Me n her friend(now also mine) to Florida... leaving snow, bad relationships behind...
oops I messed up I went to Vegas n and started having a few here n there... n even in Florida I was having a few here n there...
Mean while Mom's health has taken another turn for the bad... Doctors say she had a bad form of diabetes and outlook not good...
and the only good thing lately (other than move to Florida) her son/Me have done some thinking and got doctor assistance (meds to make me sick if I drink) on my drinking issue on my own, no pressure from anyone one, my own decision to enjoy life and what I have... So even though I feel that when I'm 60 mom will still be there mainly to nag me lol (you know moms will be moms forever) Mom can know her son will be ok in life (even if he is crazy, crazy by his own decision so I don't go insane...)
HUGs to all!!!
My mom had a very rough start in life, her mother married a man who to put it pleasantly as possible didn't really like the fact my mother was a child of the man before him... He wasn't a pleasant AT ALL to my mother as she was growing up, she ran away from home to escape pain the she got when home... some other things happened in her teen years that was upsetting as well...
I'm won't can't go in to details about the pains of her childhood but it wasn't a happy beginning!
The Cool thing that happened next... she met my father...
My dad was a bit older than my Mother (by 20years)... some of my dad's family didn't like mom n dad being together, oh well they were!!!
Mom was told by a doctor she couldn't have kids... so Fate/God threw mom n dad a curve ball and a big one at that... Mom found got she was going to have a baby in 1967... but things got weird and mom left dad and went to Virginia and in October of 1967 she gave birth to a boy... (oops I was born)
Well, Dad got mom to come back to Maine under false hope they would get married...
Mom found out about 6months later her baby had a problem... he was born with a very rare(in 1967 OI was very rare) bone disorder called Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle Bones)...
In someways my be a blessing, why? well studies say parents that were abused as a kid tend to abuse their children... and seeing I was brittle I was handle with extreme care... I still broke many bones... don't really remember how many I think until I reached my mid teens I was in at least 1 to 2 cast a year and some times with multiple fractures....
Also when I was in my pre-teen years my father had his 1st heart attack... and Mom n Dad still were not married... well about the age 17 I had anger issues and started seeing someone to help me with that and I got my mother to also start to see someone about her issues... well after some time mom finally got the strength up to leave when dad finally saw mom was really going to leave he kind of smarten up... he married mom but still didn't move in with mom he felt he had to take care of his sister so he still stay at the family home with his sister upstairs... Mom also finds out she has MS...
Well Mom finally got dad to help get a real family home for us... when dad's health started getting a bit worse he started really living at home with us...
So about this time my health issues were basically ok, I kind-of stop having fractures but my weight became my next challenge but wasn't at a high risk... so mom's changed from worrying about her son to her husband... She learned ways to make food that he could have because his heart n other issues limited salt n sugar intake (later near the end a very limited liquid intake)...
So Mom went from a bone specialist to a heart n dietician specialist... (nurses n doctors could learn from her)
Well in 1992 her son gets electrocuted well at a festival he/I have to have left shoulder ball replaced n than after that on way home from hospital fell out of wheelchair breaking leg...
So now Mom as a very ill husband to care for n a son with a broken leg n a healing left arm... A bit of a hand full for her... Son recover fine but Dad's health kept going down... But not as fast as the doctors thought they were amazed by how long he lasted... Mainly mom's care n her custom cooking kept him going n very likely their love for each other...
Well in 10/1993 dad passed away... Mom didn't take that well even though I knew I had/was going to happen she was wishing/hoping for many more years with him...
well things happened from there I broke another leg but because mom was drained from dad's death I had to get help from a friend while I recovered...
in October of 1994 mom met a man she decided to marry I liked this it gave me a good excuse to finally leave home an out on my own... oh mean while my weight continued to go up... Mom n her new husband left the house in Maine n moved to Florida... I think it was in 1998 I visited her down in Florida and I weighed over 350lbs on a road to death most likely from heart attack (Dad n 1/2 bro have/had heart issues)... and her health start to gets bad she finds out she has cancer n has to have the chemotherapy...
In 2001 I finally realized my weight was beyond my control and I needed help I finally got a doctor that listened to me n I listened to him... We decided stomach surgery was a good way to go... I did it in 12/2001 by mid 2002 I weighed 206 and was walking and having a normal life... I felt like a new person... I was wearing/buying cloths from normal store(no big n tall shops) off the rack (1st time I tried a shirt on from the rack I was dancing n store clerks look at me as I was crazy) :-)
Well, Mom was happy about my change but her life got crazy because of a mistake she made...
She dealt with her mistake and then her 2nd Husband became ill (heart troubles) they had to move back to Maine... her health mean while isn't going very good but cancer has backed away for now... n mean while her son/Me messed up... I got carried away with my new health/life I fell for someone with a lot of problems... and so I started drinking a lot because of mental depression n with the stomach surgery booze went right to my system...
So mom see's her son falling into a pit of dis-pear and her 2nd husband than passes away... she than couldn't afford her own rent her son/Me decides to move in with her to help her pay her rent...
Problem was I was a full fledged Drunk... I hated life n most everything else and I didn't care if I lived or die n was even hoping for death... 12/2007 I got hit by a car n I broke my left hip bone... after healing from that I had my stroke n mom is lost unknown if her son/me was going to live or die... well I lived n knowing mom would want to help take care of me but I know her health was good enough to do that I fought hard and regain a lot more than the doctor thought I'd ever be able to get back... I even started Loving life n stop drinking and things started looking up... I got a settlement for getting hit by the car n moved Mom, Me n her friend(now also mine) to Florida... leaving snow, bad relationships behind...
oops I messed up I went to Vegas n and started having a few here n there... n even in Florida I was having a few here n there...
Mean while Mom's health has taken another turn for the bad... Doctors say she had a bad form of diabetes and outlook not good...
and the only good thing lately (other than move to Florida) her son/Me have done some thinking and got doctor assistance (meds to make me sick if I drink) on my drinking issue on my own, no pressure from anyone one, my own decision to enjoy life and what I have... So even though I feel that when I'm 60 mom will still be there mainly to nag me lol (you know moms will be moms forever) Mom can know her son will be ok in life (even if he is crazy, crazy by his own decision so I don't go insane...)
HUGs to all!!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Items that would be VERY helpful n make life easier...
Single-Fold Ramp $129 for going over Threshold between 2" - 12"...
Harmar AL300 Fusion Lift $1799 / Installation (+$299.00) Swing Away Option (+$399.00)
Fly-Lite Aluminum Transport Chair (black) - Wheelchair $279 for when going in someone elses car and I can't take a powered wheelchair...
Harmar AL300 Fusion Lift $1799 / Installation (+$299.00) Swing Away Option (+$399.00)
for my Mother's car I got her so she can take me to events/appointments/etc...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I was sitting here and pondering things…
I share things about my life to let people understand me and what’s happening in my life…
I may look like I’m saying oh pity me look at my problems… Well sorry if you see it that way…
I have met many people way worst off than me…
I use to go to a summer camp for disabled and saw many campers that were much older than me acting very immature (ex: acting like a preschooler but they are seniors) and also met people that can barely use anything except their head to communicate with they can’t even do anything for themselves (Nothing, ex: not even restroom stuff) but these people are happy for life!!!
I share this stuff to info and show I am trying to deal and overcome stuff…
What I truly and really want from my friends is their friendship and their understanding!!!
I feel anything I may need, might be a challenge to get but will (Hopefully) work out (ex: my new wheelchair)…
Stuff I would like to have… well I can try to save for or enter contest to try to win…
Basically life/God will provide (hopefully) and I’m thankful for what life/God lets me have…
I really am Thankful God has let me have another chance after my stroke and I am truly Thankful to my friends I get to share life with (even if it’s over the net)…
I may look like I’m saying oh pity me look at my problems… Well sorry if you see it that way…
I have met many people way worst off than me…
I use to go to a summer camp for disabled and saw many campers that were much older than me acting very immature (ex: acting like a preschooler but they are seniors) and also met people that can barely use anything except their head to communicate with they can’t even do anything for themselves (Nothing, ex: not even restroom stuff) but these people are happy for life!!!
I share this stuff to info and show I am trying to deal and overcome stuff…
What I truly and really want from my friends is their friendship and their understanding!!!
I feel anything I may need, might be a challenge to get but will (Hopefully) work out (ex: my new wheelchair)…
Stuff I would like to have… well I can try to save for or enter contest to try to win…
Basically life/God will provide (hopefully) and I’m thankful for what life/God lets me have…
I really am Thankful God has let me have another chance after my stroke and I am truly Thankful to my friends I get to share life with (even if it’s over the net)…
Thursday, June 3, 2010
some Good News!!!
Good News...
just got off phone, the Scooter Store(orlando) called me to set-up a delivery time that they can deliver the new wheelchair... Mon(6/7/10) between 1-4pm...
they have the correct chair and have the approval from insurance so everything is a go!!!
So some really good news!!!
the scooter store - streamer sport
Monday, May 31, 2010
wow... just thinking again...
I was just thinking about how bad I feel which is alway the case after I have got drunk... in the past I was usally yelled at or bitched at... which I than would change from being sad to mad... this time no yelling or bitching just me sitting here having to reallized I F'ed-Up... I did this,
I may have thought I was having a great time Sat but Sunday I wake up no phone and (I just looked it up) I spent $70 on my nite of so-called fun...and also $20 extra to replace the sim card in my phone(already have a backup phone no sim) and $10 to my mother... She gave me money to get her a sandwich at McD's, I did buy the sandwich from McD's but I never got to her and her change fell out of the bag her sandwich was in so I have to refund her $10 it was my stupidity that lost the money and never got her sandwich to her...
Life and to its lessons!!!
Important Info. I was stupid Sat 5-29-10. Nite and I lost my phone...

serves me right for doing a stupid thing... I have decided to start taking a med the Doc gave to me awhile ago it makes you sick if you drink booze... I was only taking it when I go out but Sat I forgot to take and this happened, So I have decided I will take it everyday with my high blood pressure meds so I never forget to take it ever again... I do like drinking but hate waking up ashamed that I drank too much (I can't have just one drink) and I seem to always mess-up some how... this time losing my phone...
So email me if you need me: oh I have an email I'll post here I do not mind the public seeing contact me here IF you don't have my main email accounts yahoo address my public email is:
Saturday, May 29, 2010
was thinking...
Put your faith into your heart and mind... and God/Karma/the Force/etc... will help from there....
Do Not put faith in anything writen in black n white... the stuff that has/will-be writen is by humans.... and Humans are imperfect!!!
stuff writen are sources to learn from n to guide us...
my opinion / self awareness :-)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
title of this is Booze n Drugs well I should say Pot...
I was thinking again... shhhh I know why do I do that...
title of this is Booze n Drugs well I should say Pot...
Title needs some explaining... I never tried any drugs except pot...
I never plan or want Drugs... sh!! sometimes my Docs have to really insist I take my meds. I didn't take my High Blood Pressure meds the Doc told me I had to take because I never liked Drugs legal or not... I had to have my stroke to understand Doc prescribed meds are meant to help and are need!!! I have smoked pot before a number of times... with friends mainly at parties when it was around... just never went looking for it... so it was/is not an issue for me... also I do and am in favor of it to be legalized... I mean it is a natural growing herb... it doesnt need to be brewed or manufracured... but what ever that another issue maybe another time...
I have always been a big (fat) person likely now im the smallest I ever been since pre-teenage, and my father had heart issues n died from heart troubles so I was always concerned being big n family heart issues if I did anything worst than pot I might have a heart attect... also if at a party if drugs are bought out to share I left ASAP Y U ask... well if Cops come n there are drugs there... EVERYONE is going to jail until things are figured out... pot was/is a so-so issue n booze is legal...
ok, back to my thinkings...
As a teenager(18) I drank a bit, went to some parties and smoke a few joints, but never drove drunk or buzzed it was a strick personal rule of mine!!! I loved Jack Daniels n Beer... I handled my drinking back than pretty well... I got tanked a few times!!! built a few beer walls :-D I could even buy a six pack of beer put it in my refrig have a few and two weeks later still have the other beers still in the refrig... but DEc 2001 I had my stomach surgery (I good thing, I was over 350lbs) and in 2002 I start hanging out with a girl that wasn't good or meant to be with but I was stupid n she was very good looking n 15years younger the me (she was 20)... well too many issues to go into here I started drinking more n more... I didn't understand at the time because of my surgery the booze went to my system like 4-5 times faster than it did before... I felt I needed to get away from girl and try to change things before I became a full blown drunk so left to go Job Corps (for 6months). I did well there meat some great people n made friends... but after I left and came home I couldn't find work n fell into a deep depression... and started drinking again and super heavy... I became a Drunk!!! I do not remember the year 2006 and not from my stroke I drank so much in 2006 it was draanked away I was that gone... I was ready for death I didn't care anymore... Than something happed... I joke that God took a baseball bat to my head... I had the stroke in 2008 n luckly woke me up to wanting to stay alive n change things in my life... I have had a few falls off the wagon but hey never claimed to be perfect...
So what is this not about??? good question... I guess its to air things out let people now were I coming from n going(were ever it may lead)... I guess to also let people know were I stand/sit :-) on the issues of booze/drugs/pot :-)
Well thanks for reading!!!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A note to some very special friends...
I was talking to my conselor (Mary - LCSW) about my experinces with: friends and relationships...
I told about how I didn't really get to experance High School right because of issues some I didn't do right and some I had no control over... When I ever went to school from 1st grade to basically 12th grade I was dropped off at school when it started and picked up right after school... so I really didn't get to do the normal after school programs... also didn't help I wasn't abled to go to a normal school until 8th grade... because mom was told I had to go to a school for the disabled (that didn't teach kids correctly)... When Mom realised I wasn't learning but I did have a functioning brain (wait what Koala had a brain that worked, YUP lol) she fought to get me into a normal school... I hard a harder time but did catch up in my education but my social activity was still limited for satey reason... So I had a hard time meeting and making friends... I did make some back then and still friends with one aka Patrick Foss (met in a galaxy far far far away n when we both had hair LOL) I had a fellow High School friend who I lost contact with named Jim but also though Jim I met a cool guy named Mike Henigan... than because of weight and the pattern I got use too I really didn't socialize much... I than had the stomach surgery n lost over 160lbs felt great but messed up I fell for a girl and than drinking became a an issue...
Well I decided to do move on I went to a cool place Job Corps... (June 05 - Dec 05) I learned alot of things, I learned to socialize with people, I learned better habits for myself n the home... and I met alot of great people aka friends that I'm very happy to still call friends JoAnna, Kristina, Jennifer, Goon I made a number of others that saw past an old fart attending Job Corps to the real me...
I told about how I didn't really get to experance High School right because of issues some I didn't do right and some I had no control over... When I ever went to school from 1st grade to basically 12th grade I was dropped off at school when it started and picked up right after school... so I really didn't get to do the normal after school programs... also didn't help I wasn't abled to go to a normal school until 8th grade... because mom was told I had to go to a school for the disabled (that didn't teach kids correctly)... When Mom realised I wasn't learning but I did have a functioning brain (wait what Koala had a brain that worked, YUP lol) she fought to get me into a normal school... I hard a harder time but did catch up in my education but my social activity was still limited for satey reason... So I had a hard time meeting and making friends... I did make some back then and still friends with one aka Patrick Foss (met in a galaxy far far far away n when we both had hair LOL) I had a fellow High School friend who I lost contact with named Jim but also though Jim I met a cool guy named Mike Henigan... than because of weight and the pattern I got use too I really didn't socialize much... I than had the stomach surgery n lost over 160lbs felt great but messed up I fell for a girl and than drinking became a an issue...

I mean it was an issue a 37 year old amoung 16-24 year olds I wish I found/went to Job Corps back after High School instead of trying college which I wasn't ready for n well thats another issue...
So to my Job Corps Friends now Just Friends I thank You so so much I love you all!!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
some good news came in from the Scooter Store...
They informed me Amerigroup has decided to just get another chair...
So good news I can start fresh with a new powered wheel chair...
they will be able to get me a new chair I won't need(shouldn't) any repairs on the new chair for a long while, but batteries will still need to be replaced every year!!!
now just need to wait on the Scooter Store to have there other department to call and go over stuff with me... like my weight, messurements, and requiriments... if we can get a lighter chair than my current one mom can get one of those wheelchair ramp/lifts that hooks on the back of a car (like on a hitch) and than be able to go to stuff like conventions n doctors that are not in Bradenton or near the bus route...
Now I have to Wait for the Scooter Store etc... AI hate waiting but hey its still good new...
I needed some seeing my FaceBook account is still disabled and FaceBook has not replied to me yet!!!
So good news I can start fresh with a new powered wheel chair...
they will be able to get me a new chair I won't need(shouldn't) any repairs on the new chair for a long while, but batteries will still need to be replaced every year!!!
now just need to wait on the Scooter Store to have there other department to call and go over stuff with me... like my weight, messurements, and requiriments... if we can get a lighter chair than my current one mom can get one of those wheelchair ramp/lifts that hooks on the back of a car (like on a hitch) and than be able to go to stuff like conventions n doctors that are not in Bradenton or near the bus route...
Now I have to Wait for the Scooter Store etc... AI hate waiting but hey its still good new...
I needed some seeing my FaceBook account is still disabled and FaceBook has not replied to me yet!!!
My FaceBook account??? WTF???
I was on FaceBook tonite and was about to log-out when I decided to just refresh and see if there were any new post... my browser said I needed to log-in... no biggy that happens sometimes...
WTF!!! FaceBook system says account disabled!!!
I live on FaceBook (I know I need a life) but whats going on???
I do not post anything inappropriate...
I am lost...
what to do???
I sent a email to FaceBook... no answer about why, what to do, how to resble my account???
If anyone that reads this has a FaceBook access/account maybe you can ask them whats up???
WTF!!! FaceBook system says account disabled!!!
I live on FaceBook (I know I need a life) but whats going on???
I do not post anything inappropriate...
I am lost...
what to do???
I sent a email to FaceBook... no answer about why, what to do, how to resble my account???
If anyone that reads this has a FaceBook access/account maybe you can ask them whats up???
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Trust Issues
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Why is it that there are so many Christians that feel it is their jobs to judge others??? Judging others is not our duties or right!!!! Our ...
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Well Finally a glimmer of hope... Called insurance this morning telling them that I still haven't heard from the Scooter Store about com...