I share things about my life to let people understand me and what’s happening in my life…
I may look like I’m saying oh pity me look at my problems… Well sorry if you see it that way…
I have met many people way worst off than me…
I use to go to a summer camp for disabled and saw many campers that were much older than me acting very immature (ex: acting like a preschooler but they are seniors) and also met people that can barely use anything except their head to communicate with they can’t even do anything for themselves (Nothing, ex: not even restroom stuff) but these people are happy for life!!!
I share this stuff to info and show I am trying to deal and overcome stuff…
What I truly and really want from my friends is their friendship and their understanding!!!
I feel anything I may need, might be a challenge to get but will (Hopefully) work out (ex: my new wheelchair)…
Stuff I would like to have… well I can try to save for or enter contest to try to win…
Basically life/God will provide (hopefully) and I’m thankful for what life/God lets me have…
I really am Thankful God has let me have another chance after my stroke and I am truly Thankful to my friends I get to share life with (even if it’s over the net)…