Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Feelings n Beliefs...

I was thinking about my faith n beliefs n I know a couple things; I have suffered a lot in life in my past, present n future but I feel I am blessed because of my sufferings/pains... I also know I have grown in my belief in life n learned from being a child, to a kid n being childish adult n being a reckless adult to now a matured loving being... I also believe in the blessings of Knowing n Spreading Love, Humor, n my Spirit of the Father n Son n not to Judge others for what they believe, do, say, are, n etc...(WWJD)
I want to share my belief in all this n let you know that my stroke in 2008 gave me a chance to know Father n Son in a deep loving way n I truly believe I was lead to come back to life n teach n share God n his Son n their Love for Everyone(EVERYONE)!!!
Everyone that teaches n shares Love are Blessed!!

HUGs to You All!!!
Sincerely, Truly Yours;
Giovano ‘Koala’ Fusco

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Things are Well me me...

Not much going on, my back has been having a number of better days with little pains I say a 30% good days with ok 10% super bad n 60% my normal painful days... but at least I'M alive n Smiling :-)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Oh by the way...

Sunday I was thinking about something n I talk to my friend Bryan Patton about it, I'm thinking/wanting to get rebaptized, I have been baptized 2 other times once when I was a kid in a catholic church ages n ages n ages ago n then again as a mormon in 1990, I have been told I don't have to be baptized again but I feel that my stroke was a rebirth of life n spirit... My friend Bryan said something very cool the baptizism is something to show God/Jesus/my friends/ n family my renewed spiritual faith n love in the Big Guy n his Son(can't remember exactly how he said it so these are my words not his but what I got from what he said)... So I briefly talked to pastor Mark Childers a little about how we could do it since getting in n out of my wheelchair is a challenge, we may need to find an accessible pool or see if we can rent a portable hydro-lift from a medical supply place... or get a couple line-backers from a foottball team (LOL) to lift me (I am about 218lbs) in n out of body of water... :-D
This is some thing I would really really like to do but not if it's too much of a bother... I will keep you updated on this idea/wish n if happens I will get someone to take photos n video of it...

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...