This blog has changed to support my Fb page: Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
Monday, September 30, 2013
Hi Everyone...
Sunday, September 29, 2013
hello everyone...
doing very good today, though sleep times are messed up, body seems to be active from 5pm to 9am need to try to change that to 10or11am ti1or3am...
body is doing good medium pain levels vs the amount yesterday that was high...
thing with my roommates that was upsetting me is a bit better too now YAY
So I say thing are ok, the only thing that has my nerves on edge is congress being jerks n threatening a freeze of paying the budget, which I am concerned that Social Security will be one of the things placed on the hold list, why I say if Social Security is frozen so should the funds of congressmen n senators be frozen they should suffer along with everyone else for their pettiness n their bull!!!
Hope you are all doing well, HUGs...
B-Day 10/5 n X-Mas come around check this out:
I thank the people that think about me when this comes around!!!
I'm not expecting(or hoping for) anything from any of you...
I'm writing this note for anyone that is thinking about getting me a gift so they will have a better clue/idea what I like/need/would like to have...
here are a few ideas:
I recently added(and will hopefully keep updated) an list from ebay sites I would like to have (near the bottom)...
my Amazon WishList:
Giovano Fusco's eBay WishList:
my WalMart wish list:
--- thanks ---
now again I say this...
I post this not to ask for anything (other well wishes) but to help those that are planning on doing something...
I figure by posting this it show what I like,
Thanks for looking at this note!!!
AGAIN Remember this is only meant for those that want to get me something...
nothing is required or expected!!!
HUGs to everyone, Thanks you all!!!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Congress - they shouldn't get paid if no budget is passed...
Hi :-)
Hi everyone,
Wasn't up to doing much today but fought my body to get up n now heading to church...
Hope all is well out there...
Friday, September 27, 2013
Hello everyone :-)
I am doing ok today, yesterday I also was ok but not in much of a mood to go online having minor issues with a couple people but haven't talk to them about because don't want to get into n make the issues worst then they are...
Hope you all are doing ok...
Friday, September 13, 2013
Pains ??? Abuse:
Since I was 6months old I have had broken bones, a lot of which happened between ages of 1 year old n 12 years old... In High School had a number of broken fingers but kind of my fault going very fast in my manual wheelchair n making fast turns by grabbing one wheel n sometimes getting a finger caught in a wheel's spokes but fix those with plastic knife n tape...
I was in the hospital a lot as a kid so much knew the nurses names still remember head nurse name Darcy...
I have talk to my past counselors n in a way they say I suffered the effects of child abuse but there is no one at fault it was caused by my bone disorder OI...
Suffering from broken bones as a kid n not having the drugs they have now I learned to live an amount of pain...
Over 40+ years I have had many injuries including over 50/60 broken bones, compressed back bones n broken teeth n not to forget being electrified which cause my muscles to crush my left shoulderball so I know pains... So I have suffered alot as a child but it exposed me to others that had it harder then I did so I learned to deal with what I have n be thankful I have good days too, kind of like having Yin-Yang type life can't have the good with out some bad...
So I push, crawl n wheel on though the pains n hardship n enjoy the days I am able to be around to smile, love(hope to find a wife to start a family ASAP), laugh n make people smile or look at me in wonder "What the Heck is up with that guy is he sane" Nope LOL n don't want to be LOL I may try when I start a family but no need right now :-D
When I post an update n list my pains it is ok well some what, I mean I got n was able to post how I am doing the days I don't get online are my really bad days...
Every day I can interact with my online friends is a blessing to me n thank you all!!!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Trust Issues
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Why is it that there are so many Christians that feel it is their jobs to judge others??? Judging others is not our duties or right!!!! Our ...
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Well Finally a glimmer of hope... Called insurance this morning telling them that I still haven't heard from the Scooter Store about com...