Saturday, April 19, 2014

feeling lonely...

I am usually very up eat n cheerful but I do have moments of depression..

Being part of a very cool church like Bayside West Bradenton Campus helps me to keep being up beat n cheerful... Also having small groups(aka groups/study-groups) to go to n being with great people at these groups give even move good feelings n time in between the next small groups period is a downer for me... The small groups start in 1st of June so have a month+a couple weeks with no groups to be a part of is setting in, also loneliness of not having a GirlFriend to hold/cuddle with is also starting to fill my mind n heart... I know I have many friends here on FaceBook n many friends from church but not going out n being with others is a big downer... Not having funds to go on dates also gets depressing but when with members of church by going to services n small groups me keep a smile on my face n heartYAY...

The problem is once in a while I get into a downer feeling which is going on right now, since my Tuesday n Thursday nite small groups have ended n but luckily i serve at church tonite n will see many of my great friends there...

I wish the household here was in a better way, Mom is a lot of pain n she is either sleeping or having pain issue that has in a bad mood most of the time which with Mark's mental ability a lot of times causes him n Mom to argue A Whole Lot which makes me want to stay in my room to watch TV or listen to music with my earbuds so I do not hear Mom n Mark but that means I am even more cut off from people... Really Want/Wish I had someone to hold/cuddle with n just relax together... I think I will stop here because even though wring this is good for me to let out I am just getting even more down...

So HUGs to you all, n my church friends can't wait to see you tonite, also love commenting with my friends here on FaceBook you all help me stay happy your interactions here is so good/cool Thanks!!!

TTYL n HUGs to you all... 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Recently on way home from church I saw a friend from church,

Recently on way home from church I saw a friend from church,
I haven't seen him in a long while but thought he got caught up with life n work...
Well I waited for outside the store we saw each other in n when he came out we HUGged n chit chatted... I told him I missed seeing him at church n he started telling me was tired of judgements from people, I knew there was more to this but told him there was no need to explain to me any more... My old me might have wanted more details but not my business... I told him I still consider him a good person n a friend n hope he can get to church again soon... We HUGged each other bye n I smile he said if I need more M&M's to let him know, I thanked him n said I get enough because it is me only vice n I try to limit how many I get during the month 

Well, it was great seeing him but reason why he hasn't come to church for a while has been weighing heavy on me... Problem most humans do judge others it seems to be a very bad habit of humans to do it can really hurt others... After my stroke one of the things I have been strongly trying not doing n know it is hard not to do... 

     "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemned, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven" - 'Luke 6:37'

     "Do not judge so that you will not be judged. (2) For in the way you judge, you will be judge, and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you..." - 'Matthew 7:1'

I do not who or what they have judged my friend n was a really active member of the church but I hope they looked into their heart n pray for forgiveness n talk to those they have hurt n judged n ask for forgiveness...

We are here n told to love n teach love n forgiveness n told NOT To Judge...

Now I know leaders need to be a good example of Jesus n his flock but we n our leaders are human we do fall n error n his n others eyes but that is why he taught love n forgiveness because we are no way as perfect as him we can only do our best...
So if you love him come back to him n those that have done wrong ask for forgiveness first of The Lord n then ask forgiveness from yourself n then plead for forgiveness who you judged/Hurt/etc...

Ok that is my thoughts, if any of this relates to you then think hard about it because I know not who caused my friend to feel judged so I have no clue who did what or why n not my business, my job is to love everyone so with that HUGs to you All!!!

Signed Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

the truth...

something I learned a long while ago:

When some asks:
You like this I made; this dress look good on me; etc
my answer:
what do you think about it??? Do You like/love it??? (if they say yes) then my answer is Cool then it is good for you n my opinion is to support you...

I say this most of the time to spare feelings n to also not lie...
I was married once n have seen other couples n learned some times(some times many times) you have to tread lightly when ask a question a wife/girlfriend might ask n many men find it easier to just lie n I understand that BUT if you care about her try to do as I stated it is lying n if said sincerely it should be what she really wanted to hear... Lying is among the 10 commandments of things not to do n a lie is easily forgot n most likely you will be caught on it at some point n with me I have a hard enough time remembering the truth because my brain damage(from stroke n maybe also years of booze abuse) so telling a lie now I would forget after 10mins n say something else so not cool... I live a simpler life now I tell the truth n if the truth will hurt I try to say it another way to make it sound better or like approve... Lying has become the easy main stream way most people do things today BUT If you care about the person you are talking to also do you care about yourself n what people think of you then the truth is the best thing to do always... Telling the truth can be hard good examples is: child asks daddy is there a Santa??? daddy is there an easter bunny??? Now I would say to the child yes there is a Santa n Santa is in us all n we have a Santa at places to show us that Santa is every where... The easter bunny is a hard one don't know what I would say but think there are ways to be honest with everyone even kids I know it is a challenge n is easier to lie but think about what we are doing when we are lying... When we lie to children n they get older n learn we lied to them they resent you for it... Now granted I have no children so whom am I to say what you say to child, I am a crazy guy in a wheelchair that has learned at lot(not everything) after my stroke n just trying to help others to do better n love as much as possible n be loved...

So before you lie think is there a better way to tell the truth n being honest with others n yourself n again by tell truth you need not remember a lie because after time you most likely forgot the lie...

Be truthful n true to yourself...
just my opinion of me a crazy Koala...


Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...