Watching 'Peoples Court' n it is about they said landlord said...
I have advice for both a tenant n landlord, it is only helpful that has access to electronics:
Before renting a place do a walk though as normal but use a digital camera or camcorder or a video with iPhone/iPad/tablet n etc make sure date n time is setup correct date n time slowly walk though place n make sure to show kitchen n bath room sinks, refrig, stove in/out n etc, show rugs, floors, ceilings windows n door frames if using video open n close everything showing that they work... After done if you used a camera print them out, if video transfer to DVD now if you don't know how go to a computer tech next door student or a repair shop once things are either printed or put on a video put them into a sealed envelop go to US post office have it sent to you insured n certified registered mail n mark sure they place the certified area is placed over the opening of the envelop so when it is delivered it is sealed n dated my USPS n if any problems with a tenant happen bring sealed envelop to court n give it to the judge as proof of condition before tenant moved in...
Tenants basically do the same thing before you move your stuff in do the same as I wrote above n seal n send it as I said above so you proof about what place looked like before moving in n have is seal to give to court... When you are done moving out before locking up the place do another complete walk though again n if you don't have your cameras setup with dates have two copies made one for your viewing n showing others n seal n mail the extra copy as stated above having a sealed copy mailed to U before moving in n another after U move out having a signed seal US Post Office mail will be super helpful in a court hearing when it becomes he says she says, handing the judge sealed US mail that is signed for will aid you case alot...
Ok U might say well I can just keep the photos on my camera or computer to show the judge well yes But someone can claim dates are wrong or accuse you of changing the dates n U may not know how to do that there are many out there that can so having the photos/videos seal n signed n delivered by US Post office will help cut that bull from being argued about...
Have to remember in court a judge has to hear both sides n who ever has stuff to help back up their statements better will be believed more...
Case: a printed out photo might have no date so judge would be like this could have been shoot 5years ago or 10mins ago Judge has no proof on it's date, n cameras can place a date on the prints but some people don't know how to put correct date in the setup n those that do have the ability to change the date to another date to help them in their case so still just printing out photos with dates can not always be trusted same can be said with videos n a computer tech or hacker kid friend can do many things to change dates so I say best it to do as I stated above I think it is a good n cheap way the only ofter way would be to have a lawyer hold such photos n videos for U n would cost a lot more n having a lawyer for this type issue is a bit over kill n most likely if you can afford a lawyer U earn enough to own your own home so this issue isn't an issue unless U rent to others n in that case having a lawyer to aid U to know what U should do is a great move...
My advice above is meant for use little guys owners/renters that don't have much funds n know the judges trust proof n not always a persons word so if your proof is more creditable U have the better chance to win your case...
Ok now I stated all this I want to state I am in no way a lawyer, the advise I am sharing is using common sense n my knowledge of tech (computers/iPads/tablets/ n etc..) n no training at all in Law but watching many court shows n people losing their case because they don't use common sense, proof or correct proof n provable proof made me think of sharing this with others...
Hope this helps both LandLords from tenants that damage things n claim hey it was like that before us n etc...
Also to assist Tenants from landlords that try to claim damages or flirty stuff left behind that needed cleaning n etc...
Ok, HUGs!!!
This blog has changed to support my Fb page: Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Good Afternoon :-)
Good Afternoon :-)
I had a toss n turning nite n had a weird dream a dream that repeated it's self every time I woke n went back to sleep the cycle just kept repeating n was so intense... The dream was about a major disaster about to happen that would change the world n I had a lucky chance to save my family but I didn't have a family so because I had a week to accept the ticket in the dream I found a more deserving family but ticket wasn't transferable the family had a daughter that just became of legal age so in the dream I talked to whole family n said let me marry the daughter so I could save whole family... When it was time to get into the safety thing(this was unclear, was it a spaceship or a ark-ship, or was it a underground type thing was not clear) as I made sure that the whole family got in safely I grabbed the family's daughter my now wife's hand n gave her a vile said preserve my father's n my line n have a blessed future, she was confused "are you coming" she questioned... I replied "No, my body is too bad of shape to ask any one to help me with, the future is with you n your family n by me not being among you it is one less challenge you all don't need, so use the vile to keep my line alive n your family'" with that I wheeled away, n that is where I kept waking up... So strange of a dream...
Ok, now onto my body, my body is feeling very good today no aches or tightness in the muscles, back muscles were tight inbetween dreams this morning but feeling good now... :-)
I hope n pray U are all doing Better/Well today, in my old life I was never much about concerning myself of others issues or health but my new faithful life I have opened my eyes n heart to others I pray for so many now n with such a sincere n caring heart so my updates aren't just about me but me letting U all know I am here n as long as I am here there is another person here for U as well So,HUGs to U,
I had a toss n turning nite n had a weird dream a dream that repeated it's self every time I woke n went back to sleep the cycle just kept repeating n was so intense... The dream was about a major disaster about to happen that would change the world n I had a lucky chance to save my family but I didn't have a family so because I had a week to accept the ticket in the dream I found a more deserving family but ticket wasn't transferable the family had a daughter that just became of legal age so in the dream I talked to whole family n said let me marry the daughter so I could save whole family... When it was time to get into the safety thing(this was unclear, was it a spaceship or a ark-ship, or was it a underground type thing was not clear) as I made sure that the whole family got in safely I grabbed the family's daughter my now wife's hand n gave her a vile said preserve my father's n my line n have a blessed future, she was confused "are you coming" she questioned... I replied "No, my body is too bad of shape to ask any one to help me with, the future is with you n your family n by me not being among you it is one less challenge you all don't need, so use the vile to keep my line alive n your family'" with that I wheeled away, n that is where I kept waking up... So strange of a dream...
Ok, now onto my body, my body is feeling very good today no aches or tightness in the muscles, back muscles were tight inbetween dreams this morning but feeling good now... :-)
I hope n pray U are all doing Better/Well today, in my old life I was never much about concerning myself of others issues or health but my new faithful life I have opened my eyes n heart to others I pray for so many now n with such a sincere n caring heart so my updates aren't just about me but me letting U all know I am here n as long as I am here there is another person here for U as well So,HUGs to U,
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Prayers are a wonderful thing,..
Prayers are a wonderful thing,..
We pray for others, family n ourselves n etc...
Now some out there may say praying doesn't do anything n there is no God n you have that belief which I respect you to have but are many out there that believe in a force, a spirit or a God that truly believe in which is good as well, having a faith in something helps many with their lives n say that prayer work n you can say it was chance/luck or MoJo, Karma, the Force n etc but prayers are answered Now the Biggy some people say well my prayers are not being answered or I have prayed for long time n nothing WELL How Long did the Jewish people wait to be released from being slaves, n how long did they wait again did they suffer for their upsetting him, How long did it take it take for the Christ to come n how till his return??? We can't expect prayers to be instant they are answered when he knows it is the right time, some say it is a test of faith because some prayers are answered at a moment when people are about to give up but believing the prayers will be answered is hard bu wonderful... I want n pray to win the PowerBALL n I think many wish something like that as well, I want to do much good with the winning but he might be waiting for right time or somethng else to aid me in my goals in life or maybe show me a totally different way to help others, I place my faith my prayer will be answered but know it can be totally different from what I was hoping for...
For those of no faith say I am having faith in a change of luck n know luck can be changed for the good if you try to believe in something I prefer God, Jesus n Holy ghost/Spirit but there is hope for us all!!!
We pray for others, family n ourselves n etc...
Now some out there may say praying doesn't do anything n there is no God n you have that belief which I respect you to have but are many out there that believe in a force, a spirit or a God that truly believe in which is good as well, having a faith in something helps many with their lives n say that prayer work n you can say it was chance/luck or MoJo, Karma, the Force n etc but prayers are answered Now the Biggy some people say well my prayers are not being answered or I have prayed for long time n nothing WELL How Long did the Jewish people wait to be released from being slaves, n how long did they wait again did they suffer for their upsetting him, How long did it take it take for the Christ to come n how till his return??? We can't expect prayers to be instant they are answered when he knows it is the right time, some say it is a test of faith because some prayers are answered at a moment when people are about to give up but believing the prayers will be answered is hard bu wonderful... I want n pray to win the PowerBALL n I think many wish something like that as well, I want to do much good with the winning but he might be waiting for right time or somethng else to aid me in my goals in life or maybe show me a totally different way to help others, I place my faith my prayer will be answered but know it can be totally different from what I was hoping for...
For those of no faith say I am having faith in a change of luck n know luck can be changed for the good if you try to believe in something I prefer God, Jesus n Holy ghost/Spirit but there is hope for us all!!!
an idea :-D
have a wild idea, yeah think it will work when I die n get cremated I
will have orders to place a vile of my whole blood blood taken by a lab
so in a sealed vile n place in center of my remains in a steel urn lined
with lead n welded sealed with bio warning on it saying Do Not Open n
Never try to Clove the Cells inside, We Totally Warn You Do Not Do It,
also have vile in a plastic sealed bag saying
'This is Your Final Warning!!!' then on vile write 'Ok We Warned You,
Kiss Your World Go Bye Been Nice Warning You!!!' Have Bio Hazard signs n
Scull n Bones wherever they can fit then have the urn dropped in the
ocean maybe 15miles out so in many many many years when found it should
be found by some who will find a scientist willing to clone my cells n
they release Koala Giovanos on the Earth again HaHaHa LOL so the world
can have the greatness of Koala Giovano among them again ROFLOL!!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Had a good talk with my counselor today...
Had a good talk with my counselor today...
I talked about my childhood n how TV was my step parents, Mike Brady - Brady Bunch, John n Maureen Robinson - Lost In Space (TV 1965-1968 but saw it as re-runs in the early 1970's along with Star Trek)... I wished many days I was Lost in Space with the Robinsons, I wanted Will to teach me to be scientific like him n work with a cool robots like Robot (B-9).. Later in TV started watching more grown up shows Rip Tide, A-Team, SixMillion Dollar Man n Planet of Apes (TV series) n etc... Problem there was a lot of the bag guys where black men(no always but a lot of times)... Then in my real life heard a few adults talking about women in not a nice why n even taught at age 8 how to tell the difference between a undercover female cop n a real hooker, nice skill to teach a kid well yes I never met an under cover cop or arrested... So, my childhood lacked emotional development I needed... I don't fault Mom or Dad, mom was a new mother n finds out her kid has brittle bones n she tries to protect me the best she could as did Dad who really no clue how to be a dad to a brittle child so he spoiled me a lot n my uncle Do-Do was around a lot he was a weird n nasty influence in my life he always talked bad about when they were not around but was nice to them when they were around n his talking about women was not a good thing for a young boy to hear or learn... I believe my parents loved me but because of my brittle bones they didn't hug me much at all n as I grew dad told me MEN Do Not cry so I was basically taught not to cry... My later years I tried to bond with my father but he was stuck in his ways so I was not really close to anyone except the TV... Not being close to anyone messed me up in high school because I didn't know how to be with people I made a few friend with gaming(D&D, StarFleet Battles, Car Wars n etc - pre-computer versions) but no girl friend though I tried but always failed...
Many years later when I started hanging with a girl Kristin(aged 20 n I was 35 - year was 2002) n she held me, cuddled with me, she even hugged me, she kissed me many times n yes even a couple private times together(sorry no details) she gave me stuff I was lacking for many many many years the feelings of being loved n I FELL Deep in Love with her but well there are too many things that effected the relationship I thought was but really I was being played n I started drinking n with my recent stomach bypass booze went into my system super fast n with increasing depression from trying to build a relationship with Kristin that was not happening I call it off she call me, she called it off I called n so on so I jumped into a marriage with a friend(girl) who was also coming off a bad relationship n she n I were both alcoholics n we thought we could help each other get better n be happy, oops... Well all we did was drink n drink n drink 6 months later she jumped ship n after another 6months I filed n got a divorced... Now I thought heck I will sell everything n catch a bus to California n bum around Los Angeles but Mom's second husband died n she needed extra income to afford to stay in her apartment so I move in with her because thought Dad(who passed in 1993) would be upset if I didn't help her so moved in with mom... I was still drinking n really was trying to drink myself to death I didn't have the person I was in love with in my life n felt I was stuck in a home I only moved in because I didn't want to upset my dead father(so had to have loved him) then year later had my stroke which started my new life at first was ok, then took trip to Vegas relapsed on drink n then me, mom n friend of Mom's Mark I moved us to Florida... I wanted to meet new people wasn't getting anywhere at the Mormon church so started going to bars n yup drank again, I was so hungry for friends I was getting depressed again but luckily my counselor told me of a new church in our area Bayside Community Church n what a great thing it is... After a month I told the Mormon's goodbye n I started to call Bayside my home church n been a great blessing in my life...
Ok I wrote more here then what I my counselor talked about, we also talked about my ever growing feelings of love for Jesus n me wanting to share what I feel but also how upset I get when I see people using his name to do evil to others, like judging others life style, race or religion or lack of one also killing in his name totally breaks into tears, He would never allow any of his followers to kill, he would not allow his followers kill the guards that came to get him to be judged n killed so, how the heck does anyone think he would want anyone to kill in his name if he wouldn't allow others to kill to protect him???
Ok now for a better part of my talk with my counselor, we talked about the mission I will be going on n how great of a gift it is to have people helping to make it happen n how much of my heart I have to share with the people we will be meeting n helping...
Well since I went long winded again time to stop writing before my figure falls off n my right hand can no longer hold the mini-iPad...
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
watched a show that was upsetting to me...
last nite(early this morning 3am) was watching a show about a Christian group in Missouri n how they are trying to teach children how to be good Christian... Well, well it started off showing the kids doing a dance n it was really a war dance the kids were dressed in combat cloths camouflage n black n even one 1 child face was totally painted in camouflage paint, n others painted like aka war marks on the face like Indians are known to do before battle n their dance was shocking to me...
After that part the showed more of the children's teaching n some were right on but the leaders(adults) were also teaching the kids to be ready for a war, a battle which was upsetting to me...
Teaching children to be good Christians is a great idea, BUT the main message a true follower of Christ would be to Love everyone even your enemies... Teaching the children to love is better then teaching them hate or being ready to battle others that don't share the same thing is disturbing to me...
If you want to help bring others closer to God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit it is so much easier to reach them n teach them with a open heart n arm n not hate, when you go up to a person n you start out saying you are living a sinful life, you will live in hell if you don't follow my way n etc...
If people meet a new person lets say at a gay pride event(now know many Christian hate the gay lifestyle n telling those they are dead in eyes of God n so on) n we start off by telling them God hates them, they will die n so on that will cause those that are being told that will respond in anger n hate as well n most likely neither side will listen to each other at all, BUT if the Christian start off with a HUG, saying Hello n being like Jesus by being welcoming to the person Smiling n pleasant n non-judgmental it is so much easier to talk to others when we are caring n love n not judging, judging of anyone is not our job, our job is to teach n share his love n teachings yes some parts of the Bible teach about sins but really we need to remember not to take those parts of the Bible n ram it into someone, if asked do you think my life style is ok you can tell them truth if you don't like that life style but say I am not here to judge your life style but to love n teach you n others his love n teachings... Why have some Christian forgot the message Jesus taught n like when Jesus steeped forward when the crowd wanted to stone a woman for her sins he asked those without sin may toss the 1st stone n when the crowd left he(who was the only 1 without sin) help her up n told her she can go n told her to sin no more... He stopped those that judged her n hated her for her sins n wanted to kill her much like many now seem to want to do to sinners now... Doctors(that kill the unborn) n women (carrying child inside n desire to abort the child), n Gays, Lesbians, Transsexual there are many that are ready to do as those that wanted to stone the sinner Jesus saved because they knew the person was a sinner but they where reminded that they where also sinners... Jesus even entered a home of a sinner where partying n sins where being done n most likely even while he was in there, he didn't enter scream you all will die, God my father hates you No!!! He entered with love in his heart n taught love n forgiveness, That is what he wants us to do as well...
Ok back to the show, I also saw children crying because they were told some many things like they are sinners n others are evil n other churches n faiths are dead n so on, I have been in a few churches n even a Jewish service n a Buddhist service n want to visit a Islam service, n if possible a Hindu service not to convert some but to learn their believes n show that not all Christians want to condemn them for their faith, I want to know them n find areas we have in common to build a friendship on... It is so much better to have a friend them an enemy...
So the show had some good things but for the must part it was disturbing n when they had a card board stand up of our former (recent) president Bush n saying what a great man he is(was) I just shook my head in disbelief, granted he is not the worst human in this world but was mislead on some things n really wasn't all there in my opinion...
Well I just hope those children in the show really learn the true meaning of being a follower of Jesus someday n I will pray that they are guided to his love as soon as possible!!!
sincerely Giovano 'Koala' Fusco
After that part the showed more of the children's teaching n some were right on but the leaders(adults) were also teaching the kids to be ready for a war, a battle which was upsetting to me...
Teaching children to be good Christians is a great idea, BUT the main message a true follower of Christ would be to Love everyone even your enemies... Teaching the children to love is better then teaching them hate or being ready to battle others that don't share the same thing is disturbing to me...
If you want to help bring others closer to God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit it is so much easier to reach them n teach them with a open heart n arm n not hate, when you go up to a person n you start out saying you are living a sinful life, you will live in hell if you don't follow my way n etc...
If people meet a new person lets say at a gay pride event(now know many Christian hate the gay lifestyle n telling those they are dead in eyes of God n so on) n we start off by telling them God hates them, they will die n so on that will cause those that are being told that will respond in anger n hate as well n most likely neither side will listen to each other at all, BUT if the Christian start off with a HUG, saying Hello n being like Jesus by being welcoming to the person Smiling n pleasant n non-judgmental it is so much easier to talk to others when we are caring n love n not judging, judging of anyone is not our job, our job is to teach n share his love n teachings yes some parts of the Bible teach about sins but really we need to remember not to take those parts of the Bible n ram it into someone, if asked do you think my life style is ok you can tell them truth if you don't like that life style but say I am not here to judge your life style but to love n teach you n others his love n teachings... Why have some Christian forgot the message Jesus taught n like when Jesus steeped forward when the crowd wanted to stone a woman for her sins he asked those without sin may toss the 1st stone n when the crowd left he(who was the only 1 without sin) help her up n told her she can go n told her to sin no more... He stopped those that judged her n hated her for her sins n wanted to kill her much like many now seem to want to do to sinners now... Doctors(that kill the unborn) n women (carrying child inside n desire to abort the child), n Gays, Lesbians, Transsexual there are many that are ready to do as those that wanted to stone the sinner Jesus saved because they knew the person was a sinner but they where reminded that they where also sinners... Jesus even entered a home of a sinner where partying n sins where being done n most likely even while he was in there, he didn't enter scream you all will die, God my father hates you No!!! He entered with love in his heart n taught love n forgiveness, That is what he wants us to do as well...
Ok back to the show, I also saw children crying because they were told some many things like they are sinners n others are evil n other churches n faiths are dead n so on, I have been in a few churches n even a Jewish service n a Buddhist service n want to visit a Islam service, n if possible a Hindu service not to convert some but to learn their believes n show that not all Christians want to condemn them for their faith, I want to know them n find areas we have in common to build a friendship on... It is so much better to have a friend them an enemy...
So the show had some good things but for the must part it was disturbing n when they had a card board stand up of our former (recent) president Bush n saying what a great man he is(was) I just shook my head in disbelief, granted he is not the worst human in this world but was mislead on some things n really wasn't all there in my opinion...
Well I just hope those children in the show really learn the true meaning of being a follower of Jesus someday n I will pray that they are guided to his love as soon as possible!!!
sincerely Giovano 'Koala' Fusco
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Being Different...
I was thinking, I know I need to stop that...
I joke a lot about being crazy, weird, wacky n different but that is because for a lot of my life people have tried to fit in a mold, as a child mom dressed me had my hair cut in a way she like(most parents do that which for the very young but when they can start making decisions themselves hair cuts should be an area they should be able to voice their wants n because it is their time to interact with others) n in high school I tried to fit in with others n even after high school my parents had strong opinions about what I did n then I joined the Mormons n talk about a group that tries to get you to follow a pattern of how you dress n act but after a fall in following their pattern n after my mother moved from Maine to Florida that I started trying my own ways to look which was mainly a biker type look because I liked that they don't care about looks n accepted people for who they are(granted they mainly want tough people) n after my stroke I found my look n I take pride in being different n wacky I was not meant to be put in a mold that other humans want me it, I was made to be different... (oops think I have a run on sentence there)
Being different strange n crazy isn't a bad thing it makes you/me what we are really inside, to add a religion in this yes Jesus was a shepard of men but we were never meant to be sheep to follow a mold, sheep also are different in looks, shape n sizes n humans are so many n so different we need guidance but we have minds to know how to live, if we were meant to be all the same we wouldn't have been given freewill...
So I am proud of my looks, craziness n being different n think others should follow what they fell it right for themselves n be comfortable in being yourself!!!
my opinion, Giovano :-)
I joke a lot about being crazy, weird, wacky n different but that is because for a lot of my life people have tried to fit in a mold, as a child mom dressed me had my hair cut in a way she like(most parents do that which for the very young but when they can start making decisions themselves hair cuts should be an area they should be able to voice their wants n because it is their time to interact with others) n in high school I tried to fit in with others n even after high school my parents had strong opinions about what I did n then I joined the Mormons n talk about a group that tries to get you to follow a pattern of how you dress n act but after a fall in following their pattern n after my mother moved from Maine to Florida that I started trying my own ways to look which was mainly a biker type look because I liked that they don't care about looks n accepted people for who they are(granted they mainly want tough people) n after my stroke I found my look n I take pride in being different n wacky I was not meant to be put in a mold that other humans want me it, I was made to be different... (oops think I have a run on sentence there)
Being different strange n crazy isn't a bad thing it makes you/me what we are really inside, to add a religion in this yes Jesus was a shepard of men but we were never meant to be sheep to follow a mold, sheep also are different in looks, shape n sizes n humans are so many n so different we need guidance but we have minds to know how to live, if we were meant to be all the same we wouldn't have been given freewill...
So I am proud of my looks, craziness n being different n think others should follow what they fell it right for themselves n be comfortable in being yourself!!!
my opinion, Giovano :-)
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Trust Issues
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Why is it that there are so many Christians that feel it is their jobs to judge others??? Judging others is not our duties or right!!!! Our ...
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Well Finally a glimmer of hope... Called insurance this morning telling them that I still haven't heard from the Scooter Store about com...