Wednesday, July 30, 2014

there are two things on my mind, heart n soul have been wrestling with lately:

there are two things on my mind, heart n soul have been wrestling with lately:
1st } I have been thinking, dreaming about doing more at Bayside West Bradenton Campus but I have told them I am willing to do most anything except working with kids n being in a leadership job: kids just are not in my patients of dealing with, rather put them all in a pit filled with ball, give them Mountain Dew soda n sugar cubes then return to their parents... ok see that is a very bad idea... :-D
Being a leader I said I could do temporary but don't want to do full time because didn't think my mobility will allow me to be reliable at it...
Now thinking about it my pains in my back bones have disappeared still have minor issues with muscles n a couple other things but doesn't effect me as much as my back bones use to so maybe I am being lead to remove that restriction I placed on myself...

the other thing I have been wrestling with is finding a GirlFriend...
Well I had a deep crush on a girls before my stroke n that was very destructive on me n I drank heavily over my depression was so bad I wanted to die... I still held on to her picture in small clear case around my neck but over 2 years ago during a prayer meeting I ripped up her picture n threw it away... I then said I will devote myself to learn more about my n others faith n if a new girl comes around interested in me great I will wait for her to come into my life n hope it is someone local but I have meet number of single women at church but haven't seen any of them are interested in me other than a fellow church member n as a friend so I have not tried to elevate the friendship mainly because it is hard to ask a lady out when U have no money for a date So, I basically felt I will leave it in Gods hands if he wants me to connect with a woman he will reveal her to me n help me have a way to date her... Well that sounds good n has been giving peace of mind n heart when things are ready it will happen But; my heart n mind have started thinking about my old GF n I try to switch my thinking n dreaming to something else because that was a very destructive relationship n the baggage she has would fill a jumbo jet plane so move on Koala... The things comes to my mind I have change so much n for the good since my stroke So, maybe she has changed as well, but she lives in Maine I moved away from Maine 1) to get away from snow n 2) to be away from her... I don't want to really risk trying to be with her, she showed me n gave the signs of love I never had from anyone else before I even purchase an engagement ring at one point for her which she did not except... She has been popping up in my thoughts n dreams n it concerns me, because I do not need to risk a relationship with her because it is not only her I would be dealing with but her mother n her issues, her brother that has many many issues, n her mother's perverted boyfriend that molested my ex-GF from age 6-14years of age so tooooooo much baggage n good reason to move 1800miles away from it...
So that is what is tossing around in my head lately, comments are ok n any member/leaders/pastors from Bayside Community Church are encouraged to chime in on this thanks!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Noticing post of the President...

I keep noticing posts about the President of USA n a few about the Congress of USA or the Senate of the USA...

the President can not pass laws he has the power to 'veto' a bill/law but no power to pass a bill/law he can only give a bill/law an ok after it passes though Congress...

Every President seems to have their faults, hey bet people don't know or have forgot that President Kennedy was the President when we 1st got involved in Vietnam n when he was killed LB Johnson VP at the time became President n continued Kennedy's plan for Vietnam which kept getting out of control n many Americans killed n then President Nixon became President he finally got our troops out of Vietnam but he is hated because his staff spied on another political party oh come on he got Americans home from killing n being killed but hated for spying on another party... Like Rep n Dem don't try to spy on each other even now come on... Then President Clinton helped boost the economy bring down nation dept but hated because he didn't tell the truth about an affair a thing other men in the world do n denies they are doing... 

Where is the OUTRAGE for the Senators n Congresspersons that stay in office over many decades getting kick backs, passing laws to help corporations n the rich n only pass laws to help the little people only when then public get super upset...

People the President of the USA is a figure head with a limited amount power, the REAL Power n FAULTS in the USA is the Congress n Senate, Do You want a change in ways are being done stop looking/blaming the President AND Start Blaming the TRUE Criminals Congress n Senate n start voting them out of office n replace them ASAP!!! 

oh byt there is no such animal called ObamaCare it is afford health care act that Yes President Barack Obama pushed to be passed but GUESS What It Had to be Passed By Congress to be approved it was nicked named ObamaCare to hang it on the President head but again Congress Approved it the President had no power to get it approve it he push it yes but Congress passed it n media n Congress named it ObamaCare to hang any faults on the President so Congress can claim it is the President's fault all him... Congress is full of evil, money hungry, helping the rich n ignoring the poor until the poor get help from the middle class n Congress are scared they may not get re-elected which don't know why they are scared because they have income for life, free medical(1000% better than of Americas) for life n for their family oh I Know why they are afraid of not being re-elected if they are not in elected then the special interest groups wouldn't be giving them free stuff, vacations n etc...

So American Start Replacing All Elected CongressPersons n Senators take their power away ASAP!!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Finding Love ever again???

Thinking about the relationship that meant the most to me, the girl gave me the closeness I never got from anyone... That girl must have sensed it n used to her benefit...
I never had closeness in my childhood, hugging wasn't a thing I got much if any at all... Mom showed care when I fell n broke a bone, after the hospital she took care of me while my bones healed by washing me, getting me food well till I was teen she made all meals... :-) 
When I started hanging out with the girl (1/27/2003) that showed me what I never ever seen from anyone before... The relationship between me n her started because I wanted to be close to her n yes I mean what you think I mean but I soon started seeing things in her n how she showed me affection that I never had from anyone before n no it wasn't sex it was being close to each other... The things that she did n showed me were; I would wheel(in my old manual wheelchair) along side of her as she walked n we held hands... We would be on my sofa watching the TV n she would be resting against me as I held her n sometimes she had me brushing her hair(weird thing she often liked her hair brushed very hard n I was uncomfortable by it because how hard she want I thought would be painful but she liked it, so strange) while we sat on my sofa... Times when she stayed over night we would spoon n cuddle which felt more intense then the thing we did when we 1st started seeing each other... Now she started to know how to string me along by giving me the things I never had before the feeling of closeness n affection n what I thought was love... To let you know when she showed me the closeness n affection it didn't involve sex , we had sex when we 1st started out but the affection n closeness was so much more powerful feeling for me n was how she was able to play with my head .. Won't go in to it all but in a way her actions n affections became my drug n she was my dealer n I would forgive her for stealing/taking my pain meds n when she got me super hooked on her she would play head games one day we would do things together like hanging out then others days she wanted nothing to do with me... My head was getting so mixed up I started drinking heavily... We had times when I tried to end things between us then she'd call me wanting to hang out again; then she would end things between us n I would call her n this happened over n over by both of us till about end of 2006...
I barely remember the year of 2006 n wasn't because of my stroke was because the drinking n blackouts I had while drinking... 2007 I drank but not as much still a lot but because I moved in with mom after her 2nd husband died she needing roommate to share rent cost so i moved in to give her that extra income but was still drinking n very depressed about being alone... April 2008 I had my massive stroke that the doctor didn't think I would live from... After my stroke n after some recovery I moved me n mom to Florida, my main reason was being bound to an electric wheelchair I knew I couldn't deal with being trapped indoors by snow n ice n another benefit of moving to Florida I am now 1800+/- miles away from the girl that had such a destructive effect on my life...
I do hope I find someone that also wants n likes to cuddling, affection, closeness n holding on to each other hands along with hugging... I learned the above things are more important then the three letter word that many think is important...
My goal now is to find a spiritual relationship where we want to affectionate but wait on the 3 letter thing till a future date after marriage...
My goal is to find a girl that loves to cuddle, hold hands, sit together watching TV/movies,  n enjoying each others company n hopefully similar activities like sci-fi(Star Trek, Star Was, n etc...), photography, church life, n computers n wants to start a family someday... 

I do wonder, dream n pray that I find a real love that is full of wanting closeness n affection but not smoothing of each other love needs space at times n trusting each other... Trust is hard thing we you love but can't have real love without trust so, that is what I am thinking n believe now n have learned from my past with the girl that ripped my heart apart... I was lucky to have learned from my stroke that I had to we love myself n love something bigger than me, n why I have a great love of God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost n after being guided to Bayside Community Church West Campus I also love Bayside n all the Baysiders there n I also love all the friends I have n made from FaceBook...

Thanks for reading this, HUGs...

Friday, July 11, 2014

Another Insight I Have Been Given…

I believe in Jesus the messiah the Christ a.k.a. Jesus Christ n because I have seen n heard many using his name to justify the hatred of Jewish people… I know Jesus would be disgusted by that Why, you might ask???
1)   Jesus’ mother was Jewish..
2)   The man on Earth that accepted Jesus as his son even knowing Jesus father was not him but knew Jesus’ father is the Lord of all men n this man Joseph was also Jewish..,
3)   All of Jesus’ followers were also all Jewish
4)   Jesus was Born Jewish…
5)   John the Baptist was also Jewish…
6)   God’s chosen people from the beginning are Jewish…
7)   Jesus loves all men n women, sinners n those of different faiths even the Jewish faith which he studied deeply since he was a little boy…
So, knowing the above how can anyone say they believe in Jesus n hate or blame the Jews for his death??? You say they convinced Pilot(the Roman governor) to kill Jesus that is totally Incorrect, the Jewish people did no such thing!!! The leaders of the Jewish Temple the Leaders of the Jewish people but not the Jewish people… The Jewish leaders feared that Jesus was going to draw too many Jewish people away from the Jewish leadership n their power n income would lose too much of both… When leaders of anything see their power n income about to damaged they fight but the Jewish leaders was afraid if they ordered it it would turn even more away from them so they got the Romans to do it n Pilot didn’t want to do it so he thought if he gave the people the choice between Jesus n Barabbas thinking that the people would chose to let Jesus go free because he had followers n he teachings didn’t seem to be any danger to Pilot or Rome but Barabbas was a known criminal n killer of many so Pilot thought it would be an simple choice the people would pick to free a good man over a killer of men… Pilot’s planned did not work out the way he thought it would n why he washed his hands n stated you have chosen n I wash my hands to this… Barabbas also had many followers n many other people there knew Barabbas would continue to fight against Romans n since he was in the area longer then Jesus, Barabbas was more known by the people n the people wanted the Romans gone or dead which was a thing Barabbas wanted as well… People knew Jesus was good man teaching love even n towards the Romans n Sinners n the people didn’t see this helping them to get rid of the Romans like the stuff Barabbas would do so they picked Barabbas n not Jesus but the Jewish people can’t be blamed for this injustice…  Blaming the death of Jesus on all Jews is wrong, why; well look at America actions we sent troops into Vietnam without getting approval of congress n the people… President LB Johnson inherited the Vietnam problem from President Kennedy n the conflict kept getting bigger n bigger n it was a total mess… Our military forces were given orders by their commanders who got their ok from the President… Now back in the late 1960s n early 1970s do you think the Vietnam people hated America’s for the deaths happening in their homeland??? What about now do you not think there are many in Iraq that hate America as well??? Do you think it is okay that numbers of other countries hate us??? Were there not many Americas protesting against the war on Vietnam n are there many now wanting to end this current war n bring are soldiers home now??? The blame is with our leaders like Kennedy, Johnson, n recently Bush(yes he acted on the act of terrorism which was good but he stepped ahead even more to invade another country Iraq) n Obarma is continuing the recent war(n people say he is pro Islam then why is he allowing our troops stay in a Islamic land???)… Many people easily blame a whole people for the actions of leaders like the Jewish leader back when Jesus was  killed, n also happens to us Americas in our time because of our leaders are doing things many of us hate…
So if you think it is unfair for us to be hated n blamed for the deaths in Vietnam or the deaths in the Middle then we need to realize it is unfair of Christians to hate n blame all Jews for the actions of their leaders at the time of Jesus’ death…
Also another point Jesus had ways to escape his death, one he knew he was going to be betrayed he could have saved himself by leaving before the Temple guards came for him; or when his followers like John tried to stop the Temple guards from taking Jesus but Jesus stopped John n his followers from doing so; also it has been said if Jesus talked to Pilot n because Pilot knew Roman Women n some of his own men respected Jesus Pilot didn’t really want to get involved in this n would have jumped at a reason to release Jesus but Jesus didn’t give him even a hint at a reason to free Jesus… Now for the spiritual escape being the Son of God n like Satan’s temptations saying come on say the words Jesus n you can stop your death on the cross… So with all that I can’t see a reason at all to hate or blame any Jewish person for the death of Jesus…
So, I say I love my Jewish brethren because I know they are the foundations of Christianity n need to be respect as our brethren n remember Jesus told us to love all our neighbors which include all faiths, love EveryOne Jesus commanded us!!!
Ok these are my view n might not be the shared by others or may not be supported by the church I go to but hope they like my view n support it, I also hope that others read this n agree with it... I know my views are not the mainstream but have a heart that says I need to love all n teach love to all but I won’t lift stones n throw them at people till they agree with my view or die for not agreeing with me but know if you truly love others without a stone in hand it is eaier to love n teach others…

Love to You all, n HUGs
Written by,
Giovano ‘Koala’ Fusco Jr.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Being a Rebel or Raising/Dealing with a Rebel...

use to wear a wristband with the Anarchy symbol on it, I also made my own banner logo with crossed swords n on each sword are flags 1st flag has the 1st America flag with 13 stars n the 2nd flag has the Confederate flag on it(no not in support of keeping others down) n then under the flags n swords is a banner that says "Founded on the Right to Rebel"... We rebel against the country of England, n the South Rebelled against the North rules n was good they lost but how the US Constitution is written they had the right to try...
So, let me explain my ideas here, think we should all have a bit of rebel in us all... Why???, let us start with learning, yes learning there is so much info(even before the internet) that we are not always told about n a student needs to have the rebel spirit in them to want to know more then what their teachers are told to teach them... My days is school there was pretty much no info taught to me about black history n luckily documentaries have helped fill in a little bit but know there is much history I wasn't taught... Teaching a child it is ok to have a bit of rebel in their heart n mind is ok but need to also say know the rules around them, like respect mom n dad, n what teacher teach them, n laws ok you n them may be a little confused because I am saying be a little rebel but follow rules... Well yes a challenging let us start with an example: renting a home/apartment you sign a lease saying U pay rent n there are things U can't n can do, U need to respect those rules because you do not own it you are borrowing, if you lend your car to someone U want it back in the same way you lent it...
Ok, by rebelling at learning I say teach child to respect the teachers n their lessons but teach them that it is ok to research n learn more then what is being taught... Some times info is kept from students maybe because people don't think a student is ready n some may think info is wrong or to rebelish but I think if a child wants the complete or more info they should go get it but if the class says the sky is really yellow but research teaches you no the sky is blue the when it is time for a test answer what the teacher taught 'yellow' n if the student wants to but not recommended include a not with the right answer n how they know the true answer here is when the teacher learns that you/student is a rebel... It is best to be a rebel inside vs being an outright rebel in public because you get less harassment from others for being going against the follow of the others... There are times to be different from the rest like when some thing wrong is happening n no one is standing up for the wronged this is super hard because it can cause other issues, not everyone can stand between a sinner n a group of people with stones n stop them with words but we can try to get help from some others like teachers or cops but hard to say jump in front of the stones because that is a very very hard n personal choice but be the rebel to get help for those that need help...
History shows being a rebel can do wonders like America rebelling against England n becoming our own country... When women rebelled to get the right to vote... The sixties when are fellow humans rebelled to be given their rights to equal rights to voting, access to services... Then the disabled rebelling to get to be seen n have access to the country like others... Then there are the recent rebels our brothers, sisters mothers n fathers n neighbors n etc that their sexuality is different then so-called main stream Americans wanting equal rights n access to being married... 
So there are so so many good reasons to rebel so it is ok to teach a child about rebelling when they learn an issue is wrong, I know this is a challenging ideal but think it is important, 'This Country was Founded by the Right to Rebel!!!'

Written by, Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.
7/8/2014to wear a wristband with the Anarchy symbol on it, I also made my own banner logo with crossed swords n on each sword are flags 1st flag has the 1st America flag with 13 stars n the 2nd flag has the Confederate flag on it(no not in support of keeping others down) n then under the flags n swords is a banner that says "Founded on the Right to Rebel"... We rebel against the country of England, n the South Rebelled against the North rules n was good they lost but how the US Constitution is written they had the right to try...
So, let me explain my ideas here, think we should all have a bit of rebel in us all... Why???, let us start with learning, yes learning there is so much info(even before the internet) that we are not always told about n a student needs to have the rebel spirit in them to want to know more then what their teachers are told to teach them... My days is school there was pretty much no info taught to me about black history n luckily documentaries have helped fill in a little bit but know there is much history I wasn't taught... Teaching a child it is ok to have a bit of rebel in their heart n mind is ok but need to also say know the rules around them, like respect mom n dad, n what teacher teach them, n laws ok you n them may be a little confused because I am saying be a little rebel but follow rules... Well yes a challenging let us start with an example: renting a home/apartment you sign a lease saying U pay rent n there are things U can't n can do, U need to respect those rules because you do not own it you are borrowing, if you lend your car to someone U want it back in the same way you lent it...
Ok, by rebelling at learning I say teach child to respect the teachers n their lessons but teach them that it is ok to research n learn more then what is being taught... Some times info is kept from students maybe because people don't think a student is ready n some may think info is wrong or to rebelish but I think if a child wants the complete or more info they should go get it but if the class says the sky is really yellow but research teaches you no the sky is blue the when it is time for a test answer what the teacher taught 'yellow' n if the student wants to but not recommended include a not with the right answer n how they know the true answer here is when the teacher learns that you/student is a rebel... It is best to be a rebel inside vs being an outright rebel in public because you get less harassment from others for being going against the follow of the others... There are times to be different from the rest like when some thing wrong is happening n no one is standing up for the wronged this is super hard because it can cause other issues, not everyone can stand between a sinner n a group of people with stones n stop them with words but we can try to get help from some others like teachers or cops but hard to say jump in front of the stones because that is a very very hard n personal choice but be the rebel to get help for those that need help...
History shows being a rebel can do wonders like America rebelling against England n becoming our own country... When women rebelled to get the right to vote... The sixties when are fellow humans rebelled to be given their rights to equal rights to voting, access to services... Then the disabled rebelling to get to be seen n have access to the country like others... Then there are the recent rebels our brothers, sisters mothers n fathers n neighbors n etc that their sexuality is different then so-called main stream Americans wanting equal rights n access to being married... 
So there are so so many good reasons to rebel so it is ok to teach a child about rebelling when they learn an issue is wrong, I know this is a challenging ideal but think it is important, 'This Country was Founded by the Right to Rebel!!!'

Written by, Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

thinking again...

oops thinking again, keep doing that I never did much of that before my stroke n must likely how I got mess up back then well,

Thinking as a believer of the teachings of Jesus(n yes he had some strange ways to teach some things ex: riding horse though eye of a needle) he wants us to share n teach his ways to everyone, all faiths n races Right???
He wants us to love all our neighbors n teach n share Jesus' teaching to them BUT n a Big But he also told us not to judge others because that is his job n everyone that excepts him will come to him to be judged by their actions n beliefs so in no way are we to judge everyone for believing differently then ourselves, or for their actions n their way of life... I want to note no where in his teachings while on Earth did he allow anyone to pick up a stone or sword to harm another person, he even told us to love our enemies so, remember when you see a sinner(what U think is a sinner) instead of hating on then try to do as Jesus would have, say hello n welcoming to the person n don't start out by saying you know I see you sinning n that is so bad of you, instead say Hi I want to hang with you n know you better n share your own life with the person without judgement... Basically teach by example of your own living of life in his heavenly plan n path n by doing so you can lead others as well in that path but how many can we lead if we start out by condemning those that we think are sinners n by doing that are we really following in Jesus' path n teaching???

Sorry if I am preaching but something lead me to write this so I did n when I am moved to write things like thing I do because I know I should!!!

I do not write these things to upset anyone but to share what I am lead to share...

Ok now back to the wacky world of Koala :-)


Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Good Day Everyone...

I woke up today with my back screaming at me So, I took a couple tylenols, n tramadols n 1 of my muscle relaxers think the main reason for the pain was depression making my normal aches go from a bug bite to a broke bone feeling... Last nite my insurance was/is being a pain saying I have another insurance n is why they wouldn't cover my blood pressure meds(luckily I have about a 2week extra supply) so I am covered for awhile) but this was very upsetting last nite n think depression set in because I couldn't do anything about it n thought CVS would work out this morning n started feeling better but just called CVS n they haven't talked to my insurance yet today... :-(
I am feeling a bit better with the tylenols, tramadols n muscle relaxer so I will relax on my command bed watch TV n wait, I know it will work out such need to be calm n wait which is hard to do some times like now, I want to call the insurance n phone cord around someone's family jewels n hand the people out a window by the phone cord, BAD Koala Bad Koala relax n remember it will work out loosing your calm will not help anything it is hard just need to remember I have enough meds to carry me for 2weeks a good amount of time to get this issues corrected,... Hard but I try, think, no... I will do it without chocking a phone :-) Luckily the left shoulder n arm r doing so/so today think meds I took for back r also taking care of arm(duh Koala) :-)

Hey hope you are all doing well/better,.. It is so easy to forget others when an issue arises in ones own life like my above issues with pains, depression n insurance but we/I have to remember when we /I are having issues there are other having even bigger issues kids n women being sold into slavery even in USA, people having troubles feeding their our family, n so many other things going on out in the world it helps to remind us/myself issues I/we have are not that big of an issues so, I lift up my head to know my issue will work out some how/time soon n think of the others ot there that really need help n its suks the only thing I can do is pray for them but I believe in prayers so I will pray for them n hope you might join me in praying for others that have it worst then we do!!!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Important Update...

I have an important decision which I have finally got my answer:

I don't know if you all have kept track with some updates where I have mentioned my left shoulder acting up well tonite it is really acting up a whole lot, I stopped working on idea of working on my walking because using the parallel bar to try to regain the ability put too much wear on the replaced shoulder ball n upper arm n my Dr. at the time Dr. Welch agreed that I can not put that much pressure on the left arm n shoulder ball... The upper is having more n more days of it acting up, what this mean, well going on the mission to LA's Dream Center has some challenges 1) if I go on mission with electric wheelchair that would make my movements easier on me n can use LA taxis to go to locations but when I return to Bradenton on early Sunday morning I would have no way to get home because no buses run on Sunday from airport to my home... I figure ok take my manual wheelchair pay wheelchair store to fix a few things to make more useable for this trip but know the shoulder n arm problem comes into play, if I use the manual wheelchair I would be putting a lot more wear on the replacement n arm... I wasn't thinking of that much but the increased amount of the arm acting up has me thinking is this a good idea for the arm, the mission is a good thing to do but is my body really up to do it??? My friend n mission group leader Nelson Ferrer has many good vibes about me doing the mission n I know it is a good thing to try to do but raising the funds for my share of the trip at near the level to good n think what little funds I have been raised towards me going would serve better towards an able body person also having fund raising issue troubles... There is also an issue that has been riding heavy in my head, I am blessed by Nelson thinking this but getting me into a passenger van by lifting me into n out of the van is possible but I Know that is Not an option... Some of might wonder why not??? Well I was born with brittle bones (aka Osteogenesis Imperfecta n been told my latest x-rays shows signs of the on set of Osteoporosis which is another brittle bone condition some get when they get older but was warned that I might get it earlier the most n like recent x-rays shows I have the early signs of that as well... O what all that has to do with being lifted into out of a van well, I am not a skinny/lite person I may have lost much weight from my stomach surgery back from 2001 I have gained some back after my stroke 2008 not any where near the 360lbs+++ I was n now about 236lbs+/- that is still a lot to lift n even though I trust my fellow church members n know they would do anything not to drop me but it is a risk I Can Not take, if while lifting me someones twists their foor/leg n slip boom I drop n a high risk I fall n break n I really can risk a break... I had a broken hip in 2007 yes it was a car hitting me in my wheelchair the person driving the car did much to slow down n the tap of her car itself didn't hurt me but the bump pushed me out of my wheelchair n onto the ground n at 1st I was like oh that was close call I thought I was fine but when I tried to get up that is when I knew something wasn't ok... Falling from height of the wheelchair to the ground broke my hip that was about a height of 2' n the height from a wheelchair to a passenger van seat is WAY Too high to chance... 

So after much prayer n thought I have decided it is best if I do not go on the mission to LA it is sad to decide this but is the decision I think is the best for my body n well being n fund ways as well n makes more sense to let the others go without me n let them use the little funds I raise n since the funds are not refundable to the donator it makes more sense for another to use them...

I recently chatted with the only person I know has donated towards me going about the funds even though he donated  what he did to help me he said if I decided or couldn't go he understood letting another use the funds, my mother was super upset that the funds wouldn't be returned to my friend n says well that is a person that won't donate to my church again for their policy but I think my friend is better than that n if a cause arises he would step up, I know he has helped me for ages n ages of my life n know he has helped others so want to say thanks to him Patrick Foss for his donation that will go to help another in a mission n also to thank him for his many times of help he has done to help me n other n one that stop being Pat's friend on bad terms n drifted away from friendship with me as well but he is not forgotten, n I hope/pray Tony is doing well up there in Portland, ME...

Well sorry this was so long but had much to say which my normal KISS (keep is simple stupid) wouldn't work :-)

HUGs to you all!!!

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...