Hi all...
Sorry I didn't update sooner I got up early today n if I
plugged in wheelchair last nite I could have gone to Sunday 2nd service
at church but I didn't darn it really could have used being around
positive good people/friends head was a little down n made me kind of
Had a dream that was cool/strange was about me knowing I
have been forgiven n suffered for my past mistake n bad stuff n this is
the time to show that I know that everything is good n I am ready for
love, leadership n helping others... So I say that was a cool
dream(dream I had while sleeping from 2pm-8:30pm(EST) today aka a long
Body when I got up
from nap was sore all over not painful as like really hurting it was
just upset at me for how I nap at time of nap I felt I was in a good
position but when I a woke body told Me No You were Not but took a
couple tylenols n I am feeling great YAY!!!
I wish that a person
near me would understand when I say something like "No" or "Not
Interested" I mean IT!!! When I was a kid I wanted praise for refusing
some candy after a couple times asked by mom's good friend while we were
visiting her but my mother thought I was trying to get approval to have
the candy n Mom basically said have it I said I didn't want it she got
stern n handed it to me n said eat it; even since I hated being asked
more then once after I already gave my answer... Now this person keeps
asking over n over(about 3 times till I get very upset) if I want this,
try this n etc like she is trying to convince me that I have to do it n I
Do Not Have or Want To if I tried that on her she would get super upset
n she knows I get upset to but gets upset when I refuse n gets up set
at me getting up set for her pushing me... How to I correct this she
thinks that asking so many times I will change my mind when in fact
makes my decision even more determined n firm... Person is my mother n
is easily upset because of her past n her current health so I try to
keep things peaceful n try not to upset her but it seems she doesn't
mind pushing my buttons on stuff n when she does she gets up set at me
getting up set at er pushings... My old old counselor taught me to
speakup n get mad back at people/mom getting mad at me but since stroke I
let things go for most part but Mom keeps asking/pushing making letting
it just pass/go impossible, it is so disturbing to me... I have thought
of other ways to deal with such issues like her asking me to try
something that I have No desire to try by taking the item n just throw
it away but then she will ask me how I liked it think that would be it
No then she asks more questions like why didn't I(this happens when I do
try) I like it, or what about this that n if I said I throw it away she
would get super upset it is a no win thing, Hey Capt Kirk can U find a
way out of Mom's no win pushings/questions???
Hope U are all are better/well, HUGs!!!
This blog has changed to support my Fb page: https://www.facebook.com/Reverend.Koala Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
Monday, September 29, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Hello n Caution my view...
Caution Faith, Love n misc... are talked about in this video but Over-All LOVE is talked about n Loving All People!!! HUGs!!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
When I a woke today I was in a poor/upset mood from my upsetting dreams, thinking about booze a lot in those dreams so kind of like my old me wanted out hey maybe the bruises were from me fighting old me...
I think I do well keeping locked away in back of my head, there were a number of things today I tried to be polite n kind on thing online n in non-cyber world with roommates but had to fight the old me that wanted to be rude n crude to roommates n others...
I love my new me, I like being honest with everything but it is a fight with my old me that think lies are easier(maybe but not nice/good) then my old me says well ok U want to be honest let's tell them off don't hold back... I don't like being rude or mean to anyone I believe truly in love n loving others of every faith/non-faith/sexual ways/n people of the different races of the rainbow n etc... So, today was a challenge to keep upbeat, positive n I truly hope no person thought I was being upset at them or was being rude I was not upset with anyone just in a poor mood n I hope I didn't upset anyone because as I said I love having everyone as a friend n family...
Thing is we all should know we all have different lives, faith n etc... different levels of education n so on, n we don't all follow same politics, we have different tastes in life say like in comedy, politics, faiths so it can't be a surprise when don't see the same views of stuff... Some people hate Jack Daniels whiskey I love it but have to stay any from it because I love it too much but do think those that don't like Jack Daniels are wrong??? No, I question why the taste is so great, I can sit at the bar with the shot glass under my nose for 10-15mins smelling it's sweet smell before I drink it... Ok time to get back to my point we all are different n that is what makes us great... I might not have same likes as others, like many of U like sports I hate sports does that mean I hate U that love sports NO I just move past your posts about teams, games n etc.. n hey we also follow different politics I try to really roll by those too heated of a thing to get into with a lot of people, Hey if U want Micky Mouse as President but I want Mighty Mouse as President that is why we are free to chose...
Ok wrote enough I hope I expressed myself correctly n Politely n Lovingly, HUGs
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
disabled person an inspiration???
Hello Everyone,
Recently I got involved in a discussion about a term I do not like 'Inspirational Por#" (I didn't finish the word because I don't like the word)it is a new term that some disabled people have started to use for shock view to get people involved in the topic... The topic is when strangers come up to a disabled people n say something like 'Oh I am so proud of you" when they know nothing of what the disabled person life has been...
I understand why some disabled people may dislike that happening but I have to say it is much much better then what I saw when I was a kid n teen; back then people would pull their kids away from a disabled person, or when the kid started to ask a question the parent would hush them up, or kids just stared at the disabled person... When I saw a parent hushed the child I would say 'Don't do that, let the child ask a question, how else are they going to learn!!!"
Now, if someone says they are proud of you; yes you could reply rudely or get upset but Why not use it as a chance to educate them about a disability... Is it not better to be nice n positive then getting yourself upset n getting the other upset by your tone in your response to them...
I still see people starring at me once in a while but because I wear a wacky hat, have many things around my neck(mainly for easy access n easier to find when needed) n I try to smile every where I go n some might be wondering why is that guy happy, so I don't think they are noticing the wheelchair as much as my weirdness n when they do comment they might start with my hat then open up n ask about why I am in the wheelchair n I am happy to tell them... Being open to people n honest with them surprises them n also makes an impact on the there I think for the positive...
I grew up hearing the word 'Cripple' for many many years n to me it is as bad of a ward as the 'N' word to fellow humans that have better tans then I do.... I hate the word 'Cripple' n do not like this new term for people that might truly think we are we are an inspiration, we live is a world meant for the abled bodied person so when we are out n about people may truly inspired by our pushing though the stuff in our way to live in this world... I rather people talk to me then shun or ignore me by talking I can share with them n teach them about my disability, I think that is way more productive then getting upset at them n them getting upset back...
Coming up with shocking terms by using ugly words will(has) split disabled people view on an issue that I know some hate dealing with... I believe if we don't shock people we wouldn't be split on the issue n we can educate others about disability instead of upsetting yourself n others...
As for me most my friends know my life but those that don't; I was born with a brittle bone disorder(called Osteogenesis Imperfecta www.if.org) n had many many many broken bones most before I was a teenager n a handful in my teen years n young adult life n now worrying about having more again because of the OI n Osteoporosis that doctor says I have now as well. My childhood was hard n painful but other children at a disabled camp that have things even harder n that helped me learn to be grateful for what I can do n even more now that I had a stroke(in 2008)... I am now bound to an electric wheelchair n worked hard to get to a level that I can take care of myself all I need is the electric wheelchair n it in working condition n power for the batteries...
I am also a recovering alcoholic n that also was a hard thing to do So, my life has had many issues but I have chose to love life, enjoy everyday I wake n live...
I now try to help others with dealing with their issues by sharing my life, issue n HUGs I can't fix their problems but can try to inspire them in their life by sharing my life n love of it n let them know it can hopefully be better if they will it so, I also believe in a higher power that helps me but I don't push others to believe in a higher power but do try to push them in believing in themselves but I am human so not perfect nor try to be I try to be the best me as possible n I know others can do great I believe in those that need someone that needs someone to help them smile, happy, wacky n laugh; HUGs!!!
Just my opinion I wanted to share it with you all...
Thanks for Reading this...
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.
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