Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I try to focus on God's word written in stone n Jesus' teaching/sayings...

Sorry I don't write much, I need to be inspired to write;
I focus on two areas of the Bible 1st the Words Written in Stone By God - The Ten Commandments n the Words/Teaching(usually in red in many Bibles) of Jesus... Well what about the rest of the Bible??? I read n learn from the rest with a grain of salt (maybe a whole salt shaker) (Why???) which translation is closer to who the Bible was Written??? How Many Times has is been translated to current English??? How Many Mistakes in Translations have been mistakenly added into the Bible??? How Many Things Been Changed in These Translations because of Language Differences??? How Many Things Changed Because Someone Felt the Wording Was Wrong???
Now We have many many many versions of the Bible(just in English Alone) we have the NKJV, KJAV, NIV, ASV, ESV n many more all these version are based off of the KJV which came(somewhat) from the Catholic Bible; if we look at a Catholic Bible(the Church that has had the Christian Bible the Longest) it has Books by other men of the Bible' why doesn't the KJV have those books??? KJV came from the King James of England who wanted a Bible the Nobles (maybe also common men) to read n is Based on the Catholic version of the Bible SO Why are there Books missing n versus missing n even added(not seen in Catholic version)??? So, there is why I take the rest of the Bible with a grain of salt Too Many Errors, Human/Men's Hands have messed with it; like the saying 'if it isn't broken don't mess with it//fix it' human men are know for trying to fix stuff only to make it more messed up, or break it, or over do it... Granted Great to have the Translations in English n other languages, seeing Catholic leadership only wanted their priest to know how to read the Bible so they had control over what people knew of the Bible but Now Men/Women have tried to correct what they saw as errors in translation or tried to make it an easier read n again 'if it isn't broken...' !!!
Ok, there are scriptures that Christians have slowly skipped over, ignore, or make excuses for not doing n they have been doing this for a long long long time, Christians eat shell fish a no no in the Bible no problem we will say Jesus fulfilled Moses laws so we can eat shellfish n destroy that law of Moses but Jesus said "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." Matthew 5:17 KJV maybe I am misspoken on that I have a few pics others have shared that makes my point that Christians Obey What They Like n Ignore What They Don't Like or Think is Outdated;
This I Why I Focus on the Words of God (written in stone) n His Son Jesus Teaching/Sayings(sometimes in Red Letter in some Bibles) n use rest of Bible as a Guide I feel that the Bible has much Good in it n I am ever learning from it but I Know Men Have Messed With It TOOOO Much to be 100% True, it has too many dirty grains of salt in it from men's hands!!!

~Rev. Giovano 'Koala' Fusco

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...