View on Discrimination…
I’m writing my view about Discrimination (this includes color of skin, sexes/gender, faiths, ability n smarts) because is an important issue that affects all in differently… I hate the word ‘racism’ there is Only One Human Race, people of purple, blue or orange skin are still one race…
Throughout time humans have made slaves out of other people of different countries/cities/towns, faiths, sexes, skin colors n so/on… In know history the people held in slavery the longest n has been tortured n killed more than any humans in known history, that people are the Jewish people… The Christians were also slaves n used in Romans games, most notably in arenas feed/chased/killed by lions… Back note to the Jewish people they were locked up n tortured by Christians because the Jewish people refused to convert to Christianity; than Hitler n his Nazi party also captured, tortured, killed (by the masses) the Jewish people…
Yes African people were slaves for many many many years pre-1900 (in America); but remember not every African was captured by the evil white man, they were also captured n traded by other African tribes… Yes Black on Black crime was going on for a long long long time… I am not trying to lighten the crimes/evilness of the white humans just trying to remind everyone that it isn’t just one people's fault…
Are all Germans evil/guilty for what happened in Germany (1940’s) No!!! Are all Egyptian people guilty for the slavery of the Jews, No!!! Are all Romans also guilty for suppressing/torturing Jews n Christians??? No!!! Are All White people guilty for slavery pre-1900’s??? Again No!!! Ok, yes I am not an history buff but I did pay attention in school n continued to learn about history here/there…
Oh wait I know what U are about to say the white people treated those of color like scum, dogs n still there are many that hate those of color those people are the true scum…
I have noticed that more that we get closer to being united the more the African people put a Neon sign out separating us again… When the evil White power people find a spark to rally around everyone gets super upset (rightly so) but when Black people do the same thing we are told we can’t say anything…
WE Need to stop hiding behind our skin color or using our skin color as a shield or as a sword!!! We Are One Human Race n Until We Start Acting as One People We Can’t Stop Racism!!!
Side note: Not All White/Black people are bad, it be like my fellow disabled people blaming all U abled bodied people for putting people like us in torturing hospitals/institutions(yes in the past but was going on up till the 1960’s n still going on in other countries) or just abandoning our people… We rebelled/protested for our equal right/access but access is still not equal everywhere n nor can it be sadly… example: not cost effective for me, a guy in an electric wheelchair to go mountain climbing or nature camping...
Other discrimination has been going on for ages; like:
Women - not allowed to vote n are treated like a lesser person n there are many places around the world they are still not allowed to vote or stand/walk by a man (even their sons have walk in front of them)... American woman have had to fight for the right to vote n are still struggling to being treated as equals, this is Not right!!! Women are reason we are all here they are the Mothers of the Human race who deserve respect!!!
Faith - There are many different faiths/non-faiths (yes I am a believer of God n His Son - Jesus) but I believe everyone has a right to believe/not-believe in their path some faiths have been around much much longer then Christianity... These faiths are believed by more people then there are Christians… As a Christian I believe we are to share the teachings of Jesus to everyone BUT Not to Beat others over the head with Jesus’ teaching; He wanted us the share His Love/Teachings with everyone NOT Hurt/Shun/Kill Those that Refuse His Love/Teaching!!!
Faiths are not perfect many of them have their problems n bad parts in them… Christians Are Not Perfect!!! Christians have killed many While Claiming to doing so in Jesus’ name (In my opinion is a great evil) oh that was in the past… Oh really??? People that blew a government building back in the 1990’s; there are people that have killed doctors n blew up clinics because of stuff they do that the law say is legal… There are Christians (n other faiths) that hurt/kill lesbian/gay/bi-sexual/transgendered in the name of their faith, who the hell made them judge??? Can’t talk for other faiths but DAMIT Christians We Are Not To Judge, Judging what a person does in their life Is Jesus Job n ONLY His!!!
Key Note: GOD wrote 10 Commandant HimSelf in Stone given to Moses other stuff in the Bible was given by those God chose to give us more teachings… Oh yeah so God doesn’t like LGBT says the Bible BUT HE Hates Killing, Cheating on your Spouse, Lying, Stealing n etc He Wrote in Stone in how many of His People Kill, Lie, Cheat n Steal Everyday??? Where is the Outrage of those Sins n those sinful people?!?!? Think Have U or Someone U know Cheated on a spouse, lied, stole or even killed(hurt others)???
As stated in the Bible “He without Sin Cast the First Stone” ~ Jesus (I might not have that exactly as written but there are so many version of the Bible I think I have it close enough) So Stop hating LGBT We are all God’s people n His will be done by Him!!!
Again I am Not perfect or A Very Smart Person but I am a person concerned about Us all n really wish we can Love each other as Jesus wants us to do!!!
Sincerely Reverend Giovano “Koala” Fusco
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Monday, April 9, 2018
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