Friday, January 17, 2020

Hello, Sorry I haven’t really written must of anything for a long time…

Jan. 17, 2020

Hello, Sorry  I haven’t really written must of anything for a long time… I have been having many issues n a lot of depression so been very challenging to motivate myself into doing much of anything was even a challenge to want to pray(I did n do pray but was a challenge) I never lost my faith in God or His Beloved Son n My Savior Jesus the Christ…

I want to start posting more n want suggestions on topics, chapters of the Bible to speak/write about but Very Important to verify I can’t prove God, Jesus n Holy Ghost/Spirit are real, I believe n know that they are real I respect your belief/right to not believe I am here to share/discuss what/how I believe without condemning others…
As American n being a human I believe we all have to find our own path n beliefs n I have no right to impose my beliefs on anyone, just share my beliefs n feelings…
There are many countries that have laws against different beliefs n sexual orientations but America says we have the right n freedom to believe what n how we desire or not to believe n I respect that n is also we I have friends I love/like that don’t have any belief, some friends n family that believe in other versions of Christianity n others that are Jewish, Muslim/Islamic, Buddhists, Pagan n etc n I respect/Love them all; I truly believe that is what Jesus wants me to do n by being that way I am able to share/show what Jesus is “Love”; to those that believe Jesus wants us to hate those that don’t believe in Him or His Father n we have to condemn those that we believe are committing a sin, in my opinion, have missed Jesus mission/love on Earth…

There are topics I won’t condone harm to: 
animals(exception respectful use of animals for food), 
people of different skin tones (I say different skin tones because there is Only 1 Human Race), 
different faiths/beliefs
I don’t condone oppression of others; I just believe in respect, love n understanding of other does not mean I condone things/beliefs of others just know I don’t the right/ability to judge/condemn others (except I do find it very hard not to want to condemn those that do harm to list above)...

There is an important thing I need to share with everyone I do believe, respect the Holy Bible but I believe the Bible is Written by Man(n a sometimes women) n is inspired by God or  He ordered the Holy Ghost/Spirit to have humans write the Bible; by having humans(mainly men) write the Bible I truly believe the errors that have been found in translations proves humans writing the Bible can mess up the Bible here/there n human men have been known for ages n ages n ages of altering facts/things to suit their ways/wants/desires so I use the Bible as a guide book n Not read it with blinders on… I mainly hold myself strictly to the 10 commandments (God’s words written in Stone) n the Four Gospels (mainly the words of Jesus as He was teaching) the rest of the Bible I read/share/use with a grain of salt, No I know there are a number of people that are going to disagree n hate me on what I just wrote n that is their right to do, like I can not prove what I believe is true neither can they so, it is a waste of their time trying to make me believe I’m wrong n I have No Time for their ‘Spanish Inquisition’!!!

Now that I have put that out there hope we can find some ideas/suggestions for me to read/discuss…
 (remember no harm/hate/oppression/arguing/harassment/bullying/etc… such actions will be deleted n person blocked...
 just peaceful respectful discussion!!! Also Respect We all Need to Agree to Disagree on things/topics, No One is 100 right or Perfect)

Truly Reverend Giovano a.k.a. Rev. Koala

P.S. because on a faulty primary school education (a school for disabled children) that didn’t truly teach correctly I have a permanent learning disability than later in life I had a near-death stroke that bound me to an electric wheelchair n can no longer walk also added to my learning/reading/writing disability so be aware i know there are grammar errors which would be even worse without today’s tech...

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...