This blog has changed to support my Fb page: Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
me n my new wheelchair seat...
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
I find it interesting the more spiritual I get the less I need...
Monday, October 8, 2012
how I Feel About God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit
I thought about writing down my thought about these things because of my small group which is part of Bayside Community Church called 'the God I Never Knew'...
Well to start;
I was raised in the Catholic church since my father n his family are all Italians n Catholics n got baptized when I was young think 8or10 years of age... My father wasn't a regular church goers so after my baptism we didn't go to church much at all... My teen life I started getting sick of the fights I'd see about religions so I even started hating all religions n stuff about it even start covering my ears/eyes if I heard/saw anything dealing with religions like a vampire does...
I did collect a number of versions of the bible because I wanted them for research for a stage in my life I was interested in writing horror stories because of a writer named H.P. Lovecraft very good short story writer of horror from the 1930's era... I notice that lines in each bible maybe vary n even change means between them but the chapters means stayed the same in all of them so, I decided to only hold the meaning of a chapter not the lines/verses when reading/sharing the bible since a line could be twisted to what ever a person felt/wanted but the chapter's meaning was harder to twist n it was the same between the different bibles...
I saw many signs that I should get back towards the father n his son but I was young n wanted to do what I wanted to do... I became a member of the Jaycees that part of their creed was God n then joined a company call A.L. Williams(MLM - selling insurance) n their president believe in put God/Jesus 1st. n family 2nd company 3rd... but still I wasn't into it, humbug :-)
Then I saw the mini series 'Jesus of Nazareth' n when Jesus said he came here for the sinners it opened my heart to learning more of him... Shortly after that I ordered the free book of Mormon to add to my collection of scriptures n I got a call asking if a couple people could come n talk to me about Jesus I said sure... About a week later I started talking n reading about Jesus with the missionaries from the Mormon church n about a few weeks later I felt I should join them n did n got baptized Oct. 1990 in Windham, ME... I was whole heartily into the church even helping the missionaries go out to others homes... After a couple years I had a falling out with a leader in the church that cause me to not be as active any more I went to church here n there but was drifting... I moved to another city n didn't feel as part of that group so I drifted even more n only went to church once in a while... Later I became a drunk n stopped going all together...
In April 2008 I had a very bad stroke as I openly share with people that changed my life, when I became a drunk I was so depressed I wanted to drink myself to death... When I finally was able to a wake after my stroke n stay awake I wanted to live!!! I felt a renewed sense of life n happiness n being thankful for being alive!!!
I feel I was given another chance at life n to share n spread the love I was feeling from God, his son Jesus n the gift of the Holy Ghost/Spirit...
I moved to Florida in 2009 n went to local Mormon church n just didn't feel at home so I searched for a while til November 2011 when I was told of a cool church called Bayside Community Church here in Bradenton n they also just opened a west pampas near my location. I went and really enjoyed it n the people n the local pastor Mark Childers So I decided this was right n where I needed to be I followed the Holy Ghost/Spirit n now call Bayside Community Church my church of choice n believe I was lead to it by the Holy Ghost/Spirit!!! I would like to be baptized in this church but my current abilities makes that a super hard challenge to do...I was told since I have been baptized twice before I don't really have too but I would like to some time...
I feel/know there is a God, I know his son 'Jesus' loves me n you n joke he used my stroke to get me up there so he could smack the back of my head to smarten/wake me up :-D LOL (hey they smile, laugh, n love so they like jokes too) n I feel the Holy Ghost/Spirit is around to watch over me/us n guide me/us in our lives...
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
this is SO Wacked:
In April a person was drinking in the Sawgrass Cove apart complex swimming area had two dogs in the pool n had an air mattress(not a pool inflatable bed A full size air mattress) I went n took picture so office could see it the jerk comes up to me nearly into my lap I push him away n he claims I hit him, I did push but if I wanted to hit him I was at right height to aim for his private area to cause some pain not higher up to his bear belly where he could barely feel my push...
n then last month the tenant so-called chairperson caused me to lose my temper, 1st he was blowing/yelling at my mother I wrote about my concerns the board was wasting funds, I rushed to meeting where I was now already upset, then this guy/boy started talking n making faces behind my mothers view as she was talk to another tenant so I started to faked talking when the guy/boy turn to talk again which got him upset, then at end he address me saying well now 'Giovanni' had something to say, I raised my voice n said 'Giovano' then he raised his voice n repeated 'Giovanni' I then wheeled my chair at top speed to his side of the table slammed my hand down n Yelled 'GIOVANO' n I was so mad I wanted to throw his iPhone on the floor but knew I have to pay for it n might get in real trouble legally...
I reported both things to the office n what I did...
but I'm hearing I'm getting to be know as a trouble maker with a bad temper...
I do have a bad temper but I rarely let it happen n it takes a lot to push me to lose my temper, I would say 95% of time I'm easy going n fun n funny...
thanks for listening/reading...
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
My Feelings n Beliefs...
I want to share my belief in all this n let you know that my stroke in 2008 gave me a chance to know Father n Son in a deep loving way n I truly believe I was lead to come back to life n teach n share God n his Son n their Love for Everyone(EVERYONE)!!!
Everyone that teaches n shares Love are Blessed!!
HUGs to You All!!!
Sincerely, Truly Yours;
Giovano ‘Koala’ Fusco
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Things are Well me me...
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Oh by the way...
Sunday, July 22, 2012 VIZIO Silver CA27-A2 All-in-One Desktop PC with Intel Core i7-3610QM Processor with 27" HD Monitor and Windows 7 Home Premium with Windows 8 Pro Upgrade Option: Computers
Saturday, July 14, 2012 Epson Ink Cartridge 127 Color Multipack with Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Set of Cartridges 127 for the Epson Stylus NX530, NX625, WorkForce 545, 630, 635, 633, 645, 840, 845, WF-7510, WF-7520, 60, WF-7010: Electronics
since I just ran out of ink... :-(
n I use my printer to write for me... Epson Ink Cartridge 127 Color Multipack with Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Set of Cartridges 127 for the Epson Stylus NX530, NX625, WorkForce 545, 630, 635, 633, 645, 840, 845, WF-7510, WF-7520, 60, WF-7010: Electronics
Friday, July 13, 2012
Bad/Useless Doctor in Sarasota, Dr. R. Hamilton...
I told my insurance (Amerigroup) NOT to pay Dr. R. Hamilton any money for the visit I had for Tuesday since he refused to examine me after his nurse admitted n ran basic exam of me, he refused to see because I couldn't get on his X-Ray machine n he refused to allow me to have X-rays done at an Manatee Hospital for my easy of access, n since he had no way/access to his x-ray machine for people like me he could care less... So I told my insurance to No Way Pay him for the July 10th visit n my insurance ask if I wanted to file a formal complaint about him??? Oh Yeah, I said For Sure, maybe he will lose the Amerigroup approved status which will cost him more Money!!! If a Doctor can't provide equal access to equipment they have to be open to using outside things like Hospitals that can do it by out patient care!!!
So I hope this teaches this doctor a lesson!!!
Let the Teachings of Jesus/Buddha Guide You
"Let the Teachings of Jesus/Buddha Guide You"
the card doesn't say believe in Jesus or Buddha but let their teachings guide you... because no matter who/what someone believes in both Jesus n Buddha have good teaching to live by...
AND My fellow followers of Jesus should NOT be afraid of other teachers from the past, Buddha was a great teacher n his followers are good people... I haven't read much YET by Muhammad but have watch a number documentaries about Muslims, the Koran, n Muhammad and so far what I have learned he too was Ok (just going to say ok since I'm limited in my knowledge)... There are many wacked Muslims that teach hate just like the wacked christian that beat n kill in the name of Jesus which is 1000% against Jesus's teachings!!!
So I like to share good teachings I learn like Jesus n Buddha, I am a believer of Jesus n know he loves me n I do him n I try to live by a thing I seen Christians come up with 'WWJD' What Would Jesus Do??? but have seen TOOO Many followers of Jesus forget what Jesus would do!!!
Live, Learn, Love!!!
n if you are going to hate then Hate Hatred not differences!!!
written by me: Giovano 'Koala' Fusco
Thursday, July 12, 2012
I guess I should be glad...
I dislike to think this...
My pains are always here some days like last week felt very good, this week a bit harder to deal but I have learned over MANY years of pain to sux it up n smile because at least I'm a live n able to smile n hide 90% of my pain behind the smile...
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
I went to the pain clinic yesterday...
Saw the nurse everything seemed fine til she says the Doctor want an X-ray I'm like ok, we go into their X-ray room the table was 3ft high??? how am I to get up there??? nurse can you get on the table I said only if you have ability/person to lift a person of 220lbs... I than told her I'm going to Manatee Hospital Weds so the Doc can order the X-rays there... She went to talk to the Doctor n she came said Doctor doesn't want to see me if he can take the X-rays at his office... So Bull SH!!...Then he should have the right equipment to see/treat people like me... I all most think I might have legal rights to claim in this issue!!!
Ten I called my person doctor to tell him about the issue with the clinic but his receptionist was being a pain n a real pain in my arm she kept putting me on hold without letting me say anything, n when I say she was a real pain I mean she had me on hold so long my arm was hurting I was near tears... I can't hold the phone with my right hand n control it to hold it to my head, arm is too random... n the arm I can use has a metal part in it and after about 10mins of use/holding it starts having pains n I was on the phone n hold for 30mins I WAS MAD!!! I luckily hungup n called back got another person(called a total 12 times) I left a message about the pain clinic and a formal complaint about the head receptionist 'Shantee (I think thats how it's spelled)' there was no need of it...
Sunday, July 8, 2012
May need to find a way to buy this ASAP!!!
$3888 (not including shipping/taxes)
Ok I'm very concerned again!!!
Later tonite I'm going to get my roommate to put in the other set of wheelchair batteries Bryan Patton got me n hope it is just the batteries n not the motors... the set I have in the wheelchair right now r the set my mother n me(n help from Jay B Bonnes) got back in March... Once I put in the set Bryan got me n let charge over nite I can run them n see if I'm still having shut-off issues if no great because the current set have a warranty on them n I have the blessing to have the set from Bryan, but if the wheelchair still shuts-off it might mean the motors are going in that case I'm lost!!!
So I pray Bryan's set fixes the issue... if it does extra super blessing to my fellow Baysider for getting them(well always blessing for him but extra if having these batteries solve my current issue)!!!
I will keep everyone updated tomorrow sometime after I switch batteries n run them for a bit...
Keep Fingers Crossed n throw in a Pray too Thanks!!!
Monday, June 25, 2012
my info n links:
GoogleTALK: KoalaGCF koalagiovano(@live)
Being Crazy is my way of being in the Zen Zone...
I went Crazy by my own decision so I won't go Insane!!!
The meaning of life... is to do your best at what ever makes yourself feel for-filled and happy...
my Blog:
my Interpals profile:
my FaceBook profile:
my FaceBook group - Giovanos Dreams Hopes n Wishes:
Easier Mobility n Access for Giovano:
Tell Manufacturers n Retailers of Power WheelChair to offer extended Warranties:
Giovano's Wacky World FaceBook page:
USS Bradenton email:
Bablyon 7 Fb:
KoalaCon Fb:
Discovery of Self-Truth:
me on TrekSpace:
my OIF profile:
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Giovano Fusco's eBay WishList:
my WalMart wish list:
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I'm upset...
n today, the ride felt very scary I felt like I was on a roller coaster, thankfully I had a seatbelt on... or I might have landed on the van's floor...
n the treatment I got I was 1st told was a pain treatment in fact it was an IV infusion of a mix of vitamins to help people with low energy levels... WTF I had to insist on info about the treatment because they were just saying "Oh it's good for you, it will help you" I'm like what is it??? they were "It is a mix of thing to help you" I then said I need to know so I can tell my main doctor...
I won't be going back n on my way home I left message for my doc (Dr. Walsh) about my issues with this doc way up in Trinity, FL... this pull of having to go to a pain clinic to take care of pain is a major pain in itself... this is my 2nd try, the 1st was a doc in St. Pete that gave me a script for aspirin(n over the counter strength at that), SO NO MORE GOING OUTSIDE of Bradenton area(maybe I'll go to Sarasota) for pain management care... the Travel is too much/hard for me!!!
Monday, June 18, 2012
at the 'Core' class today before church we were asked to write down 5 thing I want to ask God n Jesus for...
Well, I was having a very hard time thinking of anything I would ask them for...
I mean yes you may see I want many interesting items n most would really help me in my daily life but I don't really thinking asking/praying for them would be cool/right...
Some may say how about not having the stroke, to late can't change the past nor would I, my stroke saved my life n gave me a renewed faith in the big guy n son, n changed how I live life n see the world n wanting to be a cool/good person maybe a little crazy(a lot) doing it...
Ok what about increase ability from my brain damage(stroke) well I feel the damage is a challenge n reminder of everything prestroke n etc... so I don't really want to pray for a change in it but if the Big Guy wants to change it for the better Cool but Im not going to ask...
The things I do wish to be different in my life I have a personal feeling that it's not cool to ask for it from them, I want to win the PowerBALL to be able to get off of Social Security Income n Medicaid Insurance... Living on SSI income n very challenging n the Medicaid system is getting to be a real pain(mainly because its gotten overrealmed) so I want to have funds to be able toget the medical equipment n care I really need like a PT n OT that can help in improving my abilities n etc... I think it a worthy goal to want to win the PowerBALL but very unsure about asking for prayers for that...
I do wish I had a GF/Wife again n would love God/Jesus's help there but I have an issue there too... without a better income dating is really unrealistic on my current income n if by chance I did get blessed with a GF/Wife my limited funds would make having a family super unrealistic... I barely can get my monthly stuff payed for, having a kid would be saddening(not being able to get stuff they would want)...
So, right now I guess I would only pray that God/Jesus continues to guide me in their plans n for my life!!!
I just hope they find a way for me to have a wife/family n be able to support them n myself...
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
my pain doctor visit 6/12/12
she pulled, hammed, n etc my whole body a few times I thought she going to my arm off :-( :-)
but atleast I could tell she was truly looking me over unlike a doc I was sent to a few months ago that didn't look me over at all...
This doc wants me back in PT n to get up to parallel bars... n start get up off my butt, I'm all for that but I told her the Manatee Hospital PT dept didn't think it was worth their time, this Doc said Tell them to get me up n walk at the bars or she'd bitch them out herself... Cool, :-)
but have a few concerns at a few things the doc was saying n told me 1 thing she talked very fast n used doctor terms so a number of things flew over my head... n I'll write back to n ask her to write me back with what she said... She didn't change any of my pain meds +/- but wants me back for a weekly shot to try to help with the pain, I was ok but concerned about my transportation n she gave me some tubes of creme to help with joint pains... but got concerned after I got home because the info I rad on the net about this med saying people with High Blood Pressure, history of Ulcers, n strokes might have issues with this creme... I'm like What I have HighBloodPressure, history of Ulcers n stroke... I'm call my main Doc Wednesday morning n let him know my concern n get his opinion on the creme...
Oh, another thing I told to doc today I have a treatment once a year called 'Reclast' for my OI/bones, she doesn't like it n called like putting patches on holes... I was like I know the treatment is helping me I have seen it do wonders on my bones (pre-drunk days n pre stroke) luckily she didn't try to get me to stop that treatment...
So it was an interesting visit n will have to talk to my main doc asap n start the PT asap too n than see if the injection she wants me to have every week for 6 weeks helps...
transport to a doc 6-12-12
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
About Me!!!
My last year if High School I starting writing a couple short stories of horror n than decided to start collecting Bibles even the Satanic Bible for research...
Well during this time I have to admit I lied, I cheated(not on GF's didn't have any), n I had a lot of sex w/ women... So I was a sinner big time, well in my eyes...
I felt I never broke the law just bent it...
One day I watched the movie(mini series) 'Jesus of Nazareth' n the scene where Jesus went to the house of the tax collector n his follower were shock n ask why... Jesus was like "The healthy need not a Doctor but the Sick Do, I am not here for You but here to call the Sinners"... This struck a cord of wonder in me... I was like oh so maybe I can be a follower of his too... Well I also recently joined a non-profit group called the Jaycees that believes in God and I also joined a company that put God 1st family 2nd n the company 3rd... I searched for a church, I went back to the Catholic church but didn't feel right there n even tried a friend's church (aka J.W.s) but really felt out of place there n felt no way, I looked at a few others n still nothing... Well one day I saw the TV ad for a Free 'Book of Mormon' I figured I'd get it to add to my collection of Bibles... After I got the book I decide to listen to the Missionaries and after about a month I joined the Church... I was very faith n devoted to them was even planning on doing mission myself but things happen to prevent that from ever happening and I almost left the church n my faith but prayed n stayed... Shortly after that I got Electrocuted on a ride at a festival up in Portland, Maine which shattered my left shoulder ball which need to be replaced well after that I became very inactive in the church n felt alone n not worthy of Jesus again... I even started falling back into old habits with sex with women... A number years later I got so heavy my stomach over hanged towards my knees... While being this heavy I had a number of compressed vertebrae from falls... I was over 360lbs with my doctor advice I had stomach surgery n lost about 160lbs... Losing the weight gave me a chance to do things I never did before but I hooked up with a woman that turned out to be bad for me... I was hoping I could help her n even tried to get her into my church n I tried to become active again but things turn very depressing n I became a super heavy drinker... I tried to change myself n re-educate myself I went to Job Corps in summer 2005 and did very well there but once that was over I went home n feel back into drinking heavy... I drank so much in 2006 I barely remember 2006... I drank nearly everyday all day...
In late 2006 my mother's 2nd husband died n she needed another person to move in with her to be able to afford her rent so I did... I still drank not as much but still pretty bad...
In 12/2007 I got hit by a car while I was heading home in my wheelchair from buying more bear from the store to have for the day think I had just got 2 40oz. beers for myself... I was knocked out of my wheelchair and broke my left hip... I recovered and was looking forward to the lawsuit money from being hit so I could re-enact the movie (w/ Nick Cage) 'Leaving Vegas' that ow depressed I was... I wanted to drink myself to death!!!
Well four months later I had a super bad stroke that the doctors didn't think I'd last the nite of the stroke, they told my mother to be prepared that I was most likely going to die... Some how I lived and then the doctors thought I'd be hospitalized for over a year because of how bad the damage was... About a month later I was home but bound to an Electric Wheelchair and major issues with right side of my body from the stroke... I lost fine motor control of my right hand(lost my writing hand, mouse/joystick control) n walking ability...
The strange/Good thing is I regained my will to live n even discovered a new love for being spiritual(loving God n Jesus)...
I decide to take the money from my lawsuit to move me, my mother n a friend to Florida to get away from Snow(being bound to the wheelchair n snow don't work well together) n my ex-girlfriend.. n start a new life down in Florida...
Well, once I moved down here I started to drink again but I got help from my new doctor to get on a med to aid me in remembering not to drink... I tried to rejoin the Mormon church but something just didn't feel right n seeing I always felt like an outsider in the Mormon church I started searching again for a place that felt right...
I was/am also seeing a counselor to talk about my issues/life... She told me about a local church call Bayside Community Church on 43rd St here in Bradenton... I went and finally felt I was in the right place... I went one more time to the Mormon church and told them I'm joining another church were I felt more right in... I didn't tell them I felt more of the spirit n love of God n Jesus there at Bayside... I just said I felt I need a change(which I did)... I'm very happy my counselor told me about Bayside Community Church(west camps) and that I joined it...
I really think my stroke was used to bring me closer to God n Jesus, I joke that Jesus used my stroke to give me a smack in the head to wisen up and do good... I even think he wants me to be spokes person of his love of Everyone...
I have a strong faith to share his(Jesus's) love for us all... Everyone from all faiths, all genders(even those some say are not worthy) n even the sinners(remember he once came here for them too)... We aren't here to judge them but here to love them n share him with them...
Remember Jesus says the two great commandments:
1) Honor God (if you do you honor all his commandments n him)
2) Honor your neighbor as you want them to honor you (if you honor your neighbor you wouldn't steal from them, steal from them, nor bare false witness against them n etc)... also if you want them to treat you good you would ate them for being different n etc...
Do Not Hate!!!
LOVE THEM ALL even those that Hate you!!!
So I figured I'd share this with you!!!
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I have fallen...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I fallen into darkness...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I have hurt You...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I have hurt Many...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I have hurt Myself...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord can you forgive Me???
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am so ashamed...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Please Forgive Me...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Deliver me from Evil...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Deliver Me from MySelf...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Deliver me into your Love...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord, Oh My God, I Love You...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I feel your warmth...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I see your light!!!
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Guide to your Path...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I Thank You!!!
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am Delivered into your Light...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am Delivered into your Love...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am Delivered into your Kingdom...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I love You...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Oh My God...
Oh Lord...
Amen, Amen, Amen...
...this was given to me by his guidance in a dream this morning 3-8-2012 as I a woke, Giovano Fusco Jr.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Asus - G74SX-DH73-3D 17.3" LED 3D Notebook - Intel Core i7 i7-2670QM 2.20 GHz - Black - G74SX-DH73-3D
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The SCOOTEE Chair: SCOOTEE Power Chairs, SCOOTEE Power Wheelchair, Scooty Portable Powerchair
the Scooter StoreThe SCOOTEE Chair: SCOOTEE Power Chairs, SCOOTEE Power Wheelchair, Scooty Portable Powerchair
Monday, March 12, 2012
who ever the AZZ thats commenting Anonymously READ Whole post before U comment!!!
I say your an AZZ because you made two comments without read the whole post and asking stupid questions that you wouldn't need to ask if you Could Read!!!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
I think I need to find the funds to just get new batteries
Friday, March 9, 2012
Be Guarded with Your Email!!!
I see my FireWall blocking attempts to access my computer everyday and everyday I get emails from services that I use but the emails I Know for a fact are not from them for my account can't say how I know without giving away my secret of one of my defenses(but if we ever talk on the phone I can share it with you)... I don't understand why they try to hack into my accounts or my computer I have No Money or any thing of importance on my system... Except maybe my contact lists...
I never Trust any links sent to me until I double check it's real link address and verify it with it's sender...
So Please be Guarded when ever you get an email from what you think are trustful sources!!!
Ok another set back on the WheelChair Repair... 3-9-2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I have fallen...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I fallen into darkness...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I have hurt You...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I have hurt Many...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I have hurt Myself...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord can you forgive Me???
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am so ashamed...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Please Forgive Me...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Deliver me from Evil...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Deliver Me from MySelf...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Deliver me into your Love...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord, Oh My God, I Love You...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I feel your warmth...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I see your light!!!
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Guide to your Path...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I Thank You!!!
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am Delivered into your Light...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am Delivered into your Love...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am Delivered into your Kingdom...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I love You...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Oh My God...
Oh Lord...
Amen, Amen, Amen...
...this was given to me by his guidance in a dream this morning 3-8-2012 as I a woke, Giovano Fusco Jr.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Update 3-6-12 :-(
and was going to try to get local medical supply store 'HMP' to do a eval of the chair which Mom says she would charge on her card than submit to my insurance but, 'HMP' says they aren't certified to do repairs on my type of wheelchair... I then say to them I just want an eval not any repairs... Sorry can't help you, I then ask is their any other local Bradenton store you could recommend??? Ah, Nope we know of No one else in the area... WTF I have seen other supply store in Bradenton just don't know them off hand... Well Yellow Pages here we come...
Oh wish I could just reconnect my brain cells to my right leg to walk again!!! this is TOOOOO MUCH F'IN BULL to deal with anymore...
Thursday, March 1, 2012
USA - Products - Rehab Series - M400 Corpus 3G - Permobil
I need this ASAP since my current chair n insurance is screwy...
USA - Products - Rehab Series - M400 Corpus 3G - Permobil
WTF not again, I didn't even get a real chance to use my WheelChair yet...
I went out today to the local CVS store about 3/4 miles away from my apartment and suddenly my 'so called repaired' wheelchair lost half it's battery power level and I started smelling burning wires smell from the chair.... So I will have to call both the Scooter Store and my Insurance 'Amerigroup' first thing in morning and tell them about the chair... I'm wondering if the bad charger did damage to the chair it self but I'm afraid to use it now because of the burning/melting smell coming from it...
Just when I thought things were fine with the Chair 'BAM' this happens I barely got home I was super afraid it would catch on fire while I tried to get home... Luckily I got home and transferred to my old chair..
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
UpDate 2-28-2012 Finally WheelChair is Repaired n Up n Running!!!
The batteries were still under manufacture's warranty (for another day) so the Scooter Store replaced the batteries(even though I believe there was nothing wrong with them but at least they are new n fresh), the service man checked everything and agreed with me the Charger for the chair was defective so he replaced that too... The wheelchair is now charging-up and should be ready for use later on today(but might let charge overnite)... So I can use it to see my counselor tomorrow... YaY :-)
I find it interesting that according to my insurance the repair approval is still in the appeal process and they have not told the Scooter Store to do any repairs yet but to do a full check on the chair and then report to my insurance(Amerigroup) what is wrong with the chair so they can make their decision about the appeal/repairs...
I think the (not sure about this but) Scooter Store decided since they want to finish there dealing with Amerigroup they would replace the batteries which had a day or two left on it's warranty(so no cost there) and to just replace the charger themselves(costs about $150), I'm not sure about that... But would make sense so they can finally part ways and no long worry about future dealings with Amerigroup...
All I truly Know is the repair is Done, I'll be able to get out and about again... and even get to a few of my churches small group gatherings finally!!!
So even though it's been depressing and challenging dealing with Amerigroup, the Scooter Store and my Wheelchair I was finally blessed with it being finished!!!
Thanks Big Guy(God)...
Thanks for everyone's prayers n support!!!
Friday, February 24, 2012
I'm very incited about the update but (like they say "don't count the chickens till they hatch") they say they will call 1st of week to make an appointment to come over and do the repairs hopefully sometime next week...
Hopefully before Wednesday I see my counselor Wednesday at 3pm I need to leave home about 2:30pm to get to her office(but have backup chair to use if the Scooter Store can't do it by then), So Hopefully sometime next week I should be Free/Mobile Again!!! Yay!!!
but I don't want to get my hopes up to much because you never know if Darth Vader may send the Death Star this way or etc... :-)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
People have forgotten or Don't Know....
Monday, January 9, 2012
NEW!!! My Life of Challenges!!!
I went to a school for the disabled and because of their lack of teaching I developed a learning disability, thankfully my mother removed from that school and entered me into public school (1981) and there I learned read, write, and etc... I finished High School, my last semester I made the honor roll. I have tried to do college but the learning disability interfered that and has left me with a student loan which I can’t repay on SSI (the creditors don’t want to listen to my problems, I have been disabled all my life, they don’t care).
In my late teenage years I developed hearing problems, I had my left ear operated on but basically lost 85% of hearing in left ear; my right ear also has about 40% of loss.
In 1992, I helping take care of my dying father; when I got electrocuted. When I got electrocuted it made my left shoulder muscle crush my left shoulder ball. I had to have my shoulder ball replaced, after leaving the hospital I broke my leg at a store. My father died in Oct. 1993.
In 1994 I broke my right leg and had to have a metal brace inserted into right leg just under the knee. Weight skyrocketed to over 350lbs.
In 2001 I finally got a Doctor that worked with me. The Doctor recommended Bariatric Surgery. In Dec 2001 I have the Bariatric Surgery, by mid 2002 I went from over 350lbs to 205lbs.
Then in 12/2007 I got hit buy a car while I was crossing the street in my wheelchair, which broke my left hip. I had to have a metal rod inserted to hold it together.
In 4/2008 I had a stroke. The doctors’ thought I would die it was a very bad stroke they were trying to get my mother ready to deal with my death, but I think God wasn't ready for me yet :-) and I stayed alive. I lost total use of my right side but help from the rehab hospital (I was able to leave hospital after a month) and Bayside (a rehab clinic in Portland, ME) I have regained some use of my right side but can-not walk or stand and I lost fine motor control so lost my writing hand ability ...
In Jan 2009 I moved me, my mother and a friend of ours to Bradenton, Florida I couldn't deal with snow ever again now that I'm stuck in a wheelchair.
In mid 2010 Florida Medicaid/Amerigroup approved the purchase of a power wheelchair… in /October 2011 the batteries were replaced because they were mot holding a good charge… in the 1week of December 2011 the charger for the chair started acting up & not doing a complete charge I called to report this and to request it to be repaired… Dec 24 the charger stopped charging all together… and Amerigroup/Florida-Medicaid is refusing to repair it saying it should last 5years… Yes the Chair should last 5years but parts for need to be replaced when they fail… Just like in your car if the tire blows will the manufacture fix that NO you have to… So go the same for parts on a wheelchair they also need replacing/repair!!! Wheelchair companies DoNot give 5 year warranties on wheelchairs!!! And Disabled (wheelchair bound) have A Legal Right to be able to have access to the world/state/city !!!
Submitted by Giovano C. Fusco Jr.
To be also shared on my blog:
& on FaceBook:
and contacting local TV News & ADA...
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Gundam, Magister Negi Magi items in Morty's-Anime-Vending-Promotions store on eBay!: Morty's-Anime-Vending-Promotions
Status on my wheelchair's repair...
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Maltese Falcon Statuette Full Size Prop Statue | eBay
Maltese Falcon Statuette Full Size Prop Statue | eBay
Trust Issues
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Why is it that there are so many Christians that feel it is their jobs to judge others??? Judging others is not our duties or right!!!! Our ...
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Well Finally a glimmer of hope... Called insurance this morning telling them that I still haven't heard from the Scooter Store about com...