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Sunday, October 27, 2013
Good Morning,,,
I am doing good, I am up n getting ready to head to church again today, 2nd service needs a couple extra beautiful faces today so that thought of Super Cute Koala LOL n I am happy to lend my smile, spirit, my craziness :-)
I hope You are doing well, if you are not feeling n need some uplifting chat or Prayers or some of my craziness comment here or inbox me, I will busy till about 12noon n again between 1-3pm (doing a checkout n prayer over some land we would like to build a building for Bayside West Bradenton Campus west campus on) but I will be checking in here n there...
Now I don't wish to make my non-religious feel weird, think of my feelings of late to be like since I had a long time of bad times that the Force/Karma(I believe I the Big Guy n Son n their Spirit) has giving a relief from alot of my pains... I never want any of my friends to feel I am pushing my love for the Big Guy, Son n Spirit on to anyone just what I believe like my belief JJ Abrams will ruin Star Wars too, like the US Congress n Prez are ruining the USA n we need all new Congress that will stop killing the country n thinks of the people above themselves n a Prez that really wants to help the USA, oops started to go off my main thought, remember friends can believe different things as long as neither try to push on to each other...
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Hey Hey Hello to You All...
Hey Hey Hello to You All...
I am doing well when I a woke back as a bit upset but once I sat up straight n took a muscle relaxer n a couple extra strength Tylenols my back calmed right down so going on 3rd day without taking my Rx pain med if this trend continues I may be able to stop my once a month trip to St. Pete n it's painful rides to n back St. Pete... YAY!!!
I think it looks good for that since traveled Monday nite short distance to a friends home for study n then again last nite (think about) 3miles round trip n not all of that was on a sidewalk part of that was a bump uneven path way with tree roots n rocks so to say very bumpy n jarring N I am still feeling GooD!!! YAY!!!
I truly hope/pray/wish the same from my friends/family that also suffer from pain, I truly want the same for you all going from the pain I had to how I feel now I am not completely healed of pain but the major pain that I need Rx med for is controlled n my other odd n ends pain are now being controlled by over the counter stuff!!!
I am doing well when I a woke back as a bit upset but once I sat up straight n took a muscle relaxer n a couple extra strength Tylenols my back calmed right down so going on 3rd day without taking my Rx pain med if this trend continues I may be able to stop my once a month trip to St. Pete n it's painful rides to n back St. Pete... YAY!!!
I think it looks good for that since traveled Monday nite short distance to a friends home for study n then again last nite (think about) 3miles round trip n not all of that was on a sidewalk part of that was a bump uneven path way with tree roots n rocks so to say very bumpy n jarring N I am still feeling GooD!!! YAY!!!
I truly hope/pray/wish the same from my friends/family that also suffer from pain, I truly want the same for you all going from the pain I had to how I feel now I am not completely healed of pain but the major pain that I need Rx med for is controlled n my other odd n ends pain are now being controlled by over the counter stuff!!!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
Today I Feel...
my back is feeling strange n surprisingly good today n what I mean when I first woke up n before I opened my eyes my back areas of pains felt like a warm fire from a fireplace warm n glowing as I opened my eye n sat up the glowing fire n heat disappeared n I am sitting up right now n feel now pain any where I still like a a warmth in the area I had pain but not hot like a scare feels on your skin almost like the say pain is gone but this is where I took it from so you dont forget it n remember it can easly come back...
This weekend my friend/leader Jt Albritton n Nelson Ferrer prayed over me n some mid back pain disappear as I felt my body seeming to grow like I was being stretched nor back area was being uncompressed n now today don't feel even tall :-( :-) but am feeling Very Good now some of you may think then my pain was in my mind n that my mind needed something else to wash the pain away WELL I say believe what you want! My back issues are real I have things to prove that I had these pains n had medical look at my body scares n x-ways before n say be you must have a bunch of pains... n Now something wonderful is happening with my body n I thank Jt, Nolan n this weekend for it oh n a special thanks to John Acevedo for his praying with me after we talked over some stuff Saturday!!!
Hey How You You Doing???
I wish/pray you are all doing well, I truly care for all my friends, I dont live my old saying keep friends near n enemies even closer... If someone is negative, hateful n etc I remove them I only want You the ones that want to be with me as friends n no matter your faith n even if you have no faith I respect you all n enjoy you all!!!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Good Day Everyone...
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Remember my ages are now:
46 legally
76 is how old my body feel which has gone down from 85
16 my mental age, the age I want to act like
- n -
35 my rebirth age aging backwards from day after my stroke which happened in 4/2008 so that age won't change till April...
Hello, had great day yesterday...
Saturday, October 5, 2013
YAY YAY it's my birthday...
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Think me n roommate repaired the problem w/ the wheelchair...
So, right now I am feeling good about me n Mark's work on the wheelchair...
A very cool day but at end something happened that is very concerning...
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Good day everyone...
Ok seems to be ok, I can write new blogs but the blogger app doesn't show my older posts from before the updating to new google+ format but they are still there so things are somewhat ok...
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
on my way home...
The guy asked the clerk for a cup so he could have some water, n as I looked at him the person I was 1st concerned n guarded about change from a better view of him in the light, then I saw a guy way down on his luck n even saw sadness in his heart/eyes... I went to where he sat n asked him 'Hi, hey please don't be upset at me but have you had anything to eat today???' he said he had not... I said 'Here dude it isn't much but is all I have on me' I emptied my wallet of my cash which was about $2 +/-cents, figured it was enough to get a value taco or something else on the value menu...
I started to feel good about what I did n was started feeling to much pride in what I did, I was now 3/4 way home from TacoBell n I started thinking hey pull that pride back Koala, too much pride isn't good n then I am like yeah n I could n should have just given him what I order n then just reorder for me so that humbled me in realizing I could/should of done more...
Now some may think he will us what little I gave him but I could see his hunger n truly believe e will get a little something to eat...
BTW, the small group study went well was a bit of challenge to get there because 26th st doesn't have complete sidewalks to where the small group is being held but I found n made a route I can mange without being on a major street with cars/trucks/etc... n met a number cool people...
Now I will finish my late dinner do my 2nd part of what I did this morning n then head to bed, I see my counselor tomorrow n have a number of things to talk over like my new daily routine...
Hope you are all doing good n TTYL I am hoping to be up about 8 - 9am...
Hey new start today :-)
Hey everyone...
Yup I am up, been up for a while trying to change some patterns in my life:
1 - wake up in the morning instead afternoon/lateafternoons...
2 - started doing prayers before I head to dreamland n also when I awake...
3 - started reading the Bible (setting at least 30mins n will try it 2x a day) I started today reading 'Matthew'
4 - leaving TV off n will schedule times to have it on for some of my favorite shows n documentaries TV shows...
5 - with new wake pattern I am doing will be going to bed earlier :-)
6 - I am also scheduling in some time to do some reading of other books instead of wasting it on the zombie making box(TV) will be trying to do at least 2 1/2 hours sessions a day maybe more or even longer will see how my brain handles it :-)
7 - been noticing some weakness in my limbs n my movements n that I don't think/blame on stroke damage think(pretty sure) is from lack of activity so am going to do a few leg lifts n arm lifts with all my limbs not a lot at 1st just need do get body moving move maybe help with my spare tire too :-)
So, I feel good today, a little sore in mid back n left side of ribs think I slept in a way that caused it to be sore but put some pain cream medication on my ribs n on my back, it is starting to feel a bit better YAY!!!
How are you all doing???
I hope you are doing okay today!!!
Trust Issues
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Why is it that there are so many Christians that feel it is their jobs to judge others??? Judging others is not our duties or right!!!! Our ...
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Well Finally a glimmer of hope... Called insurance this morning telling them that I still haven't heard from the Scooter Store about com...