Hello Everyone, I had another dream I want to share with you all.
The dream was set as if I was making a Public Service Announcement (PSA) about Marriages more to the point Gay/Lesbian Marriages. Kind of a crazy dream, me the only straight person on a TV set directing a PSA about allowing Gay/Lesbian Marriages.
Why am I sharing this dream well people are making a big deal about it… WHY!!!
Wait don’t yell at me just yet, let me try to write this down as best as I can…
(-: Thanks :-)
I am a Christian (don’t hit me) a Mormon too… Not really a practicing one but do believe…
I can find things in the Bible that say marriage/relationship is only to be between a man and a woman but I also know the Bible was written by MAN (so Not exactly perfect). I feel the Bible is a guide book… Ok now you say hey this and that, yup the Bible does have a few things to say about you not being involved with the same sex… Well You Know what??? Big Guys Son says ”#1 commandment - honor God, #2 commandment - Love your neighbor… “ so, stop hating Gay/Lesbian they are your neighbors!
I figure hey if someone wants to get married/joined let them do it, hey if someone finds someone that wants to share their lives together that should be Joyous!!!
If Gay/Lesbian Marriages is wrong, guess what, the Big Guy upstairs will tell them later on upstairs, but down here let people be Happy!!!
I was also thinking why is the government saying they can’t be married??? What happened to separation of church and state???
A bond should be between the people getting married and their creator, not us or the government!!!
So, in my crazy mind I say if two people (man/man, woman/woman, klingon/vulcan, droid/humanoid, etc…) want to get married LET THEM, Who the F R we 2 Judge!!! Let them have the Joys/Pains/Arguments/Fun/etc… that everyone should have...
Just me Thinking Out Loud Again…
Do remember this was me thinking aloud, I don’t claim to be Smart or Wise (far from it) but Human and just sharing my thoughts/dreams/enlightenments…
Sincerely Koala
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