I am lucky in a way... why You ask???
I was thinking over the many many years of my life I have come very close to death...
I don't remember this but my mother reminds me of it... When I was like 2-3 I climbed on to a chair that was on our neighbors balcony (on the 3rd Floor) and the chair was on the railing I guess... Mom was scared if she said anything I would fall so she grabbed me and saved me...
Driving my car ages ago... I got super PO'ed @ the driver in front of me... She was driving like 30 in a 45 area for over a mile so when we got to a stop sign I stupidly sped around her right in front of a semi truck he missed me by inches my friend Pat saw this and was amazed the truck didn't hit me...
Up in Maine late one nite ages ago I was on a back road doing the speed limit (OMG WTF LOL) when I hit a patch of Ice and lost contol of my car... the car went 180 degree one ways then 180 the other way thats when I gave up and waited for me to crash... as the car headed (very fast) towards a telephone pole I knew this is it bye everyone... then car's rear end entered the ditch and started slowing down... kewl I'll live just mom will kill me later for wrapping car around pole... luckily car stop about a foot away from pole...
1992 I was on a traveling festival's ride when I noticed girl next to me couldn't find her seatbelt I saw it and reached for it for her... just when I reached for her belt (which unknown to me, there were bare wires there too) my hand touched two bare wires an electrocuted me and shattered my left shoulder ball... I live Duh :-)
2007 Dec Hit by a car while crossing intersection crosswalk in my wheelchair... knocked me out of chair and broke left hip...
2008 April had a Stroke the Doctors thought I wasn't going to live though... I did!!! then they didn't think there was much chance I'd regain any real use of my ride side... I regained things I forgot (my computer knowledge for example), I went from not be able to sit up to transferring by myself, I can now even stand abit while holding on to something... I regained much more than the Doc's thought I could... I don't think they thought I couldn't they just thought the damage was way too much to recover from... :-)
So I Guess I'm lucky or I have an Angel guarding my Life or the afterlife just isn't ready for my kind of craziness :-)
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