This blog has changed to support my Fb page: Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
Saturday, November 30, 2013
was a bit Upset...
Well I noticed my internet was having issues kept connecting n disconnecting n since I was on my bed/commend area 1st checked my computer's connections thought they were lose, nope not that so restarted computer n still messed up then turned on my iPad n it also was having issues with connection so turned on my T-Mobile internet device n my iPad connected no problem so Ok was an issue with either Bright House Networks or their service box(for the TV, Phone n Internet) or their router here so checked TV n Phone n those were working fine, so figured turn router off wait a few minutes n turn back on n as I started to do that My Mother yells to me to call Bright House n ask them if they are having troubles I said not yet I am doing basic tech stuff to see if it is a trouble on our side n if it isn't that is when I would call So, I unplug power to router n wait n replug in router n watched the lights start to cycle n as it started up I hear My Mother talking on phone I pick up phone n Mom is asking Bright House what is going on n their tech is like unsure n then I say why you call them the problem is fixed I just restarted the router n Mom was like upset I interrupted her call to Bright House but I was upset she didn't trust my knowledge with computers n network/routers I was a computer tech before my stroke n still do my own tech support n I know to check own equipment before calling the techs of companies because when you call you usually get level 1 techs that know much less then I do n is maddening to talk to :-( :-)
but felt kind of insulted by Mom going behind my back n calling Bright House when I told her not to bother, I was correct on my fixing the issue n there was no need to talk to Bright House...
Oh Well, really Koala no need to be upset it is a very minor issue she did So, get over it...
:-P :-)
Be Glad it was a simple fix n you have the internet connection working again...
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Morning Everyone n Happy Thanks Giving to You All
I know it is an American Holiday but a good holiday(except it marks the stealing this land from a native people) We go a year and are still alive, I know many of us have pains, disabilities, troubles (like Money, romance or lack of either) n etc but remember to be thankful to be alive, having a place to sleep, we have friends (for me many of which are online/Fb), hopefully we have family (I am lucky to have reconnected with mine online/Fb) So even if we have issues we need to be thankful for what we do have there are people in this world with even less n many of issues but are thankful each day they are alive So We Have to No Matter where We Live!!!
I am doing Well this morning been up since 9am (yup 9am) :-) body is doing very well =, now was having a painful time sleeping my back kept feeling link it had a rock under it no matter where I moved to n no rock, or item to be causing it n no no lump in my back itself n after a while this morning got some rest n woke up fine n feel good so no clue what was up but I am thankful I a woke n with no pains(I say that loosely I have very minor pains here/there but when they bother me over the counter stuff handle it) I am happy to be alive n have such cool friends, Family, n my followers...
Have a Great Day Everyone!!!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Well HUGs to you all :-)
I am well n hope/wish you all the same HUGs...
figured I'd scroll the news feed for a bit before I did my daily update :-)
I took 1/2my morning dose of other pain med for the misc pains that are more minor n are in my joints n limbs(or the 2x day dose of which is 4 Tramadols pills 2 morning n 2 midday/early evening) with my blood pressure meds n 2 extra strength Tylenols about 6am this morning went back to bed n got up at 10:30am n am feeling very good, joints are doing very well, might be able to start thinking about reducing the Tramadols next :-) n I bet if I would give it some thought about reducing my Pepsi n Candy intake my BP might good done n reduce my need on BP meds I wonder :-) Well it might help but when I 1st lost the weight after the surgery n was walking n doing normal activities n my diet intake was very good I still had the BP meds n then I got caught up in having a GF, parting n getting hurt broken when I stopped taking my BP meds, started drinking a lot of booze, smoking 5 cigars a day n a few years later had life changing Stroke so, I have stopped drinking, smoking, going out with crazy women, :-) turned my life around morally(yes for good) loving life, I will keep my Pepsi n Candies but but may try to reduce the intake of them a little bit :-)
Hey can't be prefect I need some fun n my Pepsi, M&M's, n hershey's Cookies n' Creme r my vices now :-D
Well HUGs to you all :-)
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Good Everyone...
nothing new here, still doing fine YAY
but no energy to do much of anything, was thinking early this when I get up out of bed would go out n catch some sun by the pool area but, looking out my windows it looks overcast right now n my lack of motivation I will watch some more documentaries either on TV or NetFlix :-)
Hope You are doing Well, You are all in my thoughts n prayers(U need not believe in prayers to have someone include U in theirs, it means they care about you as Do I) well my friends n family hope you are doing well/better!!!
I know pains n hardship are terrible things, I have had many in my life n now everyone's is different but I try to turn the bad to some thing good, it can be a big challenge to do so but when done if helps in dealing with the hardships in life...
examples: having broken bones as a kid got to meet other kids with other hardship but still enjoyed life so hey broken bone is not much, also meeting those kids n seeing their hardships helped me deal with my stroke damage later on... I have a number of other bad things happen to me I have found a better way of looking at them to make them more positive, don't get me wrong I hate I was born with brittle bones but it also has had it positive side I just had to look hard for it... the positive side might be seeable right away but hopefully it can be found n it may not be a benefit to you but you are a Benefit to others n Me!!!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Sitting here doing some studying n...
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Goodmorning Everyone...
I am trying to get motivated n up n about to go to church this morning, body feels good just have a lack of energy n motivation to move but luckily 2nd service isn't till 10:30am n it is 8:30am now so gives me an hour n a half to get ready :-) think 30mins to talk my body n mind to wake up, 30mins to wash-up n 30mins to get dressed n organized then had out at 10:00am n get to church in about 15-20mins n church service is at 10:30am so should work out, glad I'm not having back pains any more that would have added another 30-45mins to the time frame :-)
It is such a wonderful thing that my pain pains are gone n my other pains are very low n/or gone too, but body is old n worn out n damaged n brain has damage so signals to body don't work the way they should so I still have many challenges getting this 1967 body moving, it no longer moans to move or take a corner but it's springs aren't as springy, doors n hood don't open n close as well as it was 1st made, horn still works as OEM n Motor is still strong body has some bondo n a number of dents n extra metal supports holding it together but this hot rod still has another 2,000,000 or 3,000,000 miles left on it :-)
Hope All My Friends are doing Well!!!
Monday, November 11, 2013
V Day!!!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Hey everyone...
Friday, November 8, 2013
...this was given to me by his guidance in a dream this morning 3-8-2012 as I a woke, Giovano Fusco Jr.
Oh My Lord I have fallen...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I fallen into darkness...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I have hurt You...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I have hurt Many...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I have hurt Myself...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord can you forgive Me???
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am so ashamed...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Please Forgive Me...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Deliver me from Evil...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Deliver Me from MySelf...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Deliver me into your Love...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord, Oh My God, I Love You...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I feel your warmth...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I see your light!!!
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Guide to your Path...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I Thank You!!!
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am Delivered into your Light...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am Delivered into your Love...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I am Delivered into your Kingdom...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord I love You...
Oh Lord...
Oh My Lord Oh My God...
Oh Lord...
Amen, Amen, Amen...
...this was given to me by his guidance in a dream this morning 3-8-2012 as I a woke, Giovano Fusco Jr.
No more back pains...
I have just called my pain clinic n left message on their voice mail to cancel my next appointment n that I no longer need to be seen for pain n thanks for the assistance n told them they can call back to check if it was really me calling
Now Some you know how much of a pain in the read end it was to get a pain clinic/dr on my insurance n the days I posted how I was feeling in super amount of pain which was a lot, had a lot of pain n was another pain just to be seen n I reduced amount of meds myself last month n this month decide I no longer need a pain clinic so I ended it today!!!
The only thing I will going to St. Pete next month is to see Doc who is treating my OI n Osteoprosis n see results of latest bone density scan...
YAY yeah the monthly trip was a real pain in itself
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
What I think, subject Bible:
Want to share something, I have learned some but not all of the Bible during my journeys, I have noticed that it has been though many of men's hands n translated a couple times before it was ever translated to English n if you have ever tried translating programs like Google Translate you know it isn't always a correct translation n also some old old old worlds do not have a correct translated word so men tried to guess the best wording to replace it with... Also the Bible was inspired my the Lord but written by mew(except for Book of Ruth) so the writings could have been influenced by men's beliefs, no saying that it true or not but know how men are n where... Also the Bible isn't 100% correct as we now know Earth was not created 1st nor even our sun our solar system is a younger one to many many many others out there... I also know the Bible is not laid out in the correct order of timeline some parts were written after the scary Book of Revelation n the Old Testament does not contain all Jewish Book that where written before Jesus Christ time so the Old Testament is a bit incomplete... Now don't get all mad n upset at this, these are what I know n I can't turn a blind eye to it but I am human n I have made mistakes n In No Way am I telling anyone to change how they view the Bible, that is their choice n right as it is my choice n right too... I believe there are lost texts, lost books, n misinterpretations in the Bible lost 100/1000's+/- of years ago some may have been hidden because old old old church leaders didn't like or agree with them or thought they where protecting us from something...
Ok why am I writing this n sharing it with everyone n I know some will get upset, mad n maybe unfriend me because of it:
Well I just couldn't continue to bite me lips when I hear some one saying the Bible is 100% correct, Nothing that man's hands have had his hands on can ever be 100% perfect n since the Bible has been though many many many men's hands n many many translation before it got to the English translation I am a firm believe it has errors in it n Genesis is the best example of this belief The Earth Wasn't 1st thing created, n Sun was the was the Second thing created n the Stars were not created last totally the opposite, Universe was 1st many other solar systems came n went before ours was created n the sun was the the 1st part to be created in the Sol Solar system n then the planets formed after time...
So agree or disagree that is your right n I will not try to change your belief but afford me the same, Do Not Try to convince me I am wrong...
I think what we can n should agree on as Christians is that God n Jesus Loves us n want us to love each other n help each other respect/obey God's laws...
Ok that is my 2cents :-)
Love n HUGs!!!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Hey Hey...
Waking now, have a kink in my back from how I was sleep but think it will go away with some tylenols because it isn't too bad heck just sitting n it has improved :-)
I still have a number of pains but they are so low now a days they are treatable by over the counter meds n some are so low that they are easily ignorable, with a life time of pains have a level of pain that I find is ignorable n in facts lets me know I am a wake, alive n to to be careful in those areas, a little pain isn't bad as long as level is stubbing your toe...
Hope everyone else is happy as I am, I am alive, blood pressure doing well, have great FaceBook friends, Wonderful Church friends!!! n know the Big Guy has me watched over, know he loves me(but I often make him shake his head in wonder LOL), I am able to move on my own power, n have a old but working wheelchair what else do I need nothing else, well I am praying I find a woman that would like to join our lives together with maybe it time :-)
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The Differences in Churches...
Feeling Very Good Today...
I am doing well this morning a few minor aches which should be easy to manage with over the counter pain med, I think I will see pain clinic one last time this month n chat with doc n explain I no longer want any Rx pain meds YAY!!! I would cancel next appointment but there is a med he also prescribes to relax my muscles(n that med is called Flexitol my family can prescribe n has done so in the past) n since I don't see my Family Doc till Dec n I have an appointment scheduled with pain doc will see him explain that just need him to do one last prescript for me n that I don't see the need for any more visits after this month's appointment...
Yes I am doing that well, I still use Rx Pain Cream n thanks to a family member have enough of that n cool thing my Insurance has finally decided to cover future refills of it, took them some time to decide it So, that is good... The cream I use on some areas of my back once in a while but mainly use on left shoulder n left thumb n wrist areas...
I wish I could share the miracle I got with my friends/family the are suffering with pains, I have you in my prayers n praying you all the same feeling of reduction in pain... I said reduction because still have some minor pains n aches but are easily manageable with over the counter meds...
So, Hope you are doing better/well, if you are having pains n would like m to include you in my prayers which I do twice a day now comment about your request or inbox me if you want it to be private(but by commenting my fellow Baysiders would also pray for you all) n those that don't have the belief in prayer I can still try to ask for sharing of the freeing of pain for you n is only my time wasted(not wasted to me it is my pleasure to pray for any of you in hopes to share what is happening with me with you) so if you don't believe in the Big Guy I do n I an try for you, we never know stranger things have happened like me being part of your lives...
Trust Issues
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Why is it that there are so many Christians that feel it is their jobs to judge others??? Judging others is not our duties or right!!!! Our ...
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Well Finally a glimmer of hope... Called insurance this morning telling them that I still haven't heard from the Scooter Store about com...