Saturday, November 30, 2013

was a bit Upset...

I kind of feel insulted, ???
Well I noticed my internet was having issues kept connecting n disconnecting n since I was on my bed/commend area 1st checked my computer's connections thought they were lose, nope not that so restarted computer n still messed up then turned on my iPad n it also was having issues with connection so turned on my T-Mobile internet device n my iPad connected no problem so Ok was an issue with either Bright House Networks or their service box(for the TV, Phone n Internet) or their router here so checked TV n Phone n those were working fine, so figured turn router off wait a few minutes n turn back on n as I started to do that My Mother yells to me to call Bright House n ask them if they are having troubles I said not yet I am doing basic tech stuff to see if it is a trouble on our side n if it isn't that is when I would call So, I unplug power to router n wait n replug in router n watched the lights start to cycle n as it started up I hear My Mother talking on phone I pick up phone n Mom is asking Bright House what is going on n their tech is like unsure n then I say why you call them the problem is fixed I just restarted the router n Mom was like upset I interrupted her call to Bright House but I was upset she didn't trust my knowledge with computers n network/routers I was a computer tech before my stroke n still do my own tech support n I know to check own equipment before calling the techs of companies because when you call you usually get level 1 techs that know much less then I do n is maddening to talk to :-( :-)
but felt kind of insulted by Mom going behind my back n calling Bright House when I told her not to bother, I was correct on my fixing the issue n there was no need to talk to Bright House...

Oh Well, really Koala no need to be upset it is a very minor issue she did So, get over it...
:-P :-)

Be Glad it was a simple fix n you have the internet connection working again...

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