I want to say a little something to my friends that don't follow a faith of a God, Jesus or Muhammad, n also to my other friends that are Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, n etc I try not to push my beliefs on you or anyone, I respect your ways/beliefs non-beliefs some try to insist that converting someone to someones belief is a must... Christians are known for trying to convert all some do in a good way some don't, Muslims are also known to do the same n here in America many Americans believe that Muslims are evil n hate filled which is wrong... Also many are Christians are quick to judge a faith that isn't following Jesus as a false belief well I know both Jewish n Muslim have been around for a long time n Jewish is the base of Christians Jesus n his followers where Jewish so Christians should not judge Jews some Christians blame Jews for killing Jesus or causing his death but really it was the leaders that saw a rebel to their power base it wasn't the peoples fault... Muslim have a strong faith base similar to Jewish people so I don't know their whole faith but I do not hate them nor should anyone else hate them but can understand the hate towards the terrorists n wracked Islam extremist that promote hate n putting women down... Hindu n Buddhist have a very long belief even longer then Jewish n Christians so that needs to have respect, I know nothing of the Hindu faith but a large number of the world believe it so need to respect them... Buddhist have a great teachings n are in a way similar to those that have no faith, they don't believe in a God figure... They believe humans are their own God n they to find a balance in their life n be better connected with the God in themselves... I believe that those that have no faith may have got sick of all the bull that many faith do, many faiths fight each other over their faith n who they believe is right n try to force converting others, n some that don't believe have a mind that say 'I can't see signs of a God n etc so won't follow a so called make believe figure' I respect those as well because I can not give proof of my faith I can only share my faith...
I believe my job 1) love God 2) love Jesus 3) love the Holy Ghost/Spirit 4) love Myself 5) love my Family 6) love my fellow humans n 7) love my Earth... I also know it is my job to share my belief but not force my faith on to anyone nor hate anyone that believe differently than I... I also believe if I live my life with love for all I am doing right by my God n His Son my Lord Jesus n also not to judge anyone for their faith or their non-belief n not judge those that do not follow the words in Bible... I believe I am to do my best to do what is wrote in the Bible but is not my job to force the Bible(which has errors n missing parts n slightly corrupted by man's hand in translating n censoring of the Bible) on others but share it with those that are willing to listen n read with me...
So I hope nothing I share on my wall/feed upsets you all, I know that I have many Friends that do n don't believe what I do but I am grateful for all of your friendship no matter what you do/don't believe you are all a gift to me n thanks for your friendships, HUGs...
This blog has changed to support my Fb page: https://www.facebook.com/Reverend.Koala Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
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Trust Issues
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
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Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
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