Thursday, December 17, 2015

Helping Others???

Hello Everyone...
I am sorry I haven't wrote anything for awhile, I wait for inspiration n if I don't have inspiration I can't write anything n if I try to force myself to try to write it doesn't sound/read right or I am just blocked from doing any writing...
Oh so, yes had some inspiration today, YAY...
I guess it started yesterday when I went out n felt the motivation to give to a few people n then even moved to purchase some refreshments n snacks n gave to 2 young women that are down n out n I remember how close I was to being that way just before my stroke... Some times I know we are wary about giving to street homeless because many try to get money for booze/drugs n you see they really need some food n not a candy bar so you want to help but don't want to aid them in their destruction so it is hard choice to give or ignore them... Yesterday I gave a few dollars here n there to a few people but decided to give a couple boxes of healthy snack bars (think 6 bars per box) n the drinks to the women because I figured the snack bars would give them something good to snack on n would be ease to carry in their back packs... The thing about the 2 women/girls unsure of their age could be between late teens to their 30s hard to tell because they are having a HARD life n their bodies are showing that... 1 of the girls had a look as if Life Sux n she was mad at it all n the other girl think the younger of the two has a look like she was super sad n depressed n maybe losing hope with life n I saw a small smile from her when I gave the drinks n snacks... I would love to get them both off the street but you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink n with drunks/addicts you can bring them help but can't making them get well... I know from my own live no one(on Earth) can force a person to straighten out n want to get better some never do but many have to hit bottom n usually super hard before changing their ways... 
I guess the only thing I can say is to not condemn/judge them we don't know what drove them to their condition; yes helping them with money is tricky will they use it for good or bad so give or not trust your feelings about should you give or not but at the least pray for them or if you are close enough to talk to them maybe talk with them(but beware of your surroundings not everyone it trust worthy so be careful) trust your feeling/gut/heart/soul... Showing someone kindness/respect can mean a lot to those that are down n out... 
Oh if the person is open to it ask if they would let you pray for them right there or ask them to pray with you, prayer can do amazing things when the faithful pray!!!
Rev. Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr. 12/17/2015  

Thursday, December 3, 2015

STOP!!! Warning Following may offend some(hateful) Christians!!!

Warning Some (mainly Christians) may not like this post!!!
because I preach Love Towards All n Not Hate but it hurts me when I See others Using Jesus's name to hurt others...
Read on please!!!

Stop calling yourself Christian if you believe in hating other faiths or believe in hating Gay/Lesbian/Trans or believe in hating someone because of their skin or believe in hating those with physical/mental handicaps(Disabilities) because Jesus wanted us to LOVE All!!!
I can understand hatred towards terrorist, extremist Muslims/Islamic, extremist Hindu n extremist Christians, murders, rapist, those that hurt others(the innocent adult n children n animals) but those that you think God hates well guess what He does not need You to hate/hurt/kill them, He will do what He thinks is right, He doesn't need you to hurt any in His Name or His Son's name n in my opinion Those that Use God and/or Jesus or the Bible to justify Hating, Hurting and/or Killing Are Not Followers of Jesus And Are Not Christians at All!!!

"“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.”
John 15:9 NIV

“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.””
John 14:21 NIV

““A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
John 13:34 NIV

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”
John 15:12 NIV

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Well about earlier blog/post...

I wrote an status update on my FaceBook n it really goes to connect post earlier today n my what I wrote in my status update, here it is:

"Good Day Everyone,
hope you are well today,..

Me, well I woke with a super Sun sized headache n still have it after taking aspirins, then tylenols, awhile ago n just took a took a couple tramadols still pounding away in fore-head area of my head...
Think is might be going with my dream earlier n my recent post; my dream was me watching a Buddhist event(not real n think it is totally dreamt up event) now Buddhist is mainly a non-hate type faith(All Faiths has their azzwholes that mess things up Buddhist are lucky not as many as other main stream faiths) ok back to dream there were 3 Buddhist students preforming an event to become the next priest but only 1 was being chosen now, 2 of them were doing everything right n were not concerned who of the 3 would be chosen but 3rd 1 wanted it so much he started doing things to mess up the other 2... I saw this n tryied to stop the 3rd student then dream reset started over but knowing what 3rd student was planning I wheeled in even sooner but dream reset again n again n again till I woke...
Head pounding n had sudden motivation to write the post before this one...
Now that I am thinking of both it seems to me No Matter How Upset I Get Over fellow Christians hating n killing n condemning in Jesus name for the most part there Many Many More Fellow Christian that Love in the name of Jesus like I Do n No matter how upsetting it is to know there are haters/killers/condemners out there I Can Not Stop them there will always be Haters, Killers n Condemners... So like my dream I can try over and over but I sholdn't get so upset that I can't stop them I have to continue to be best me n do my best to Love others like Jesus wants me to do!!! 
WOW n after writing that headache is about gone, granted yes meds are doing their job but so cool start working just as I have clearer idea of my dream..."

~Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr. 11/11/2015

Islam/Muslims hate faith?!? ...what about so called Christian faith?!?

 I find it upsetting that fellow Christians hating Islam/Muslims n saying Islam/Muslims is hate based faith; what about Christians HolyWars, The tortures of Jews ages ago 'convert or die', don't forget killing mainly women for being excused of being a witch, more recent KKK(so called Christians) killing men, women n children; hey what about the Christian based terrorist that bombed an gov office building here in Oklahoma, our recent time?!? Islam/Muslim hate faith??? take a long look in mirror fellow Christians before we condemn any other faith!!!

also is why I prefer to call myself a Jesusian n NOT a Christian, I follow the Love of Jesus not the hate of some so called Christians hating, killing in name of Jesus!!! What Jesus are they following??? Jesus never told us to hate or kill!!! He said Love n that Love your Neighor was the 2nd greatest commandment!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

WOW can really understand...

I can really understand parents pulling children out of schools n do homeschooling, news today about a shooting (think here in Florida) student didn't shoot others but shot himself attempted suicide but is now in hospital... The increase of shootings at schools nation wide on the rise n schools not giving the best/complete education NOT Fault of Teachers but of School Broads n Tax Payers n National Education n what they think is important like ages ago not including black history also making out native America's out as the bad guys when the USA started Stealing the America Lands from the Natives... Granted if we didn't steal/kill to take America we wouldn't be here now but hiding facts n new dangers of the increase in shoots in school n children not learning some many things; I truly see why there are many parents wanting to keep their child home n give them a safer place to learn n learn things the parents want their children to learn... Oh then there are the parents that are scared by the vaccines the states/government/companies are pushing/requiring n I am truly wary of the increase in how many vaccines babies n kids are getting n over 10+ vaccines given to babies 6+months old I am unsure if the vaccines are bad but do believe 10+ vaccines in 1 shot is way tooooo much for a baby all at once I believe should be spread out over a longer period of time...

USA we say we are free but companies have more rights then the people n government can steal your home by IRS or because the state decide they need it for something they feel would be better like a giant condo, shopping mall or big company building...
What is happening to people rights, rights are being taken away by government, companies, big business n our US congress doesn’t listen to their state’s people unless it is an election year if at all... US congress only cares about companies that take them on vacations n give gifts n etc; All politicians even the president ignores the US people... 
Boy can also understand why there are many waiting for the ‘End of Days’!!!

a concerned American. 
Rev. Giovano ‘Koala’ Fusco Jr. 11/10/2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

I recently been noticing a number of people not...

I recently been noticing a number of people not talking with like did before of just not talking or sharing info with me anymore...
These are the same people that loved to hear me talking about the love I have for Jesus...
Since I shared my vision I had after my stroke recently, also since I have also shared dreams/inspirations I have been having, they seem doubtful of me,,, I became ordained as a reverend(I chose to go by title reverend n not pastor so not to be confused with the local church that uses title pastors) so I can do more in my faith n my Heavenly Father - God n His Loving Son, the Christ, my Lord - Jesus Love...
Some one told me maybe if you kept silent n not share my inspirations/dreams those people that have been acting differently around me n not as talkative as before, I said I can't ignore the dreams/inspirations I am given n know they are meant to be shared... Even a talk given a couple years ago at local church says God gives us to share, teach n etc not to feel comfortable but be a bit uncomfortable... 
I also feel it is strange most of these people say they believe in visions n answering of prayers so don't understand why they are shying away from my dreams/visions/inspirations??? 
Yes I could sit in a corner n not talk about my inspirations but that is not what I have been told to do, God n His Son-Jesus what me to do what I an doing now n even more...
I am not to follow a man to be better in my faith, I am to follow Jesus n do as much as I can to be like Him n invite as many as I can to my Heavenly Father's Home...
I feel sorry for those that ignore me n my inspirations from God n His Son-Jesus...
~ Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Friday, October 30, 2015

the difference between some bible trumping Christians n my ministry:

the difference between some bible trumping Christians n my ministry:
Many Christian Sects get up set, bible bash others, unfriend people online/realworld when you don't believe/follow what THEY believe is right...
So, they are judging others, a no no in Christianity!!!
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”
Matthew 7:1 NIV

Me I believe everyone has the right to be loved n be married to their love... 
I believe each has to find n follow their own path to God, Mature Earth, Karma, n etc n We can share each others beliefs without bible bashing, judgement, n arguing!!!
Being a follower of Jesus I want to try to be as much like Him as I can which means I love His n My Heavenly Father-God n I read the bible n do my best at following God's Laws but if you read the bible closer as a Christians many old laws are no longer valid because Jesus for-filled the Law of Moses... I Love the 2nd things Jesus said was very important for us to do which is to love each other...

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.””
Mark 12:29-31 NIV

Now since I started my path I made a number of changes n personal rules, these rules have basis in the bible but I only require me to do them I feel/know I No Right even if I proved them with the bible or not to preach or condemn others for not doing the same...
1 - I will not have sex before marriage n not even the loop hole Pres. Clinton claims...
2 - I also believe Sex is only meant for producing offspring...
  (this is a major change for me I won't go into here but my family n old friends knew my old habits/desires)
3 - I welcome all to follow me to Jesus n His Father's home - by all I mean All Christians, Atheist, Jews, Muslims/Islam, Buddhist, Hindu n etc granted the Atheist might not get in for denying God n Jesus but they might change their mind at their last breath I won't deny them a chance; oh n if a person is Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Bi, Trans or what-ever I am not going to ask or even care about it, I Only care about Sharing God n Jesus Love with Everyone I can, not trying to convert anyone but sharing them a face of love I feel/know from my God n His Wonderful Loving Son - Jesus who paid for my Sins n gave me a Second Chance at Life n a new mission/path in this life!!!
I am Satan's big time enemy n since I want to invite many many different types of people I am denying Satan souls that other might ignore because of sexual life, beliefs or non-beliefs...

I Hate Bible Bashing n won't even try to fight those that try to Bible Bash because I rather cover people with the Loving Robe of Jesus!!!

Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I felt like I need to do more...

I have felt I needed to do more with my faith for a few years, I have asked many leaders if I could do more, the people say "sure We/I will get back to you later about it..." n I waited a couple/few months then asked again n again get "I will get back to you..." I have asked in a few different areas n the same thing happens, nothing!!! 
Then I decided to have my ordaining be document n ordered my ordaining paperwork, so I can marry couples, share my inspirations/insights with others without judgement n share the love I feel from my savior... 
As I got my paperwork in the USPS I saw that a friend is starting another church here in Bradenton, he is a very spiritual man n I asked if I can aid him in starting his new church n he welcomed my help yay... Thing is the computer skills I have he has equal/most likely more then me then my main system went down n still waiting for the part(well got the part but now waiting on replacement part because 1st 1 sent is bad) so only have use of my iPad... I am still hoping I will be of use to him n his church but I also hope to share my ministry with anyone willing or needing it...
I also hope I can help couples get married n misc things like blessing, prayers, blessing homes, blessing new borns, since being bound to my electric wheelchair I don't see a way to baptize but would love to that as well...
I want to help others n luckily I feel my friend will find things I can help to build his church...

I think my insights into the bibles is against others belief in the bible but I can ignore facts like books in bible have been removed after the break between Rome n England ages ago where England wrote an English bible translating into English n excluding a number of books from the Old Testament section I am unsure if New Testament books were also excluded but I know today's bibles are incomplete n may have translating errors n recent count I found there are at least 45 different versions of the bible - which 1 is the most correct I can't say because I can't read the language of old old old bibles so I use NIV it is easy to read n I accept it as a good source God's scriptures, I also use KJV...
I think of the bibles are like old vinyl records great music but over the years a few errors/scratches happen to them but with care still worth listening to... 
I also don't follow any human/teacher/preacher blindly, they give great insights on what they believe a scripture is but I believe I have to pray about what I hear from other teachers/preachers...
I am not a sheep/lamb or a follower of humans, I am a follower of Jesus Love!!! 
I often pray looking up to heaven n some times I lower my head when praying but my eyes are looking up(even with eyelids closed)... There are so many great leaders n they do good things but they n I are human n are not perfect or all knowing...
I could share more about many of today's TV ministers/pastors but I will not not in this post...

I try my best to share my insights/inspirations n my path I am on, I think everyone needs to find their own path n hopefully we are on similar paths... 

I hope to help as much as possible n if those I have offered to help finally decide there is a spot I could help them with I hope I can help them... I won't hold their reluctance against them, if I have the time I still would love to help them!!!
Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr...
Servant of God's Son the Christ, Jesus!!! 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

This was a post I did on Facebook but felt I could also share here!!!

I have been super super depressed this week even Monday I wanted to end it all but prayed n dreamed n came to result No I am here for a reason but why, what I felt I was not being heard(&read) so I have been depressed because I felt ignored...
I know that there are a few people that follow or at least read my inspirations n very grateful for those but as I was laying in bed continuing an 24+ hour prayer n sleep n dreaming had dreams that where senceless but just went back to rest n pray even put on my music to block out notice of my roommates...
I asked Father what am I doing wrong n I was shown the old area where money changers did exchanges for money to temple money with a cut given to the money changes then I was shown churches of today with how they use the tithe they get n even using something once in a sermon so they can write it off their taxes... I was shown how these leaders are living well off n better off using tithe of the people to live as the leaders did that condemned Jesus... Then I was shown my self, I was starting to fell n hope for things I didn't need like my recent posts of computer that where not to costly to others but was amount out of my range so I was hoping to be better off by fellow believers...
I was then ashamed but my head was lifted up n I heard well more like I felt a message "Son you are young n are seeing others lead but are they leading my people to me??? ..." I was told more but it would get many leaders mad... I was then told "I am here to renew your LOVE n Passion for My Son Your Savior the Christ Jesus, once you get up You will have the Love in even more beautiful burning desire to teach/share My Son Jesus Love n Teachings then ever before..." 
I got up from my bed and immediately deleted the posts about getting a new computer the I sat n wrote this; I am sorry for hoping to get others to provide unnecessarily goods like a computer, sorry I was bitter for not getting noticed that I haven't made any updates in a week, I fell n was lifted up again n my fire burns great again for my savior Jesus n the Love of God, thank You God for giving me another opportunity to share Jesus Love for ALL of us, Gay, Straight, Lesbian, Muslim, Hindu, Pagans, etc aka Everyone!!!   

Wish I can share the feeling I am feeling right now, I feel electrified n have a warming in my arms n legs like they want to share the feelings with a touch to others...
Jesus Loves Us All n if You have done wrong/sinned I will not judge or condemn you because that is not my mission mine mission is to share Love to All, we are not meant to judge others we are meant to only judge ourselves... 
...Love Yourself Jesus know we are not prefect n we fail so stop judging other n work on yourself to be a Loving example of Jesus!!!

~ Giovano C. Fusco Jr.
9:35pm - 10/3/2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

For Some Reason I am motivated to do a list of:

Let's start out with a word I hate (exception is with my oldest friend because of our long time relationship I know when he uses it, it's joking) the word is = cripple
  to me it is as offensive to me as the 'N' word is to others...

I am not Gay or Bisexual or even a Transgender - I am straight but I support equal rights for all...

I believe in God, His Son - Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit n believe others have the right to not believe or have different faith...
  Each person has their own path n if they are lost I can/willing to share my path, till they find theirs...
Faiths should be shared n Never Forced on to others...

I don't believe in abortion but being a man I don't think I should a vote in this except if it is my (future) wife think me n her should talk about it but the decision is really her since it is her body...
   abortion should be allowed in cases of rape, incest n if the health of the woman/girl is at risk of other health issues or death... again in a vote I will not vote on either side because as I wrote it is still the woman's body n I have no right to impose my opinion on any woman...

As earlier I stated I am for equal rights for all n Christians/Jewish/Muslims should never impose their faiths on to others; people in the USA should remember our First Amendment (which part of it says we have freedom of religion) that mean we can believe what we want in faiths or even not believe...
   also in the USA we have a separation of Church n State(government) which means the state(government) doesn't mess around with church(s) rules n beliefs but also church is not to mess with state(government) rules/laws...
I believe if two people love each other n want to be married I support them as long as each are of legal age...

I believe America was a great country n could be a great country again if we got rid of long time office sitting officials like Senators n Congressman/woman n jail any official caught excepting bribes/gifts...

I do not take the Flu vaccines since 2005 n don't plan on taking it again in the future, I am wary of the vaccines made for other stuff I believe some vaccines are important but on fence about many others n don't like the multiple vaccines put together in one shot for babies/children if these vaccines are important they should be given a week or two apart from each other to give child's system time to recover from earlier shot... 

I also believe in the right to bear arms aka firearms, a rifle, a shotgun n a handgun these are reasonable to defend your home n family... I am on the fence about rapid firing rifles aka semi-auto/machine guns; if the country falls because of economics or end of days type event like deadly virus or some type of event that starts people killing each other for resources a semi-auto/machine guns would be an important weapon(s) to defend your home n family but then you also should have a bunker/shelter with backup foods, water, n even wine seeing that wine last a long time(wines get better with age they say), toilet paper(lots of it), ammo, spare parts for your weapons, have extra electronics parts n devices, there most likely will not be any internet but computer n spare parts might be useful like ham radio, ATVs, storage tanks for fuel for ATVs... Ok yes I have thought about this issue but if the end of days happens say very soon(I believe the end of days is not going to happen for many many decades) if end of days happens in near future I believe Myself n My Mother won't last long because we have medication needs n we need of power to recharge our wheelchairs not to mention if there is an end of days there go's our income n medical care so we wouldn't last long because we wouldn't have any resources to fall back on but this also why I believe the end of days will not happen any time soon, I think we have over a hundred years at least to go... Need to say backup food in a pantry or in a basement or a shed is a good idea for everyone a organization I use to belong told it's members a 6months to 12months of food n water, soda n etc is a good idea for reasons 1 - end of days, 2 - a sudden hard ship in income, 3 - a disaster by nature/man caused/ a strike of workers (like truckers, farmers), 4 - something unknown at this time...

I see/read about many Christian(n other faiths) arguing about gay/lesbians/etc life, marriage, equal rights this makes no sense to me at all - how does a person being gay/lesbian/etc effect them??? Someone being Gay/Lesbian/etc is none of our business, if you hate Gay/Lesbian/etc Don't Be Gay/Lesbian/etc simple, might not be easy because if you are gay/lesbian/etc n you try to resist it you might become very depressed n you might have other issues n could start hating yourself n even gay/lesbian/etc that love who they are... Ok some people will say anyone that is Gay/Lesbian/etc is sinning n God hates gay/lesbian/etc you might be correct n you might be wrong, but who are we to judge others life??? What happened to Jesus saying "He(she) without Sin can cast the first Stone" out of all the people around the woman sinner there was 1 person there that was without sin (yes Jesus) n He did not throw a stone at the woman; So why are there some many Christian hating n some misguided that hurt/kill gay/lesbian/etc...
I feel saddened that Christian forget Jesus told us to love our neighbors n not to judge them, if their being Gay/Lesbian/etc is a Sin guess what the judge of us - Jesus will tell them if you are truly a Christian don't you believe Jesus knows who to accept n not-to-accept into heaven, He wants us to share His message of Love for everyone n not be judgmental...

I thought I wanted to add more but my inspiration has run dry but might add to this at a future time...

~ Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.
  submitted 9/15/2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

Hello Everyone 9/10/2015

Hello Everyone,
I want to share something with you all, the day before yesterday I couldn't fall a sleep I was up for over 24hours; I finally fell a sleep n earlier today before I woke up I was feeling low/depressed n self doubt n even why should I continue to struggle in this world, there is so much hate, there are so many issues, also I am so lonely n dream was feeling doubt I would ever be in a loving relationship with a woman or have a family of my own so why do I bother to continue???
  ...Luckily, I felt a positive vibe n the vibe could say a presence reassured me I have something beautiful in my near future; no details on what or when but Whatever/Whenever it happens n it will happen that it will be a great blessing n I Will Be Loved by Many(family)... I woke up a bit later n I felt good n happy...

Before my stroke I never felt or heard messages before but the more I pray, more I confess my failings/sins n follow the path that I am on n share it with all that are willing to read/hear it the more dreams/visions messages I receive... Before my stroke if anyone told me they were receiving dreams, visions n messages I would look at them like they lost their marbles but now that I am blessed by these dreams, visions n messages... I am amazed by these dreams, visions n messages but of course I have no way to prove them well one of my earlier dreams gave me a poem/song which when I woke I typed into my computer which amazed then too 1) I am not a peon/song writer 2) How I remembered the whole thing n to write/type it out is so cool... As I said I can't prove these things or prove they are from God or His Son - Jesus but I believe they are true blessings n I know I am meant to share them with everyone willing to read/hear them...

The Main Message/Feelings I am to Share with You All is Jesus want's Us to Love God n do as Jesus did when He did 'Love Everyone n Share n Teach Love to Everyone' this doesn't mean hating/hurting them because they have a relationship You don't like nor does Jesus tell us to condemn anyone; So Put the Stone down n Open Up Our Arms n HUG instead of hating/condemning/hurting others...

I wrote this because I was inspired to n so I can share it with you/others!!!

~ written 11:59pm - 9/10/2015
Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr...

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Hello Everyone...

Hello All,
After my stroke I have gained a deep love for God n Jesus, I had a vision shortly after my stroke about Jesus n the true pain n suffering He suffered n it wasn't done by the Romans; my spiritual growth increase but suffered a set back after I went to Vegas for a week where I fell off the wagon n started drink again but slowly regained my direction in my spiritual belief... I started having more visions n inspirations n insights that I have been sharing in blogs n notes n for a while I was unsure about sharing them because I was unsure if others would believe me... I say/write the above statement because I was kind of conditioned by people around me to think insight, inspirations n vision was nutty n I also never believed in them so when I started to having them I was sure if I shared them others would think I was truly crazy or I was making it up which I am not doing!!! 
   Now I do share my dreams, insights, inspirations n visions I am feeling that people are not believing me as I was worried about...
I also some times see looks in people I try to talk to n share my visions, inpiration n etc these looks I have seen from a few n felt from a number of others of disbelief which is upsetting but can't make people believe me n really is their loss for not being open to my dreams, insights, inspirations n visions... I also have seen many judging me because I am a fat, a male n have weird looks that I must be a guy that is into staring at beautiful women, maybe even think I lust after those type of women n also have impure thoughts about women; Well if they knew me before my stroke they would be correct but after my stroke my desires changed I don't believe in sex unless I am married n only for creation of a baby by the blessing of God... 
    I could be wrong but the reactions n looks I have seen in many people's eyes like they are thinking I am crazy or I am lying; it is so upsetting for me I am on a mission to share the Love I feel from Jesus n the desire to share it with others...
    Maybe people don't think a weird guy like me can be getting messages, dreams n visions or do they think a person needs to know the bible cover to cover to be given such vision, dreams n inspiration but is it true that the Mattrew, Mark, Luke n others on a different path in life before Jesus gathered them n transformed from their other lives to be teachers of Jesus's messages???
Did these men carry the Torah schools with them everywhere they went??? Did all of them know how to read??? Unsure, reading was primarily meant for the rabbis n not for the common man who were busy in their work/jobs... Research says the books of Mattrew, Mark, Luke, n John were not written till many many years after they died the scriptures/stories were passed along by word of month from Mark, Mattrew, Luke, John n etc to others to share n spread to more n more people n finally after many many many years the scripture/stories were finally written... 
    My dreams, Insights, inspiration n visions are coming to me n I am directed to share them with others n am saddened that some disbelieve me about them, my friends that don't believe in a God let alone Jesus I understand them not believing in my dreams, vision n etc which is totally understandable but when fellow Christians doubt me or don't even try to consider my dreams, visions n inspirations are from God or Jesus or they give the look like "yeah, sure I believe you, not..." maybe I should pray n ask God to suddenly heal my body so I can jump up n walk to get fellow Christians to believe me??? 
    My insights, I inspirations, dreams n visions are meant for me to share with everyone n I guess I have to resign myself there are Christians that won't believe in my dreams, insights, inspirations n visions n even Christian friends that won't believe either, so sad...

Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Attention fellow followers of Jesus:

History has shown when a nation is at war n battles on too many fronts they have a greater chance of being unable to win;
I say this because Christians are fighting on too many fronts:
 1) the Lesbian/Gay front
 2) the front to save unborn children
    2a) by condemning women that decide to not to have the unborn child
    2b) by condemning or even hurting doctors/nurses that help women in her choice
 3) the front:
    3a) belief that all Muslims want to kill everyone that are not Muslim
    3b) all Muslims are terrorist
 4) the front of non-believers of God/Jesus trying to take away all signs of religion from everywhere 
 5) then the front of thinking other Christians are completely incorrect in how they are following Christ
 6) the front that everyone not believing the same as them are dammed
 7) the front of fighting scientist about evolution vs creationism 
 8) the front that believe the bible is 100% prefect 

n there could be others since groups form over the many issues n beliefs n they get very upset when others don't believe the same way...

 I wonder why Christians get So Upset over these many fronts when Jesus told His followers to Love Everyone n The Way You Judge Others Jesus Will Judge You...
So, if you judge/condemn others are you not judging/condemning yourself as well???

My advice is love your neighbors without judgement, share Jesus's Love n His teaching but don't get upset if your neighbor doesn't want to follow Jesus; Jesus wants us to share His Love n Teachings but not to force others to believe in Him or to hate those that don't follow Him n His teachings!!!

~ Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

"This above All: to thine own self be true," - William Shakespeare

"This above All: to thine own self be true," - William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
I believe each person has to be true to themselves; I think/believe that everyone needs to follow their own paths, I also believe that humans have done many things to this planet n the development to the human race so, I think being Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans, Straight n etc is a result of the effects on the planet n the human being development... I believe we can't judge/condemn people for being themselves because we have no idea how mankind has effected the development of the human race...
Don't be ashamed of being true to yourself... If you truly feel that being Gay, Lesbian n etc is wrong fine then try to resist being Gay, Lesbian n etc... Being Gay, Lesbian n etc Is Not a Choice you might be able to resist being yourself I just hope you are able to be happy with yourself!!! 
Many religions may judge/condemn your life but Be True to Yourself be happy with who you are, the only judges to your life is Jesus n His Father - God so, pray to them often, read the Bible often n remember to be true to yourself n be a good person n treat others the way you want others to treat you...

Ok, some might think I support pro-gay/lesbian a lot am I hiding my own wants in my life;
No!!! I do have a few friends that are gay/lesbian n a couple I think are resisting their true self n I want them all to be happy with themselves n with the partner they are with or the partner that comes in their future... After my stroke in 4/2008 n surviving deep deep depression over an ex-girlfriend n wanting to die n nearly did with the stroke n I a woke after the stroke loving life n felt that I had a mission to share God, Jesus n Holy Ghost/Spirit n I noticed that there was many fellow Christians that hated, condemned those that are Gay/Lesbian/etc n I felt that I had to share the Love I feel from God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit... I felt I had a mission to share this Love with everyone, even to those others hated/condemn n felt like I have to go where others don't want to go Jesus went to a sinner/tax-collector's home n many fellow Jewish-people/followers were shocked by Jesus going to the sinner/tax-collector's home n Jesus basically told them He was there not to call the righteous but to call the sinner's to know His Father; n I feel I am here to call those others hate/condemn to God by following Jesus's teachings, Love n the Path He want's us to follow to be happy with each other n Love God!!!

I had a person condemn me for being welcoming to Gay/Lesbian/etc n saying I will not judge the life of any Gay/Lesbian/etc because that isn't my job, my job is to support Love n if any two people want to be married I support their desire to marry n if I preform a marriage I will ask God n Jesus to bless the marriage n feel if it is wrong for a couple to be married God n Jesus will judge them later after this life...
Love n Happiness is my goal for all of God's children without judgement or condemning anyone for Loving another person!!!
The same person that condemn me I was totally incorrect in my support of any couple loving each n getting married, hey they could be right but from my knowledge n inspirations I feel I am following Jesus path to support love n share God n Jesus Love n I know I will be judge by what I do n teach so I feel good in my current path of Love to All!!!

So, Love yourself, be true to yourself n Love others as God n Jesus Loves Us!!!
HUGs to us all We are All Loved by God, Jesus n Holy Ghost/Spirit...

~ Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr. - 8/22/2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

A vision I had shortly after my serious stroke...

A vision I had shortly after my serious stroke...  

After my stroke I a woke with a strong love of Jesus n a vision I have been wanting to share with others but doubted others would believe me or the vision; it is time for me to write it down n share with people...

Think most people know the tortures that Jesus had done to Him by the Roman soldiers; such torturing things were inhuman n would kill many other people... but...
Jesus was taking all the sins of the world from His current time to old-past times n all the future sins of every human being till the end of days... The vision enlighten me that no human being could inflict that amount of pain on anyone let alone Jesus, humans don't have that much power so my vision shows me the scope of pain Jesus received n where n how He got it n how He was able to suffer such pain.. 

My vision starts with the Romans getting Jesus set to be whipped as the Roman soldiers started to whip Jesus my vision split screened itself showing 2 scenes 1 was Jesus being tortured by the Roman soldiers the other scene was Jesus being tortured by satan n his demons... The vision was showing Jesus tortures were linked n sync so Jesus reactions seemed correct to the Roman soldiers but really the tortures was beyond anything the Romans could ever do... Jesus tortures by satan n his demons also included visions of all the evils men/women have done, did n are doing n what they are going to do... Also the crimes/abuses done to children, women, animals n men the heart breaking abuses done by other people... The injustices done to others like sickness, diseases n cancer n etc... So vision I was seeing was so upsetting to myself n I could hardly believe the amount of pain, sadness n etc that Jesus was totally going though it made the tortures done by the Romans a relief to Jesus; the Romans caused pain to Jesus body but satan did so much more to Jesus Soul so when Jesus was finally on the Cross He was back in the moment n was able to say "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34) He wasn't talking about the Romans, Jesus was talking to His Father about Us/Everyone on Earth!!!

So I saw the greater price Jesus paid/suffered for us n it is unmeasurable n is why I Love Jesus n know I was part of the pain He suffered n paid for me n is why I get upset at people that use Jesus name to justify hate n harm to others; Jesus didn't pay this price to give people the ok to hurt others, Jesus paid for our sins because He Loves n wants us to be back with our Father(God) in Heaven when we die...

I can't prove what I saw, but come on those of us that believe in Jesus do you really think any amount of Roman soldiers could inflict the amount of pain/suffering to equal the sins from beginning of time to the end of time by every human??? 

I resisted sharing this vision with others(I have shared with a select few) because it is so profound detailed even more then I could write the vision was over whelming n felt many wouldn't believe me...
...I want to write more n try to explain more of my vision but my brain n heart just can't, I can't put any more into words N what I feel about this is so upsetting, sad n the Love I feel from Jesus is also unmeasurable n can't be explained...

Because of this vision n surviving my stroke n how much I recovered from the damage of my stroke beyond what the doctor said I could ever be able to do n then feeling I had a direction/mission but it took time to be shown to me n being ordained was a big part of it, n doing my ministry is just another step in my mission(s) but my main thing is to share the Love I feel from Jesus with Everyone no matter faiths, non-faithful, lost souls, seekers, or choice in life partners n etc EVERYONE!!!

with His(Jesus) n my Love I share this with You All...
Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.
~ August 6th, 2015 (vision happened in 4/2008)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Bruce - Caitlyn Jenner ok by me...

I know most of us have heard/seen the news about Bruce Jenner​ now known as Caitlyn Jenner​ that he has being a woman now, I am unsure if she completed the transformation to being 90%+/- well being older than myself she is really past the time of baring a child so the 10%-/+ really doesn't matter at her age so can think of her as a complete woman I guess...

Some might think it is wrong for Bruce becoming  a female 'Caitlyn Jenner' but who are others judge her wanting to be what she wanted to be for ages...
I know many may pull out bibles n quote verses to support it being wrong but my view I believe we have to each be true to one's self... How men have polluted the world 100's of years n misc stuff changing people from drugs(legal Rx) n ever changing environment by natural/nature n men's pollutions of this planet so can we really say foreshore it hasn't effected the development of humans n mixing up some humans DNA causing issues like cancer, the mix up of the x/y genes n creating/causing new disorders n deceases n etc...

I think a person needs to be themselves no matter what others think it is our life it is that person's life n when they die: for non-heaven/God believes it no big deal if a guy/girl is gay/lesbian or transgender etc n for those that believe in Heaven/God it should only concern the person that is gay/lesbian, transgender n etc n they will be judged by God/Jesus n not other humans...
I get surprised n upset when I hear/see religious people getting so upset at gay/lesbian, transgender n etc it upsets me because how is someone being gay/lesbian, transgender n etc harming the religious people???

When I first heard about  Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn Jenner I thought it was a joke or a trick to get more ratings for the the show about his step daughters, wife n his daughters n was taken back when I resized it was true because I grew up knowing Bruce Jenner on a cereal box n on TV show 'CHiPs' but  if this change feels right I support Caitlyn Jenner n wish her a good/happy life it will be hard to think of her as anything other than what she was...

Caitlyn Jenner I applaud U for your courage to 'be True to Thy Self'...

HUGs Caitlyn Jenner,
Yes if she was here I would HUG her as my muse would want me to do is to show love to all which includes Caitlyn Jenner n others like her...

Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.​

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tree of Knowledge...

Hello to You All;

I feel I have a strong faith in God, His Son - Jesus, n the Holy Ghost/Spirit n really love my faith in them...
I believe that the Bible was once greatly inspired by God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit but I believe that today's Bible has gone though too many translation till it got to be available in modern English with translation some times words n sentences can be changed slightly because the translator could use the same wording a common error in translating n also grammar can also be a factor (yeah grammar police worry about online grammar errors it pales to errors in the old worlds) in translations so I believe current bibles can't be 100% prefect let a lone it was translated by Men/Humans (Men) who where imperfect n had to deal Men being the top dog n didn't want to changed that, heck the Catholic's are slowly changing that in their order now n how long only were men allowed to be priest??? Then there is more books in a Catholic Bible then in the King James version, Why??? I thinking to lessened some things King James(or the men that worked on the King James version) n the there is a Geek Bible that has even more books why, why don't we have a complete works of Bible books because men!!!
So, I believe in the Bible but with a grain of salt because I know men had hand in how it is now...

I also know that Adam ate from the tree of knowledge so I can not ignore facts about what men have done to the Bible n know there are errors n missing parts to the Bible but believe it is good source to the stories, history n laws from past people/leaders n of course of God, Jesus n Holy Ghost/Spirit but know it isn't a good example is there are sooooo many different version of the King James Bible sample NIV, ASV, NLT, GoodBook n so on which is more correct???

So I read NIV version with a grain of salt because I believe it is imperfect n unless I learn ancient Arabic or ancient Hebrew I can't know how far off current version are but...
what I use is better than nothing!!!

I also feel that need to find our own path in faith n not follow a leader blindly, we should know the history (as truthful as we can find it n not from 1 source but from many) of the Bible, history of man, n compare life from the simple lives in the past to the current lives n watch how life grows from now to the future... Knowing that we have brains we need to use them... I am critical of the King James Bible but it was a great thing for us because it allowed us to learn most of the scriptures (that we had access to) on our own n chose our path in our faith... 
Ok my mind n inspiration on writing this have stopped so I will finish up by saying...
These are just my opinions...

submitted by,
Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Hello All,

Hello All,
Hope Everyone is doing well/better, HUGs!!!
I am doing my status update today from my reverend page n here is why:
I wanted to write something special today but had no inspirations, I thought I wanted to write something that wasn't about love or gays/lesbians n make it clear I am not pro-gay/lesbian life nor am I anti-gay/lesbian I am pro being your true self but wanted to write something about respect of each other; I kept drawing a blank because I wasn't inspired to do this so I was bummed about not having an idea what to write so I went on to make some english muffins...
I transferred to my command area to sit eat n watch TV n update here when suddenly...
A light went on above my head, Dude respect is loving your neighbor n I share a lot about loving our neighbor...
I also realize I share love of every religion/faith(n non-faithed) n I believe we all have to be true to ourselves n way God created us n I feel if we like tattoos n piercings it is ok to customize ourselves even though some over do it like having a doctor give giant implants that are well I think you know want I mean a tuck here a way to help U be of a healthier size n etc ok... I also believe if U fall in love with someone that is a great blessing n you should be happy about it no matter what others believe n try to use the Bible to condemn your love, I love the Bible n feel we have to each read it n do what we believe is right for each of us n We have No Right to Dictate Our Beliefs on others, we can share what we believe n if someone doesn't believe the same fine we shouldn't judge them... We are only able to control our own life n in no way do we have the right to control other peoples life n come on we (USA) believe in freedom of religions life liberty n pursuit of happiness so why would you support in resisting others life, if we do that we open the gates to resisting our own lives n that can be seen happening right now...

So I am not pro-gay/lesbian n I am not anti-gay/lesbian I am Super Pro-Love of All...
I believe we should find our own path in our faiths n be true to it but do not try to force our beliefs on to others...
Share but Do Not Condemn!!!
Love n HUGs!!!   
` Rev. Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr...
see I had no inspiration earlier but after making english muffins I wrote this where it come from not me I was drawing a blank n I don't really write things this long without inspiration...
Love n HUGs to U all!!!  

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

U Believe...

U believe other Faiths are False,
U believe being Gay/Lesbian is immoral,
Ok Cool;
Then Don't Be Gay/Lesbian,
Don't Follow other Faiths, Ok!!!

but, but, but;

Do Not Condemn Others for
Being Gay/Lesbian or
for Following Their Faiths...

Judging Others Faiths or 
Their Choice of Partner
is None of Our Concern!!!
Judging Someone's for Their Faith
or Their Choice in Partners 
is Only Jesus Job,
He is the Only One Who Paid
for Our Sins So, He is the only
One that has the Right to Judge!!!

Our Job is to Bring
Peace & Love
to the World by 
Loving Everyone!!!

Hello my fellow cool, beautiful n fun friends n family,

have been doing things to help me having a good mind set, been removing distractions n been buckling down on my direction on my spiritual path...
1) I believe I have a purpose to Share Love, Joy, Happiness, Smiles n lots of HUGs!!!
2) I travel a long the side of my fellow friends n family that believe in Jesus...
3) I follow the path of Jesus but I do not follow others blindly, I have my own insights n beliefs n know that others are not open too all of my beliefs n insights which is ok...
4) I like the bible but because it has been translated many times n believe during those translations some errors may have happened, n since the Old Testament are based on Torah(Jewish Scriptures) but the Old Testament doesn't have the complete Torah so it is incomplete...
5) in Genesis it says God said "let there be light" n then it says God created Earth then the Sun n etc n so on, well sorry Earth was not created 1st at all; the universe was created after the Big Bang (let there be light) then galaxies n Suns n many smaller things like comets, asteroids n planets n etc so on... So a little error in Genesis showing the bible is written by man but inspired by God...  
6) I believe the bible is a good book with many things we can help us be better people but I use/read it with a grain of salt because I know imperfect humans/Men have assembled it so any thing made by man is imperfect...
7) I will never blindly agree/follow humans in their words/beliefs, I have to stay true to my insights n beliefs which,
 I believe in God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit n I want to share the Love I feel from God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit with any/all willing to hear/read my insights/inspirations n know I will not judge/condemn others for their beliefs or choice in partners...
(might have more on this later on...)
HUGs to U all!!!
Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr...

Hello n Thanks for reading this:

want to share the Love n Joy of Jesus, I became ordained a while ago then chose to use the title 'Reverend' Because the other two churches I attend n assist with use the titles of 'Pastor' n not the title 'Reverend'... When I share My Insights/inspirations n teachings with others I am doing this in my own ministry n not from other churches... 
I promote Love between all people n all faiths n non-faiths n know some disagree with some people n faiths n non-faith people but the people that some Christian think are totally damned are exactly who I want to know n share the Love I feel from Jesus...
As Jesus said ages ages ago 'Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:31-32 NIV)' n I am not calling any of the people I Share, Love n Teach with a sinner because it is only between them n Jesus So, if I don't try to share with them the Love n Teachings I know He has for me then I am sinning for not trying... I am not a judge of any bodies life again that is between them n Jesus n not myself... Yes I support any adults wanting to get married because I support love n if two people want to marry great I will even preform the marriage for any couple that wants to marry, it is up to God/Jesus to approve the marriage, I can ask God/Jesus to please bless the marriage but I won't tell God/Jesus to do it I can only ask God/Jesus to bless the couple/marriage...
I believe in Love of all, I am not the judge of anyone's life non do I want to be anyone's judge!!! 
I use to be like many other Christian's that disapprove of some n so did I But after my life changing stroke I felt I needed to share the Love I feel for Jesus n share the Love I feel He has for me n know that I need to share that Love with with everyone even more that others hate or disapprove of...
I believe a faithful follower of Jesus needs to share His Love n Teachings with all without any judgement of them n since, judging anyone is His Job, He paid for everyone's sins so only He has the right to judge anyone as He also said ages ages ago 'When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7 NIV)'...
So, I am here with open arms for everyone of all faiths, non-faithful n even those that others condemn because how they love their partners...
Love n HUGs!!!
~Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr...

A while ago I wrote this...

The other nite I emailed a friend about what is going with my ministry n started writing some about what I believe in regards to the topic of sex...
Sex is a sensitive topic for many n is what I think that gets many Christians upset with the Gay/Lesbian/Trans n unmarried people; my views on sex are very strict but are my own beliefs now my old life I was very active in having sex but my stroke changed my whole life including my views on many things I use to do before but Do Not Do Now...
I believe what happens in a person(s) sexual life is between them n there partner n God(God, Jesus n Holy Ghost) n has NOTHING to do with me n my person beliefs on the subject of sex is really strict n many would think it is toooo strict but is my personal belief n I Do Not think or believe it is right for others but is what I feel is right for me...
So, seeing I don't worry what a person(s) do in their sexual lives n that I Only want to share the Love I have for God, Jesus, n the Holy Ghost/Spirit n the Love God, Jesus, n Holy Ghost/Spirit have for me; I believe it is my mission the share the teachings n love Jesus taught n has for all of us...
Okay some may say well being Gay/Lesbian/Trans is a sin in the eyes of God n those that are Gay/Lesbian/Trans are damned to hell; I Say Who are We to Judge anyone that is Gay/Lesbian/Trans??? Well it is written in the Bible that it is a big sin!!! Well, I know ten things that are written in stone by GOD that many of the world do regularly like Steal, Lie, Desire others partner or stuff, n even cheat on their own partner SO, who are we to judge anyone on where their soul is going after they die???

1) Honor God n what He wants us to do!!!
2) Love thy neighbor(everyone all faiths, all color of skin, all sexes, n everyone) all over this Planet!!!

Share the teachings with anyone n let them decide what is right for them n don't condemn them if they do not accept what you think they should be doing...
Live Your Life in the Best Way You Can n Be a Good Example of What You Believe God, Jesus, n the Holy Ghost/Spirit Want You to Do n By Doing Your Best at Living the Life the Way You Believe God, Jesus, n the Holy Ghost/Spirit Want You to You Will Be Blessed; by Judging Others Life You Could Harm the Why You Will Be Judged by Jesus, Try As Hard As Possible to Not Judge Others Life n Just Accept Them for Them n Not By Their Skin Color, Their Faiths(or non-faith), Sexual Life, n So On!!!
oh Wait 
~ Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Why oh Why???

Why is it that there are so many Christians that feel it is their jobs to judge others???
Judging others is not our duties or right!!!!
Our Sole Job is to Love others as He Loves US!!!

On the topic of Gays/Lesbians yes the Bible does say it is wrong but the bible also says sex is for married couples to have children so, by the bible, sex is not for when ever U want to have fun but only for married people wanting a family... So Sex outside of marriage is wrong as well...
Masturbation is also a not allowed along with oral sex but how many of those that worry if gay/lesbian are having sex are doing things the bible says they are not allow to do???

Again I say Let Gay/Lesbian be they are not in any way harming you, it is Jesus job to judge the acts of all including Gay/Lesbian n even the non-perfect straight people that do sinful acts as well...
Do Not Worry About a Person Being Gay/Lesbian; Worry about your life n soul n Don't Judge others life based on your beliefs you are imperfect n could be very wrong in your judgements...
As I said before if you think being Gay/Lesbian is a sin then don't be Gay/Lesbian, think the Gay/Lesbian community wouldn't mind U not being with them...

Jesus told us not to Judge, That He will do that...
I am not saying hey join up to the Gay/Lesbian life it is a hoot of fun, I don't understand their desires at all but I believe Jesus wants me to Love All including Gays/Lesbians/etc...

I am trying to open the door to the Love of Jesus that Jesus has shown me n wants me to share with everyone including Gays/Lesbians n to do so without judging/condemning any!!!

Is it a false teaching to share His Love???
Is it a false teaching to share His teachings???
Is a false teaching to invite everyone???
Is it false teaching to welcome all with open arms n hearts???
Is it false teaching to not to condemn???
'But when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her" John 8:7

Why are so many worried about others salvation when they are putting their own in danger(by judging n condemning others)???

Share His Teachings, His Love n Be a Good Example of His Love n Teachings!!!
What is so hard about that??? Why do so many Jesus's followers feel the need to condemn others, judge others for not believing as they do???

Are Christians afraid the wrong people will enter heaven??? I believe Jesus knows who He will let into heaven, n Our job is to invite everyone to come so everyone has the chance to enter n by condemning/judging who we think is worthy we are limiting others chances to enter n also risking our own entrance into heaven by doing so!!!

We that say we are followers of Jesus have to stop judging/condemn n start HUGging Everyone!!!

Rev. Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...