Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Bruce - Caitlyn Jenner ok by me...

I know most of us have heard/seen the news about Bruce Jenner​ now known as Caitlyn Jenner​ that he has being a woman now, I am unsure if she completed the transformation to being 90%+/- well being older than myself she is really past the time of baring a child so the 10%-/+ really doesn't matter at her age so can think of her as a complete woman I guess...

Some might think it is wrong for Bruce becoming  a female 'Caitlyn Jenner' but who are others judge her wanting to be what she wanted to be for ages...
I know many may pull out bibles n quote verses to support it being wrong but my view I believe we have to each be true to one's self... How men have polluted the world 100's of years n misc stuff changing people from drugs(legal Rx) n ever changing environment by natural/nature n men's pollutions of this planet so can we really say foreshore it hasn't effected the development of humans n mixing up some humans DNA causing issues like cancer, the mix up of the x/y genes n creating/causing new disorders n deceases n etc...

I think a person needs to be themselves no matter what others think it is our life it is that person's life n when they die: for non-heaven/God believes it no big deal if a guy/girl is gay/lesbian or transgender etc n for those that believe in Heaven/God it should only concern the person that is gay/lesbian, transgender n etc n they will be judged by God/Jesus n not other humans...
I get surprised n upset when I hear/see religious people getting so upset at gay/lesbian, transgender n etc it upsets me because how is someone being gay/lesbian, transgender n etc harming the religious people???

When I first heard about  Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn Jenner I thought it was a joke or a trick to get more ratings for the the show about his step daughters, wife n his daughters n was taken back when I resized it was true because I grew up knowing Bruce Jenner on a cereal box n on TV show 'CHiPs' but  if this change feels right I support Caitlyn Jenner n wish her a good/happy life it will be hard to think of her as anything other than what she was...

Caitlyn Jenner I applaud U for your courage to 'be True to Thy Self'...

HUGs Caitlyn Jenner,
Yes if she was here I would HUG her as my muse would want me to do is to show love to all which includes Caitlyn Jenner n others like her...

Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.​

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