While I was making my coffee was thinking about something about an interaction I had with someone, they were talking about a thing they wanted to do n likely I just responded by by wishing them luck with it... Afterwards I started thinking 'No Way that Will Happen' n that came back to my mind I think because 1 we often think n then tell other adults that a thing they want to do is unrealistic But, who are we to say that... Telling someone jumping off a cliff holding the 4 ends of a sheet that they shouldn't do that because either the sheet will rip or they will loose hold n that really it is super super chance they have a 99.999% chance of dieing n do not even think about; yes tell a person a goal like that one is unrealistic But other goals that don't involve big chance of death or them getting hurt or them hurting others should be left alone if U can't see them becoming or reaching their goals/dreams that might be to be rich, a movie star, a singer n so on we should not discourage others dream because those are their goals n dreams n let them reach for them we could be greatly surprised n if we helped them believe in their goals/dreams we might be even greatly rewarded by that in knowing we was one that kept a positive outlook on goals/dreams n we shared that outlook!!!
Never say U can't do it!!! unless they say they can catch a bullet with their teeth from a firing gun yes stop them but if they say they are going to get all nations to be peaceful to each other; help them with that goal/dream!!!
Mind thinking n weird not in a dream this time, Cool!!!
submitted by Giovano 'Koala' 1/26/2015
This blog has changed to support my Fb page: https://www.facebook.com/Reverend.Koala Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
Monday, January 26, 2015
Friday, January 23, 2015
Thinking Again... :-D
Thinking Again... :-D
Something We Should do n share with others n even with kids:
When we are doing something a project, homework, working on a model, working on a movie, writing a report, write a story or book, repair a car or a computer and we can't figure what to next, writers block, ran out ideas, think we have tried everything we should stop(not give up) take a break, take a nap, go to bed, have a cup of Tea/Coffee, listen to some relaxing music or take a walk n etc then return n be surprised that we might figure out a way to do the project that was giving us such a hard time, this is something I wish my father would have taught that to me but because he was trying his best to help is disabled child n thought if it was hard for me I should just give up on it... I have learned late in life but finally know it, not give up but take a break n try again with refreshed mind n body of p.s. Taking a shower or bath or swim could also relax your brain n body to help give U a better view on your project..
When we push ourselves or kids too hard to do the project we give up on it all together, parents want their kids to better then themselves but over pushing them might not be that good; but if we teach ourselves n children take a break/nap then start again n I think/believe we will be happy with the results n kids might continue where they might have finally got too mad at the project or mad at those pushing too hard; yes we need to encourage continuing on the project n pushing can sometimes be a bit too much or harsh, give ourselves/them a break then we/they can come back see something we didn't before n be super happy that we didn't give it up n glad there was someone there to encourage us in the project n taking that break n not quitting all together on it...
Just my Advise to myself n hopefully a helpful idea for others...
from Giovano 'Koala' :-)
Thursday, January 8, 2015
this was meant as a status update on my FaceBook but wanted share with more...
Good Afternoon Everyone...
I am just getting up, just took my BP meds n a muscle relaxer n I am sluggish so far nothing is hurting just body making cracking noises 'snap, crackle n pop' nope not the cereal the body :-) but as I said not hurting n slowly allowing me to move it is like an old old car(never restored) in the middle of a freezing morning still runs but slow to start n it make a lot of noises from engine to the body but luckily the heater still works :-D if I had the money I would have some body work done on it get a few dents fixed put a new shocks in so it doesn't look like it's dragging it's body around... If there was the tech available would keep the engine(heart/brain) n replace the body n tires a nice lean Dodge Charger body sporty n cool but usable... :-)
Hope U are all doing well/better, I know there are days worst than others but keep up the fight n with a smile it confuses the heck out of life n others when life beats U up n U are still smiling, remember be like Rocky when Life beats us up/down smile get back up and say that all U got, life this is my life n I will WIN IT not U that think U can defeat me U Can't Defeat A Champion Like Me!!! Well in my case life can't figure out where to hit next because I have no clue what I am do myself well not totally I know I am loving my life n want to help others/U love your life as well it is hard for You I know but Your Life is Special if U don't think so I think So n stop all negative thinking it draws more negatives into your life ignore or wash away the negatives; Always look at the positives, plan for the positives, know the positives n welcome all the positives!!!
I am just getting up, just took my BP meds n a muscle relaxer n I am sluggish so far nothing is hurting just body making cracking noises 'snap, crackle n pop' nope not the cereal the body :-) but as I said not hurting n slowly allowing me to move it is like an old old car(never restored) in the middle of a freezing morning still runs but slow to start n it make a lot of noises from engine to the body but luckily the heater still works :-D if I had the money I would have some body work done on it get a few dents fixed put a new shocks in so it doesn't look like it's dragging it's body around... If there was the tech available would keep the engine(heart/brain) n replace the body n tires a nice lean Dodge Charger body sporty n cool but usable... :-)
Hope U are all doing well/better, I know there are days worst than others but keep up the fight n with a smile it confuses the heck out of life n others when life beats U up n U are still smiling, remember be like Rocky when Life beats us up/down smile get back up and say that all U got, life this is my life n I will WIN IT not U that think U can defeat me U Can't Defeat A Champion Like Me!!! Well in my case life can't figure out where to hit next because I have no clue what I am do myself well not totally I know I am loving my life n want to help others/U love your life as well it is hard for You I know but Your Life is Special if U don't think so I think So n stop all negative thinking it draws more negatives into your life ignore or wash away the negatives; Always look at the positives, plan for the positives, know the positives n welcome all the positives!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Hello everyone I want to share a little info about addictions, I am a ever recovering alcoholic, I have times I really want a drink n even something in me says 'oh come on just one drink no one will know' but that is false I will know, God will know n really I can't really just have one drink, when I have a drink the warming feeling the booze gives me is so warm n gives a feeling that is hard to describe kind of like coming in from the cold having a blanket to wrap around you n a hot cup coco warming your insides n relaxing... The feeling doesn't last long so need to keep having more to keep that feeling but more U drink you lose so much abilities like yourself control, your reason, but once your drunk you lose the care about almost any thing accept for the next drink...
My addiction is/was only booze but dating two girls that had addictions to both drugs n booze I saw the same effects of their addictions to my addiction to booze but also saw these girls doing things to get money to buy booze or drugs that wasn't healthy or safe n people say well that would never happen to me, my family members sorry but once an addiction has a hold on a person that person will do things they never thought they would ever do...
When I was younger I drank beer here n there no biggy n swore I would Never Ever Drink n Drive n my 20's to my mid 30's I kept to my word I didn't drink n drive I waited an hour per drink I had before I drove or called for a ride home... Once I began being very depressed I started drinking heavily n in my later 30's I became a drunk started even selling stuff at my apartment so I could buy more booze... I think the only thing that prevented me from doing drugs that my ex-GF/Wife were willing to share with me was I was afraid of 1 it being illegal n booze was legal n easy to get when I had money n 2 since my dad died of heart troubles n my half brother also had a heart attack a long while ago n seeing I knew my weight put stress on my heart already n knew drugs would cause so much stress on the heart it most likely would kill me... 3 I like the taste of booze, how my GF would snort their drugs luckily I never saw them shoot up the drugs with a needle but had a former friend (brother of ex-GF) shoot up in my bathroom which after I found out he did I kicked him out of my apartment...
Some people that are alcoholic don't think they should be in the same group as drug addicts but booze is just as dangerous as other drugs the only difference is yes it is legal to buy booze n drugs are illegal but some drug addicts start doing drugs legally like being prescribed pain killers n start taking them more often then the doctor told them to do then trying to get something stronger n so on... The body is weird because booze n drugs start to slowly losing the feelings they had before so to keep the feelings we do more n more n pass out if lucky some die...
I see no difference between an alcoholic or a drug addict we are killing ourselves for a feeling like a calming warmth, a rush of energy, some feel like they are in a whole new world...
Those of us that have addiction always say 'You don't understand my problems...' Which is kind of true, the underlining issue that might have help start us being addicted to booze/drugs is different from person to person we don't know the whole story of each addict, me was depression, n a new stomach surgery that started me addiction to booze n I think depression is most likely the biggest issue that drinks many to booze or drugs some cause by abuse, loneliness, n etc...
So when U see a drunk, an addict Do Not Judge them because U Do Not Have the Right to Judge them U don't understand the things that got them to where they are...
I learned I Can Not Rescue anyone from their addictions, they need to want to be help n then the only U/I can do is help them get the trained help they need...
You n I can be there to give them strength to not fall back into their addiction, by having a coffee with them n listen to them or lend a shoulder to cry on or if they are in any danger of relapse we can try to get them professional help but being friend is the best thing... Some times being a friend to a recovering addict can be hard because U might have no clue what to do which is ok U are not prefect know when to lend that shoulder to cry on but know when to tell your friend to get help n also know when U need to walk away, it is a hard thing to do if U really care but some times it is the only thing U can do or you may get hurt by the addict...
I am not the drunk I was but I still struggle with the issue of booze, when I see a drink on TV being poured I can kind of taste it n feel a little bit of the warmth of drinking n parts of me thinks about drinking but luckily my stroke n church helped me find other things to think about which helps me stay sober I have fallen n have drank a number of times but over the last 5 or so years have done very well staying sober with a few relapses so I know I will always struggle with it n I have to stay focused on being sober n positive...
I share this so others know they are not alone, n to let those that don't understand addiction n think addicts are bums n so on that booze n drug addicts have a story/cause that became out of control so don't be quick to judge a drunk/addict because it could happen to someone close to you or could happen to you which I hope never happens...
Thanks for reading n hope this helps someone...
Former Drunk ever recovering alcoholic,
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr. 1/7/2015
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
For some reason was thinking about celebrities
For some reason was thinking about celebrities some may not be as well know as others but they are still equal in my eyes of being deserving respect n privacy...
Some celebs are very cool n other are tired of the fans n media in their faces 24/7 n then U have celebs that think they are kings/queens...
When a person finally able to be in a TV show, play, movies, headline as a comic, or they or their band finally makes it in the music business n etc they had to struggle to get there n may still be struggling to be more so they deserve their fans respect n those fans should also give them space to be a normal person n have a normal family... Being a celeb doesn't give fans the right to bug them or disturb them, when they are a convention they are giving of themselves(for a fee sometimes) to be with the fans But When You see a Celeb at a store, diner n etc they are not there to be disturbed by fans they are doing normal stuff like we do like going to stores to get food for their home not to be bugged for a photo or autograph..
People need to remember that celebs are people just like we are n they struggled to be where they are n struggle for where they still want to be but they are still a person just like U n I the only thing special about them is that they followed their dreams n goals... I say when U see a celeb at a store buying food, or a blender or wood LEAVE THEM ALONE, if they are a diner, coffee shop, or bar write a note n ask the server if they would pass the note to the celeb, the note can say U are a fan n would like to come over n say hi n see if U could get a pic or autograph but give the option of just saying hi, after the server gives the celeb the note n reads if they don't do anything or shake their head no don't get upset because they are after all trying to live their lives n they could be needing alone time, waiting for agent n etc; if they allow U to come over be respectful n quick remember they are giving U some time but respect they want their time to do ask stupid questions like "in episode 'king's knight' was the blade coated with poison or a potion" OMG celebs only know what the writers have wrote n gave them to read... If a celeb gives U time with them be thankful n as I said keep it short n who knows they ask U to join them very rare but super cool... As I said celebs are people like us n if U show them respect n are calm n cool while with them U never know they could find U just as special as U find them...
I stated celebs are just like U n as U know there are times U don't want to be disturbed by anyone n same thing happens with celebs so respect that... You might even see n want to meet a celeb but they act like U are nothing but a fly bugging them n in a way U are because they grew full of themselves n because they earn multi-millions of dollars they might feel they are in a higher position of life then you n that is Bull, they may be richer then you but we are all worth more then others think of us... When a celeb forgets he/she is only a big star because of their fans, than fans should not feed the egos of such celebs but don't go around to others trying to belittle them or saying false things about them if they upset U don't go to their movies don't buy their music n if someones asks why U are not buying tell them the facts or say "in my opinion" don't fall into saying anything that U can get in legal troubles over...
I think celebs are good people n if given the respect that U would want yourself U might be surprised by them maybe not that moment but if they see U again n they remember U didn't disturb them n gave them respect well never know what might happen next...
Remember U could be a Celeb as well, just pay the dues the celebs have or are paying, some of the jobs a celeb did before or during their life outside their celeb world might surprise U, I remember one celeb listed his main career as a contractor not acting but I think of him as a cool actor 'Michael Ironside'...
Remember when in public n you see a celeb before taking a picture of them kindly ask if you can take a photo of them, as I said respect U want it in your life so don't U think a celeb deserves it as well!!!
Written by Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.
a fan of many celebrities n know they are humans as well!!!
Some celebs are very cool n other are tired of the fans n media in their faces 24/7 n then U have celebs that think they are kings/queens...
When a person finally able to be in a TV show, play, movies, headline as a comic, or they or their band finally makes it in the music business n etc they had to struggle to get there n may still be struggling to be more so they deserve their fans respect n those fans should also give them space to be a normal person n have a normal family... Being a celeb doesn't give fans the right to bug them or disturb them, when they are a convention they are giving of themselves(for a fee sometimes) to be with the fans But When You see a Celeb at a store, diner n etc they are not there to be disturbed by fans they are doing normal stuff like we do like going to stores to get food for their home not to be bugged for a photo or autograph..
People need to remember that celebs are people just like we are n they struggled to be where they are n struggle for where they still want to be but they are still a person just like U n I the only thing special about them is that they followed their dreams n goals... I say when U see a celeb at a store buying food, or a blender or wood LEAVE THEM ALONE, if they are a diner, coffee shop, or bar write a note n ask the server if they would pass the note to the celeb, the note can say U are a fan n would like to come over n say hi n see if U could get a pic or autograph but give the option of just saying hi, after the server gives the celeb the note n reads if they don't do anything or shake their head no don't get upset because they are after all trying to live their lives n they could be needing alone time, waiting for agent n etc; if they allow U to come over be respectful n quick remember they are giving U some time but respect they want their time to do ask stupid questions like "in episode 'king's knight' was the blade coated with poison or a potion" OMG celebs only know what the writers have wrote n gave them to read... If a celeb gives U time with them be thankful n as I said keep it short n who knows they ask U to join them very rare but super cool... As I said celebs are people like us n if U show them respect n are calm n cool while with them U never know they could find U just as special as U find them...
I stated celebs are just like U n as U know there are times U don't want to be disturbed by anyone n same thing happens with celebs so respect that... You might even see n want to meet a celeb but they act like U are nothing but a fly bugging them n in a way U are because they grew full of themselves n because they earn multi-millions of dollars they might feel they are in a higher position of life then you n that is Bull, they may be richer then you but we are all worth more then others think of us... When a celeb forgets he/she is only a big star because of their fans, than fans should not feed the egos of such celebs but don't go around to others trying to belittle them or saying false things about them if they upset U don't go to their movies don't buy their music n if someones asks why U are not buying tell them the facts or say "in my opinion" don't fall into saying anything that U can get in legal troubles over...
I think celebs are good people n if given the respect that U would want yourself U might be surprised by them maybe not that moment but if they see U again n they remember U didn't disturb them n gave them respect well never know what might happen next...
Remember U could be a Celeb as well, just pay the dues the celebs have or are paying, some of the jobs a celeb did before or during their life outside their celeb world might surprise U, I remember one celeb listed his main career as a contractor not acting but I think of him as a cool actor 'Michael Ironside'...
Remember when in public n you see a celeb before taking a picture of them kindly ask if you can take a photo of them, as I said respect U want it in your life so don't U think a celeb deserves it as well!!!
Written by Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.
a fan of many celebrities n know they are humans as well!!!
Monday, January 5, 2015
Hello Everyone..
I am doing very well, luckily I took my meds earlier including tylenols n a muscle relaxer because when I was in the restroom noticed sticky stuff in a carrying bag so decided well I am here at the sink I will take everything off n wash it down from misc drips n drops of soda n food n etc, it took about 45mins to do it all even back pouch behind seat n now I am worn out but glad to get that done... YAY!!!
A cool thing still feel good even after cleaning every nook n bag n pouches my body isn't upset at all, YAY!!!
Oh, last nite had a long dream, 1st starting out with ex-GF n trouble n her having me help her n then I started thinking oh cool maybe we can start over n be together... The dream started off nice but same old drama came back n I was losing focus on my life again... When I was feeling lost again the feeling I get when ever I talk to someone about Jesus, n felt the same glowing energy growing stronger n stronger in me n Then, I was asked "Do You Know I am My Father Love You???" I knew right away it was Jesus talking to me, I answered "Oh Yes I do know U both Love Me, Lord", the voice then said "You Need to Love Yourself as Well, You are doing better then You did in the Past"... I felt humbled n glad n Love... "You Will Have the Family n Wife You Deserve but Will Not Be with the Woman of Your Past that still comes to You in Your Dreams, Yes Pray she find the path away from her demons n back towards the path You are on but remember You can only repair your path n teach n share with others the path that you are on but you can not make them take that path they have to do it themselves... Bless You for wanting to help her n still caring about her but a relationship between you two will be full of sadness n addiction for the two of you... Your future Wife n Family will come when the time is right, believe in my path I have set for you, Now Continue to Teach n Share my love with all that You Can n Know You Will Be Blessed"... I then was even more humbled n Cheerful n I said "Oh Thank U Jesus, I Will Do What U have asked me to do n I will follow the path n teach/share n love all that I can" after I said that the dream was done... I had a couple other dreams after that one but can't remember them really they felt like normal everyday type dreams a mix mash of stuff with no meaning but the 1st dream was so detailed n strong feelings n being able to remember everything was so Cool!!!
Well I hope U are all doing Well/Better!!!
A cool thing still feel good even after cleaning every nook n bag n pouches my body isn't upset at all, YAY!!!
Oh, last nite had a long dream, 1st starting out with ex-GF n trouble n her having me help her n then I started thinking oh cool maybe we can start over n be together... The dream started off nice but same old drama came back n I was losing focus on my life again... When I was feeling lost again the feeling I get when ever I talk to someone about Jesus, n felt the same glowing energy growing stronger n stronger in me n Then, I was asked "Do You Know I am My Father Love You???" I knew right away it was Jesus talking to me, I answered "Oh Yes I do know U both Love Me, Lord", the voice then said "You Need to Love Yourself as Well, You are doing better then You did in the Past"... I felt humbled n glad n Love... "You Will Have the Family n Wife You Deserve but Will Not Be with the Woman of Your Past that still comes to You in Your Dreams, Yes Pray she find the path away from her demons n back towards the path You are on but remember You can only repair your path n teach n share with others the path that you are on but you can not make them take that path they have to do it themselves... Bless You for wanting to help her n still caring about her but a relationship between you two will be full of sadness n addiction for the two of you... Your future Wife n Family will come when the time is right, believe in my path I have set for you, Now Continue to Teach n Share my love with all that You Can n Know You Will Be Blessed"... I then was even more humbled n Cheerful n I said "Oh Thank U Jesus, I Will Do What U have asked me to do n I will follow the path n teach/share n love all that I can" after I said that the dream was done... I had a couple other dreams after that one but can't remember them really they felt like normal everyday type dreams a mix mash of stuff with no meaning but the 1st dream was so detailed n strong feelings n being able to remember everything was so Cool!!!
Well I hope U are all doing Well/Better!!!
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Happy New Years to Everyone!!!
What I AM Going to do this New Year is to Teach/Share the message I know I was meant to Teach/Share With Everyone, that means All n Every Human being n if Aliens land on Earth I will try to share with them as well...
The Message I will be Teaching/Sharing is That We are All Loved n We Need to Love Everyone, How can We Hope for Peace When We Don't Love Everyone!!! I am Also Not Going to Hide Saying God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost by Saying the Big Guy n His Son anymore I might still use those in post where I already said God n Jesus... I think by Now My friends don't Believe in God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost Understand My Message I Teach n Share Are Not Meant to Convert or Convince U that They are Real Discovering Them is n Will Always be Each of Us Our On Personal Journey n No One Can Tell It is Real that is Up to U to Want to Discover on Our Own!!!
I Am Teaching n Sharing a Message that is Meant For Every Human to Learn, Share n Love n it is to Love Everyone as U Want to be Loved!!!
That is it n that Simple!!!
My Goal This Year is Not Be Shy or Scared about Sharing n Teaching the Message of Love to Everyone No Matter their Faiths or Lack of a Faith, their Sexual Preferences, level of skin tone n etc...
So HUGs to U n Everyone on this Planet Earth!!!
Join Me in Sharing n Teaching Jesus Message(U don't need to believe he was the Savior but Believe in His Message) of Love to Everyone n Not to Judge them (Judging is Jesus Job) for being themselves; Our Job is an Easy One n that is to Love!!!
OK, that is my mission this year n I should have been doing it much sooner but was afraid of losing friends but I think I have made it clear I am not trying to convert anyone just Sharing/Teaching the Message of Love to Everyone!!!
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Trust Issues
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
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