For some reason was thinking about celebrities some may not be as well know as others but they are still equal in my eyes of being deserving respect n privacy...
Some celebs are very cool n other are tired of the fans n media in their faces 24/7 n then U have celebs that think they are kings/queens...
When a person finally able to be in a TV show, play, movies, headline as a comic, or they or their band finally makes it in the music business n etc they had to struggle to get there n may still be struggling to be more so they deserve their fans respect n those fans should also give them space to be a normal person n have a normal family... Being a celeb doesn't give fans the right to bug them or disturb them, when they are a convention they are giving of themselves(for a fee sometimes) to be with the fans But When You see a Celeb at a store, diner n etc they are not there to be disturbed by fans they are doing normal stuff like we do like going to stores to get food for their home not to be bugged for a photo or autograph..
People need to remember that celebs are people just like we are n they struggled to be where they are n struggle for where they still want to be but they are still a person just like U n I the only thing special about them is that they followed their dreams n goals... I say when U see a celeb at a store buying food, or a blender or wood LEAVE THEM ALONE, if they are a diner, coffee shop, or bar write a note n ask the server if they would pass the note to the celeb, the note can say U are a fan n would like to come over n say hi n see if U could get a pic or autograph but give the option of just saying hi, after the server gives the celeb the note n reads if they don't do anything or shake their head no don't get upset because they are after all trying to live their lives n they could be needing alone time, waiting for agent n etc; if they allow U to come over be respectful n quick remember they are giving U some time but respect they want their time to do ask stupid questions like "in episode 'king's knight' was the blade coated with poison or a potion" OMG celebs only know what the writers have wrote n gave them to read... If a celeb gives U time with them be thankful n as I said keep it short n who knows they ask U to join them very rare but super cool... As I said celebs are people like us n if U show them respect n are calm n cool while with them U never know they could find U just as special as U find them...
I stated celebs are just like U n as U know there are times U don't want to be disturbed by anyone n same thing happens with celebs so respect that... You might even see n want to meet a celeb but they act like U are nothing but a fly bugging them n in a way U are because they grew full of themselves n because they earn multi-millions of dollars they might feel they are in a higher position of life then you n that is Bull, they may be richer then you but we are all worth more then others think of us... When a celeb forgets he/she is only a big star because of their fans, than fans should not feed the egos of such celebs but don't go around to others trying to belittle them or saying false things about them if they upset U don't go to their movies don't buy their music n if someones asks why U are not buying tell them the facts or say "in my opinion" don't fall into saying anything that U can get in legal troubles over...
I think celebs are good people n if given the respect that U would want yourself U might be surprised by them maybe not that moment but if they see U again n they remember U didn't disturb them n gave them respect well never know what might happen next...
Remember U could be a Celeb as well, just pay the dues the celebs have or are paying, some of the jobs a celeb did before or during their life outside their celeb world might surprise U, I remember one celeb listed his main career as a contractor not acting but I think of him as a cool actor 'Michael Ironside'...
Remember when in public n you see a celeb before taking a picture of them kindly ask if you can take a photo of them, as I said respect U want it in your life so don't U think a celeb deserves it as well!!!
Written by Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.
a fan of many celebrities n know they are humans as well!!!
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