I am a believe of a God, His Son Jesus, n His Gift of the Holy Ghost/Spirit...
I also believe in the Bible as the teachings of God n of His Son Jesus given to Humans by the inspirations of the Holy Ghost/Spirit...
I also believe the Bible is incomplete because of men who claimed to be Holy Leaders of the Church, I know this as a fact because the Old Testament of the Bible was from the Jewish Torah n since the Old Testament doesn't have all the same books/info that fact alone tells me the Bible is incomplete n men picked n chose what they w anted included in the Bible; also there a books written similar to books in the New Testament that again Self Proclaimed Leaders of the founding of the 1st Christian Church decided (for reasons I won't go into) not to include into the Bible so again I believe the Bible is incomplete... Now my biggest belief about the Bible it has n still is being translated n even the translated versions have many versions claiming to make it easier to read/understand n there are sometimes differences because of these little differences so I can not say any English version of the Bible is a 100% correct...
I believe in the Bible as the Word n Teachings of God n His Son Jesus but because it has been in the control of too many men that I need to use the Bible as carefully as possible... A trend in the Bible was women were not to be leaders or teachers or a Prophets(but then explain to me how we have the book of Ruth) I truly feel women are equal to men n are our partner in life but the Bible that greatly influenced by men writing it ages ago didn't like women in roles that were higher then them so I feel that men made it seem that women were not allowed to do rules higher then themselves by most likely omitting stuff that would have allowed women in these roles as leaders or teachers or a Prophets...
Now that I explained my views of the Bible I also want to explain why I believe in it as a Holy n Great Book that I use to Guide my Life; the Bible was written very long ago n has many lessons for life, n history of the Jewish people n then history of Jesus n Christians n the lessons Jesus wanted us to live by...
So, I believe in the Bible as a Holy Book even though it may be incomplete OH Wait Don't Get All Mad At Me I am sharing my belief in what I believe & As I Have Stated Many Many Times What I Believe is What I Believe n I Never Tell Anyone they Have to Believe me or Agree with Me...
I Do Tell People Always Find Your Own Path, Your Faith, n Never Let Anyone Tell You Their Belief is the Only True Way, Our Paths are Our Own True Path... The Bible is a Very Good Way to Start on Our Path of Finding Our Own True Path, Prayer is the Mainly Way to Discover if You/We are On the Right Path for Us/You... Oops forgot You need to start with a desire to want to Find Your Path n the Hardest thing to share with you all is a belief that there are things beyond our understanding n say it is the Force/Schwartz or (like me) the Holy Ghost/Spirit that will help you discover your path n belief...
Ok now for a little bit of deep thinking, Now Men have been using the Bible in an incorrect way mainly Christians have for ages, the Bible is meant for us to learn from n grow from n Share with others, right??? Yes!!! BUT BUT For Us to Learn from n Share but Not to Force on to others to believe or hold dear as many of us Christians do...
The Bible (New Testament) was never meant to be a Hammer/Sword to Beat/Kill others with but was Meant (n I truly Believe Still Does) to Love Our Fellow Humans No Matter their Faith, Lack of Faith, or their choice of Sexual Partner...
The Bible has many lessons n laws n commandments n when we read n learn them we are the ones that need to follow them but not our job to judge those that do not follow them... It is crazy there are some few (being polite about saying a few) Christians that Steal, Kill, Cheat on their Wife/Husband but are super Judgmental about those that are Gay/Lesbian/etc n even some that publicly cry out saying being gay/lesbian are secretly living a gay/lesbian life style themselves... Yes it is pretty clear in the Bible being Gay/Lesbian is very bad n that it is something God totally hates but We Are Not God!!! We Are Taught by Jesus Not to Judge others because He will Judge Us by How We Judge others n if We Are Cruel in Judging the Others because of their Sexual Partner then Jesus Will Be Cruel in Judging Us... Best thing is Not to Judge a person because of their Sexual Partner or Faith or not believing in God n Leave Judging a person/people because of the partner/faiths up to Jesus... This is very good option for those that don't believe in a higher being (aka God) because if they are right(but I truly believe n Love Him) there is nothing after death so end of the story BUT for those of Us that believe in God, believe in an afterlife n those of Us that Believe in Jesus wants to be Like Him as much as possible... To be as much as possible like Jesus we Need to Learn to Forgive those that have done wrong to us, we have to forgive ourselves n be sorry for the wrong we have done n we have to not judge others n really Learned to Love Others Like He Loved Us n as God Loved Us n We Need to Love n Honor God...
So My Main Goal is learning more from the Bible n to Learn about others faiths so I can better understand them n relate to them n not ignore their faiths because that is disrespecting them n their cultures n Jesus wants me to Love them not to Judge them or hate them...
I believe the more I share the Love I feel for Jesus the better I can make/help people feel n even feel the Love I Feel!!!
So My Only thing I do want people to l learn from me n believe as a truth is that I Love Them Because I am Loved by Jesus n What Ever Your Beliefs, Sexual preference is/are are not being Judged by Me, I only See U n not your faith or sexual preference n I want to HUG U all!!!
You Are Special, You Are Wonderful, You Are Loved, n I Love n HUG U ALL!!!
Ok Brain has run out of it's inspirations to write this note/blog-entry so remember I am a human I am not in anyway perfect n my beliefs are my insights/belief n I don't claim them as fact(well except that we are loved I believe we are loved) n share to try to help n teach n enlighten others...
HUGs to You All from a Crazy Loving Koala-Human,
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.
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