Thursday, August 11, 2016



When depression sets in you can feel hopeless n lost like lost in the vastness of space; when you see something turn all towards it like they do astronomy the longer they focus on an area the more things they find, so focus on that glimmer/hope n the longer you focus on it the clearer n brighter it becomes!!! 

I know that I have many friends that don't believe in God or an afterlife n I don't condemn them like some of others that believe in God/Afterlife;
I think they are very brave people, no not because like some believe they will burn in a hell, No I believe they are brave to go through life everyday with the many challenges n the knowledge they at any point life can end n that is it end of story, have to be strong to go out anywhere, my friends that don't have a faith in an afterlife but still go out n live are truly strong n brave, Big HUGs!!! n Thanks for Being My Friends!!!

Now almost all you know I believe in God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit when I was in my deepest depression as a depressed drunk before my stroke I wanted to die in a way I wanted everything over I wanted nothingness turnoff the power/lights...

When I awoke after my stroke had new love of life but also a deep love of Jesus, God n the Holy Ghost/Spirit... For awhile had a fear of things falling on me not killing me but causing more limitations of my mobility but talking with a counselor she help me with that I mention it because my mobility is limited but I manage; I do not fear death I have a strong faith of an afterlife granted don't to give up on life even with my struggles...

My faith n belief of my faith that isn't something I can convince anyone of or even want to try to convince anyone of I can only live my life n be a good example of what my faith means to me granted I not perfect at it all the time but I do my best at living my faith!!!
God is 1st n I try to Love/Respect Him, I try to be Like His Son as I can, yes I focus on how I believe Jesus would want me to Live, Love others/myself n do what I can to do to help others even before me... This reminds I pay a tithe 1st Sunday of each month but if out n about I see someone that is down/out needing/wanting some change I will n have given them my last dollar or change some I have used my card to buy them snacks or soda in someways prefer getting them easy food they don't need to keep cold or cooked easy for them to carry then giving them change when I feel will be used for other desires... There are some I want to take off the street n bring them home to help up but as former drunk that went out on streets of Portland, Maine begging for change to help me buy a 40oz beer I know you can't help someone up till they hit bottom n want help up it saddening but just being a respectful of those that are down n not judgmental of them n try to build a relationship with some so when they are ready they know that there is someone willing to help them... I have an insight that many don't because of being a former drunk beggar n the fellow drunks I hanged with n girlfriends n their friends that were into drugs I know many of the lies/tricks addicts play on people to scam money for booze n drugs; I befriend these people but am very guarded around them as well...

Ok, got little side tracked:
Depression can hit the best of us n sometime life adds struggles that pile up negative stuff n depression gets us lost in the darkness of space making us feel hopeless n worthless n that is a hard thing to break free of; we need to keep looking for a glimmer then focus on that glimmer so it becomes more in focus n with time gets brighter like hope the more hope you focus on n ignore the hopelessness feeling the Hope can over shadow the negative... Granted it isn't easy I have fell into the darkness countless times but I keep looking for that glimmer n my faith is my compass to that compass!!!

I follow my faith in a real basic simple way 1st I believe in a God, His Son Jesus, The Holy Ghost/Spirit then 2nd I follow/believe in the 10 Commandments the Thirdly The Red Word in many Bible the Red Words are Jesus Talking/Teachings... That is my base of my faith n my ministry, I read the Bible but because of it being edited/handled by man know it is not prefect, I believe the Bible is a good book to live our lives with but should be used as a personal guide to my/your lives but not a book to tell others how to live their lives!!!
We can talk n share insights from the Bible never to bash each other's beliefs...

Rev. Giovano 'Koala' Fusco

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