Hello Everyone,Hope U are all doing well/better...
I have been thinking about my faith n the faiths/beliefs of my friends... I have many friends that don't believe in God, Jesus, Holy Ghost/Spirit n also have friends that believe in other types of faiths(Some that only believe is God n not Jesus, Allah, multiple Gods or believe in nature/the force type of thing)... I respect my friends beliefs n would not but them down for their beliefs (because in my faith I am told not to judge others)... I can be an example of my faith by being the best as I can, while not judging/condemning others...
When an atheist asks me why I believe what I do; I say it was a very personal event that locked my belief in... I also think it doesn't hurt to have the belief I have; 1) my belief s a good guide in living my life 2) having my belief I will have an after life when I pass away...
Now shouldn't everyone just saying 'ok I believe' but just saying U believe is not going to cut it U have to truly believe n that can not happen by just saying it... Believing as I do can come to others over time but really need a personal experience that gives U the faith... I feel Nothing I say can(or should) make others switch their beliefs but hopefully by being a good example of my faith it will give others an interest in checking out my beliefs... Trying to convince others to believe the same is ok but not by forcing them into believing the same many Christians in the past (n still do to this day) have killed n hurt non believers which I truly believe Jesus wouldn't want to be done...
Jesus taught not to judge others n to love others as He Loves Us; if we love others we will share our beliefs n love with them n respect them for their beliefs(or lack of belief)...
I love my friends(even those that don't believe as I do n yes I want them to believe as I do but I feel the best thing I can do is to be the best example I can be in believing what I believe... I also believe when I pass away I will put a good word in for my friends to give them another chance to believe as I do.... If I am wrong in my faith no harm will have been done by my believing because I tried to live a good life n if I am wrong in my faith when I die that will be it(no afterlife) so I will not have lost anything for believing as I do..........Believing as I do i will have an afterlife with a new healthy body/life...
Ok time for me to stop this blog entry because my train of thinking is fading I feel like I want to write more but my mind is drawing blank so HUGs to U all, I love U all for being U!!1 HUGs love Rev. Koala(Giovano) ❤✌🙏🖖🤝💗💝💜🐨
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