This blog has changed to support my Fb page: Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Something that would be very Helpful for me...
heres my idea for using a netbook (like Leela's arm band : futurama)...
some how/hopefully get this netbook and than attach wristband so I could use it like this... :-)
To thine own self be true
This Above All, To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
Would you go away with a Mad Man with a Police Box?
I would :-)
Can the Universe handle two mad men (the Doctor n Me-Koala)?
Is the TARDIS wheelchair accessible?
Can the Universe handle two mad men (the Doctor n Me-Koala)?
Is the TARDIS wheelchair accessible?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I was thinking again oops :-D about Actors/Actresses...
I was thinking... I know, why do I think???
I use to want to be an actor someday... (yeah right Koala like you could, shut up anything is possible if you really want it!) ...
But to get into the acting business is hard and challenging...
You have to compete for roles, jobs, etc... sometimes its not even how good you are but who you know... and most of the times is a income challening way of life... not all actors/actresses make the big money that they can retire when ever they want... Not all get roles and deals like Tom C. or Will S.... Don't get me wrong some make a good living and live okay... I think the acting cummunity is like us... You have the upper Upper ones: Tom C, Will S. like we have Bill G., Donald T. then the upper area like William S., Patrick S, and we have like big city mayors etc... then we go to the middle, down to lower still some good jobs but a living barely...
So... I might still want to try acting but in no way would I dream about it anymore...
To those of you wanting to be an Actor/Attress... Hey try (go for it... never stop trying for your dreams) but don't be blinded to reallity... acting is SUPER hard to break into and then to try to earn a living... It can happen but like and actor I heard once say "I don't consider myself an actor, I'm a carpenter... acting is my hobby...) Michael Ironside {I hope I remembered that correctly}
So to you that are Actors/Actresses god bless you and thanks for your works!!! Some may never get the awards that they should so I wish them ALL a Super Big Koala Bear Hug!!!
Oh by the Way... I like to act crazy (I think to keep from going insane) but I know actors/actresses are just people like everyone else... I grow-up... If I saw (lets say) Carrie Fisher I might try to say hi but seeing she gets mobbed all the time I would respect her space... There are actors/actresses that great around the fans but I say there is a limit so back off man give the ghostbuster some room... Than there are to actors/actresses that are stuck-up... (like: I'm the worlds best actor, you have to be in awe to be near me) to them I say get over yourself... your a dude that get paid to act... big deal...
Oh yeah thats brings me to you FANs... A star from a show (ex: Soaps, Sci-Fi;StarTrek,StarWars,etc...) are just actors/actresses... they are being paid to do a job... they are reading lines/scripts... THEY ARE NOT the character you see on TV/Screen... Some try to get into the character abit for the fans but THEY ARE NOT the character... R2-D2 is a prop (he use to have guy inside Kenny Baker in the 1st 3 movies IV,V,VI but now is totally remote conrolled), Jar-Jar Binks is a animation with a real person voice... So these people on TV/Screen ARE NOT REAL... If you think Captain Kirk is Real you need a rubber room...
Ok I think my brain has done too much thinking for today...
Again to you Actors and Actresses that entertain us/World THANK YOU for your time and talent!!!
I use to want to be an actor someday... (yeah right Koala like you could, shut up anything is possible if you really want it!) ...
But to get into the acting business is hard and challenging...
You have to compete for roles, jobs, etc... sometimes its not even how good you are but who you know... and most of the times is a income challening way of life... not all actors/actresses make the big money that they can retire when ever they want... Not all get roles and deals like Tom C. or Will S.... Don't get me wrong some make a good living and live okay... I think the acting cummunity is like us... You have the upper Upper ones: Tom C, Will S. like we have Bill G., Donald T. then the upper area like William S., Patrick S, and we have like big city mayors etc... then we go to the middle, down to lower still some good jobs but a living barely...
So... I might still want to try acting but in no way would I dream about it anymore...
To those of you wanting to be an Actor/Attress... Hey try (go for it... never stop trying for your dreams) but don't be blinded to reallity... acting is SUPER hard to break into and then to try to earn a living... It can happen but like and actor I heard once say "I don't consider myself an actor, I'm a carpenter... acting is my hobby...) Michael Ironside {I hope I remembered that correctly}
So to you that are Actors/Actresses god bless you and thanks for your works!!! Some may never get the awards that they should so I wish them ALL a Super Big Koala Bear Hug!!!
Oh by the Way... I like to act crazy (I think to keep from going insane) but I know actors/actresses are just people like everyone else... I grow-up... If I saw (lets say) Carrie Fisher I might try to say hi but seeing she gets mobbed all the time I would respect her space... There are actors/actresses that great around the fans but I say there is a limit so back off man give the ghostbuster some room... Than there are to actors/actresses that are stuck-up... (like: I'm the worlds best actor, you have to be in awe to be near me) to them I say get over yourself... your a dude that get paid to act... big deal...
Oh yeah thats brings me to you FANs... A star from a show (ex: Soaps, Sci-Fi;StarTrek,StarWars,etc...) are just actors/actresses... they are being paid to do a job... they are reading lines/scripts... THEY ARE NOT the character you see on TV/Screen... Some try to get into the character abit for the fans but THEY ARE NOT the character... R2-D2 is a prop (he use to have guy inside Kenny Baker in the 1st 3 movies IV,V,VI but now is totally remote conrolled), Jar-Jar Binks is a animation with a real person voice... So these people on TV/Screen ARE NOT REAL... If you think Captain Kirk is Real you need a rubber room...
Ok I think my brain has done too much thinking for today...
Again to you Actors and Actresses that entertain us/World THANK YOU for your time and talent!!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
sharing so insights/awakenings/concerns

I wroke a letter to a cool pen/net-pal here is part of the letter I wrote about me...
I had a super bad case of depression before my stroke...
I was a super drinker waiting to die (I didnt want to my self but was hoping for it) I was hoping to die drinking and came close a few times...
LUCKILY I had a stroke (yes it was lucky)
Why you ask? 1: I live though it (Docs didn't think I would)!!!
2: it re-awaken me to wanting to live!!!
3: it opened my eyes to the world/life and not to take like for grante again...
4: helped me with dealing with Bull sh!t... life I learned is too short to worry about bull... so why should I raise my blood preasure over bull and risk nother stroke... I will just ingore bull now... :-)
5: it also helped me learn to deal with mentally challeneged better seeing my wires have gotten fused and scramble since the stroke... I use to have a had time dealing with the mentaly challenged when I was young I went to a school just for the handicapped and they treated every as mentaly challenged and then a fellow friend in a wheel chair got pushed down some stair by a mentally challenged fellow student... So I grew up scared of them... and I didn't want people treating me like I was a kid forever... So after me stroke I learned so much more about all people with mental challenges and I am know try to teach my mother to better understand them...
So I think even though I have lost alot abilities I learned some very in-riching info from the stroke...
I still suffer from depression I see a counsellor every 2 weeks to talk about stuff...
My main concerns are my abilities, fears of getting hurt, death, loneliness etc...
But I try to be cheerful, crazy, funny etc instead of being sour about stuff (I wish my mom would try that shes getting to be a grumpy old lady like you see in movies)... I'm worried about her, I try to talk to about it but her bark is worst than a dogs bite(no kidding)... I'm also worried about her grumpiness because its starting to affected the members in the apartment(me, our fellow house-mate Mark, and even the dogs get scared)
Ok enough downer stuff...
Was just thinking again… to best describe how I feel physically…

My back often feels like it’s in a vise from mid to low back being squeezed
My Legs my left leg about normal but left knee sometimes worn… right leg feels like 100 extra pounds are dragging along side of it… and does always do what its told to do… also bones sometimes feel weak like they may break…
When I try to stand I have NO balance control at all, which is very scary because with having brittle bones I cannot risk breaking any bones. I’m mainly worried about my left side because I depend on that side for everything, I cannot risk left side getting laid up…
My left arm (now my main arm) shoulder has discomfort and strength issues from the shoulder ball replacement in 1992 and I fear the ball or socket is starting to have so major wear…
My right arm itself feels like dead weight it does move without any real problems just feels like it’s not there… I have even scared myself because I often see my arm and it’s not where I thought it was…
My right hand (use to be right handed) is work but feels like I fell asleep on it… when I try to do any fine motor control with it my hand acts like a Mexican jumping bean…
My mouth doesn’t really hurt but with almost all my teeth out and/or teeth it makes eating a challenge…
My brain does sometimes wonder (which is cool sometimes because it comes up with interesting ideas) but can be a danger when travelling outside… I also find that sometimes I try to do things with my left arm/hand and it makes my brain strain/hurt trying to control/command my left arm/hand because the brain really wants the right arm/hand to do that…
So… just felt I needed to write this down… I’m might be forgetting something if I remember more I’ll add it later…
Thanks for reading this!!!
I'm wondering....

I'm wondering... am I acting crazy/funny/weird to cover up inner feelings of deep depression?
I have always been a bit weird and fun but since my stroke I think I have taken it to another level...
I tell people/friends/family I am fine that I'm just enjoying life...
but Am I???
I am glad to be alive... I think/hope...
but I have lost a lot of function...
am I hiding my true feels from myself?
I tell people that having the stroke was my rebirth/re-awaking to life...
It was I was in a deep deep deep depression before the stroke and I didn't care if I lived or died... I just wanted that next drink of booze...
The Stroke was a blessing in a way it woke me up to life and wanting life again...
but the stroke also took so much from me...
I'm very grateful for I have regained since the stroke but still... :-(
I am wondering...
My RULES to live by!!! (but I'm not a God just a crazy Person with beliefs!!!)

1. Do No Harm...
2. People are not Perfect... Humans make mistake...
3. Love/Enjoy Life!!!!
4. If people are of Legal age and consenting, leave them to there own life...
5. Protect the innocent ...
6. Question things that don't make sense...
7. Everyone need to express their opinions...
...............U don't have to agree w/ them {some people R A$$es}...
stay tuned... more too come...
Just Pondering, I'm very Lucky!!!

I am lucky in a way... why You ask???
I was thinking over the many many years of my life I have come very close to death...
I don't remember this but my mother reminds me of it... When I was like 2-3 I climbed on to a chair that was on our neighbors balcony (on the 3rd Floor) and the chair was on the railing I guess... Mom was scared if she said anything I would fall so she grabbed me and saved me...
Driving my car ages ago... I got super PO'ed @ the driver in front of me... She was driving like 30 in a 45 area for over a mile so when we got to a stop sign I stupidly sped around her right in front of a semi truck he missed me by inches my friend Pat saw this and was amazed the truck didn't hit me...
Up in Maine late one nite ages ago I was on a back road doing the speed limit (OMG WTF LOL) when I hit a patch of Ice and lost contol of my car... the car went 180 degree one ways then 180 the other way thats when I gave up and waited for me to crash... as the car headed (very fast) towards a telephone pole I knew this is it bye everyone... then car's rear end entered the ditch and started slowing down... kewl I'll live just mom will kill me later for wrapping car around pole... luckily car stop about a foot away from pole...
1992 I was on a traveling festival's ride when I noticed girl next to me couldn't find her seatbelt I saw it and reached for it for her... just when I reached for her belt (which unknown to me, there were bare wires there too) my hand touched two bare wires an electrocuted me and shattered my left shoulder ball... I live Duh :-)
2007 Dec Hit by a car while crossing intersection crosswalk in my wheelchair... knocked me out of chair and broke left hip...
2008 April had a Stroke the Doctors thought I wasn't going to live though... I did!!! then they didn't think there was much chance I'd regain any real use of my ride side... I regained things I forgot (my computer knowledge for example), I went from not be able to sit up to transferring by myself, I can now even stand abit while holding on to something... I regained much more than the Doc's thought I could... I don't think they thought I couldn't they just thought the damage was way too much to recover from... :-)
So I Guess I'm lucky or I have an Angel guarding my Life or the afterlife just isn't ready for my kind of craziness :-)
Dream I had about Marriage n misc...

Hello Everyone, I had another dream I want to share with you all.
The dream was set as if I was making a Public Service Announcement (PSA) about Marriages more to the point Gay/Lesbian Marriages. Kind of a crazy dream, me the only straight person on a TV set directing a PSA about allowing Gay/Lesbian Marriages.
Why am I sharing this dream well people are making a big deal about it… WHY!!!
Wait don’t yell at me just yet, let me try to write this down as best as I can…
(-: Thanks :-)
I am a Christian (don’t hit me) a Mormon too… Not really a practicing one but do believe…
I can find things in the Bible that say marriage/relationship is only to be between a man and a woman but I also know the Bible was written by MAN (so Not exactly perfect). I feel the Bible is a guide book… Ok now you say hey this and that, yup the Bible does have a few things to say about you not being involved with the same sex… Well You Know what??? Big Guys Son says ”#1 commandment - honor God, #2 commandment - Love your neighbor… “ so, stop hating Gay/Lesbian they are your neighbors!
I figure hey if someone wants to get married/joined let them do it, hey if someone finds someone that wants to share their lives together that should be Joyous!!!
If Gay/Lesbian Marriages is wrong, guess what, the Big Guy upstairs will tell them later on upstairs, but down here let people be Happy!!!
I was also thinking why is the government saying they can’t be married??? What happened to separation of church and state???
A bond should be between the people getting married and their creator, not us or the government!!!
So, in my crazy mind I say if two people (man/man, woman/woman, klingon/vulcan, droid/humanoid, etc…) want to get married LET THEM, Who the F R we 2 Judge!!! Let them have the Joys/Pains/Arguments/Fun/etc… that everyone should have...
Just me Thinking Out Loud Again…
Do remember this was me thinking aloud, I don’t claim to be Smart or Wise (far from it) but Human and just sharing my thoughts/dreams/enlightenments…
Sincerely Koala
i believe...

i believe i will still be around in another 38 years so 2012 will be
just another year in this life... i'm so tired of doomsday people...
predicting the end... that never happens... i remember them saying when
the planets all lined up awhile ago that was going to be the end...
well we are still here!!! don't worry about the... END, when the end
happens sit back enjoy the trip to the after-life... or the void :-)
a dream - self truth
some thing was revealed to me in a dream...
one’s church is neither false or true...
what's true of one’s church is; does it bring you happiness, purpose, hope, fulfillment and do you believe!? if your answer is yes you have your true church...
remember all churches are founded by humans so they cannot be perfect...
if you have question great, read some great teaching by Jesus and Buddha (just a couple i know of), then pray, ponder, and dream about your question...
remember others can push their beliefs on us but we choose what is right for ourselves...
we cannot (shouldn't) be pushed into a belief, we need to discover it ourselves and believe it ourselves...
My thoughts Good/Bad/ or WhatEver

I was just thinking about this stuff and figured I write it down...
No Girl-Friend/Wife
... No one to hold/Cuddle :-(
... No one to Hug/Kiss :-(
... No one to enjoy life with :-( :-(
... no one to bitch at me me for forgetting something.
I have no children :-)
... I don't have to worry about them getting hurt.
... I don't have to worry about them being bad or getting into trouble.
... No One to carry on my/family Name.
... No one to watch grow and do great things in this world.
... No I can help/enjoy learn and play and hopefully do better than me.
No Job.
... I'm bored
... No extra Money to enjoy doing things.
... I don't pay taxes on my Social Security
... Basically I'm retire
Being disabled all my life.
... met many other disable people worse off then me while I grew up.
... knowing other disable kids/people helped me deal with my past (broken bones) and my Stroke.
... learned life is full of hope, so don't worry about the bull, enjoy life as much as possible.
... life has been hard
... broken many Bones now have PAIN in many areas mainly my back.
... lost many abilities since my stroke (I miss control of my right hand - hand writing, joystick/mouse controlling; Standing; Walking)
... I'm still Alive :-) I think :-D
might add more later...
Things I think n worry about since the stroke

Since my stroke (I should say “after”) many things pop into my head that I think and worry about I thought I should right them down, why? Unknown, good question.
One, of my major worries that I can visibly see in my head (what’s left up there lol) is me breaking a bone ex: during transfer from/to my wheelchair, taking a shower slipping and falling, falling out of wheelchair period, when I’m changing my pants I’m afraid I might put leg in a wrong angle and break the leg, etc... I know I had many over 50 broken bones in my life so far and it never worried me before but since the stroke I seem to worry about a lot.
Two, I am always paranoid about cars/trucks when I am out and about, I’m afraid they will hit me again (2 times so far, I don’t want a third time) it hurts. It seems like 70% of drivers don’t look or care to look each way before they take a turn (sometimes they don’t even stop when they take a turn). Crossing an intersection is nerve-racking and dangerous. Bradenton, Florida doesn’t help matters because many streets in Bradenton don’t have sidewalks (or if they do its only part way and half-way down the sidewalk you have to backtrack to a driveway to go into the street to continue down to the next driveway). I’m not talking about side streets, I’m talking major streets (ex: 14th St. is a US highway route 41) 14th St. sidewalks are a joke, some areas have them while many other parts of 14th St. don’t so you have to go onto the street to continue, and do drivers care a wheelchair is trying to make its way by, NO, well maybe a little they don’t want to scratch their car.
Third, Security: I use to live in secured buildings in apartment above the ground floor so it made it harder for thieves to get into my apartment. Now I’m on the ground floor (in a very nice apartment and area) but much easier for someone to break into and since the stroke wtf could I do if someone did break in. I really need a good alarm system to cover the doors (3) and the windows, plus monitoring me and my mother. If either me or my mother fell or needed assistance neither of us can do much and if either of us was home alone forget about it we’d be F’d.
To be continued …
My Life of Challenges

I was born with a brittle bones disorder called OI (Osteogenesis Imperfecta),
I have had over 50 broken bones in my life, and mainly as a kid. I have had many
compressed vertebras over the years (nearly all of them). I was 5'2" tall but because of the compressed vertebras I'm now 4'11". Well mainly because of the broken bones an a few other factors.
I went to a school for the disabled and because of their lack of teaching I
developed a learning disability, thankfully my mother removed from that school
and entered me into public school (1981) and there I learned read, write, and
etc... I finished High School, my last semester I made the honor roll. I have
tried to do college but the learning disability interfered that and has left
me with a student loan which I can’t repay on SSI (the creditors don’t want to
listen to my problems, I have been disabled all my life, they don’t care).
In my late teenage years I developed hearing problems, I had my left ear
operated on but basically lost 90% of hearing in left ear; my right ear also
has about 35% of loss.
In 1992, I helping take care of my dying father; when I got electrocuted. When
I got electrocuted it made my left shoulder muscle crush my left shoulder
ball. I had to have my shoulder ball replaced, after leaving the hospital I
broke my leg at a store. My father died in Oct. 1993.
In 1994 I broke my right leg and had to have a metal brace inserted into right
leg just under the knee. Weight skyrocketed to over 350lbs.
In 2001 I finally got a Doctor that worked with me. The Doctor recommended
Bariatric Surgery. In Dec 2001 I have the Bariatric Surgery, by mid 2002 I
went from over 350lbs to 205lbs.
In 2003 I developed a drinking problem from a few factors (a girl, the
surgery, and depressions etc...). The drinking and the OI made my teeth weak
and my teeth keep breaking away I only have a few left. I am now a recovering
drunk; I don't drink anymore (except I have had a few slips).
Then in 12/2007 I got hit buy a car while I was crossing the street in my
wheelchair, which broke my left hip. I had to have a metal rod inserted to
hold it together.
Latest problem... In 4/2008 I had a stroke. The doctors’ thought I would die
it was a very bad stroke they were trying to get my mother ready to deal with
my death, but I think God wasn't ready for me yet :-) and I stayed alive. I
lost total use of my right side but help from the rehab hospital (I was able
to leave hospital after a month) and Bayside (a rehab clinic in Portland, ME)
I have regained 50-60% use of my right side...
In Jan 2009 I moved me, my mother and a friend of ours to Bradenton, Florida I
couldn't deal with snow ever again now that I'm stuck in a wheelchair.
Hopefully That’s All ……………
My Views by Giovano

My Views by Giovano;
An important note to readers of this I few thing to bear in mind as you read it is I have a learning disorder caused by lack of correct education at a private school for the disabled so please bear with grammar errors and poor sentence structure. Also, I know some of you that may read this may get upset at my opinions but that what they are my opinions. I'm not a god, or an important figure in the world scene just a human filled with faults like anyone else. So, read this to understand why I'm writing it. I write it to share my concerns of what I see going on in this nation! I do hope you read this and it makes a difference in our nation's life for the better.
I choose to write this letter because I'm tired of seeing everything being blamed on the white man in America. Yes there is racism in America but it swings both ways you show me a black person that calls someone a racist I'll show you that they are also a racist. You can't say someone is a racist and say you're not one yourself. If you think someone hates you there is at least a spark in you that doesn't like him or her back. You might able to hide it, and even control your response to it but it is there; you know it and they know it and believe me I know it. Just for that reason I'm writing this. Myself I was raised by a mother that believe there shouldn't be any differences in the way we treat other no matter what a person skin color looks like. When I was young I just thought a black person was like me just with a darker tan than I. In my opinion I still believe that. Our organs are in the same place, we bleed the same, we love, we hate, we cry, so why is it we have to split hairs on color? WE Shouldn't!! I don't blame my parents for me being scared of blacks I blame the media and the radical black leaders of the nation. You ask why? Well as I said I was raised to think that there were no differences between the races what changed that was growing up watching Television and movies. The influences of the media showing blacks raping and killing whites; gangs shooting people, mugging other and the black leaders of today blaming everything on white people. Hey I was a kid I never did anything to a black person. So why were they blaming my family and me? I think they have to revisit history to the best leader of our nation there ever was or ever will be Martin Luther King Jr.!! Malcolm X was an interesting influence in our history. I think Malcolm X ideas should be more elevated to a national plan but I come back to that later in this letter. Martin Luther King Jr. tried to get us together to become as one nation. The only way to reduce hatred is to reduce it ourselves first I guess the best way to say it is respect the ones that hate you and teach respect for others; not tolerance (tolerance is hatred concealed). Let's all face facts hatred can never be totally eliminated. We will have the KKK, Neo-Nazi's, Skin Heads, the Gangs too many to list that will fuel the hatred for a long time and you can't get rid of them they will form no matter how many laws are passed. I'd include the black panthers in the above but I can't they had good ideas just the government and some radicals inside there own group that helped destroy the movement, in my opinion they should reform and start over. The only why to stop gangs from forming is to stop people from getting together and grouping we can't do that. We can't stop all Hate there are always going to be people that hate something for some unknown reason a fact of human life! We can help reduce racism and hatred by trying to teach respect for each other no matter the color, size, shape, sex, age, ability, or sexual desires.
I know we do have a problem with police in America they may say they don't profile blacks as being most likely causing troubles but we know they do. We can't just blame them for that it's more a fact of income more then of race. In the major cities and the south the blacks are the poorest and the crime rate among them is higher; then there are the gangs carrying guns so of course the cops are more scared and abusive towards them. The cops need to protect their lives and the lives of others. I live in the north and I see the cops being more abusive towards the poor whites then anyone else. It's a profile of income the poorer the person looks the most likely they are causing the troubles. I need to add this note I have meet cops that treat people equally contemptible and I have meet a lot more that treat people with respect. I guess what I'm saying is don't throw away all the cops because of the few bad ones, we do need them. As a matter of fact I believe if more people went up to cops and thanked them for doing their jobs it would help to improve the way cops react to people. I mean its back to the beginning of this letter. When cops get hatred towards him/her self every day they are going to be giving it back to us; some cops may control it more than others but it is there. So, if we can show them more kindness and understanding and listen to them it should help them react better to others!
Back to the issue, sorry I got side tracked but there are so many factors involved in racism so it's so easy to get side tracked. I know that blacks where slaves over a hundred years ago but should we keep blaming someone for their ancestors faults? To continue to blame whites for the slavery we would also have to but the children of criminals in jail for their parent's crimes and than that's child's child and so on. So, how long do we blame a family line for the crime? We can't forgive our ancestors for enslaving the blacks (another note here we shouldn't forget that other blacks sold enemy tribes to whites. So again it is not all the whites fault) but to blame us for our ancestors crimes is the same as going up to a murder's son and calling him a murder which is just wrong. We do need to learn from the past but to blames us for the past is wrong if we don't learn from the past that is what's wrong! One thing else we have seemed to have forgotten is that at some points in history a lot of races have been slaves I'm not a historian so I can't name them all but the most remembered are the Jews, the Christians, and then the Blacks. Also, a long time ago whenever a conqueror conquered a town or city of the enemies they'd enslave the enemy. So at some point in history almost every race has enslaved someone else or been enslaved. So to put it as nice as I can put it let's stop crying over spilled milk and try our hardest to make sure it doesn't happen again. So, the only thing I want you to do and I'm asking for the sake of all in this nation. Teach ALL children to respect everyone. Teach them to like all people. Unless we do that the hatred will continue forever and no matter how many laws you pass you won't be able to reduce hate because that will increase it, but teach respect and you will reduce it!
Now for another thing I am really getting pissed off at men. Men you are really pissing me off not all men but it seems like a lot of them. What, you ask? Well violence towards women is what's really pissing me off. Not all men do it but, there are so many that are that's its makes me ashamed to call myself a man. A real man should never think he owns a women not even after they have had intimate relations or even after they marry a woman her body is hers NOT YOURS you jerk! Please remember this part is for the asses, you know who you are. Men that think they have the right to hit, rape, abuse, and etc… you are dead wrong. Men that do that kind of stuff need to have their jewels removed, in my opinion. In my opinion women should be worshipped they are the mothers and daughters of the Earth and without them we have no love or joy in the world. Men that aren't already doing so should start respecting all women. There might be a few women that might not like what I say next but I think all men should do it. Men we should start opening the doors again for women, tip our hats in respect, treat all women as goddess, and defend women against wrong doers, and NEVER NEVER pressure a woman to do anything she is not ready or willing to do. Now for the worst of the human men are you men that rape, date rape and those of you that use knock-out drugs, basically you men that don't have enough balls to find or keep a women the right way. You guys are disturbed and need to have your balls removed as soon as possible!!!!! I blame the way a lot of men are treating women on media and on some part on the way their parents raised them and their peers that help convince them it is cool to do it. A lot of fathers teach their sons to disrespect women not always in words but by the way they act. Fathers were brought up this way for ages and it HAS to change NOW!! I know from my experience some of my problems with women are from the way I was brought up by my father. My father and some of my uncles thought that women were only good for a few things sex, cleaning, and cooking. My father was a good man but that was the way he was brought up but luckily my father wasn't an abusive man I never saw or heard of him ever abusing a woman. Luckily, even though my father raised me to think women were for sex, cleaning, and cooking; my mother did most of my raising. My mother seemed to be a harsh woman while I was I a child she taught me many things that have stuck. I have had a few troubles growing up because of the two differences in the way I was brought up but thankfully I have learned a lot more from my mother. Mainly respect of others. Now the main group I blame for the men's abusive attitude is back to the media. I remember growing up and so many movies and TV shows that would tell us that "when a woman says no she is really saying yes", or it was ok to take advantage of a woman if she was passed out. Also they showed us that it was ok pressure her to do things she didn't want to do and if she didn't she was a tease or even called her a baby or a lesbian for not doing it. I even remember a few shows that show a man force sex on a woman basically raping her after a while she would start to enjoy it, come on those shows were the worst but how they made them it was tough love. Sick!! NO MEANS NO!!! Men we need to fight this shameful trend. You guys might say that they don't have shows like that any more but we do they are just more subtle about it but its there plus now we have videos and shows that are promoting girls to being free about sex or acting sluty is cool. I think that if more guys thought of women as goddesses, queens, and/or princesses and start treating them as such we would all be better off. Now men if you need something to hit take up boxing or get a bunch bag. Do you to have rough controlling sex get a rubber woman and leave the real women alone you sick freak!
Now I have something to say to you women. This sexual harassment junk is getting a bit out of hand. Now granted there are lots of jerks out there that do it just to do it, but whistling at beautiful girls come on. A man should never touch a woman in a sexual way without her consent or call her names. A pat on that back or arm in praise should not be grounds for sexual harassment unless the patting becomes petting. Also innocent hugs should be given some leeway I do think a man should ask first but there are times when a hug should be allowed. Now women you say what you are wearing should not affect how men act, well deal with it, IT DOES! I mean come on a lot of you spend long times to put that make-up on find that perfect outfit that makes things look better or to show them off and think it shouldn't effect the men, COME ON get real. You act like the men should have blinders on and if that's true then why bother dressing-up? You, know men have been raised by their fathers and the media to lust after women and you put on short dress like Aly McBeal and like men aren't going to stare or make comments about it you are messed up in the head. Most not all but all most all men think with one thing below their belly button and above their knees. I don't think women need to dress like they live in the Middle East nations like Iran. I think you women have to understand if you dress sexy men are going to look at you with some sort of desire. So learn to live with it and if you can't well, I don't have answer for you because I'm not a know it all; even if this letter makes me out to be one. I am just a human man with lots of concerns
Now earlier in this letter I said I talk about Malcolm X plan. I think Malcolm X's ideas of fixing our own is a better idea for our whole nation as a whole. I think we need to worry about fixing problems of the United States first and then once we have fixed our nations faults we can look at helping other nations. I don't mean not helping other nations that suffer a natural disaster. I mean stop giving other nations funds to fund their nations economy to waste on their nation if they want our nation money than they should apply to become a state in the United States of America. If we help another nation again in a war we of the U.S.A. are to be repaid for the use of our equipment and some type of valve has to be added for any U.S. soldier lost/disabled in action. This repayment should be split between the nation we helped and the nation we fought.
As for the Media: I truly believe Ben Franklin must be turning is his grave. When Ben started the free-press ages ago I truly believe he never would think it would go as far as it has gone. Music that advocates violence against women, towards races, police, and etc.., video games that show/teach that killing is cool and fun. TV shows showing people dying one week and coming back to life months later or sex with anything that moves is desirable. News saying that every cop is a killer and is only out to kill black people. The media also teaches us that women have to dress trashy to get notice. I believe one of the reasons that there seems to be an increase in child molestation is the fashion media using models under 16 and dressing them up to look like they are over 18 I mean come a child has no business dressing like and worse than Aly McBeal! The media is promoting it and act so innocent when it happens. I truly believe that when the fore fathers designed the 1st amendment they wanted us to be able to report what was going on, what's wrong, the facts, and opinions, but not made-up junk or stuff! I think the media need to get a life.
Lawyers are needed and there are some damn fine lawyers out there but they shouldn't be making precedence and these loopholes are getting out of hand. It is getting so it protects the guilty and to hell with the innocent. Come on you jerks Lawyers you know how you are how can you live on Earth knowing you are helping murders and rapist? We should get rid of the double jeopardy if the state gets new evidence that could have made a difference then they should be allowed to re-try them. Hell the guilty have a right to appeal so should the state!!! Another thing, evidence that is found to be real evidence should be use NO matter how it was found not to break the fourth amendment. Having evidence throw away on a loophole is messed-up and stupid. This crazy defense is also crazy, if someone kills someone else they have to have something loose up-stairs so no getting off for being temporarily or full-blown crazy is bull. Now if it was self-defense or an accident (not caused from OUI or foolish things like playing throw the knife at one another) then they should be let off. Violent murders should be put to death why keep them around wasting space, time, and money just get rid of them. Also lawyers let’s cut out these stupid law suits like (someone using a skate board to jump off a house and getting hurt as he fell and then suing the owner for not having a safe landing area the dumb kid should have never jumped off the house. Then you don't just sue the homeowner but then you sue the manufacture of the skate board claiming either they didn't make the skate board good enough to protect the skate boarder or for not putting a warning stating jumping off buildings will cause you to get fucked-up. Come on Lawyers Get real! Let the stupid suffer for their own stupidity...
My views on politicians: Politicians should never be allowed to accept gifts from lobbyist or special interest groups they are working for the people not the lobbyist/groups. Any politicians that are found doing so should lose their position. Also make them publish how they are going to vote and did vote on issues, and publish it in their (representing) local newspaper and now that we have it on the web so the people they represent know what they are doing as they are doing it and not after they have voted when it’s too late. We voted for them to represent us but they are being influenced by the lobbyist and special interest groups we need to know what's being voted on and have a voice to let our representatives know what we want them to do.
Our arm forces need to earn their keep they are ever ready to work so let’s let them work here not in another country except in times of justified war. The United States declared war on drugs awhile-ago great now let use our forces. The police are getting over worked and out gunned. Let’s use the Navy to stop water-based threats and smuggling over water. We can use the Air Force to find air-based drug smugglers. The Army and Marines can do a great job to back-up the police against gangs. Come on the gangs are using machine guns and armor-piercing bullets the police carry a 9mm hand gun and if they run into trouble they have to run to the back of their car to get the big guns while the gangs shoot at them, let's get real. I think the gangs would think twice if they had to go up against a bunch of guys in full body armor and carrying M16 assault rifles versus a cop with a bullet proof vest on and a 9mm hand gun and a short range shotgun. Let's make the gangs fear the cops not the cops fear the gangs!!! Get the arm forces to help and use their skills.
Now for another rant, it's about taxes. This may get the most responses but I think we need to change the whole system. My simplified views of how we should tax people 0% income tax on income under $30,000; 5% on $30,001-50,000; 15% on 50,001-80,000; 30% on 80,001-1,000,000; and 40% 1,000,000 - 5,000,000; and 50% on anything over 5,000,000. The only tax breaks are for having kids under 18, school bills (books, fees, etc..), and nothing else no tax break for cash on offshore accounts nothing I mean come on the Forbes, Rockwell's, Gates, and etc don't need tax breaks they have money to burn! They in my opinion they are wasting the money and fleecing America by apply for so many tax breaks. Yes many of them give money to charities but come on that it is drops of water out of the pool of money that they are hoarding. I believe if we change the way we tax and the way we spend it we could take care of Americans health care and education. I think college and health care should be free to all Americans.
OK, What the F.. (Heck) is up with drivers????? I got hit in Dec 2007; I got hit so hard I was thrown out of my electric wheelchair and broke my left hip. I have too many near misses because drivers are not paying any mind to people. I got hit again in July 2008 luckily with only some minor damage to my chair. PEOPLE Wake the F UP.
So in summary teach the children to respect others to reduce hatred in America. Fix America's problems first and help other when we can. Stop the rich from fleecing Americans. Educate all Americans and make sure they can get any health care that they need. Now that I have said what I had to say I hope Americans can come together to change some of the problems in America. I know this letter won't be the greatest works of America but was written to air my concerns. I hope I didn't anger anyone but knowing life I have and to those I have I'm sorry. So, with that all said I end this long rant. Thanks for reading!
Respectfully a fellow American;
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