HUGs to all that Follow His Teaching n Love!!!
Gay n Lesbian getting married angers many, many say they are Christians n they are just keeping to what the Bible says...
Ok... Question(S)/Points!!!
old testament of Bible says something like:"Man laying with Man like
with Woman kind is Totally Unforgivable in God's eyes", yup totally
understand faithful people grabbing on to that as their reason to not
wanting Gay n Lesbians for getting married, yup take old testament n run
with it...
It is ok for people to Hate n have anger in their
hearts against Gay/Lesbians n against others with different faiths or
lack of faith, that as gone well in the past...
So called women(n
some men) killed because someone accused them of witchcraft, or not
believing in the Big Guy's Son can think of many so called Christians
Killing in the Big Guy's Son's name saying non-believer either need to
submit or die or just kill Jewish people in ways I won't say here but
happened between 1939-1945 in Europe...
Many people in the past have used the Bible to say it is ok to hate or kill in his name...
What harm is it to any human being if a Gay/Lesbians couple gets married???
are marring because they love each other so what harm are they doing???
Ok they are going against the old testament n maybe something in the
new testament(but nothing Jesus ever said) but isn't killing in Jesus
name against what he taught???
Didn't he say teach Love, did he say not to judge others??? Did he not say he without sin can cast 1st stone???
opinion is he wants me/us to love are fellow human beings, not to judge
them since that is his job, he wants me/us to teach his teaching/love
to everyone but no where did Jesus say "Teach my message of Love to
everyone but if they don't don't follow my message Kill/Hate them" Nope
not his way... If someone isn't doing what it says in the Bible will he
not deal with it at the End with his Judgement??? He doesn't need us
hating/killing in his name that is NOT his message!!!
I say to my
fellow righteous/Bible supporters love our fellow humans n spread his
words to everyone willing to listen n if they don't want to hear it that
is ok, if we live a good life n are righteous in how we live then they
see the good we learned...
So Please Join me in loving our fellow
human n let them love whom ever they feel is their partner is M/W, M/M
or W/W n don't worry if is wrong it doesn't effect you or me it is their
life n their soul n if they are doing something wrong in God's eye I am
sure they will be informed at their end of life n doesn't have to be
banned by us we are also full of are own problems...
We Need to
stop judging, hating n killing in his name people that are different
from the so-called faithful, Remember saying' What Would Jesus Do???' I
know he wouldn't throw a stone at a sinner, he would HUG them instead...
So is God n Jesus for Love = YES
Are we to judge those that live different lives than ours = NO
Are we to hurt those of different faiths = NO
Would Jesus want us to Love n defend others even of different faiths n ideals = YES
write this not in support of Gay/Lesbians but in my over whelming love n
support of Jesus teaching(n what he taught me) n his Love he has for
me, you n everyone including Gay/Lesbians, Muslim, Hindus,Buddhist,
Pagans n so on so please follow him in his love n teaching of love!!!
HUGs from e to You all!!!
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