Sunday, January 19, 2014

terms Handicapped n Disabled n etc...

I am not on the P.C. word play, as a kid I grew I heard people using the term Cripple a lot (which I totally hate that word it is to me the same as the 'N' word is to many Americas) then it changed to handicapped it was better then the 'C' word n understood why some didn't like that then came Disabled I was fine with that one but the P.C. said no then changed it to Physically Challenged n Differently Able n I see now a lot of use of Special Needs but to me that sounds like a step back towards the word Cripple or Handicapped... I truly think Physically Challenged is the most correct term for adults/children with disabilities, I am able to do much but I can't climb a ladder, I can't walk, or fully control my right hand I have challenges in my areas so term Physically Challenged is acceptable to me but Special Needs sounds like a old time person with sunglasses n a tin with a sign saying blind please help me... I know many disagree but the term Special Needs n Special Need Child leave a bad taste in my head the person that coined that tern I dislike it sounds so wrong to me, I can see where some may not like Disabled so the other term Physically Challenged should come back in use, in my option!!!

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