Friday, March 28, 2014

My Beliefs...

I want to share my views n beliefs about many things, n want to make it clear these are my views n beliefs n it is in no way has to be yours or in no way do you have to agree but just understand where I am coming from n know I respect you your views n beliefs n think it is ok to agree to disagree with each other, like there r Coke Cola people n like me there are Pepsi people but we can still live in the same world... :-)

I say am a Jesusian because I believe in loving everyone no matter their beliefs, race, abilities, sex or sexual prefaces... I say Jesusian n not Christian because there are so many different sect of Christian which is ok but their disagreements about how to believe... During my high school years I hated all religions because I saw/heard many fighting about who had the true way to believe n if you didn't believe their way you were wrong n are a sinner so, I hated all for their disliking others faith...

Jesusian is a term I thought I came up with but found others using it too, I wanted to be known as a person that respects other n love as Jesus did/does... Jesus was all about love n teaching n helping everyone that wanted to learn or wanted help... Jesus never taught make everyone a follower or hate them or worst...

Many Christian sects hate same sex couples but what gives Christians the right to hate same sex couples??? Judging is only Jesus' right to do Christians job is to love n teach everyone that is willing to listen, n we have No Right to push our opinion on others... Did Jesus grab the tax collector n the sinners to listen to him No so, we should not try to make every believe our ways... Also Christian dislike other Christians sects because they believe in different ways n it is no wonder why the Christians feel like they are losing their rights in America, a house divided against it's self surely falls n the Christian faith is divided n when we Christians can truly love our neighbor no matter their beliefs can we call ourselves Christians n when we come together as a united faith we can do amazing things...

So onto what I believe:
I believe in Love of everyone...
I don't believe in abortions but also feel a man has no opinion on this subject unless it is between husband n wife being married it should be a joint decision a man gets 1 vote n the woman gets 2 votes after all it is her body...
I am not a fan of same sex but believe they have the same rights as everyone it is not my place to say they are doing wrong that is between them n their faiths...
I love God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit very strongly but respect others in their faiths(even if it is not Jesus n God based) Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Islam, Pagan, Karma n those that have no faith, my duty is to live a good life n share my faith with those who what to hear it...

I believe humans need to be good n respectful to other humans, n couples have no right to abuse each other(this happens mainly man abusing woman but does happen to man by their partner woman or male)...
Also believe adults have no right to abuse a child in any way...
I hate bullies n really get disgusted by parents that ignore that their child is a bully or say it is life kids need to learn to deal with it, bull both child n parents need to learn it is wrong to bully n find the reason why it is happening...
I also believe children need self defense because there is times that a child my face a bully or an abuser n they need to defend themselves n get some where safe as soon as possible...

I think women are better then men, they are the mothers of the human race they are most likely where we get the 1st feelings of love n so think they should be treated as a queen n daughters are the princess of the human race... What about men you ask??? We are the human race's fathers n son n if we treat women as a queen or princess then men can think of themselves as kings n princes but if they are abusers they are lower then flies on pigs...

I have given up on politics because how the system is now the founding father would lead a rebellion or leave the country because to far from how they set it up n fought for...
Everyone blames the president for everything but I believe 75% of the damage to politics in America is caused by congress n the senate n the other 25% is also cause the President n his staff but he isn't allow to pass laws but can veto them, n American's over time has allowed the decline of the system so when people finally want to change stuff they can't get enough support unless they get a massive group together to march on DC like has happened in the past...

We are all humans living on this planet many think what we believe n do is the only way n you may be thinking the same with my opinions/notes but I know I am imperfect n I make mistakes but I am hoping n trying to make things better n teach others to really truly do the same...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hey Everyone...

Doing ok today n little stiff n a little sore in the back n joints I think that is from me wanting to be independent last nite n trying to wheel the manual wheelchair myself plus the transfers from/to manual wheelchair to my friends car with the transfer board that is a big challenge for me but no one can help me with it except to hold wheelchair to make sure it doesn't move as I transfer...
Trying to decide if I will be up to going to church tonite, I just took some Tylenols n Tramadols so am hoping they kick in to make body feel better by tonite, when I go I will be using my mother's scooter which doesn't have as good of soft ride as the electric wheelchair does nor areal seat belt like my chair but I want to be there tonite if my body allows it...
Oh, local stores don't have the batteries in stock Batteries Plus over a week back ordered but friend Tom look at his favorite store Discounts Batteries n they also have my type batteries but could have them by Tuesday n @ $150 each much better prise than Batteries Plus so cool by Tuesday nite my wheelchair will be working at 100% again... I was ask if my charger could be defective well seeing it keeps new batteries charged at full strength for the 1st 4ish months I don't think the charger at fault but I am not a wheelchair tech(manual wheelchair is easy to work on before my stroke) but I think the motors are most likely are at blame for the eating the batteries, they are old n have been though snow n a lot of use in 7years so my opinion is the motor is burning up the batteries which I have looked into replacing but think that is a project me n my roommate Mark are not really a thing we could do... But if we did get new motors n maybe even a new charger it would make the whole chair a new wheelchair seeing all ready replaced control unit n batteries coming soon, n replaced tires the only thing really need to make it a new chair is the motors n charger oh, n frame almost forgot the current frame makes so much noise as I go in it people can hear me coming it rattles a lot n squeaks no cat burglar could I be :-) I kind of like the noise my chair makes it gives it character so I don't think I would change the noise maybe have it look at by pro wheelchair tech to make sure nothing is missing or too lose or broken but wouldn't want to get rid of it's character it is part of the wheelchair which is also like me different :-D even how I control the wheelchair feels like we are in sync n moving the wheelchair is like walking use to be barely even think about the movement  of where I am going body/wheelchair goes with no thinking... The other wheelchair I got 4years ago fought me every movement it never liked  my controls n I have to really fight with it n in some ways am glad it smells like it wants to catch on fire gave me reason to go back to my Invacare Wheelchair... The other wheelchair was from the Scooter Store  n if I remember correctly it is a Steamer Shopper something like that will never get another of those but wouldn't mind a new Invacare M91 such a great chair but if I could replace my wheelchair think the one I show the link to in my note about medical thing mom n I need would be the best for my needs it comes apart n folds for transport so would be good for going to retreats, conventions or even missions...

Ok I have talk to you all n myself long enough :-D


Monday, March 17, 2014

My Big Wish... n dream n need...

Some people might think my hoping to win the PowerBALL is unrealistic n dumb/stupid of me to hope for BUT:
I can't afford to replace my electric wheelchair or afford to buy new batteries every 6months... It has been a wonderful blessing that people have helped in the past to replace parts/batteries but I want to be able to afford my own repairs n also want to help others that are in the same boat I am right now with their insurance refusing to left a finger to help n help those that don't have any coverage for medical equipment...
I want to be on the side of giving n not the side about worrying how things will be cared for...
I know when I win the PowerBALL I will do:
cash in the ticket...
make sure taxes are paid 1st...
call Social Security n Medicaid n see if I have to pay them anything back n tell them I no longer need help...
set 10% aside to give to WBC to buy land n build a building for WBC...
get a lawyer n accountant to help me with managing the funds n to setup an origination to help people with wheelchair replaces/replacement...
Get myself an new electric wheelchair n an electric wheelchair for my mother n any other medical equipment n care like a personal care aid for my mother n get my mouth/teeth replaced locally finally...
Also will be helping friends n family with some of their troubles that I already know they are having problems with...
Build a home that is designed to be completely accessible n get a van that can transport a couple wheelchairs at the same time...
This is my plans when I win the PowerBALL so I know it sounds like a pipe dream but is the only way I see for my plan to be forfilled n so I pray, wish, n hope I win n ASAP!!!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Items my mother n I need ASAP n medicare n medicaid will not help us at all

Here is a List of Items that
My HouseHold is Real Need to Get

my Mother is in a super need of the following:
Electric Bed - Bed with Foam Mattress and 1 Pair T Rail

Pronto Air Personal Transporter with MyBody Seating Seat Size: 20"

n so she can use her car she also needs this:
Folding Strong Electric Wheelchair Hitch Carrier Mobility Scooter Loading Ramp

I am in need of the following:
24" Portable Mobility Wheelchair & U​tility Ramp 600 lb. Capacity Maximum 4" Rise
(need so when I goto someones home I can use this to get over thresholds)

Active Care WILDCAT450BK24​SS Wildcat 450 Heavy Duty Folding Power Wheelchair
(my current wheelchair is past it's operating life so I need a new wheelchaair n saw this which comes apart n folds so it can be ttransported so I could go with friends to events like church or sci-fi conventions)

Vented Weather Breaker Canopy Sunshade for Mobility Scooter and Powerchair
(would like this so when I am out n about I would be covered, no carring umbrella is to differacult for me)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Good Day to us all,

I had a rough nite last nite, I a woke around 3am n was having very very bad back pains about as bad as back in October before the pains was removed from me, I was very concerned (!!!caution spiritual topic about to be shared!!!) So I didn't reach for pill box but realized I forgot to say my prayers before going to bed, n no not saying because I forgot to say my prayer someone was punishing me saying because I forgot I let the pain have a open door to me after (!!!Caution very spiritual Faith coming!!!) I did a heartful prayer my back pains disappeared again n I was able to go back to sleep n slept well...
Well my dream after falling back to sleep was a bit weird n had my ex-girlfriend in it, I felt as if she was calling out to me for help, I was lead to a dance Nite Club n realized it was for serving very bad people n evil beings yes being... I looked around n didn't she her I asked around n was told she was one of the owners favorite fallen... I asked to see her they laughed but I was shown to where she was... They left us think they thought I want to have fun with her... I spoke to her n she was scared at 1st I spoke to again she slowly looked up n her tearful eyes n the frown on her face changed to a smile of joy that I was there I said get up we are leaving... She said she can't n neither could I once here we can never leave, I laughed I said I was sent to get you n WE ARE Leaving Now she got n took my hand n as we started to the doors to leave a number of beings block our way I said move or be destroyed n they moved n I lead out of this den of evil in to a wonderful warming light then I woke up...
It was wonderful dream n so detailed n very spiritual, hope you liked the dream I liked it as well but wonder now what it meant??? Is it just a dream, is it a lesson is it a mission or is it something I helped her with even being 1800 miles away from her???

Well Hope you are doing well today :-)


Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...