Friday, March 28, 2014

My Beliefs...

I want to share my views n beliefs about many things, n want to make it clear these are my views n beliefs n it is in no way has to be yours or in no way do you have to agree but just understand where I am coming from n know I respect you your views n beliefs n think it is ok to agree to disagree with each other, like there r Coke Cola people n like me there are Pepsi people but we can still live in the same world... :-)

I say am a Jesusian because I believe in loving everyone no matter their beliefs, race, abilities, sex or sexual prefaces... I say Jesusian n not Christian because there are so many different sect of Christian which is ok but their disagreements about how to believe... During my high school years I hated all religions because I saw/heard many fighting about who had the true way to believe n if you didn't believe their way you were wrong n are a sinner so, I hated all for their disliking others faith...

Jesusian is a term I thought I came up with but found others using it too, I wanted to be known as a person that respects other n love as Jesus did/does... Jesus was all about love n teaching n helping everyone that wanted to learn or wanted help... Jesus never taught make everyone a follower or hate them or worst...

Many Christian sects hate same sex couples but what gives Christians the right to hate same sex couples??? Judging is only Jesus' right to do Christians job is to love n teach everyone that is willing to listen, n we have No Right to push our opinion on others... Did Jesus grab the tax collector n the sinners to listen to him No so, we should not try to make every believe our ways... Also Christian dislike other Christians sects because they believe in different ways n it is no wonder why the Christians feel like they are losing their rights in America, a house divided against it's self surely falls n the Christian faith is divided n when we Christians can truly love our neighbor no matter their beliefs can we call ourselves Christians n when we come together as a united faith we can do amazing things...

So onto what I believe:
I believe in Love of everyone...
I don't believe in abortions but also feel a man has no opinion on this subject unless it is between husband n wife being married it should be a joint decision a man gets 1 vote n the woman gets 2 votes after all it is her body...
I am not a fan of same sex but believe they have the same rights as everyone it is not my place to say they are doing wrong that is between them n their faiths...
I love God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit very strongly but respect others in their faiths(even if it is not Jesus n God based) Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Islam, Pagan, Karma n those that have no faith, my duty is to live a good life n share my faith with those who what to hear it...

I believe humans need to be good n respectful to other humans, n couples have no right to abuse each other(this happens mainly man abusing woman but does happen to man by their partner woman or male)...
Also believe adults have no right to abuse a child in any way...
I hate bullies n really get disgusted by parents that ignore that their child is a bully or say it is life kids need to learn to deal with it, bull both child n parents need to learn it is wrong to bully n find the reason why it is happening...
I also believe children need self defense because there is times that a child my face a bully or an abuser n they need to defend themselves n get some where safe as soon as possible...

I think women are better then men, they are the mothers of the human race they are most likely where we get the 1st feelings of love n so think they should be treated as a queen n daughters are the princess of the human race... What about men you ask??? We are the human race's fathers n son n if we treat women as a queen or princess then men can think of themselves as kings n princes but if they are abusers they are lower then flies on pigs...

I have given up on politics because how the system is now the founding father would lead a rebellion or leave the country because to far from how they set it up n fought for...
Everyone blames the president for everything but I believe 75% of the damage to politics in America is caused by congress n the senate n the other 25% is also cause the President n his staff but he isn't allow to pass laws but can veto them, n American's over time has allowed the decline of the system so when people finally want to change stuff they can't get enough support unless they get a massive group together to march on DC like has happened in the past...

We are all humans living on this planet many think what we believe n do is the only way n you may be thinking the same with my opinions/notes but I know I am imperfect n I make mistakes but I am hoping n trying to make things better n teach others to really truly do the same...

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