Monday, March 17, 2014

My Big Wish... n dream n need...

Some people might think my hoping to win the PowerBALL is unrealistic n dumb/stupid of me to hope for BUT:
I can't afford to replace my electric wheelchair or afford to buy new batteries every 6months... It has been a wonderful blessing that people have helped in the past to replace parts/batteries but I want to be able to afford my own repairs n also want to help others that are in the same boat I am right now with their insurance refusing to left a finger to help n help those that don't have any coverage for medical equipment...
I want to be on the side of giving n not the side about worrying how things will be cared for...
I know when I win the PowerBALL I will do:
cash in the ticket...
make sure taxes are paid 1st...
call Social Security n Medicaid n see if I have to pay them anything back n tell them I no longer need help...
set 10% aside to give to WBC to buy land n build a building for WBC...
get a lawyer n accountant to help me with managing the funds n to setup an origination to help people with wheelchair replaces/replacement...
Get myself an new electric wheelchair n an electric wheelchair for my mother n any other medical equipment n care like a personal care aid for my mother n get my mouth/teeth replaced locally finally...
Also will be helping friends n family with some of their troubles that I already know they are having problems with...
Build a home that is designed to be completely accessible n get a van that can transport a couple wheelchairs at the same time...
This is my plans when I win the PowerBALL so I know it sounds like a pipe dream but is the only way I see for my plan to be forfilled n so I pray, wish, n hope I win n ASAP!!!

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