Giovano 'Koala' Fusco
Adventurer Extraordinaire
Being Crazy is my way of being in the Zen Zone...
I went Crazy by my own decision so I won't go Insane!!!
The meaning of life... is to do your best at what ever makes yourself feel for-filled and happy...
Let the Teaching of Jesus/Buddha Guide You!!!
my Blogs:
my FaceBook profile:
my FaceBook group - Giovanos Dreams Hopes n Wishes:
Easier Mobility n Access for Giovano:
Tell Manufacturers n Retailers of Power WheelChair to offer extended Warranties:
Giovano's Wacky World FaceBook page:
my Interpals profile:
Discovery of Self-Truth:
my OIF profile:
my Twitter:
my YouTube:
Giovano Fusco's eBay WishList:
my Amazon WishList:
*** funding site:
my IMs:
yahooIM: koala_giovano
GoogleTALK: KoalaGCF koalagiovano
skype: giovano.koala
My Important Life Awards that Mean More then Anything:
Born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta(brittle bones) n learned to deal with Pain n Hard Ships...
also being born with a disability n meeting Many Many other n seeing them deal help me in my Life!!!
Survivor of Being Electrocuted at a Festival Park Ride helping another person get their SeatBelt on,
n the electricity caused my Shoulder muscles to Crush my shoulderball which had to be Replaced...
Survivor of being Morbidly Obese n had stomach surgery n lost over 150lbs...
Survivor of being an Alcoholic, it's still a struggle but I'm a Survivor n Sober!!!
Survived being hit by a Car while crossing a street in my Wheelchair which broke left hip...
I am also a Stroke Survivor that was in the left side of brain which effected my right side n bound me to an electric Wheelchair...
The Stroke a woken a strong Love n Spiritual side in me!!!
Let the Teachings of Jesus n Buddha Guide Us All...
This blog has changed to support my Fb page: Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
Trust Issues
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Why is it that there are so many Christians that feel it is their jobs to judge others??? Judging others is not our duties or right!!!! Our ...
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
Well Finally a glimmer of hope... Called insurance this morning telling them that I still haven't heard from the Scooter Store about com...