thinking(I know that is dangerous n sometimes offending to others) again:
Jewish n Christians(think even Muslims) a like are taught that Eve ate from the tree of knowledge n got Adam to do the same So, we started to learn things like what was Good n Evil that we were naked n so forth...
The Bible has parts that tell us to read n learn more...
America made it a law that all children have to go to school(be educated) n even when in High School encouraged to go on to a college to learn more...
When we learn things that others don't like or hid from us they really dislike it n even some in past have banned books or even burned them to hide the information from other n then say it was for others well being that they banned/burned them... n point America not including black history in school books...
Very common for those in power to hide or ignore bad parts of history or distorting the facts ex: America stealing land n killing the native people to increase America's lands or to get rich over land n gold so what if red people lived there n for who knows how long but for sure a lot longer than invading people from Europe; but us kids were lend to believe that the red skinned people were wild killing people n all they did was kill Americans... Well if your home was invaded n people were killed for their land I think U might see why they killed back but they brought arrows, knives n Axes to a Gun fight n they lost...
In my high school years we really only had access to school books that school board approved n if there was any info they didn't want us to learn we didn't get to learn it... Black history what was that??? I had no clue their was any until Dr. M.L. King day became a national holiday then I learned more about black history but is proof that there is info out there that people are not exposed too...
Now to get in to trouble; Creation vs Evaluation, I am not saying either is right or say either is wrong but believe both should be shared in say high school when students have a level of thinking where they can reason things out better... Both sides think the other side should not be taught if it is not taught how are they to learn???
...Now some hate any faith being in a school,, but that a hard one; this USA was mainly a Christian country for a long time pre-1776 n after 1776 so telling the many families that are faith based that their faith is banned but then other faith given an exemption are they afraid of terrorist ??? if they are allowed to pray at the times their faiths says they have to; why can't other have time to pray, meditate or silent time to think or finish homework... If a law/rule is made it has to be equal for everyone or the law/rule has to be removed to be fair to all...
...and another thing people don't know or don't want to know or ignore n etc is knowledge of the Bible... Yes the Bible a long long time ago in a galaxy far away oops mean a country(Italy) far away from here (America) the Bible was only allowed to be read by Priest n so forth keep the common person in the dark about all that was written in it... The a King in England had the Bible translated in to a common language 'English' the King James Version of the Bible n YAY common well, people that were able to read could know read the Bible n not relay on a priest to tell them what it says or what to read... Hey Wait, still knowledge was missing from even that; Yes even that, the Bible is divided in to two parts the Old Testaments n the New Testaments the Old Testament is from Jewish Torah but not all that was written in the Torah was included in the Christian Bible. some parts/books/chapters were left out;(I am not a Bible Scholar so I can't give a list of what but ask a Bible Scholar n they might tell U n not from a Bible school ask a Scholar from a University not part a religion) also there were some New Testament books that a group of leaders of the forming a central religion aka Christianity that decided what should or shouldn't be in the book n there are many things they didn't want or maybe didn't understand left out of the Bible... So, again higher ups/leaders trying to hide or so-called trying to protect people or their power n yes I said power...
I repeat n this is about all in this blog/note/post knowledge is power n it can take down those that are in control n really another reason the fore-fathers of USA made the the amendment of freedom of speech n press n including freedom of religion So, e could chose our own faith or not follow a faith, be able to speak our mind(like many do n I am doing right now with this!!!), n the right to know what is going on the freedom of the press...
This country is not prefect nor can it be it was started by humans that put a good effort in the start of it but over time more humans added stuff took stuff n try to correct stuff like equal rights so for a country I believe our country is a great country the people running it I am not too sure of... I believe we need a whole new set of congresspeople, new senators n new President n VP n NONE can be elected, my idea is they all get draw out of a machine that randomly picks people for positions from social security holders from ages between of 30-59 so, no more campaign raising n fund it would be like Jury duty...
My last point knowledge is power so that more we learn n teach the stronger we are n those we teach say like your children, don't relay on leaders, schools n churches to give you or your family all the facts because it might be their policy to give out all the fact (also might not be able to get all the facts but we can try to get as much as possible)...
So, being informed n helping your children be informed is only schools or others job but to be more informed n give you n your children the bigger picture do own research n learn n share wit your children...
Ok done with this opinion/blog; hope U liked n maybe something came from this hopefully better understand n directions...
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