Saturday, November 22, 2014

Hope not to offend but open up minds...

Oh Hi Everyone,

   It is the time of the year where there are holidays happening...
Now it puzzles me why people don't care for people like me say "Happy Holidays!!!" Instead of Merry Christmas???
Once a long long long time there the true owners of the America's then people came here n took away the Americas for themselves... These new people had a hard time at 1st n then the native people helped them to survive(bet they wish they didn't now) n they were thankful so we now have a holiday 'Thanks Giving' to be thankful for many things YAY, but the native must hate this holiday because it also marks n reminds everyone that the new people took this land away from the native people Oh Well can't turn back time n stop the native people from helping the new people... 
   The way I see this holiday now myself as a stroke survivor as to be thankful to be alive, my friends n want little I have n etc but not to think about the people that this holiday in bodies so as a holiday I can observe it because I have many things to be thankful for n to be alive...

    The upcoming month is very different in observing the holidays, some get bent out of shape by term used which is 'Happy Holidays', Why??? Oh, Well Hey it is Christmas season!!! Oh??? Ok if I see this correctly Christmas is a 1day thing well ok, 2days Christmas Nite n Christmas Morning/Day but Wait there is another holiday happening in December that last 7days called "Hanukkah" a holiday that is much older than Christmas is So, really it is more of Happy Hanukkah Season then Happy Christmas Season... Yes, at 1st new people that took over ownership of the Americas were Christians n for a super long time the Americas stayed mainly Christian nations: but slowly many other people's n faiths joined these nations n one of those is the Jewish people n their Jewish faiths(yup faiths like the Christians there r a number of different sects) n there are ever growing other faiths getting bigger n are speaking up for their 1st Amendment Right, go figure... :-)
   So, I like people of many faiths n non-faiths so I try to respect them by using a term that tries to include them all "Happy Holiday" but if I know for sure a person I am talking to is Christian I will say "Merry Christmas" but if I am unsure I just say "Happy Holidays" n I don't see the big issue in doing so...

  Ok say that those that get upset at schools that have been doing Christmas plays for ages should except it n maybe talk about having a play done for their holiday if they want...
Having any Holiday is to remember important things in the past... Many schools n communities have been doing plays n displays for many many many years n they enjoy them... Oh the show/displays offends U n you don't to see it well don't!!! I hate sports should I go around saying I don't want schools being played at schools anymore??? No!!! I just don't go to them or watch them that is much easier... I pulled sports into this because I hate sports except for 1 yearly football game held in Portland, ME Deering High vs. Portland High I went to Deering High class of 1986 n I like know that score every year more when Deering wins over Portland... The Deering vs Portland Turkey Game has been going on for ages n as many that also follow it do it as a tradition like many school plays n displays... Want to add a play or display to show your faiths get a group together n get city n school's ok get funding n make it a new tradition for your faith... 

  We need to build up communities not tear them apart, we have to respect all faiths n not say Christians can't show anything of their faith in a school but allow Muslims to be exempt... Allow Muslim their book in school then Jewish have to have theirs n of course Christians needs their bible, also a quite time should be allowed for all faiths time to do their prayers, n those that don't observe a daily prayer they can nap or catch up on studies n etc...

   USA is not only for Christians if it was meant to only be a Christian nation then the 'Bill of Rights' would have had the 1st Amendment read to say people could believe in any version of Christianity only, no other faiths allowed that doesn't follow Christ... The 1st Amendment welcomes freedom of religions so we are meant to allow n respect all faiths, even non-believers of any faith, what is so hard about understanding that...
It also means to those non-believers need to respect those that do have a faith n want to display it n see their kids doing displays n plays that show the love of their faith...

Ok my inspiration to write all this is now saying it is time to stop n post...

I hope I didn't offend anyone, I just trying respect everyone n help others do the same!!!


Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr. 11/21/2014

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