Ooops I have been thinking again... :-)
I have seen a few posts by friends over time (not just during the holidays) getting upset by other people talking bad about them, or complaining about them, talking behind their backs, n judging them; I have also experienced this in the past mainly before my stomach surgery ages ago when I was super large n way before I was super depressed n drinking heavily... If it has happened since I moved here to Florida n joining a local church, I haven't heard about it but have noticed a few local people that were Fb friends have unfriended me because of their insane reasons n their lost not mine...
My main thing I want to let You know, You n I are good people n those that don't/can't see that have the problem, not You U are good as you are!!!
If U are an average person, a person with a disability, a person with a past(n who doesn't have a past???), a person that is different then others(heck I take pride in being different), or even a person that is gay/lesbian/etc, there are so many differences in us that if someone is judging or putting others down because of these differences or using a book or what ever against it is really because they are dislike that U don't fit in a mold that they think you should be in... I broke molds, boxes, n bottles n will never fit into any type of mold ever again... Feel sorry for those that dislike that U/We are at a great level of being, Yes We are great n because those others don't know how to break the mold they are in or maybe afraid of breaking out of their molds they are really living a self hated life n then they see us living a life outside any mold makes them upset so they try to make those of us down n say we need to be like them... I Tell You NO, No, NO!!! We are Great as we were made n when we allow things or people bring us down we tend to be depressed n fall into habits(like I did with booze) or molds that are hurtful to us...
I say:
Don't drown yourself in booze(or drugs)
Don't change what makes U, You(that means if U are gay/lesbian/etc be gay/lesbian/etc)
Be Happy with Yourself!!!
Love Yourself!!!
Don't Judge others n Don't try to bring them down...
Don't let others tell U that U have to be like them...
Now if U have an problem with:
having lots of Sex
n etc...
then Yes Get Help with those issues!!!
Being different is great, We come in so many colors, personalities, n etc that I believe We are meant to be different!!!
It is like some people think we should be sheep n follow others n be like them; Yes the person I follow is Jesus, he is my Shepherd; but Jesus is not a Shepherd of sheep but of humans in their many different shapes, colors, ages, n abilities!!!
So Friends, I want U all know You are great!!!
Don't let others tear U down, don't let addictions destroy U!!!
We Can OverCome Addictions!!!
We Can Ignore those that try to bring Us Down because anyone trying to bring another down is already down n if they are not willing to be brought up then ignore them!!!
Love Yourself!!!
Love Life!!!
Be Happy...
Go OutSide n Enjoy Stuff!!!
Remember We All Are Beautiful in Our Own Ways!!!
Even if We have pains, broken bodies, disabilities, Tall/Short/Skinny/Fat, Male/Female/Gay/Lesbian/etc, spiritual/faithfilled/non-faithed n whatever We Are So Great n I am telling U Do Not Let Pain cause by others n by our own bodies bring Us down, yes very hard not to fall for the pain cause by our own bodies but can fight pain n push though it to still live life(n maybe your doctor can help with it) n when others try to cause us pain laugh at them because they are really a joke n when U don't give them the power n joy over U they are a joke n have no power over U to cause U any pain!!!
Take the Power back to ignore those causing U pain n feeling down, U have the Power to Do Great Thing We Just Have to Remember to Be like what parents use to say to us ages ago, We Need To Dream Again n Remember what we were told when We were young 'We Can Do Great Things, Dream It, Be It, Do It!!!'
Ok again I wrote longer then I planned n Hope I helped with what I wrote!!!
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco
This blog has changed to support my Fb page: Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
Friday, December 26, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Hope U are all doing well/better today!!!
Hello Everyone...
Hope U are all doing well/better today!!!
I am well, body is doing well today YAY...
I had weird set of dreams last nite, a couple dreams set pre-stroke time the dreams seem to be like what if U went this way n what happens; it almost felt like I was being offered a couple/few different paths instead of living my current one... The dreams were very appealing but to my old life can't remember much of the dreams but no those dreams/path didn't offer the joy I have in me now, I was able to walk again n did things that the body loved to do but those things didn't give me the insights into my spiritual life I have now n Do Not Want to Give Up... My old life had it's time, I am now on a new n better journey n better mind n heart n soul... I remember denying each dream/paths then waking up feeling Very Good, YAY!!!
My dreams are very interesting some times...
HUGs to You All...
Hope U are all doing well/better today!!!
I am well, body is doing well today YAY...
I had weird set of dreams last nite, a couple dreams set pre-stroke time the dreams seem to be like what if U went this way n what happens; it almost felt like I was being offered a couple/few different paths instead of living my current one... The dreams were very appealing but to my old life can't remember much of the dreams but no those dreams/path didn't offer the joy I have in me now, I was able to walk again n did things that the body loved to do but those things didn't give me the insights into my spiritual life I have now n Do Not Want to Give Up... My old life had it's time, I am now on a new n better journey n better mind n heart n soul... I remember denying each dream/paths then waking up feeling Very Good, YAY!!!
My dreams are very interesting some times...
HUGs to You All...
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Well Good Day to You All!!!
Well Good Day to You All!!!
HUGs to U all I hope/pray U are all doing well/better!!!
Last nite was Crazy n Cool but I was trying to sleep but kept getting a vision/message in my head just kept going over n over in my head...
One part was strange my ex-GF I had a feeling she wasn't doing well n she was thinking of me, weird but best not open old wounds...
Then brain was thinking about the many things I would be helping others with the funds I win in the near future...
Now, what really kept going over n over my head n very loudly n clearly: (Warning Very Deep Spiritual Moment) I heard clearly the reason why I am still bound to the Wheelchair where I regain a lot of use but not my walking n fine control of hand n foot was not for sins I did years before the stroke n the pains I have are not because of any sins in my life, they are just part of life n how I deal with them is the blessing...
A message kept going over n over(can't remember where it is in the Bible), I kept hearing "Which is Easier Tell SomeOne They Are Forgiven or Tell them To Stand n Walk" ok I remember this was a story where Jesus was talking to the people n they were questioning him about forgiveness n they said only God can do that n He was in front of a disabled man n he said "Which is Easier to Forgive or to Get someone to Walk" he looked at the disabled man put his hand out to him n then he said "Stand" n he did "Now Walk" n the man did but grabbed Jesus's hands n praised n thanked him...
Now at 1st I was like why is this so loud n clear in my head preventing me from falling a sleep??? I believe with my sharing the message of Love(mainly His Love n Love for all) I am to include the message that all that accept Him(n even those that don't) are forgiven n it is up to us to believe in His Love n Hm Forgiving Us!!! So Strong was this vision last nite before I was finally able to get to sleep I wondered if I would even remember it when I a woke today but I did n it was still as loud n clear as last nite...
Amazing Well at Least to Me it was So Wonderful!!!
Ok Warning over Spiritual stuff done I do the Warnings about Spiritual stuff to let my Friends that don't share my beliefs know I am about to go to area that they don't believe n that I respect them so the warning lets them skip that part... Ok, some may say why U have friends that don't believe in Jesus??? Well 1 friend I have known since 1983 he is a dear friend who was a believer but after much he decided to no longer believe which amazed me because how he was ages ago carry a bible all the time n crying so hard at Mel Gibson's movie about Jesus but Hey He iss a friend n we have had a number of ups n downs but we are still n think will always be friends, n the other friends that don't believe I am cool with it, Jesus lessons about Loving Everyone means I Love everyone n non-believers are very cool people n I respect as see them do for me... n being a friend of mine with visions like this can't be easy for them... HUGs to them!!!
Oh, time to get ready to head to church, HUGs to Everyone!!!
HUGs to U all I hope/pray U are all doing well/better!!!
Last nite was Crazy n Cool but I was trying to sleep but kept getting a vision/message in my head just kept going over n over in my head...
One part was strange my ex-GF I had a feeling she wasn't doing well n she was thinking of me, weird but best not open old wounds...
Then brain was thinking about the many things I would be helping others with the funds I win in the near future...
Now, what really kept going over n over my head n very loudly n clearly: (Warning Very Deep Spiritual Moment) I heard clearly the reason why I am still bound to the Wheelchair where I regain a lot of use but not my walking n fine control of hand n foot was not for sins I did years before the stroke n the pains I have are not because of any sins in my life, they are just part of life n how I deal with them is the blessing...
A message kept going over n over(can't remember where it is in the Bible), I kept hearing "Which is Easier Tell SomeOne They Are Forgiven or Tell them To Stand n Walk" ok I remember this was a story where Jesus was talking to the people n they were questioning him about forgiveness n they said only God can do that n He was in front of a disabled man n he said "Which is Easier to Forgive or to Get someone to Walk" he looked at the disabled man put his hand out to him n then he said "Stand" n he did "Now Walk" n the man did but grabbed Jesus's hands n praised n thanked him...
Now at 1st I was like why is this so loud n clear in my head preventing me from falling a sleep??? I believe with my sharing the message of Love(mainly His Love n Love for all) I am to include the message that all that accept Him(n even those that don't) are forgiven n it is up to us to believe in His Love n Hm Forgiving Us!!! So Strong was this vision last nite before I was finally able to get to sleep I wondered if I would even remember it when I a woke today but I did n it was still as loud n clear as last nite...
Amazing Well at Least to Me it was So Wonderful!!!
Ok Warning over Spiritual stuff done I do the Warnings about Spiritual stuff to let my Friends that don't share my beliefs know I am about to go to area that they don't believe n that I respect them so the warning lets them skip that part... Ok, some may say why U have friends that don't believe in Jesus??? Well 1 friend I have known since 1983 he is a dear friend who was a believer but after much he decided to no longer believe which amazed me because how he was ages ago carry a bible all the time n crying so hard at Mel Gibson's movie about Jesus but Hey He iss a friend n we have had a number of ups n downs but we are still n think will always be friends, n the other friends that don't believe I am cool with it, Jesus lessons about Loving Everyone means I Love everyone n non-believers are very cool people n I respect as see them do for me... n being a friend of mine with visions like this can't be easy for them... HUGs to them!!!
Oh, time to get ready to head to church, HUGs to Everyone!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
!!! Attention Disclaimers: !!!
!!! Attention Disclaimers: !!!
I Believe in Love
I Believe in Life
(was close to death many times in my life n last time doctor told mom to get a casket)
I Believe in Laughter
I Believe in a God
I Believe in Jesus
I Believe in Holy Ghost/Spirit
I Believe in my Friends/Family
I Support ALL Faiths ---
(Jews, Christians, Mormons, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist n etc...)
I Respect non-faithed Friends/People
(at one point in my life I hated any n all talk n symbols of religions so I was a non-faith person ages ago so another reason I respect them)
I Support LawEnforcement/Police
(but know they are not prefect n there r bad officers as well but we need Law Enforcement n am Thankful We Have Them n btw I have been arrested before so I foresure am not always been a good boy!!!)
I respect Gay n Lesbian people
(also their right to Love n Marry their partner)
I do not support fighting/bullies/hate n etc...
I also Do Not Support Police States aka Countries!!!
I do not support other countries because still trying to figure out the country I live in because the leadership is messed up!!!
I believe that we are all humans with different levels of tans some very lite n some super dark but inside all the same color!!!
I believe we shouldn't Judge Others n Know it is a Very hard thing Not to Do...
I Share My Views n Opinions but Want it Totally Known that my opinions n views are Mine n They are not a result of a group/church/etc... - They Are MINE but Hope Others will also believe in them or at least respect them as I respect Theirs!!!
So, Yes I am a Proud Human Being, American, n Christian but know Being Human, America, n Christian We are not Prefect but I n Many I know Try Our Best to Be Good Humans n members of our country n Be Good in Our Faiths - Being a Good Person!!!
...Disclaimers is done but reserve right to update!!!
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco (Jr.)
I Believe in Love
I Believe in Life
(was close to death many times in my life n last time doctor told mom to get a casket)
I Believe in Laughter
I Believe in a God
I Believe in Jesus
I Believe in Holy Ghost/Spirit
I Believe in my Friends/Family
I Support ALL Faiths ---
(Jews, Christians, Mormons, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist n etc...)
I Respect non-faithed Friends/People
(at one point in my life I hated any n all talk n symbols of religions so I was a non-faith person ages ago so another reason I respect them)
I Support LawEnforcement/Police
(but know they are not prefect n there r bad officers as well but we need Law Enforcement n am Thankful We Have Them n btw I have been arrested before so I foresure am not always been a good boy!!!)
I respect Gay n Lesbian people
(also their right to Love n Marry their partner)
I do not support fighting/bullies/hate n etc...
I also Do Not Support Police States aka Countries!!!
I do not support other countries because still trying to figure out the country I live in because the leadership is messed up!!!
I believe that we are all humans with different levels of tans some very lite n some super dark but inside all the same color!!!
I believe we shouldn't Judge Others n Know it is a Very hard thing Not to Do...
I Share My Views n Opinions but Want it Totally Known that my opinions n views are Mine n They are not a result of a group/church/etc... - They Are MINE but Hope Others will also believe in them or at least respect them as I respect Theirs!!!
So, Yes I am a Proud Human Being, American, n Christian but know Being Human, America, n Christian We are not Prefect but I n Many I know Try Our Best to Be Good Humans n members of our country n Be Good in Our Faiths - Being a Good Person!!!
...Disclaimers is done but reserve right to update!!!
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco (Jr.)
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Trust Issues
Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...
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