Ooops I have been thinking again... :-)
I have seen a few posts by friends over time (not just during the holidays) getting upset by other people talking bad about them, or complaining about them, talking behind their backs, n judging them; I have also experienced this in the past mainly before my stomach surgery ages ago when I was super large n way before I was super depressed n drinking heavily... If it has happened since I moved here to Florida n joining a local church, I haven't heard about it but have noticed a few local people that were Fb friends have unfriended me because of their insane reasons n their lost not mine...
My main thing I want to let You know, You n I are good people n those that don't/can't see that have the problem, not You U are good as you are!!!
If U are an average person, a person with a disability, a person with a past(n who doesn't have a past???), a person that is different then others(heck I take pride in being different), or even a person that is gay/lesbian/etc, there are so many differences in us that if someone is judging or putting others down because of these differences or using a book or what ever against it is really because they are dislike that U don't fit in a mold that they think you should be in... I broke molds, boxes, n bottles n will never fit into any type of mold ever again... Feel sorry for those that dislike that U/We are at a great level of being, Yes We are great n because those others don't know how to break the mold they are in or maybe afraid of breaking out of their molds they are really living a self hated life n then they see us living a life outside any mold makes them upset so they try to make those of us down n say we need to be like them... I Tell You NO, No, NO!!! We are Great as we were made n when we allow things or people bring us down we tend to be depressed n fall into habits(like I did with booze) or molds that are hurtful to us...
I say:
Don't drown yourself in booze(or drugs)
Don't change what makes U, You(that means if U are gay/lesbian/etc be gay/lesbian/etc)
Be Happy with Yourself!!!
Love Yourself!!!
Don't Judge others n Don't try to bring them down...
Don't let others tell U that U have to be like them...
Now if U have an problem with:
having lots of Sex
n etc...
then Yes Get Help with those issues!!!
Being different is great, We come in so many colors, personalities, n etc that I believe We are meant to be different!!!
It is like some people think we should be sheep n follow others n be like them; Yes the person I follow is Jesus, he is my Shepherd; but Jesus is not a Shepherd of sheep but of humans in their many different shapes, colors, ages, n abilities!!!
So Friends, I want U all know You are great!!!
Don't let others tear U down, don't let addictions destroy U!!!
We Can OverCome Addictions!!!
We Can Ignore those that try to bring Us Down because anyone trying to bring another down is already down n if they are not willing to be brought up then ignore them!!!
Love Yourself!!!
Love Life!!!
Be Happy...
Go OutSide n Enjoy Stuff!!!
Remember We All Are Beautiful in Our Own Ways!!!
Even if We have pains, broken bodies, disabilities, Tall/Short/Skinny/Fat, Male/Female/Gay/Lesbian/etc, spiritual/faithfilled/non-faithed n whatever We Are So Great n I am telling U Do Not Let Pain cause by others n by our own bodies bring Us down, yes very hard not to fall for the pain cause by our own bodies but can fight pain n push though it to still live life(n maybe your doctor can help with it) n when others try to cause us pain laugh at them because they are really a joke n when U don't give them the power n joy over U they are a joke n have no power over U to cause U any pain!!!
Take the Power back to ignore those causing U pain n feeling down, U have the Power to Do Great Thing We Just Have to Remember to Be like what parents use to say to us ages ago, We Need To Dream Again n Remember what we were told when We were young 'We Can Do Great Things, Dream It, Be It, Do It!!!'
Ok again I wrote longer then I planned n Hope I helped with what I wrote!!!
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco
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