Well Good Day to You All!!!
HUGs to U all I hope/pray U are all doing well/better!!!
Last nite was Crazy n Cool but I was trying to sleep but kept getting a vision/message in my head just kept going over n over in my head...
One part was strange my ex-GF I had a feeling she wasn't doing well n she was thinking of me, weird but best not open old wounds...
Then brain was thinking about the many things I would be helping others with the funds I win in the near future...
Now, what really kept going over n over my head n very loudly n clearly: (Warning Very Deep Spiritual Moment) I heard clearly the reason why I am still bound to the Wheelchair where I regain a lot of use but not my walking n fine control of hand n foot was not for sins I did years before the stroke n the pains I have are not because of any sins in my life, they are just part of life n how I deal with them is the blessing...
A message kept going over n over(can't remember where it is in the Bible), I kept hearing "Which is Easier Tell SomeOne They Are Forgiven or Tell them To Stand n Walk" ok I remember this was a story where Jesus was talking to the people n they were questioning him about forgiveness n they said only God can do that n He was in front of a disabled man n he said "Which is Easier to Forgive or to Get someone to Walk" he looked at the disabled man put his hand out to him n then he said "Stand" n he did "Now Walk" n the man did but grabbed Jesus's hands n praised n thanked him...
Now at 1st I was like why is this so loud n clear in my head preventing me from falling a sleep??? I believe with my sharing the message of Love(mainly His Love n Love for all) I am to include the message that all that accept Him(n even those that don't) are forgiven n it is up to us to believe in His Love n Hm Forgiving Us!!! So Strong was this vision last nite before I was finally able to get to sleep I wondered if I would even remember it when I a woke today but I did n it was still as loud n clear as last nite...
Amazing Well at Least to Me it was So Wonderful!!!
Ok Warning over Spiritual stuff done I do the Warnings about Spiritual stuff to let my Friends that don't share my beliefs know I am about to go to area that they don't believe n that I respect them so the warning lets them skip that part... Ok, some may say why U have friends that don't believe in Jesus??? Well 1 friend I have known since 1983 he is a dear friend who was a believer but after much he decided to no longer believe which amazed me because how he was ages ago carry a bible all the time n crying so hard at Mel Gibson's movie about Jesus but Hey He iss a friend n we have had a number of ups n downs but we are still n think will always be friends, n the other friends that don't believe I am cool with it, Jesus lessons about Loving Everyone means I Love everyone n non-believers are very cool people n I respect as see them do for me... n being a friend of mine with visions like this can't be easy for them... HUGs to them!!!
Oh, time to get ready to head to church, HUGs to Everyone!!!
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