This blog has changed to support my Fb page: Thanks for coming here please go to my Fb page for more info...
Friday, December 26, 2014
Ooops I have been thinking again... :-)
I have seen a few posts by friends over time (not just during the holidays) getting upset by other people talking bad about them, or complaining about them, talking behind their backs, n judging them; I have also experienced this in the past mainly before my stomach surgery ages ago when I was super large n way before I was super depressed n drinking heavily... If it has happened since I moved here to Florida n joining a local church, I haven't heard about it but have noticed a few local people that were Fb friends have unfriended me because of their insane reasons n their lost not mine...
My main thing I want to let You know, You n I are good people n those that don't/can't see that have the problem, not You U are good as you are!!!
If U are an average person, a person with a disability, a person with a past(n who doesn't have a past???), a person that is different then others(heck I take pride in being different), or even a person that is gay/lesbian/etc, there are so many differences in us that if someone is judging or putting others down because of these differences or using a book or what ever against it is really because they are dislike that U don't fit in a mold that they think you should be in... I broke molds, boxes, n bottles n will never fit into any type of mold ever again... Feel sorry for those that dislike that U/We are at a great level of being, Yes We are great n because those others don't know how to break the mold they are in or maybe afraid of breaking out of their molds they are really living a self hated life n then they see us living a life outside any mold makes them upset so they try to make those of us down n say we need to be like them... I Tell You NO, No, NO!!! We are Great as we were made n when we allow things or people bring us down we tend to be depressed n fall into habits(like I did with booze) or molds that are hurtful to us...
I say:
Don't drown yourself in booze(or drugs)
Don't change what makes U, You(that means if U are gay/lesbian/etc be gay/lesbian/etc)
Be Happy with Yourself!!!
Love Yourself!!!
Don't Judge others n Don't try to bring them down...
Don't let others tell U that U have to be like them...
Now if U have an problem with:
having lots of Sex
n etc...
then Yes Get Help with those issues!!!
Being different is great, We come in so many colors, personalities, n etc that I believe We are meant to be different!!!
It is like some people think we should be sheep n follow others n be like them; Yes the person I follow is Jesus, he is my Shepherd; but Jesus is not a Shepherd of sheep but of humans in their many different shapes, colors, ages, n abilities!!!
So Friends, I want U all know You are great!!!
Don't let others tear U down, don't let addictions destroy U!!!
We Can OverCome Addictions!!!
We Can Ignore those that try to bring Us Down because anyone trying to bring another down is already down n if they are not willing to be brought up then ignore them!!!
Love Yourself!!!
Love Life!!!
Be Happy...
Go OutSide n Enjoy Stuff!!!
Remember We All Are Beautiful in Our Own Ways!!!
Even if We have pains, broken bodies, disabilities, Tall/Short/Skinny/Fat, Male/Female/Gay/Lesbian/etc, spiritual/faithfilled/non-faithed n whatever We Are So Great n I am telling U Do Not Let Pain cause by others n by our own bodies bring Us down, yes very hard not to fall for the pain cause by our own bodies but can fight pain n push though it to still live life(n maybe your doctor can help with it) n when others try to cause us pain laugh at them because they are really a joke n when U don't give them the power n joy over U they are a joke n have no power over U to cause U any pain!!!
Take the Power back to ignore those causing U pain n feeling down, U have the Power to Do Great Thing We Just Have to Remember to Be like what parents use to say to us ages ago, We Need To Dream Again n Remember what we were told when We were young 'We Can Do Great Things, Dream It, Be It, Do It!!!'
Ok again I wrote longer then I planned n Hope I helped with what I wrote!!!
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Hope U are all doing well/better today!!!
Hope U are all doing well/better today!!!
I am well, body is doing well today YAY...
I had weird set of dreams last nite, a couple dreams set pre-stroke time the dreams seem to be like what if U went this way n what happens; it almost felt like I was being offered a couple/few different paths instead of living my current one... The dreams were very appealing but to my old life can't remember much of the dreams but no those dreams/path didn't offer the joy I have in me now, I was able to walk again n did things that the body loved to do but those things didn't give me the insights into my spiritual life I have now n Do Not Want to Give Up... My old life had it's time, I am now on a new n better journey n better mind n heart n soul... I remember denying each dream/paths then waking up feeling Very Good, YAY!!!
My dreams are very interesting some times...
HUGs to You All...
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Well Good Day to You All!!!
HUGs to U all I hope/pray U are all doing well/better!!!
Last nite was Crazy n Cool but I was trying to sleep but kept getting a vision/message in my head just kept going over n over in my head...
One part was strange my ex-GF I had a feeling she wasn't doing well n she was thinking of me, weird but best not open old wounds...
Then brain was thinking about the many things I would be helping others with the funds I win in the near future...
Now, what really kept going over n over my head n very loudly n clearly: (Warning Very Deep Spiritual Moment) I heard clearly the reason why I am still bound to the Wheelchair where I regain a lot of use but not my walking n fine control of hand n foot was not for sins I did years before the stroke n the pains I have are not because of any sins in my life, they are just part of life n how I deal with them is the blessing...
A message kept going over n over(can't remember where it is in the Bible), I kept hearing "Which is Easier Tell SomeOne They Are Forgiven or Tell them To Stand n Walk" ok I remember this was a story where Jesus was talking to the people n they were questioning him about forgiveness n they said only God can do that n He was in front of a disabled man n he said "Which is Easier to Forgive or to Get someone to Walk" he looked at the disabled man put his hand out to him n then he said "Stand" n he did "Now Walk" n the man did but grabbed Jesus's hands n praised n thanked him...
Now at 1st I was like why is this so loud n clear in my head preventing me from falling a sleep??? I believe with my sharing the message of Love(mainly His Love n Love for all) I am to include the message that all that accept Him(n even those that don't) are forgiven n it is up to us to believe in His Love n Hm Forgiving Us!!! So Strong was this vision last nite before I was finally able to get to sleep I wondered if I would even remember it when I a woke today but I did n it was still as loud n clear as last nite...
Amazing Well at Least to Me it was So Wonderful!!!
Ok Warning over Spiritual stuff done I do the Warnings about Spiritual stuff to let my Friends that don't share my beliefs know I am about to go to area that they don't believe n that I respect them so the warning lets them skip that part... Ok, some may say why U have friends that don't believe in Jesus??? Well 1 friend I have known since 1983 he is a dear friend who was a believer but after much he decided to no longer believe which amazed me because how he was ages ago carry a bible all the time n crying so hard at Mel Gibson's movie about Jesus but Hey He iss a friend n we have had a number of ups n downs but we are still n think will always be friends, n the other friends that don't believe I am cool with it, Jesus lessons about Loving Everyone means I Love everyone n non-believers are very cool people n I respect as see them do for me... n being a friend of mine with visions like this can't be easy for them... HUGs to them!!!
Oh, time to get ready to head to church, HUGs to Everyone!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
!!! Attention Disclaimers: !!!
I Believe in Love
I Believe in Life
(was close to death many times in my life n last time doctor told mom to get a casket)
I Believe in Laughter
I Believe in a God
I Believe in Jesus
I Believe in Holy Ghost/Spirit
I Believe in my Friends/Family
I Support ALL Faiths ---
(Jews, Christians, Mormons, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist n etc...)
I Respect non-faithed Friends/People
(at one point in my life I hated any n all talk n symbols of religions so I was a non-faith person ages ago so another reason I respect them)
I Support LawEnforcement/Police
(but know they are not prefect n there r bad officers as well but we need Law Enforcement n am Thankful We Have Them n btw I have been arrested before so I foresure am not always been a good boy!!!)
I respect Gay n Lesbian people
(also their right to Love n Marry their partner)
I do not support fighting/bullies/hate n etc...
I also Do Not Support Police States aka Countries!!!
I do not support other countries because still trying to figure out the country I live in because the leadership is messed up!!!
I believe that we are all humans with different levels of tans some very lite n some super dark but inside all the same color!!!
I believe we shouldn't Judge Others n Know it is a Very hard thing Not to Do...
I Share My Views n Opinions but Want it Totally Known that my opinions n views are Mine n They are not a result of a group/church/etc... - They Are MINE but Hope Others will also believe in them or at least respect them as I respect Theirs!!!
So, Yes I am a Proud Human Being, American, n Christian but know Being Human, America, n Christian We are not Prefect but I n Many I know Try Our Best to Be Good Humans n members of our country n Be Good in Our Faiths - Being a Good Person!!!
...Disclaimers is done but reserve right to update!!!
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco (Jr.)
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Important Info About My Notes here:
When ever I post/share stuff with notes I want to make it Clear that what I write is my own, the Ideas I write are things I feel I need to share n really weird when I am in the mood/mode to write these notes I feel like being inspired by something more than I...
These Notes mean a lot to me but but I know some of the info in them not everyone agrees with which is those/your right to view differently...
I hope many have similar views n also hope the church I go to share many of my ideas but know some churches may not agree with everything I write n share So, I am Writing this Note to State the Views in My Notes are mine n these Notes are not based on the church I go to teachings, These Notes I hope the Church I go to Agrees with but Don't want Anyone outside of the church I go to thinking I was taught these views by the church I go to n I don't want people thinking I am saying that the church I am going to have these views, I just Hope they do!!!
I am an independent thinker like as follows:
1 - I believe in an AfterLife
2 - I believe in Freedom of Faiths(n the non-faiths)
3 - I believe in Equal rights for all Men/Women no matter skin color, being male/female, sexual preferences, abilities, n their faiths
4 - I believe in showing concern, love, n friendship to all no matter skin color, being male/female, sexual preferences, abilities, n their faiths
5 - I believe in God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit...
6 - I believe it is not my business to judge or condemn in any way that includes no matter skin color, being male/female, sexual preferences, abilities, n their faiths
7 - I believe it is my duty to share love n kindness to all no matter skin color, being male/female, sexual preferences, abilities, n their faiths
8 - {this one might get some negative comments} I believe the Bible is a Good book n many things in it to assist in daily life but also Know it is not 100% complete n that Men from a super long time ago messed with it, from being translated many times before it was finally translate into English n a few other issues but I don't express this much because don't want to argue about it!!! Please Believe in the Bible how U feels is right for U n let me believe in it the way I know it is...
9 - I believe in miracles n science n positive thinking...
10 - I believe I am a Koala(oops I mean) A Man, I have errors, my body is a mess n etc, I only know that what I believe is for me to believe n I like to share them n help others understand things I believe but I don't want to cause any arguments about them either!!!
...might add more to this list later but for now my muse has stop leading me in writing this note...
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Hope not to offend but open up minds...
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Life - Death n My thoughts...
Friday, November 14, 2014
Ok, now share that dream I had,
The dream starts out with me in my electric wheelchair n a sudden flash light/energy I was standing with no pains or discomfort or any balancing issues n my wheelchair was No-Where in-sight n I was happy n had a sense I had to walk the Earth helping others n just showing them Love n Being n how to Be Happy with Life n help others that are feeling helpless n unloved that we are all loved... This mission I was put on wasn't to convince people of a faith or leave a faith if I was teaching anything was we all deserve love from Life n Others n if I asked about my faith I would say I believe in the message of my teacher who taught me love n who healed me n I am not here to convince U of him hopefully my actions will share them with those who want to see it... Then the dreamed changed to after a world disaster n I was lend to help guide others to a place of peace n to help each other survive n rebuild a new place to live with love n care with a leadership drawn from the survivors(no politicians survived so none of them to worry about) n no 1 person had power over any one else... The dram was going great I was doing so much getting new people into our area n they kept asking me question I wanted to answer but I was shaking n saying I'll be right back have to find a rest room now really right now, something seemed to want to wake me but I didn't want to wake up so kept trying to resist leaving but yup but I woke up n was good that I woke after I answered my body's call I was able to go back to sleep n when I feel back to sleep I was back where I left but at a lot more people where there n was doing good n really weird there was areas where people were making stuff like crafts, food, homes n an area of those playing video games(yup video games wacky) it was a cool peaceful dream them I woke up...
Interesting Dreams... :-)
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
info about me:
Adventurer Extraordinaire
Being Crazy is my way of being in the Zen Zone...
I went Crazy by my own decision so I won't go Insane!!!
The meaning of life... is to do your best at what ever makes yourself feel for-filled and happy...
Let the Teaching of Jesus/Buddha Guide You!!!
my Blogs:
my FaceBook profile:
my FaceBook group - Giovanos Dreams Hopes n Wishes:
Easier Mobility n Access for Giovano:
Tell Manufacturers n Retailers of Power WheelChair to offer extended Warranties:
Giovano's Wacky World FaceBook page:
my Interpals profile:
Discovery of Self-Truth:
my OIF profile:
my Twitter:
my YouTube:
Giovano Fusco's eBay WishList:
my Amazon WishList:
*** funding site:
my IMs:
yahooIM: koala_giovano
GoogleTALK: KoalaGCF koalagiovano
skype: giovano.koala
My Important Life Awards that Mean More then Anything:
Born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta(brittle bones) n learned to deal with Pain n Hard Ships...
also being born with a disability n meeting Many Many other n seeing them deal help me in my Life!!!
Survivor of Being Electrocuted at a Festival Park Ride helping another person get their SeatBelt on,
n the electricity caused my Shoulder muscles to Crush my shoulderball which had to be Replaced...
Survivor of being Morbidly Obese n had stomach surgery n lost over 150lbs...
Survivor of being an Alcoholic, it's still a struggle but I'm a Survivor n Sober!!!
Survived being hit by a Car while crossing a street in my Wheelchair which broke left hip...
I am also a Stroke Survivor that was in the left side of brain which effected my right side n bound me to an electric Wheelchair...
The Stroke a woken a strong Love n Spiritual side in me!!!
Let the Teachings of Jesus n Buddha Guide Us All...
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
How I Am Feeling Now...
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
thinking(I know that is dangerous n sometimes offending to others) again:
Jewish n Christians(think even Muslims) a like are taught that Eve ate from the tree of knowledge n got Adam to do the same So, we started to learn things like what was Good n Evil that we were naked n so forth...
The Bible has parts that tell us to read n learn more...
America made it a law that all children have to go to school(be educated) n even when in High School encouraged to go on to a college to learn more...
When we learn things that others don't like or hid from us they really dislike it n even some in past have banned books or even burned them to hide the information from other n then say it was for others well being that they banned/burned them... n point America not including black history in school books...
Very common for those in power to hide or ignore bad parts of history or distorting the facts ex: America stealing land n killing the native people to increase America's lands or to get rich over land n gold so what if red people lived there n for who knows how long but for sure a lot longer than invading people from Europe; but us kids were lend to believe that the red skinned people were wild killing people n all they did was kill Americans... Well if your home was invaded n people were killed for their land I think U might see why they killed back but they brought arrows, knives n Axes to a Gun fight n they lost...
In my high school years we really only had access to school books that school board approved n if there was any info they didn't want us to learn we didn't get to learn it... Black history what was that??? I had no clue their was any until Dr. M.L. King day became a national holiday then I learned more about black history but is proof that there is info out there that people are not exposed too...
Now to get in to trouble; Creation vs Evaluation, I am not saying either is right or say either is wrong but believe both should be shared in say high school when students have a level of thinking where they can reason things out better... Both sides think the other side should not be taught if it is not taught how are they to learn???
...Now some hate any faith being in a school,, but that a hard one; this USA was mainly a Christian country for a long time pre-1776 n after 1776 so telling the many families that are faith based that their faith is banned but then other faith given an exemption are they afraid of terrorist ??? if they are allowed to pray at the times their faiths says they have to; why can't other have time to pray, meditate or silent time to think or finish homework... If a law/rule is made it has to be equal for everyone or the law/rule has to be removed to be fair to all...
...and another thing people don't know or don't want to know or ignore n etc is knowledge of the Bible... Yes the Bible a long long time ago in a galaxy far away oops mean a country(Italy) far away from here (America) the Bible was only allowed to be read by Priest n so forth keep the common person in the dark about all that was written in it... The a King in England had the Bible translated in to a common language 'English' the King James Version of the Bible n YAY common well, people that were able to read could know read the Bible n not relay on a priest to tell them what it says or what to read... Hey Wait, still knowledge was missing from even that; Yes even that, the Bible is divided in to two parts the Old Testaments n the New Testaments the Old Testament is from Jewish Torah but not all that was written in the Torah was included in the Christian Bible. some parts/books/chapters were left out;(I am not a Bible Scholar so I can't give a list of what but ask a Bible Scholar n they might tell U n not from a Bible school ask a Scholar from a University not part a religion) also there were some New Testament books that a group of leaders of the forming a central religion aka Christianity that decided what should or shouldn't be in the book n there are many things they didn't want or maybe didn't understand left out of the Bible... So, again higher ups/leaders trying to hide or so-called trying to protect people or their power n yes I said power...
I repeat n this is about all in this blog/note/post knowledge is power n it can take down those that are in control n really another reason the fore-fathers of USA made the the amendment of freedom of speech n press n including freedom of religion So, e could chose our own faith or not follow a faith, be able to speak our mind(like many do n I am doing right now with this!!!), n the right to know what is going on the freedom of the press...
This country is not prefect nor can it be it was started by humans that put a good effort in the start of it but over time more humans added stuff took stuff n try to correct stuff like equal rights so for a country I believe our country is a great country the people running it I am not too sure of... I believe we need a whole new set of congresspeople, new senators n new President n VP n NONE can be elected, my idea is they all get draw out of a machine that randomly picks people for positions from social security holders from ages between of 30-59 so, no more campaign raising n fund it would be like Jury duty...
My last point knowledge is power so that more we learn n teach the stronger we are n those we teach say like your children, don't relay on leaders, schools n churches to give you or your family all the facts because it might be their policy to give out all the fact (also might not be able to get all the facts but we can try to get as much as possible)...
So, being informed n helping your children be informed is only schools or others job but to be more informed n give you n your children the bigger picture do own research n learn n share wit your children...
Ok done with this opinion/blog; hope U liked n maybe something came from this hopefully better understand n directions...
Monday, September 29, 2014
Hi All...
Sorry I didn't update sooner I got up early today n if I plugged in wheelchair last nite I could have gone to Sunday 2nd service at church but I didn't darn it really could have used being around positive good people/friends head was a little down n made me kind of moody...
Had a dream that was cool/strange was about me knowing I have been forgiven n suffered for my past mistake n bad stuff n this is the time to show that I know that everything is good n I am ready for love, leadership n helping others... So I say that was a cool dream(dream I had while sleeping from 2pm-8:30pm(EST) today aka a long nap)!!!
Body when I got up from nap was sore all over not painful as like really hurting it was just upset at me for how I nap at time of nap I felt I was in a good position but when I a woke body told Me No You were Not but took a couple tylenols n I am feeling great YAY!!!
I wish that a person near me would understand when I say something like "No" or "Not Interested" I mean IT!!! When I was a kid I wanted praise for refusing some candy after a couple times asked by mom's good friend while we were visiting her but my mother thought I was trying to get approval to have the candy n Mom basically said have it I said I didn't want it she got stern n handed it to me n said eat it; even since I hated being asked more then once after I already gave my answer... Now this person keeps asking over n over(about 3 times till I get very upset) if I want this, try this n etc like she is trying to convince me that I have to do it n I Do Not Have or Want To if I tried that on her she would get super upset n she knows I get upset to but gets upset when I refuse n gets up set at me getting up set for her pushing me... How to I correct this she thinks that asking so many times I will change my mind when in fact makes my decision even more determined n firm... Person is my mother n is easily upset because of her past n her current health so I try to keep things peaceful n try not to upset her but it seems she doesn't mind pushing my buttons on stuff n when she does she gets up set at me getting up set at er pushings... My old old counselor taught me to speakup n get mad back at people/mom getting mad at me but since stroke I let things go for most part but Mom keeps asking/pushing making letting it just pass/go impossible, it is so disturbing to me... I have thought of other ways to deal with such issues like her asking me to try something that I have No desire to try by taking the item n just throw it away but then she will ask me how I liked it think that would be it No then she asks more questions like why didn't I(this happens when I do try) I like it, or what about this that n if I said I throw it away she would get super upset it is a no win thing, Hey Capt Kirk can U find a way out of Mom's no win pushings/questions???
Hope U are all are better/well, HUGs!!!
Monday, September 22, 2014
Hello n Caution my view...
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
disabled person an inspiration???
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
Old vs New
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Me n movie 'Heaven is for Real'
Me n movie 'Heaven is for Real'
I was talking to my mother about the movie n the girl's painting... I was talking about my near death insight n was disappointed by a look I got out of my mother n know she would deny it n she may have not realized she did it, a slight turning of the eyes away like she doesn't believe me... Ever since my stroke I have a developing photo in my mind of Jesus n the only piece of the photo that wasn't developing was his eyes... The eyes in the girls painting seem right on to me, also over all the looks seem about the same as I have been seeing... The other thing I told mom was I saw the skin was a couple/few tone/level darker more of a good tan n she did say something that seem correct, the vision people see of him might be based on things we know in life, some might see him much like the girl, some like me, over even others that may see him much much darker...
I also talked to mom n said I understood the pastor's concern about talking about what his son saw, there are those that would not believe what his son saw n I have been around so many including myself before my stroke that don't believe n when someone like me talks about insights/visions/after-life...
I believe what I saw n the insights I receive, one of the primary things my insights want me to teach is like what the pastor said in the movie the key is 'Love' ... I know many in the would look at me including my mother n friends n maybe even some family that don't believe or might think it was just a dream(s) but the message I try to share is 'Love' for all even of other faiths n non-faiths... My insights are not meant to convert anyone just to teach n share Love n that 'Love' of ourselves, others is super important if we can 'Love' more without trying to convert them it would be easier to share 'Love' with everyone!!!
Ok mind is done...
nope, this movie really choked me up many time though the movie, I recommend others to watch it as well...
Saturday, August 9, 2014
I have been thinking, I know danger danger Will Robinson I mean Koala... LOL...
I love having you all as my friends n enjoy being a part of your lives most of you by means of Fb, n lucky to have a number great people locally I get to interact with inperson n again on here...
For my whole life I struggled with my identity as kid my mother made the decision on how I dressed, how I had my hair cut n etc... Between my teen years I tried to find myself n where I belonged with other... When I got super super super heavy I gave up on trying to impress anyone figured why bother... When I finally lost much of my weight when I was in my mid 30s n started dating a 20year old girl I learned to start finding myself n after my stroke I learned I really love myself n I dress to be me but comfortable n wear stuff that is easy to put on... Many of you know purple is my main favorite color, than black n then gold but wear a few others to break it up some...
I have changed many things in my life mainly started after my time at Job Corps teaching me many things about interacting with others but also to be true to ones self... After the stroke my spirituality mind n heart grew to levels beyond my measure... I love sharing my spirit with everyone but I try not to push my beliefs on anyone... I say hear, read, n etc my insights learn, laugh, ignore or love them but know they come from my heart n spirit n I think from a higher source...
My main thing is to teach, share love to everyone, never forcing it... I believe the best thing is loving everyone No Matter if they are Muslim, Islam, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, n others of the Christian faiths that split in minor n major differences n those that don't believe in a higher power because I believe I am not here to judge or ignore others for their faith, race, sex or sexual prefaces, abilities n etc... Some may say that those of different faiths or sexual prefaces are not worthy but I am not here to impose beliefs but only here to Love everyone even if they don"t want to be loved... Now, this doesn't mean I agree with others way of life, I just know how I am to live mine n what I am here to share...
I write this because I have had some people leave because I can only guess they find a fault in how I do things or my beliefs which was upsetting me n I had to think n pray about this, I am here to share my love, teach others it is ok to love those that are different from us n we not ever perfect we cam only be ourselves we can try to do better but know if we mess up that we can start again... I was thinking some don't understand my teachings of love n was too much for them to believe... Oh, maybe they think someone can't be that loving to everyone(hey there are people I have trouble loving those that do evil to women, children, animals) I am very spiritual ever since my stroke n it keeps growing, Lying is something I don't do yes it is bad to do but since stroke easier to remember than a lie, before my stroke I thought of two thing booze n sex, after my stroke my sexual desires have gone, I do hope to maybe have a child/family but feel now my old desire n now meant to be done for the sole purpose of building a family n not for pleasure, many that knew prestroke might find that hard to believe but is how I believe... I also now see beauty inside of people n don't base it on their outer looks, I am not blind to outer beauty the photographer in me can still admire beautiful women but I have seen more beauty in someone inner self...
So, saying all this my inspiration has stopped so I shall end her, accept me for me because I accept you for you, some of you have things you believe I don't but that is you n you are my friend n I accept all of you n just ask the same of you n guess if you can't,well that is up to you to...
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco
Posted 3:00am(EST) 8/9/2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
another dream...
Not much to update today, body is well nothing is bothering it YAY slept a good amount this morning n today...
Went to bed at 4am then woke up about 8am after having a detailed dream of me talking to Howard Stern (don't know why I don't listen to his show) but was teaching him life is good even with challenges in it, I told him everyday I wake I am grateful, since doctor thought my stroke was the end of me even told mother buy a casket, then when I stayed alive he said I most likely never use my right side of my body again, when signs showed a little bit of use then he said I would be in recovery for over a year, a month n half I was told I could go home n continue recovery out of the hospital... During my hospital I worked hard to be able to transfer in/out of bed/wheelchair on my own power worked hard to be about to use bathroom on my own when I started doing those things I was so happy n blessed by a power above mine own, while at the hospital I had 2 missionaries coming each day n we prayed together n I credit the prayers for what the doctor said would not happen me improving n so fast as well... So I am so blesses by knowing the hardest n seemingly impossibles can happen with my relationship with the Big Guy n His Son n the Holy Ghost or some might say it was my will n hard work but without my faith I won't have that will because before the stroke I wanted to drink myself to death...
Have no idea why I had a dream like this unless I was meant to we share it here today...
Well Hope you are doing better/well today!!!
Monday, August 4, 2014
This started as an UpDate on FaceBook but because of it's length n message cut it from update n made into this post instead...
!st part of dream was I won a large amount of money n went to Vegas n had a party with many women n goal was to find 1 to marry while in Vegas but I was doing many activities that are very sinful but I was enjoying myself a lot... The Dream seemed to be like Dude Party On what else here to do but have fun... This is when I woke in much pain, I started to pray but fell a sleep in the middle of it not finishing it I woke a bit a couple more times n tried again to complete my prayers but no go on the last try weird thing happened I did the prayer in a dream where I saw nothing but was able to get down on my knees n pray n finish my prayer(which was cool since I can not get on my knees now a days...) n as I prayed in my dreams I felt like my body was getting better but was unsure... The next dream I had was me in front of many teaching out of love for God n Jesus then talking about slavery; from old old old old times of the Jewish people, to the Christians, then to many that got put into slavery over debt, also yes the slavery of our fellow brothers/sisters of Africa but my lesson was more about today's slavery that so so so many people put themselves into with booze, drugs, sex, gambling n perversions...
Think this was tried to 1st dream because I was involved with many women at once to see who felt like she would be best as my wife n yes it also involved having intimate relations with all the women n also I was drinking up a storm of booze...
The 1st dream I was a slave to my wants n pleasures but when I felt the signs I prayed n then had the second dream or maybe say the 3rd dream because really my praying was the 2nd dream but after the 2nd n 3rd dream I started feeling better... Dreams are were I find a lot of my spiritual guidance, I seem to know the differences between a plain dream n a message/lesson type of dream... The plain out dreams that have no meaning disappear shortly after I wake if not even before I wake But, the dreams that have an important message/lesson n are very very detailed(even now I can still remember the women in my 1st dream, the darkness of the 2nd, n the lesson I was sharing in the 3rd) such details n remembering them so clearly is very very rare with dream maybe remembering 1 dream maybe but 3 is very interesting... For those that I so love being my friends that may have other faiths or none I am not trying to convert your ways but share my insights n my love of my faith...I believe in a higher calling but also believe it is not a job of mine to convert, argue, debate or even force any version of faith on anyone but my job is only to love everyone no matter what they believe or don't n to share my faith n love as they are willing to let me but never to say that anyone has to follow my insights as the only truth... When faith is evolved the true faith can only be found with your own search n learning from others like me that share their faith without saying it is the way n the only way; there are many ways n we are here to guide each other as best as we can n I feel sadden by those that try to force their ways on to others n also saddened by those that don't want to try to have any faith but respect n pray those with no faith....
Sunday, August 3, 2014
a man n his wheelchair that have been though a lot...
Yesterday when I got to church my wheelchair had that flat tire feel again but only felt while on smooth surfaces like well flat tarred street or flat floors like at church but sidewalks n rugs I don't feel anything...
Me n Mark Silver lifted each side of wheelchair up n check each tire for tack, nail or glass but nothing could be found we spun the front wheels to see if we could tell if bearings were bad nothing, couldn't get the main wheels to spin freely like front wheels so couldn't tell if bearings in the axles had something wrong in them...
The wheelchair works ok just bumps alot on smooth surfaces other surfaces don't notice so, I have decided to try to ignore it for now since unless I had the funds to have a tech total examine it out the the funds to fix the issues the only option left is wait, pray n hope the wheelchair works till next year or mom's insurance finally come though for her on getting her a wheelchair n if they do I can have the wheelchair the Bayside Community Church gave us then replacing that chair's batteries will be the next step... But guess I have a feeling about my current wheelchair; like the favorite car you might have owned/own that it is part of U n it responds to your steering like at will an almost a love connection between U n car n for me a connection between me n wheelchair so really not looking forward to time I need to retire it..
a man n his wheelchair that have been though a lot...
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
there are two things on my mind, heart n soul have been wrestling with lately:
1st } I have been thinking, dreaming about doing more at Bayside West Bradenton Campus but I have told them I am willing to do most anything except working with kids n being in a leadership job: kids just are not in my patients of dealing with, rather put them all in a pit filled with ball, give them Mountain Dew soda n sugar cubes then return to their parents... ok see that is a very bad idea... :-D
Being a leader I said I could do temporary but don't want to do full time because didn't think my mobility will allow me to be reliable at it...
Now thinking about it my pains in my back bones have disappeared still have minor issues with muscles n a couple other things but doesn't effect me as much as my back bones use to so maybe I am being lead to remove that restriction I placed on myself...
the other thing I have been wrestling with is finding a GirlFriend...
Well I had a deep crush on a girls before my stroke n that was very destructive on me n I drank heavily over my depression was so bad I wanted to die... I still held on to her picture in small clear case around my neck but over 2 years ago during a prayer meeting I ripped up her picture n threw it away... I then said I will devote myself to learn more about my n others faith n if a new girl comes around interested in me great I will wait for her to come into my life n hope it is someone local but I have meet number of single women at church but haven't seen any of them are interested in me other than a fellow church member n as a friend so I have not tried to elevate the friendship mainly because it is hard to ask a lady out when U have no money for a date So, I basically felt I will leave it in Gods hands if he wants me to connect with a woman he will reveal her to me n help me have a way to date her... Well that sounds good n has been giving peace of mind n heart when things are ready it will happen But; my heart n mind have started thinking about my old GF n I try to switch my thinking n dreaming to something else because that was a very destructive relationship n the baggage she has would fill a jumbo jet plane so move on Koala... The things comes to my mind I have change so much n for the good since my stroke So, maybe she has changed as well, but she lives in Maine I moved away from Maine 1) to get away from snow n 2) to be away from her... I don't want to really risk trying to be with her, she showed me n gave the signs of love I never had from anyone else before I even purchase an engagement ring at one point for her which she did not except... She has been popping up in my thoughts n dreams n it concerns me, because I do not need to risk a relationship with her because it is not only her I would be dealing with but her mother n her issues, her brother that has many many issues, n her mother's perverted boyfriend that molested my ex-GF from age 6-14years of age so tooooooo much baggage n good reason to move 1800miles away from it...
So that is what is tossing around in my head lately, comments are ok n any member/leaders/pastors from Bayside Community Church are encouraged to chime in on this thanks!!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Noticing post of the President...
I keep noticing posts about the President of USA n a few about the Congress of USA or the Senate of the USA...
the President can not pass laws he has the power to 'veto' a bill/law but no power to pass a bill/law he can only give a bill/law an ok after it passes though Congress...
Every President seems to have their faults, hey bet people don't know or have forgot that President Kennedy was the President when we 1st got involved in Vietnam n when he was killed LB Johnson VP at the time became President n continued Kennedy's plan for Vietnam which kept getting out of control n many Americans killed n then President Nixon became President he finally got our troops out of Vietnam but he is hated because his staff spied on another political party oh come on he got Americans home from killing n being killed but hated for spying on another party... Like Rep n Dem don't try to spy on each other even now come on... Then President Clinton helped boost the economy bring down nation dept but hated because he didn't tell the truth about an affair a thing other men in the world do n denies they are doing...
Where is the OUTRAGE for the Senators n Congresspersons that stay in office over many decades getting kick backs, passing laws to help corporations n the rich n only pass laws to help the little people only when then public get super upset...
People the President of the USA is a figure head with a limited amount power, the REAL Power n FAULTS in the USA is the Congress n Senate, Do You want a change in ways are being done stop looking/blaming the President AND Start Blaming the TRUE Criminals Congress n Senate n start voting them out of office n replace them ASAP!!!
oh byt there is no such animal called ObamaCare it is afford health care act that Yes President Barack Obama pushed to be passed but GUESS What It Had to be Passed By Congress to be approved it was nicked named ObamaCare to hang it on the President head but again Congress Approved it the President had no power to get it approve it he push it yes but Congress passed it n media n Congress named it ObamaCare to hang any faults on the President so Congress can claim it is the President's fault all him... Congress is full of evil, money hungry, helping the rich n ignoring the poor until the poor get help from the middle class n Congress are scared they may not get re-elected which don't know why they are scared because they have income for life, free medical(1000% better than of Americas) for life n for their family oh I Know why they are afraid of not being re-elected if they are not in elected then the special interest groups wouldn't be giving them free stuff, vacations n etc...
So American Start Replacing All Elected CongressPersons n Senators take their power away ASAP!!!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Finding Love ever again???
Friday, July 11, 2014
Another Insight I Have Been Given…
I believe in Jesus the messiah the Christ a.k.a. Jesus Christ n because I have seen n heard many using his name to justify the hatred of Jewish people… I know Jesus would be disgusted by that Why, you might ask???
1) Jesus’ mother was Jewish..
2) The man on Earth that accepted Jesus as his son even knowing Jesus father was not him but knew Jesus’ father is the Lord of all men n this man Joseph was also Jewish..,
3) All of Jesus’ followers were also all Jewish
4) Jesus was Born Jewish…
5) John the Baptist was also Jewish…
6) God’s chosen people from the beginning are Jewish…
7) Jesus loves all men n women, sinners n those of different faiths even the Jewish faith which he studied deeply since he was a little boy…
So, knowing the above how can anyone say they believe in Jesus n hate or blame the Jews for his death??? You say they convinced Pilot(the Roman governor) to kill Jesus that is totally Incorrect, the Jewish people did no such thing!!! The leaders of the Jewish Temple the Leaders of the Jewish people but not the Jewish people… The Jewish leaders feared that Jesus was going to draw too many Jewish people away from the Jewish leadership n their power n income would lose too much of both… When leaders of anything see their power n income about to damaged they fight but the Jewish leaders was afraid if they ordered it it would turn even more away from them so they got the Romans to do it n Pilot didn’t want to do it so he thought if he gave the people the choice between Jesus n Barabbas thinking that the people would chose to let Jesus go free because he had followers n he teachings didn’t seem to be any danger to Pilot or Rome but Barabbas was a known criminal n killer of many so Pilot thought it would be an simple choice the people would pick to free a good man over a killer of men… Pilot’s planned did not work out the way he thought it would n why he washed his hands n stated you have chosen n I wash my hands to this… Barabbas also had many followers n many other people there knew Barabbas would continue to fight against Romans n since he was in the area longer then Jesus, Barabbas was more known by the people n the people wanted the Romans gone or dead which was a thing Barabbas wanted as well… People knew Jesus was good man teaching love even n towards the Romans n Sinners n the people didn’t see this helping them to get rid of the Romans like the stuff Barabbas would do so they picked Barabbas n not Jesus but the Jewish people can’t be blamed for this injustice… Blaming the death of Jesus on all Jews is wrong, why; well look at America actions we sent troops into Vietnam without getting approval of congress n the people… President LB Johnson inherited the Vietnam problem from President Kennedy n the conflict kept getting bigger n bigger n it was a total mess… Our military forces were given orders by their commanders who got their ok from the President… Now back in the late 1960s n early 1970s do you think the Vietnam people hated America’s for the deaths happening in their homeland??? What about now do you not think there are many in Iraq that hate America as well??? Do you think it is okay that numbers of other countries hate us??? Were there not many Americas protesting against the war on Vietnam n are there many now wanting to end this current war n bring are soldiers home now??? The blame is with our leaders like Kennedy, Johnson, n recently Bush(yes he acted on the act of terrorism which was good but he stepped ahead even more to invade another country Iraq) n Obarma is continuing the recent war(n people say he is pro Islam then why is he allowing our troops stay in a Islamic land???)… Many people easily blame a whole people for the actions of leaders like the Jewish leader back when Jesus was killed, n also happens to us Americas in our time because of our leaders are doing things many of us hate…
So if you think it is unfair for us to be hated n blamed for the deaths in Vietnam or the deaths in the Middle then we need to realize it is unfair of Christians to hate n blame all Jews for the actions of their leaders at the time of Jesus’ death…
Also another point Jesus had ways to escape his death, one he knew he was going to be betrayed he could have saved himself by leaving before the Temple guards came for him; or when his followers like John tried to stop the Temple guards from taking Jesus but Jesus stopped John n his followers from doing so; also it has been said if Jesus talked to Pilot n because Pilot knew Roman Women n some of his own men respected Jesus Pilot didn’t really want to get involved in this n would have jumped at a reason to release Jesus but Jesus didn’t give him even a hint at a reason to free Jesus… Now for the spiritual escape being the Son of God n like Satan’s temptations saying come on say the words Jesus n you can stop your death on the cross… So with all that I can’t see a reason at all to hate or blame any Jewish person for the death of Jesus…
So, I say I love my Jewish brethren because I know they are the foundations of Christianity n need to be respect as our brethren n remember Jesus told us to love all our neighbors which include all faiths, love EveryOne Jesus commanded us!!!
Ok these are my view n might not be the shared by others or may not be supported by the church I go to but hope they like my view n support it, I also hope that others read this n agree with it... I know my views are not the mainstream but have a heart that says I need to love all n teach love to all but I won’t lift stones n throw them at people till they agree with my view or die for not agreeing with me but know if you truly love others without a stone in hand it is eaier to love n teach others…
Love to You all, n HUGs
Written by,
Giovano ‘Koala’ Fusco Jr.
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Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...