Sunday, April 22, 2012

About Me!!!

My mother was told she couldn't have children (I don't know the reason) but in Oct 1967 I was born n shortly there after she was told I have a rare bone disorder called Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI  4 short - also known as Brittle Bones... I had A Lot of broken bones mainly before my teen years... Think about 50/60 +/- we lost count over the years... In my teen my breaks became fewer minus a bunch of broken fingers from getting caught in my manual wheelchairs spokes :-) I could walk short distances but relied on my wheelchair more which made life safer but helped me gain a lot of weight... My mother wanted me to have some religion in my life so she had me raised in my father's faith Catholic but during High School I got very upset at All religions because I just kept seeing/hearing them fight n argue about who was right n seeing/hearing them kill/hurt others over it, I was like 'Ba Hum Bug' about an n all religions to the point I started acting like a Vampire/Demon if the subject was brought up even 'Hissing' at the sight of any thing religious...

My last year if High School I starting writing a couple short stories of horror n than decided to start collecting Bibles even the Satanic Bible for research...
Well during this time I have to admit I lied, I cheated(not on GF's didn't have any), n I had a lot of sex w/ women... So I was a sinner big time, well in my eyes...
I felt I never broke the law just bent it...

One day I watched the movie(mini series) 'Jesus of Nazareth' n the scene where Jesus went to the house of the tax collector n his follower were shock n ask why... Jesus was like "The healthy need not a Doctor but the Sick Do, I am not here for You but here to call the Sinners"... This struck a cord of wonder in me... I was like oh so maybe I can be a follower of his too... Well I also recently joined a non-profit group called the Jaycees that believes in God and I also joined a company that put God 1st family 2nd n the company 3rd... I searched for a church, I went back to the Catholic church but didn't feel right there n even tried a friend's church (aka J.W.s) but really felt out of place there n felt no way, I looked at a few others n still nothing... Well one day I saw the TV ad for a Free 'Book of Mormon' I figured I'd get it to add to my collection of Bibles... After I got the book I decide to listen to the Missionaries and after about a month I joined the Church... I was very faith n devoted to them was even planning on doing mission myself but things happen to prevent that from ever happening and I almost left the church n my faith but prayed n stayed... Shortly after that I got Electrocuted on a ride at a festival up in Portland, Maine which shattered my left shoulder ball which need to be replaced well after that I became very inactive in the church n felt alone n not worthy of Jesus again... I even started falling back into old habits with sex with women... A number years later I got so heavy my stomach over hanged towards my knees... While being this heavy I had a number of compressed vertebrae from falls... I was over 360lbs with my doctor advice I had stomach surgery n lost about 160lbs... Losing the weight gave me a chance to do things I never did before but I hooked up with a woman that turned out to be bad for me...  I was hoping I could help her n even tried to get her into my church n I tried to become active again but things turn very depressing n I became a super heavy drinker... I tried to change myself n re-educate myself I went to Job Corps in summer 2005 and did very well there but once that was over I went home n feel back into drinking heavy... I drank so much in 2006 I barely remember 2006... I drank nearly everyday all day...
In late 2006 my mother's 2nd husband died n she needed another person to move in with her to be able to afford her rent so I did... I still drank not as much but still pretty bad...
In 12/2007 I got hit by a car while I was heading home in my wheelchair from buying more bear from the store to have for the day think I had just got 2 40oz. beers for myself... I was knocked out of my wheelchair and broke my left hip...  I recovered and was looking forward to the lawsuit money from being hit so I could re-enact the movie (w/ Nick Cage) 'Leaving Vegas' that ow depressed I was... I wanted to drink myself to death!!!
Well four months later I had a super bad stroke that the doctors didn't think I'd last the nite of the stroke, they told my mother to be prepared that I was most likely going to die... Some how I lived and then the doctors thought I'd be hospitalized for over a year because of how bad the damage was... About a month later I was home but bound to an Electric Wheelchair and major issues with right side of my body from the stroke... I lost fine motor control of my right hand(lost my writing hand, mouse/joystick control) n walking ability...

The strange/Good thing is I regained my will to live n even discovered a new love for being spiritual(loving God n Jesus)...
I decide to take the money from my lawsuit to move me, my mother n a friend to Florida to get away from Snow(being bound to the wheelchair n snow don't work well together) n my ex-girlfriend.. n start a new life down in Florida...

Well, once I moved down here I started to drink again but I got help from my new doctor to get on a med to aid me in remembering not to drink... I tried to rejoin the Mormon church but something just didn't feel right n seeing I always felt like an outsider in the Mormon church I started searching again for a place that felt right...

I was/am also seeing a counselor to talk about my issues/life... She told me about a local church call Bayside Community Church on 43rd St here in Bradenton... I went and finally felt I was in the right place... I went one more time to the Mormon church and told them I'm joining another church were I felt more right in... I didn't tell them I felt more of the spirit n love of God n Jesus there at Bayside... I just said I felt I need a change(which I did)... I'm very happy my counselor told me about Bayside Community Church(west camps) and that I joined it...

I really think my stroke was used to bring me closer to God n Jesus, I joke that Jesus used my stroke to give me a smack in the head to wisen up and do good... I even think he wants me to be spokes person of his love of Everyone...

I have a strong faith to share his(Jesus's) love for us all... Everyone from all faiths, all genders(even those some say are not worthy) n even the sinners(remember he once came here for them too)... We aren't here to judge them but here to love them n share him with them...

Remember Jesus says the two great commandments:
1) Honor God (if you do you honor all his commandments n him)
2) Honor your neighbor as you want them to honor you (if you honor your neighbor you wouldn't steal from them, steal from them, nor bare false witness against them n etc)... also if you want them to treat you good you would ate them for being different n etc...
Do Not Hate!!!
LOVE THEM ALL even those that Hate you!!!

So I figured I'd share this with you!!!

Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...