Friday, August 15, 2014

Old vs New

the Differences Between old Giovano 'John' Fusco Jr. pre-stroke n the new Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr. post-stroke!!!
John :

Not too Religious 
Super Lazy
Wasn't too concerned if I was on time or not
Ate a super lot (pre-2002)
Thought about sex/women a lot
Got Super Mad very fast/easy
Like video games
Drank a lot of booze (2003-2008)
Me 1st on a lot of things
Told many minor/white/full lies
Heavy into computers 
Became a professional photographer wanted to work on magazines like Maxim
Wasn't to good at cleaning my self/apartment (pre-Jop Corps 2005)
Had TV on 24/7/365 n watched a number of very adult movies
Barely ever touched a book unless for school work
I was not into sharing info or myself
I only had a few friends
Bad with Money


Very Religious, big time trying to share Jesus' teachings...
I even know more about the Bible then ever before...
Dislike all video/online games...
My timing is a lot better getting to appointments...
Doesn't believe in lies not even little white ones(have a hard time remembering truth so a lie would be super hard to remember so best to always tell the truth)...
Eats very little but love my M&M's
Tries to put others 1st...
Got much better at handling/dealing with Money...
Still like computers but not into them as before mainly due to limitations on my body n working inside of computers too hard now...
Try to be as clean as possible for me/my room...
Let many things blow by instead of losing temper...
Sex n thinking about it not even in my radar my thoughts are used more to think about other important stuff...
I try to be some what more active, as much as I can...
I watch TV but not on all the time, no adult rated stuff, watch a lot of documentary shows...
I still have trouble reading but read more now then ever before...
Still like photography but can't do it anywhere near what I use to do before stroke...
I care about others more than I ever did before, I cared before but not as deeply...
I still worry about drinking, but doing good now...
I now share a lot with people even share on FaceBook/Blogs...
I have many many more friends a super lot online around the world n many from local church which helps enrich my soul/life...

I think/feel that there are a few more differences but can't think of them now but think that these differences are a lot n good...

I haven't trash John I have learned a lot from old John n he is resting in peace n new Koala is loving life, myself, others n his insights of life n sharing them with others, Koala loves to be different, fanny, weird, a little crazy n not fitting in to any mold of life excerpt to love life, others, my faith n maker n You All!!!

Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr...
Written 8:45pm(PST) 8/15/2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Me n movie 'Heaven is for Real'

Me n movie 'Heaven is for Real'

    I was talking to my mother about the movie n the girl's painting... I was talking about my near death insight n was disappointed by a look I got out of my mother n know she would deny it n she may have not realized she did it, a slight turning of the eyes away like she doesn't believe me... Ever since my stroke I have a developing photo in my mind of Jesus n the only piece of the photo that wasn't developing was his eyes... The eyes in the girls painting seem right on to me, also over all the looks seem about the same as I have been seeing... The other thing I told mom was I saw the skin was a couple/few tone/level darker more of a good tan n she did say something that seem correct, the vision people see of him might be based on things we know in life, some might see him much like the girl, some like me, over even others that may see him much much darker...

   I also talked to mom n said I understood the pastor's concern about talking about what his son saw, there are those that would not believe what his son saw n I have been around so many including myself before my stroke that don't believe n when someone like me talks about insights/visions/after-life...

I believe what I saw n the insights I receive, one of the primary things my insights want me to teach is like what the pastor said in the movie the key is 'Love' ... I know many in the would look at me including my mother n friends n maybe even some family that don't believe or might think it was just a dream(s) but the message I try to share is 'Love' for all even of other faiths n non-faiths... My insights are not meant to convert anyone just to teach n share Love n that 'Love' of ourselves, others is super important if we can 'Love' more without trying to convert them it would be easier to share 'Love' with everyone!!!

Ok mind is done...

nope, this movie really choked me up many time though the movie, I recommend others to watch it as well...

Saturday, August 9, 2014


I have been thinking, I know danger danger Will Robinson I mean Koala... LOL...

I love having you all as my friends n enjoy being a part of your lives most of you by means of Fb, n lucky to have a number great people locally I get to interact with inperson n again on here...

For my whole life I struggled with my identity as kid my mother made the decision on how I dressed, how I had my hair cut n etc... Between my teen years I tried to find myself n where I belonged with other... When I got super super super heavy I gave up on trying to impress anyone figured why bother... When I finally lost much of my weight when I was in my mid 30s n started dating a 20year old girl I learned to start finding myself n after my stroke I learned I really love myself n I dress to be me but comfortable n wear stuff that is easy to put on... Many of you know purple is my main favorite color, than black n then gold but wear a few others to break it up some...

I have changed many things in my life mainly started after my time at Job Corps teaching me many things about interacting with others but also to be true to ones self... After the stroke my spirituality mind n heart grew to levels beyond my measure... I love sharing my spirit with everyone but I try not to push my beliefs on anyone... I say hear, read, n etc my insights learn, laugh, ignore or love them but know they come from my heart n spirit n I think from a higher source...

My main thing is to teach, share love to everyone, never forcing it... I believe the best thing is loving everyone No Matter if they are Muslim, Islam, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, n others of the Christian faiths that split in minor n major differences n those that don't believe in a higher power because I believe I am not here to judge or ignore others for their faith, race, sex or sexual prefaces, abilities n etc... Some may say that those of different faiths or sexual prefaces are not worthy but I am not here to impose beliefs but only here to Love everyone even if they don"t want to be loved... Now, this doesn't mean I agree with others way of life, I just know how I am to live mine n what I am here to share...

I write this because I have had some people leave because I can only guess they find a fault in how I do things or my beliefs which was upsetting me n I had to think n pray about this, I am here to share my love, teach others it is ok to love those that are different from us n we not ever perfect we cam only be ourselves we can try to do better but know if we mess up that we can start again... I was thinking some don't understand my teachings of love n was too much for them to believe... Oh, maybe they think someone can't be that loving to everyone(hey there are people I have trouble loving those that do evil to women, children, animals) I am very spiritual ever since my stroke n it keeps growing, Lying is something I don't do yes it is bad to do but since stroke easier to remember than a lie, before my stroke I thought of two thing booze n sex, after my stroke my sexual desires have gone, I do hope to maybe have a child/family but feel now my old desire n now meant to be done for the sole purpose of building a family n not for pleasure, many that knew prestroke might find that hard to believe but is how I believe... I also now see beauty inside of people n don't base it on their outer looks, I am not blind to outer beauty the photographer in me can still admire beautiful women but I have seen more beauty in someone inner self...

So, saying all this my inspiration has stopped so I shall end her, accept me for me because I accept you for you, some of you have things you believe I don't but that is you n you are my friend n I accept all of you n just ask the same of you n guess if you can't,well that is up to you to...


Giovano 'Koala' Fusco 

Posted 3:00am(EST) 8/9/2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

another dream...

Good Day All :-)
Not much to update today, body is well nothing is bothering it YAY slept a good amount this morning n today...
Went to bed at 4am then woke up about 8am after having a detailed dream of me talking to Howard Stern (don't know why I don't listen to his show) but was teaching him life is good even with challenges in it, I told him everyday I wake I am grateful, since doctor thought my stroke was the end of me even told mother buy a casket, then when I stayed alive he said I most likely never use my right side of my body again, when signs showed a little bit of use then he said I would be in recovery for over a year, a month n half I was told I could go home n continue recovery out of the hospital... During my hospital I worked hard to be able to transfer in/out of bed/wheelchair on my own power worked hard to be about to use bathroom on my own when I started doing those things I was so happy n blessed by a power above mine own, while at the hospital I had 2 missionaries coming each day n we prayed together n I credit the prayers for what the doctor said would not happen me improving n so fast as well... So I am so blesses by knowing the hardest n seemingly impossibles can happen with my relationship with the Big Guy n His Son n the Holy Ghost or some might say it was my will n hard work but without my faith I won't have that will because before the stroke I wanted to drink myself to death...
Have no idea why I had a dream like this unless I was meant to we share it here today...

Well Hope you are doing better/well today!!!


Monday, August 4, 2014

This started as an UpDate on FaceBook but because of it's length n message cut it from update n made into this post instead...

The thing is interesting was my dreams I had this morning...
!st part of dream was I won a large amount of money n went to Vegas n had a party with many women n goal was to find 1 to marry while in Vegas but I was doing many activities that are very sinful but I was enjoying myself a lot... The Dream seemed to be like Dude Party On what else here to do but have fun... This is when I woke in much pain, I started to pray but fell a sleep in the middle of it not finishing it I woke a bit a couple more times n tried again to complete my prayers but no go on the last try weird thing happened I did the prayer in a dream where I saw nothing but was able to get down on my knees n pray n finish my prayer(which was cool  since I can not get on my knees now a days...) n as I prayed in my dreams I felt like my body was getting better but was unsure... The next dream I had was me in front of many teaching out of love for God n Jesus then talking about slavery; from old old old old times of the Jewish people, to the Christians, then to many that got put into slavery over debt, also yes the slavery of our fellow brothers/sisters of Africa but my lesson was more about today's slavery that so so so many people put themselves into with booze, drugs, sex, gambling n perversions...
Think this was tried to 1st dream because I was involved with many women at once to see who felt like she would be best as my wife n yes it also involved having intimate relations with all the women n also I was drinking up a storm of booze...
The 1st dream I was a slave to my wants n pleasures but when I felt the signs I prayed n then had the second dream or maybe say the 3rd dream because really my praying was the 2nd dream but after the 2nd n 3rd dream I started feeling better... Dreams are were I find a lot of my spiritual guidance, I seem to know the differences between a plain dream n a message/lesson type of dream... The plain out dreams that have no meaning disappear shortly after I wake if not even before I wake But, the dreams that have an important message/lesson n are very very detailed(even now I can still remember the women in my 1st dream, the darkness of the 2nd,  n the lesson I was sharing in the 3rd) such details n remembering them so clearly is very very rare with dream maybe remembering 1 dream maybe but 3 is very interesting... For those that I so love being my friends that may have other faiths or none I am not trying to convert your ways but share my insights n my love of my faith...I believe in a higher calling but also believe it is not a job of mine to convert, argue, debate or even force any version of faith on anyone but my job is only to love everyone no matter what they believe or don't n to share my faith n love as they are willing to let me but never to say that anyone has to follow my insights as the only truth... When faith is evolved the true faith can only be found with your own search n learning from others like me that share their faith without saying it is the way n the only way; there are many ways n we are here to guide each other as best as we can n I feel sadden by those that try to force their ways on to others n also saddened by those that don't want to try to have any faith but respect n pray those with no faith....


Sunday, August 3, 2014

a man n his wheelchair that have been though a lot...


Yesterday when I got to church my wheelchair had that flat tire feel again but only felt while on smooth surfaces like well flat tarred street or flat floors like at church but sidewalks n rugs I don't feel anything...
Me n Mark Silver lifted each side of wheelchair up n check each tire for tack, nail or glass but nothing could be found we spun the front wheels to see if we could tell if bearings were bad nothing, couldn't get the main wheels to spin freely like front wheels so couldn't tell if bearings in the axles had something wrong in them...
The wheelchair works ok just bumps alot on smooth surfaces other surfaces don't notice so, I have decided to try to ignore it for now since unless I had the funds to have a tech total examine it out the the funds to fix the issues the only option left is wait, pray n hope the wheelchair works till next year or mom's insurance finally come though for her on getting her a wheelchair n if they do I can have the wheelchair the Bayside Community Church gave us then replacing that chair's batteries will be the next step... But guess I have a feeling about my current wheelchair; like the favorite car you might have owned/own that it is part of U n it responds to your steering like at will an almost a love connection between U n car n for me a connection between me n wheelchair so really not looking forward to time I need to retire it..

a man n his wheelchair that have been though a lot...

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...