Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Bruce - Caitlyn Jenner ok by me...

I know most of us have heard/seen the news about Bruce Jenner​ now known as Caitlyn Jenner​ that he has being a woman now, I am unsure if she completed the transformation to being 90%+/- well being older than myself she is really past the time of baring a child so the 10%-/+ really doesn't matter at her age so can think of her as a complete woman I guess...

Some might think it is wrong for Bruce becoming  a female 'Caitlyn Jenner' but who are others judge her wanting to be what she wanted to be for ages...
I know many may pull out bibles n quote verses to support it being wrong but my view I believe we have to each be true to one's self... How men have polluted the world 100's of years n misc stuff changing people from drugs(legal Rx) n ever changing environment by natural/nature n men's pollutions of this planet so can we really say foreshore it hasn't effected the development of humans n mixing up some humans DNA causing issues like cancer, the mix up of the x/y genes n creating/causing new disorders n deceases n etc...

I think a person needs to be themselves no matter what others think it is our life it is that person's life n when they die: for non-heaven/God believes it no big deal if a guy/girl is gay/lesbian or transgender etc n for those that believe in Heaven/God it should only concern the person that is gay/lesbian, transgender n etc n they will be judged by God/Jesus n not other humans...
I get surprised n upset when I hear/see religious people getting so upset at gay/lesbian, transgender n etc it upsets me because how is someone being gay/lesbian, transgender n etc harming the religious people???

When I first heard about  Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn Jenner I thought it was a joke or a trick to get more ratings for the the show about his step daughters, wife n his daughters n was taken back when I resized it was true because I grew up knowing Bruce Jenner on a cereal box n on TV show 'CHiPs' but  if this change feels right I support Caitlyn Jenner n wish her a good/happy life it will be hard to think of her as anything other than what she was...

Caitlyn Jenner I applaud U for your courage to 'be True to Thy Self'...

HUGs Caitlyn Jenner,
Yes if she was here I would HUG her as my muse would want me to do is to show love to all which includes Caitlyn Jenner n others like her...

Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.​

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tree of Knowledge...

Hello to You All;

I feel I have a strong faith in God, His Son - Jesus, n the Holy Ghost/Spirit n really love my faith in them...
I believe that the Bible was once greatly inspired by God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit but I believe that today's Bible has gone though too many translation till it got to be available in modern English with translation some times words n sentences can be changed slightly because the translator could use the same wording a common error in translating n also grammar can also be a factor (yeah grammar police worry about online grammar errors it pales to errors in the old worlds) in translations so I believe current bibles can't be 100% prefect let a lone it was translated by Men/Humans (Men) who where imperfect n had to deal Men being the top dog n didn't want to changed that, heck the Catholic's are slowly changing that in their order now n how long only were men allowed to be priest??? Then there is more books in a Catholic Bible then in the King James version, Why??? I thinking to lessened some things King James(or the men that worked on the King James version) n the there is a Geek Bible that has even more books why, why don't we have a complete works of Bible books because men!!!
So, I believe in the Bible but with a grain of salt because I know men had hand in how it is now...

I also know that Adam ate from the tree of knowledge so I can not ignore facts about what men have done to the Bible n know there are errors n missing parts to the Bible but believe it is good source to the stories, history n laws from past people/leaders n of course of God, Jesus n Holy Ghost/Spirit but know it isn't a good example is there are sooooo many different version of the King James Bible sample NIV, ASV, NLT, GoodBook n so on which is more correct???

So I read NIV version with a grain of salt because I believe it is imperfect n unless I learn ancient Arabic or ancient Hebrew I can't know how far off current version are but...
what I use is better than nothing!!!

I also feel that need to find our own path in faith n not follow a leader blindly, we should know the history (as truthful as we can find it n not from 1 source but from many) of the Bible, history of man, n compare life from the simple lives in the past to the current lives n watch how life grows from now to the future... Knowing that we have brains we need to use them... I am critical of the King James Bible but it was a great thing for us because it allowed us to learn most of the scriptures (that we had access to) on our own n chose our path in our faith... 
Ok my mind n inspiration on writing this have stopped so I will finish up by saying...
These are just my opinions...

submitted by,
Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Hello All,

Hello All,
Hope Everyone is doing well/better, HUGs!!!
I am doing my status update today from my reverend page n here is why:
I wanted to write something special today but had no inspirations, I thought I wanted to write something that wasn't about love or gays/lesbians n make it clear I am not pro-gay/lesbian life nor am I anti-gay/lesbian I am pro being your true self but wanted to write something about respect of each other; I kept drawing a blank because I wasn't inspired to do this so I was bummed about not having an idea what to write so I went on to make some english muffins...
I transferred to my command area to sit eat n watch TV n update here when suddenly...
A light went on above my head, Dude respect is loving your neighbor n I share a lot about loving our neighbor...
I also realize I share love of every religion/faith(n non-faithed) n I believe we all have to be true to ourselves n way God created us n I feel if we like tattoos n piercings it is ok to customize ourselves even though some over do it like having a doctor give giant implants that are well I think you know want I mean a tuck here a way to help U be of a healthier size n etc ok... I also believe if U fall in love with someone that is a great blessing n you should be happy about it no matter what others believe n try to use the Bible to condemn your love, I love the Bible n feel we have to each read it n do what we believe is right for each of us n We have No Right to Dictate Our Beliefs on others, we can share what we believe n if someone doesn't believe the same fine we shouldn't judge them... We are only able to control our own life n in no way do we have the right to control other peoples life n come on we (USA) believe in freedom of religions life liberty n pursuit of happiness so why would you support in resisting others life, if we do that we open the gates to resisting our own lives n that can be seen happening right now...

So I am not pro-gay/lesbian n I am not anti-gay/lesbian I am Super Pro-Love of All...
I believe we should find our own path in our faiths n be true to it but do not try to force our beliefs on to others...
Share but Do Not Condemn!!!
Love n HUGs!!!   
` Rev. Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr...
see I had no inspiration earlier but after making english muffins I wrote this where it come from not me I was drawing a blank n I don't really write things this long without inspiration...
Love n HUGs to U all!!!  

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...