Saturday, May 30, 2015

What do Clouds n the Rorschach cards/test have in common with the Bible???

What do Clouds n the Rorschach cards/test have in common with the Bible???

People see many different things when they look at clouds n see different things when viewing the Rorschach cards/test n some may see the same thing but not always...

& the Bible...

I can read a verse & get inspiration n meaning from it but when someone else reads that same verse they read might get a different inspiration & meaning from it...

Should we fight over who's inspiration & meaning is wrong, I don't believe so, I believe the meaning & inspirations  we each get is correct to each of us & we shouldn't argue, hurt or fight with each other...
We should read the Bible get our own inspirations & meanings & we can share them as well but if you don't agree with someone's else's inspirations & meanings they got no problem you can agree to disagree...
The best thing we can do is Love each other & respect each other's views & inspirations & never hurt or fight with one another!!!

~Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.  5/30/2015

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Hello n Thanks for reading this:

I want to share the Love n Joy of Jesus, I became ordained a while ago then chose to use the title 'Reverend' Because the other two churches I attend n assist with use the titles of 'Pastor' n not the title 'Reverend'... When I share My Insights/inspirations n teachings with others I am doing this in my own ministry n not from other churches... 
I promote Love between all people n all faiths n non-faiths n know some disagree with some people n faiths n non-faith people but the people that some Christian think are totally damned are exactly who I want to know n share the Love I feel from Jesus...
As Jesus said ages ages ago 'Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:31-32 NIV)' n I am not calling any of the people I Share, Love n Teach with a sinner because it is only between them n Jesus So, if I don't try to share with them the Love n Teachings I know He has for me then I am sinning for not trying... I am not a judge of any bodies life again that is between them n Jesus n not myself... Yes I support any adults wanting to get married because I support love n if two people want to marry great I will even preform the marriage for any couple that wants to marry, it is up to God/Jesus to approve the marriage, I can ask God/Jesus to please bless the marriage but I won't tell God/Jesus to do it I can only ask God/Jesus to bless the couple/marriage...
I believe in Love of all, I am not the judge of anyone's life non do I want to be anyone's judge!!! 
I use to be like many other Christian's that disapprove of some n so did I But after my life changing stroke I felt I needed to share the Love I feel for Jesus n share the Love I feel He has for me n know that I need to share that Love with with everyone even more that others hate or disapprove of...
I believe a faithful follower of Jesus needs to share His Love n Teachings with all without any judgement of them n since, judging anyone is His Job, He paid for everyone's sins so only He has the right to judge anyone as He also said ages ages ago 'When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7 NIV)'...
So, I am here with open arms for everyone of all faiths, non-faithful n even those that others condemn because how they love their partners...
Love n HUGs!!!
~Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr...

Monday, May 11, 2015

last nite I emailed a friend about...

last nite I emailed a friend about what is going with my ministry n started writing some about what I believe in regards to the topic of sex...
Sex is a sensitive topic for many n is what I think that gets many Christians upset with the Gay/Lesbian/Trans n unmarried people; my views on sex are very strict but are my own beliefs now my old life I was very active in having sex but my stroke changed my whole life including my views on many things I use to do before but Do Not Do Now...
I believe what happens in a person(s) sexual life is between them n there partner n God(God, Jesus n Holy Ghost) n has NOTHING to do with me n my person beliefs on the subject of sex is really strict n many would think it is toooo strict but is my personal belief n I Do Not think or believe it is right for others but is what I feel is right for me...
So, seeing I don't worry what a person(s) do in their sexual lives n that I Only want to share the Love I have for God, Jesus, n the Holy Ghost/Spirit n the Love God, Jesus, n Holy Ghost/Spirit have for me; I believe it is my mission the share the teachings n love Jesus taught n has for all of us...
Okay some may say well being Gay/Lesbian/Trans is a sin in the eyes of God n those that are Gay/Lesbian/Trans are damned to hell; I Say Who are We to Judge anyone that is Gay/Lesbian/Trans??? Well it is written in the Bible that it is a big sin!!! Well, I know ten things that are written in stone by GOD that many of the world do regularly like Steal, Lie, Desire others partner or stuff, n even cheat on their own partner SO, who are we to judge anyone on where their soul is going after they die???

1) Honor God n what He wants us to do!!!
2) Love thy neighbor(everyone all faiths, all color of skin, all sexes, n everyone) all over this Planet!!!

Share the teachings with anyone n let them decide what is right for them n don't condemn them if they do not accept what you think they should be doing...
Live Your Life in the Best Way You Can n Be a Good Example of What You Believe God, Jesus, n the Holy Ghost/Spirit Want You to Do n By Doing Your Best at Living the Life the Way You Believe God, Jesus, n the Holy Ghost/Spirit Want You to You Will Be Blessed; by Judging Others Life You Could Harm the Why You Will Be Judged by Jesus, Try As Hard As Possible to Not Judge Others Life n Just Accept Them for Them n Not By Their Skin Color, Their Faiths(or non-faith), Sexual Life, n So On!!!
oh Wait
~ Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Monday, May 4, 2015

the Universe n God is there isn't a box to fit either in???

I am sitting here after sleeping from 4pm yesterday to about 2:30am this morning...
I am thinking about the universe n God n everything, as in topic of God n the universe it is not ease to put either in a box n nor should I try because I think those they try will have a mental break down... Why I say that??? Well, let's start with the universe it is bigger then we can think of, does it have an end??? if it does where??? what is at the end??? does it curve back to other side??? which side??? are there more layers of the universe??? if yes, how many??? endless??? if no again what is at the end of whatever end there is??? is our universe a ball, are there other balls, what is beyond our universe??? You( I ) can get lost is so many questions n ideas n etc; I also think of God in the same idea that God can be explained or proven which is I can not prove there is or is not a God, I believe in a God totally n know it is not my job to prove that there is a God, which I can not do nor do I want to n it is not my purpose to do... God can not be put in a box like the universe also can not be placed in a box... I know there are many great minds(much greater minds then mine) trying to figure out the universe (I truly admire their works n their attempts) when they find a answer to one thing they still have countless others to answer so they have a long road n mostly likely their work will have to continue from person to person for a long long long time...Do I say they should give up??? No, it is our nature to learn more n understand more but for people like me I except I can't understand the universe without a brain melt down but I know there is a universe I can't see it all, know it all n so, I just except it!!! When I think of God is God a He or She or both??? I don't care, God is God that is all I need to know!!! What is God??? What created God??? Where is God??? When in time is God??? Because the Bible talks about the future battle between Jesus n Satan n that Satan losses n really the only thing the battle is for HOW many souls that will be saved to live forever with with God!!!  So, there are too many question about God that my mind(n maybe yours also) can't answer nor do I want to try or worry about... So for the universe n God I except both n I marvel at both for their Greatness n Awe!!!
I am not here to prove either God or figure out the universe or universes n etc but I am here to share my Love of Life n a Big part of my Life is my belief in God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit not to prove there is a God, Jesus, or Holy Ghost/Spirit but Share the Love of God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit with everyone...

HUGs to Everyone, U are Loved, We are Loved!!!

Sincerely submitted by Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...