Monday, August 31, 2015

Attention fellow followers of Jesus:

History has shown when a nation is at war n battles on too many fronts they have a greater chance of being unable to win;
I say this because Christians are fighting on too many fronts:
 1) the Lesbian/Gay front
 2) the front to save unborn children
    2a) by condemning women that decide to not to have the unborn child
    2b) by condemning or even hurting doctors/nurses that help women in her choice
 3) the front:
    3a) belief that all Muslims want to kill everyone that are not Muslim
    3b) all Muslims are terrorist
 4) the front of non-believers of God/Jesus trying to take away all signs of religion from everywhere 
 5) then the front of thinking other Christians are completely incorrect in how they are following Christ
 6) the front that everyone not believing the same as them are dammed
 7) the front of fighting scientist about evolution vs creationism 
 8) the front that believe the bible is 100% prefect 

n there could be others since groups form over the many issues n beliefs n they get very upset when others don't believe the same way...

 I wonder why Christians get So Upset over these many fronts when Jesus told His followers to Love Everyone n The Way You Judge Others Jesus Will Judge You...
So, if you judge/condemn others are you not judging/condemning yourself as well???

My advice is love your neighbors without judgement, share Jesus's Love n His teaching but don't get upset if your neighbor doesn't want to follow Jesus; Jesus wants us to share His Love n Teachings but not to force others to believe in Him or to hate those that don't follow Him n His teachings!!!

~ Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

"This above All: to thine own self be true," - William Shakespeare

"This above All: to thine own self be true," - William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
I believe each person has to be true to themselves; I think/believe that everyone needs to follow their own paths, I also believe that humans have done many things to this planet n the development to the human race so, I think being Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans, Straight n etc is a result of the effects on the planet n the human being development... I believe we can't judge/condemn people for being themselves because we have no idea how mankind has effected the development of the human race...
Don't be ashamed of being true to yourself... If you truly feel that being Gay, Lesbian n etc is wrong fine then try to resist being Gay, Lesbian n etc... Being Gay, Lesbian n etc Is Not a Choice you might be able to resist being yourself I just hope you are able to be happy with yourself!!! 
Many religions may judge/condemn your life but Be True to Yourself be happy with who you are, the only judges to your life is Jesus n His Father - God so, pray to them often, read the Bible often n remember to be true to yourself n be a good person n treat others the way you want others to treat you...

Ok, some might think I support pro-gay/lesbian a lot am I hiding my own wants in my life;
No!!! I do have a few friends that are gay/lesbian n a couple I think are resisting their true self n I want them all to be happy with themselves n with the partner they are with or the partner that comes in their future... After my stroke in 4/2008 n surviving deep deep depression over an ex-girlfriend n wanting to die n nearly did with the stroke n I a woke after the stroke loving life n felt that I had a mission to share God, Jesus n Holy Ghost/Spirit n I noticed that there was many fellow Christians that hated, condemned those that are Gay/Lesbian/etc n I felt that I had to share the Love I feel from God, Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit... I felt I had a mission to share this Love with everyone, even to those others hated/condemn n felt like I have to go where others don't want to go Jesus went to a sinner/tax-collector's home n many fellow Jewish-people/followers were shocked by Jesus going to the sinner/tax-collector's home n Jesus basically told them He was there not to call the righteous but to call the sinner's to know His Father; n I feel I am here to call those others hate/condemn to God by following Jesus's teachings, Love n the Path He want's us to follow to be happy with each other n Love God!!!

I had a person condemn me for being welcoming to Gay/Lesbian/etc n saying I will not judge the life of any Gay/Lesbian/etc because that isn't my job, my job is to support Love n if any two people want to be married I support their desire to marry n if I preform a marriage I will ask God n Jesus to bless the marriage n feel if it is wrong for a couple to be married God n Jesus will judge them later after this life...
Love n Happiness is my goal for all of God's children without judgement or condemning anyone for Loving another person!!!
The same person that condemn me I was totally incorrect in my support of any couple loving each n getting married, hey they could be right but from my knowledge n inspirations I feel I am following Jesus path to support love n share God n Jesus Love n I know I will be judge by what I do n teach so I feel good in my current path of Love to All!!!

So, Love yourself, be true to yourself n Love others as God n Jesus Loves Us!!!
HUGs to us all We are All Loved by God, Jesus n Holy Ghost/Spirit...

~ Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr. - 8/22/2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

A vision I had shortly after my serious stroke...

A vision I had shortly after my serious stroke...  

After my stroke I a woke with a strong love of Jesus n a vision I have been wanting to share with others but doubted others would believe me or the vision; it is time for me to write it down n share with people...

Think most people know the tortures that Jesus had done to Him by the Roman soldiers; such torturing things were inhuman n would kill many other people... but...
Jesus was taking all the sins of the world from His current time to old-past times n all the future sins of every human being till the end of days... The vision enlighten me that no human being could inflict that amount of pain on anyone let alone Jesus, humans don't have that much power so my vision shows me the scope of pain Jesus received n where n how He got it n how He was able to suffer such pain.. 

My vision starts with the Romans getting Jesus set to be whipped as the Roman soldiers started to whip Jesus my vision split screened itself showing 2 scenes 1 was Jesus being tortured by the Roman soldiers the other scene was Jesus being tortured by satan n his demons... The vision was showing Jesus tortures were linked n sync so Jesus reactions seemed correct to the Roman soldiers but really the tortures was beyond anything the Romans could ever do... Jesus tortures by satan n his demons also included visions of all the evils men/women have done, did n are doing n what they are going to do... Also the crimes/abuses done to children, women, animals n men the heart breaking abuses done by other people... The injustices done to others like sickness, diseases n cancer n etc... So vision I was seeing was so upsetting to myself n I could hardly believe the amount of pain, sadness n etc that Jesus was totally going though it made the tortures done by the Romans a relief to Jesus; the Romans caused pain to Jesus body but satan did so much more to Jesus Soul so when Jesus was finally on the Cross He was back in the moment n was able to say "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34) He wasn't talking about the Romans, Jesus was talking to His Father about Us/Everyone on Earth!!!

So I saw the greater price Jesus paid/suffered for us n it is unmeasurable n is why I Love Jesus n know I was part of the pain He suffered n paid for me n is why I get upset at people that use Jesus name to justify hate n harm to others; Jesus didn't pay this price to give people the ok to hurt others, Jesus paid for our sins because He Loves n wants us to be back with our Father(God) in Heaven when we die...

I can't prove what I saw, but come on those of us that believe in Jesus do you really think any amount of Roman soldiers could inflict the amount of pain/suffering to equal the sins from beginning of time to the end of time by every human??? 

I resisted sharing this vision with others(I have shared with a select few) because it is so profound detailed even more then I could write the vision was over whelming n felt many wouldn't believe me...
...I want to write more n try to explain more of my vision but my brain n heart just can't, I can't put any more into words N what I feel about this is so upsetting, sad n the Love I feel from Jesus is also unmeasurable n can't be explained...

Because of this vision n surviving my stroke n how much I recovered from the damage of my stroke beyond what the doctor said I could ever be able to do n then feeling I had a direction/mission but it took time to be shown to me n being ordained was a big part of it, n doing my ministry is just another step in my mission(s) but my main thing is to share the Love I feel from Jesus with Everyone no matter faiths, non-faithful, lost souls, seekers, or choice in life partners n etc EVERYONE!!!

with His(Jesus) n my Love I share this with You All...
Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.
~ August 6th, 2015 (vision happened in 4/2008)

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...