Friday, May 23, 2014

my view of the 2nd Amendment in todays world...

Thinking about the 2nd Amendment...

I respect the Amendment n think it still has some value but think both sides are missing some reasoning in understanding how it should be used...

When this Amendment was drafted it was to protect the people against unfair treatment by a corrupt/evil government n was drafted when flintlock guns was a modern technology n a cannon was mainly mounted on ships n the mobile cannons took many men to move, aim n fire n took a bit of time to do all that...

Today the idea of protecting one from the government is gone YES it is, if anyone tries to go against your government will facing tech, weapons, n men that no person or even a small group could ever handle n when the government wins they will put the people though the court system n jail if they didn't kill the people in trying to capture them... 

So, realistically in today's time the 2nd Amendment isn't effective at all But, the Amendments were meant to be protect n grow with the American people... To me the 2nd Amendment is meant so people can protect themselves n family from evil... I think if someone wants to own firearms there should be some rules Yes Rules, the original firearms took time to load n shoot n they really had to think before they fired it because if they missed it took tooo long to reload to use on same target n why many of those weapons had long knives mounted on them so they could attack with it... The firearms now a days require no real thinking to use because they can fire so many rounds n are also designed to be more effective... Today anyone can use a firearm but can they use it correctly??? maybe but most likely a rarity... I think to own todays firearms a person(s) need to be given some training on the use of the firearm n since the increase in instances like road range a person wanting a firearm should have at least a background check preformed... 

I believe carrying a handgun concealed is a way to defend family n others, I have mixed feeling on carry such a weapon in public areas like cinemas, stores n malls but only officials should be allowed to have/carry firearm in government buildings, libraries, n schools... No civilian should carry anything more than a handgun in city limits there is NO excuse for those to be carried inside of any city limits(n by carry mean holding weapon in a holster or sling n etc n ready for use) except in non-ready use after purchasing or being ready to sell it... The now famous AR-15 rifle I know it is not meant to be a hunting rifle(who is anyone fouling) but it is a great weapon for home defense, against a group of criminals trying to break into a home to harm or steal from the family... Yes I think owning a weapon like this is effective here since police response time to such crimes can range in time for them to get there... Police try their best at times but can't be everywhere at a drop of a phone... A father wants to protect his family from harm n he needs to have the ability to do so if he so chooses... I could think of one issue that would drive a father crazy if it was happening but won't go into example because each side can come up with examples for there points, this is just my opinion on the 2nd Amendment... I was saying AR-15 n other weapons are good for home defense if family(trained with it) can get to it easy n quickly before the criminals can use their weapons but those home defense weapon NEED to stay on own property once off their own property they enter another area of law, where they acting in defense of others n etc... My advise AR-15 n etc stays at home for home defense only... 

Now yes hunters use rifles n shotguns but be real people a simple single firing rifle or shotgun or double shot (shotgun) is all a hunter or sport shooter needs n has no need to be carrying in city limits except for going to firing range to practice, repair or to sell in all those it doesn't need to have live ammo loaded in it either... Their are many people that still hunt for food, yes not real need to so but they should be allowed to as long a hunting rules /laws are obeyed...

I know many may disagree with me on both sides of gun control/rights issue but this is my view on this n again I am not perfect my wheelchair can wheel on top of open water but I am a concerned person about both sides of this issue...

My bottom line on this we need to use common sense which seems to be lacking in todays world...

Sincerely Giovano 'Koala'
HUGs to all...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hello Everyone...

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for late update :-) When I a woke didn't like sitting up so watched rest of old movie from 1983 'Warrior of the Lost World' a little close to B-type movie had few stars I remember beautiful Miss Universe n bald star of 'Star Trek the Motion Picture' n also the Doctor from the Halloween movies he kept trying to Kill Mike Myers but if he could have killed him we wouldn't have any 'Austin Powers' movies :-) lol I know wrong Mike Myers LOL..

When I finally got up had to answer natures call then realized my right side felt heavy, it all worked but just felt heavy(happens here n there since my stroke) but after making lunch n trying to contact new insurance/HMO body was back to it's norms...

Found out my Google phone app doesn't like calling 1-866 numbers was trying to call my insurance an 1-866 # n kept ringing n ringing then stopped calling I went on trying for a while n some thing said try house phone 1st I used house # to call my # n everything worked fine then used house line to call insurance n got right though with no problem after talking to them went back to my iPod n tested calling other #'s n they worked ok tryied again to call the 1-866 # n no go so now I know my number can't call 1-866 #'s, I have called 1-800 #'s before so not a toll free issue, might be that some 1-866 have a payment required to call them like old 1-900 #'s n Google disabled calling all 1-866 #'s...

I am doing well today,right side of neck feels tight but other than that nothing is hurting now when I 1st woke up I was sore in lower back which felt stiff as well but once I got a moving around body snapped into feeling good again YAY...

My prayers/wishes/hopes are ever going as I add many of you to them, hoping/praying you all feeling better, stronger, healthier, n that we all find our partner to spend our life with, n may we all be filled with joy, love n laughter or at least give us all some cotton candy I don't know any one that doesn't smile when they eat cotton candy or smile when they see it made n people also enjoying it!!!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

God Love Uganda, the PBS show was upsetting to me...

I started crying tonite while watching a show on PBS part of the Independent Lens series of programs this on titled 'God Loves Uganda', why did this make me sad, mad, upset n made me cry??? Well it hurt me to my core, at 1st it started out about Christians loving n wanting to share their love of Christ, cool yeah, n was about to change the channel to find some thing else to watch but some thing made me watch more... I watched n was like cool fellow Christians wanting to teach others of Christ but the show started talking about how the US leader have played with these people a former prez of USA helped them reduce their HIV rate by bring condoms to them n they reduced the HIV then another prez said teach your people not to have sex till marriage or we won't give you any more funds n now current prez just confusing them more, the Christian movement has spread a lot there great right, not really they are using what they are taught to hate n kill in the name of JESUS... That what made me sad, mad, upset n made me cry, why??? JESUS is about LOVE not Hate/Killing...Love Needs to be taught to all no matter if a person is straight, gay, lesbian n etc... Teach love to someone n sharing God's words is much easier n if a person learns they are sinning they can act on their own to correct what they think they are doing is wrong... It is not humankind job to force the Bible on to another, it is not our job to condemn/judge others...

It upset me so much I heart in my own heart, my heart is broken because the people are be taught to hate in Jesus name so I hurt for the evil they are being taught, I feel my heart break for those that are beaten n killed in Jesus name...

Uganda just passed a law if a person is found to be gay they will be put in prison for life which is better then their 1st draft wanting the death penalty for being gay, so sicking what is being done in Jesus name... Oh, it's another country it is not the USA way BULL, It is USA missionaries that are teaching this to an impressionable people that are very reactionable like Teens here in the USA that hurt n kill also in the name of Jesus... NO WHERE in the the teaching of Jesus did he teach hate or killing, when will the hate n Killing in the name of the Savior Jesus Christ Stop!!! My heart is hurting because my Lord is being used to do evil on to others 'Father Forgive Them They Know Not What They Are Doing Is So Wrong, Open There Hearts to Your Love So They Learn to Love n Not to Hate n Kill!! Teach Them to HUG Everyone Let the HUGs Enter their Heart n Fill it With Love for all Humankind! said by Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr 5/20/2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

You n your faith or non-faith...

I want to say a little something to my friends that don't follow a faith of a God, Jesus or Muhammad, n also to my other friends that are Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, n etc I try not to push my beliefs on you or anyone, I respect your  ways/beliefs non-beliefs some try to insist that converting someone to someones belief is a must... Christians are known for trying to convert all some do in a good way some don't, Muslims are also known to do the same n here in America many Americans believe that Muslims are evil n hate filled which is wrong... Also many are Christians are quick to judge a faith that isn't following Jesus as a false belief well I know both Jewish n Muslim have been around for a long time n Jewish is the base of Christians Jesus n his followers where Jewish so Christians should not judge Jews some Christians blame Jews for killing Jesus or causing his death but really it was the leaders that saw a rebel to their power base it wasn't the peoples fault... Muslim have a strong faith base similar to Jewish people so I don't know their whole faith but I do not hate them nor should anyone else hate them but can understand the hate towards the terrorists n wracked Islam extremist that promote hate n putting women down... Hindu n Buddhist have a very long belief even longer then Jewish n Christians so that needs to have respect, I know nothing of the Hindu faith but a large number of the world believe it so need to respect them... Buddhist have a great teachings n are in a way similar to those that have no faith, they don't believe in a God figure... They believe humans are their own God n they to find a balance in their life n be better connected with the God in themselves... I believe that those that have no faith may have got sick of all the bull that many faith do, many faiths fight each other over their faith n who they believe is right n try to force converting others, n some that don't believe have a mind that say 'I can't see signs of a God n etc so won't follow a so called make believe figure' I respect those as well because I can not give proof of my faith I can only share my faith...

I believe my job 1) love God 2) love Jesus 3) love the Holy Ghost/Spirit 4) love Myself 5) love my Family 6) love my fellow humans n 7) love my Earth... I also know it is my job to share my belief but not force my faith on to anyone nor hate anyone that believe differently than I... I also believe if I live my life with love for all I am doing right by my God n His Son my Lord Jesus n also not to judge anyone for their faith or their non-belief n not judge those that do not follow the words in Bible... I believe I am to do my best to do what is wrote in the Bible but is not my job to force the Bible(which has errors n missing parts n slightly corrupted by man's hand in translating n censoring of the Bible) on others but share it with those that are willing to listen n read with me... 

So I hope nothing I share on my wall/feed upsets you all, I know that I have many Friends that do n don't believe what I do but I am grateful for all of your friendship no matter what you do/don't believe you are all a gift to me n thanks for your friendships, HUGs...

Japan n Godzilla n Swords... :-)

before I woke this morning I was having a dream that I went to Japan n got a translator n found a older master sword maker... When I meet him I had a statement wrote out which I gave to the translator n I bent over in my wheelchair as best as I could do a bow in respect, the statement said "Hello Master I bow in respect for the great works I heard n believe you do n that I respect your craft n mastery n I will not unbow until you tell my translator that I can raise... I come here to ask a great favor from you n know you have no reason to grant it... I really would like you to create n build  me a set of swords for my family future line... I am willing to pay you for your great honorable works plus willing to give to charity you recommend/favor..." (this must be after I win the lottery 2 reason I can't afford a trip to Japan at this time 2 let allow afford the cost of a master made set of swords n funds to a charity) I woke up before I got his answer but a cool n detailed dream but weird after I woke I kept thinking about Japan n even remembering the movie 'Shogun' n even a few words popped in my head of Japanese, so strange that my mind seems fixated on Japan n the swords they are known for n not the cheap knock offs I could get in stores now,...

the mind can be so strange, I have not watched 'Shogun' in about a year, nor have I watched any thing related to Japan lately n even though I have seen the Godzilla move ads but America has not made a good Godzilla movie ever, like Japan can't make a good King Kong movie so, I don't think the latest Godzilla ads have made think of Japan.... wait... maybe it has as I said America has not made a good Godzilla movie like Japan not making good King Kong movie n my dream was me wanting a Japanese made set of swords because swords available here in America my look good but by no means equal to a sword made in Japan like their Godzilla movies...



Friday, May 9, 2014

Me as a musketeer...

For a long time I wanted to be the hero to a woman then becoming her husband... The girl I feel deeply in love with had suffered many problems as kid n she still let her past effect her present. When I was with her I felt like I was her musketeer (I had tried to use the nick name porthos after the disney film in the 1990's but couldn't get people to call me porthos) n she gave me things I never experienced ever before, my life I didn't get many if at all hugs as a kid(at least not much between from 4-35years of age) n when I was with her she gave me the closeness n hugs I was missing which between feeling like I was her protecter n her giving me what I was missing in my life I Fell head over heels for her but because her issues were beyond my abilities n she use basically being used but I didn't see that nor did I really want to lose her So, I started drinking n with my recent stomach surgery I easily became a drunk n when I knew it was finally never going to a couple I wanted to die so I was trying to drink myself to death n was doing a real attempt at it... In 4/2008 I had the massive stroke that the doctor in the ER told my mother to pick out a casket but I didn't die n when I a woke after the stroke I had a new love, Life... I was now bound to an electric wheelchair n realized being in that wheelchair I couldn't deal with Maine's winters any more so decided to move me n mom to Florida luckily 4months before my stroke a car hit me as I crossed the street in the crosswalk n broke my left hip n money from that gave me the funds to move us... 

Even though I learned I can't be the hero n rescue a girl from their problems but realized I can be a supportive aid to a girlfriend n basically to all that are in need of a someone to be their supportive friend... I still want to be a special man to a special girl n hope that some day I will find the closeness n love I really deserve the kind of love where we hold hands in public, hug n kiss as well, also the two of us wanting to be married n start a family together... That is also something I didn't get much of a connection with my families, dad's side saw me as a defect because of my disability n since mom n dad were not married was also a negative... My half brother was starting his own family when I was growing up so didn't get to really be close with him... My mother's side of the family was split into two families granddad's side in another city n grandmother's side where there was issues between my mother n her stepfather n won't go into So, basically my family became the TV n as a kid watching Lost in Space I watched the Robinson family n wanted to be part of their family I so wanted Will Robinson to be my big brother n get to play with the robot too... I didn't get out because my parent's fear I would get hurt with more broken bones because I was breaking so many bones when I was a kid n when ever mom turned her eyes away their I went again falling n breaking a leg or arm so was safer to have me at home in front of TV...

WOW, started this out talking on a totally different subject n went way back to my childhood, well guess many things lead back to our childhood...

Back on track, I still am in search of my princess n I would be her musketeer...

HUGs... :-) 

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...