Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Being n Teaching to be Positive...

 I am totally believing in Thinking Positive, Believing In the Positives, n Being Positive will Bring Positive into My Life...
I see some coaches, teachers n parents teaching some children that they are great(n yes they are) that they can do great things(again that is great n true) n telling kids they can do what ever they want like be a pro-sportsman, actor/actress, or even President(yes teach them to have a goal, aim n reach for great things), these are great things to teach children!!!
Teaching children that they can do great is so wonderful (YAY) but I worry about the children that are not allowed to be a child 1st, being pushed into performing as a professional sportsman n not allowed to really enjoy what they are doing, n children being taught winning at all costs... A child needs to have fun, make friends n care about their fellow friends (other children) n be loved if they lose or win n cheered on when they care for others... A child should not be screamed at for failing, making a mistake or crying because that is when that child needs their coach, teacher n parent to lift them up not to say oh poor baby but hey take a break drink some water take a few deep breaths then try it again... 
There is a line one side the children are pushed too hard n not allowing them to be a child which is Very Bad!!! The other side of the line that a child is not encouraged to do great or even babied so child become shy of trying to do great things(I know this side well when things got too hard my father said no prob I didn't have to try again leading me into a mind set to give up when things didn't go they way I wanted them to do) n I seethe other side parents n coaches blowing up because a kid didn't do as good as they wanted the child to do... A child needs to stay a child for the time they are a child n parents, coaches n teachers that don't allow a child to be a child n yell at them because the the child didn't do as good as they wanted the child to do is being very unfair to the child n yelling at child for not being a superstar in a sport, dancing, cheering n etc is very upsetting the adult should placed in a time out in a box listening to screaming animals for an hour for every minute they yelled at the child... 

I totally believe teaching being positive, teach to reach n believe for success, aim high, dream, plan for success, have fun, teach kindness n fairness, teach to love others n it is good to work as a team but a child has to be allowed to be a child n as we need to have fun children really need to have fun as they grow up... We can lose n be happy at same time, if we did our best n we had fun doing it hen we should be happy n teach that to the children as well... Also if we are the winner we should be thankful to the others that we competed with without them there would have not been an event to compete in or had event to have fun with... Competing events should be fun for everyone involved win, lose or draw...

Guess my thing is not liking anyone thinking n teaching a person is better than someone else, yes many have skills that they are better at than others but we all have things we can do better than others n just because someone can do a sport better then another doesn't make them a better person, was Babe Ruth better than Robin Williams??? No!!! Was Robin Williams better than Babe Ruth??? Again No...

Ok, let children be children...
Let them dream n discover their own dreams...
Be there to support n guide them but don't shove/whip them into losing their childhood...
Be a positive in their goals n their life...
Just because we are grown up doesn't mean we can't dream n reach higher so,
Dream Again, Reach for Dream n Believe in That Dream!!!
Believe in Your Dreams n a Child's Dream...
Be Positive in life, dream n goals - yours n the child's!!!

Ok, Some might think You are nuts well maybe but I am hoping to teach in dreaming again, let children be children n teach being positive n fairness n of course to love our fellow humans at all costs!!!

Written by an imperfect human but a caring human n sharing with U;
Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr. - 2/25/2016

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Good Afternoon Everyone...

I slept much later then I planned, think mainly because was having a series of dreams I will getting in to in a bit...
Body is achy today just took a muscle relaxer because I can feel the side n back muscles are all tight maybe I need to loosen the screws in my neck... :-D
I know muscle will be ok, I have been blessed with many pains that have been taken cared of my simple meds like tylenols, muscle relaxer, Rx gel n even for my acute pains my tramadols do well on n was super blessed to have my chronic lower n mid back bone pain disappear totally the day after a men's retreat it only comes back if I over do my body's ability... I am also blessed/lucky to be alive still think about my doctor telling my mother to buy a casket n him being surprised I survived n then being surprised by the recovery I did n what stuff I regained so, I am blessed n grateful for so much, HUGs to U all...

Now for my dreams, it started out me trying to go out n mean the local street/homeless people of Bradenton to befriend them but they were not welcoming , as my days as a local drunk in Maine street people are not welcoming until they see U drunk or drinking some booze then are asking if they can have some... In this dream I was not seen as a street person so they didn't openly welcome me but I followed the group in my wheelchair got to know a few of them... Once they started to get use to me I got to know more n here where the dream turned interesting I slipped a ticket into a few people's pockets for free meals n then pulled a few aside to offer them free housing for 6months... This told me that I had to have won the lotto like I plan... :-) I offered the 6month free home to those that wanted a to change n the only thing I asked is that they stay sober n work on lifting themselves up... Then the dream turned to a building that I am going to own with small rooms with bathrooms in each so rooms had a bunk bed for two people n other rooms with a couple bunk beds for family with children  all rooms had old color TVs (yup big bulking tube type not of any value anymore in pawn shops) during 5am to 11pm operated a cafe with free hot meals, coffee, tea, n juices n a couple vending machine that were pay only to get stuff from like soda or candy but cafe did offer free healthy snacks during open hours for free... People could earn money by working around the complex yard work office work of cleaning work also had rooms for private counseling n meeting hall for group meetings both to help with issues that many wanted help with... This was such a cool dream I didn't want to wake I just want to continue in it n soak up as much as I could from it n as you see by the length of this update it I soaked up a lot so was worth the extra time I was a sleep... This might be a goal for me to do when I win the MegaMillions!!!

I love my detailed dreams n I try to learn from them n hope sharing them makes others smile n when(almost wrote 'if') I make a dream become real I will share the pictures n videos... I believe Dreams Can Come True, n We All Need to Dream again Like We did as a Child, no dreaming of riding a dragon or battling Romulans but Dream of owning a new home, being pain free, being happy n Loved!!!


Monday, February 9, 2015

My opinion about the term Converting others...

I have been thinking about the term 'converting' when used in talking about converting others in to a faith like often used by fellow Christians,I really don't like the idea of converting anyone in to anything... I really don't feel right about the idea of converting... So guess U are wondering why n why not convert people...

I feel using that term is like 'We Must Convert the No Faithful n Those that Believe Something Different to the Only True Way, Which is Ours, Our Way is the Only True Way'
Ok No, Not saying that is what people are thinking n doing, saying to me the term Converting to me feels like I stated n I am not trying to start a movement to stop using the wording of converting..

I just don't feel comfortable about that term n idea of converting a person; I truly feel it is not my job to convert anyone; my job with my faith in Jesus is to Share Jesus Teachings n His Love n My Love for Him n Those I share His Love with n If They Feel the Love from Him by Me Sharing His Love I feel they will want to learn more, feel more of His Love they I try to Share n I am here to help them find a Path to Love Him, Learn to Love others as I do n that He teaches...
My idea is if I share His Teachings n Love those that are will to hear n feel it will want to convert themselves n my job is just to lend my love n help them start their own way on a path of following Jesus n Enjoy His Love...

I know I have been sharing more then usual of my faith on here which as I say here I am not trying to convert anyone or tell anyone my faith it a world truth, it is my truth n don't want to convert anyone I want to share the Love I have from my faith in Jesus n in my opinion U don't need to believe in Jesus like I do; the thing I want is to share a Love that I feel So Deeply, I Feel the Love I have Wants to Spread from My Heart n Soul to my Brain to My left Hand down to My Fingers to My Keyboard though My Computer to Everyone Reading My Note/Blog n Hopefully It Helps Many Feel Love!!! The Love I feel spreading though Me is a Love of Caring  for others with nothing more to it, not on a mission to convert just on a mission to share LOVE!!!

HUGs to U All!!!

Giovano 'Koala' Fusco  Jr...

Sunday, February 8, 2015

My Belief about My Faith n How I Feel I Should Share It....

My Belief about My Faith n How I Feel I Should Share It....

I am a believe of a God, His Son Jesus, n His Gift of the Holy Ghost/Spirit...

I also believe in the Bible as the teachings of God n of His Son Jesus given to Humans by the inspirations of the Holy Ghost/Spirit...

I also believe the Bible is incomplete because of men who claimed to be Holy Leaders of the Church, I know this as a fact because the Old Testament of the Bible was from the Jewish Torah n since the Old Testament doesn't have all the same books/info that fact alone tells me the Bible is incomplete n men picked n chose what they w anted included in the Bible; also there a books written similar to books in the New Testament that again Self Proclaimed Leaders of the founding of the 1st Christian Church decided (for reasons I won't go into) not to include into the Bible so again I believe the Bible is incomplete... Now my biggest belief about the Bible it has n still is being translated n even the translated versions have many versions claiming to make it easier to read/understand n there are sometimes differences because of these little differences so I can not say any English version of the Bible is a 100% correct...

I believe in the Bible as the Word n Teachings of God n His Son Jesus but because it has been in the control of too many men that I need to use the Bible as carefully as possible... A trend in the Bible was women were not to be leaders or teachers or a Prophets(but then explain to me how we have the book of Ruth) I truly feel women are equal to men n are our partner in life but the Bible that greatly influenced by men writing it ages ago didn't like women in roles that were higher then them so I feel that men made it seem that women were not allowed to do rules higher then themselves by most likely omitting stuff that would have allowed women in these roles as leaders or teachers or a Prophets...

Now that I explained my views of the Bible I also want to explain why I believe in it as a Holy n Great Book that I use to Guide my Life; the Bible was written very long ago n has many lessons for life, n history of the Jewish people n then history of Jesus n Christians n the lessons Jesus wanted us to live by...

So, I believe in the Bible as a Holy Book even though it may be incomplete OH Wait Don't Get All Mad At Me I am sharing my belief in what I believe & As I Have Stated Many Many Times What I Believe is What I Believe n I Never Tell Anyone they Have to Believe me or Agree with Me...

I Do Tell People Always Find Your Own Path, Your Faith, n Never Let Anyone Tell You Their Belief is the Only True Way, Our Paths are Our Own True Path... The Bible is a Very Good Way to Start on Our Path of Finding Our Own True Path, Prayer is the Mainly Way to Discover if You/We are On the Right Path for Us/You... Oops forgot You need to start with a desire to want to Find Your Path n the Hardest thing to share with you all is a belief that there are things beyond our understanding n say it is the Force/Schwartz or (like me) the Holy Ghost/Spirit that will help you discover your path n belief...

Ok now for a little bit of deep thinking, Now Men have been using the Bible in an incorrect way mainly Christians have for ages, the Bible is meant for us to learn from n grow from n Share with others, right??? Yes!!! BUT BUT For Us to Learn from n Share but Not to Force on to others to believe or hold dear as many of us Christians do...

The Bible (New Testament) was never meant to be a Hammer/Sword to Beat/Kill others with but was Meant (n I truly Believe Still Does) to Love Our Fellow Humans No Matter their Faith, Lack of Faith, or their choice of Sexual Partner...

The Bible has many lessons n laws n commandments n when we read n learn them we are the ones that need to follow them but not our job to judge those that do not follow them... It is crazy there are some few (being polite about saying a few) Christians that Steal, Kill, Cheat on their Wife/Husband but are super Judgmental about those that are Gay/Lesbian/etc n even some that publicly cry out saying being gay/lesbian are secretly living a gay/lesbian life style themselves... Yes it is pretty clear in the Bible being Gay/Lesbian is very bad n that it is something God totally hates but We Are Not God!!! We Are Taught by Jesus Not to Judge others because He will Judge Us by How We Judge others n if We Are Cruel in Judging the Others because of their Sexual Partner then Jesus Will Be Cruel in Judging Us... Best thing is Not to Judge a person because of their Sexual Partner or Faith or not believing in God n Leave Judging a person/people  because of the partner/faiths up to Jesus... This is very good option for those that don't believe in a higher being (aka God) because if they are right(but I truly believe n Love Him) there is nothing after death so end of the story BUT for those of Us that believe in God, believe in an afterlife n those of Us that Believe in Jesus wants to be Like Him as much as possible... To be as much as possible like Jesus we Need to Learn to Forgive those that have done wrong to us, we have to forgive ourselves n be sorry for the wrong we have done n we have to not judge others n really Learned to Love Others Like He Loved Us n as God Loved Us n We Need to Love n Honor God...

So My Main Goal is learning more from the Bible n to Learn about others faiths so I can better understand them n relate to them n not ignore their faiths because that is disrespecting them n their cultures n Jesus wants me to Love them not to Judge them or hate them...

I believe the more I share the Love I feel for Jesus the better I can make/help people feel n even feel the Love I Feel!!!

So My Only thing I do want people to l learn from me n believe as a truth is that I Love Them Because I am Loved by Jesus n What Ever Your Beliefs, Sexual preference is/are are not being Judged by Me, I only See U n not your faith or sexual preference n I want to HUG U all!!!

You Are Special, You Are Wonderful, You Are Loved, n I Love n HUG U ALL!!!

Ok Brain has run out of it's inspirations to write this note/blog-entry so remember I am a human I am not in anyway perfect n my beliefs are my insights/belief n I don't claim them as fact(well except that we are loved I believe we are loved) n share to try to help n teach n enlighten others...

HUGs to You All from a Crazy Loving Koala-Human,

Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.



Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sitting Here n Thinking(yup shouldn't do that n this one might be trouble)!!!

Sitting Here n Thinking(yup shouldn't do that n this one might be trouble)!!!
After my stroke I put my old monster of a temper in a cage locked away n it takes a lot for it to break lose n rip into stuff...
I am now an easy going person 1 so I do not get my blood pressure high so I let a lot flow by n still planning on doing that BUT...
Yes But... I will Not Be Walked Over, I Will Not Be Ignore, I am not a simpleton!!! I have finished High School June 1986, even last 1/4 of last year of HS I got on the Honor Roll n this was a public HS (not a school for the disabled/special) Deering High (the Purple Palace the Rams)... I also have gone to 3 colleges/Tech schools n even Job Corps, I may have not gone to MIT, CALTech, n other nose up schools but I have education, I know the Earth is roundish n Moon effects tides n shape of Earth, I know Canada is above the US n not a state of US, I know WWII = World War Two, the US along with Great Brittan have enslaved others in the long ago past (late as the 1800s) n both Nations killed many to grab land... I also Know from my history class religions have done the same to other faiths n still are doing it...
I have a brain I may act fun n silly to be up beat n happy n cheer others but I am NO FOOL I may act the fool but if You think I am a Fool U are the FOOL!!!
I have been though a lot n learn from my mistakes n being used...

The Fool U think U are looking at n Judging is not WHO U think He is a lot more n YOU Are Losing a lot for not finding out what I have to offer n I am here to help with many things, this remind me of the small minded people from ages ages ages ago that saw wheelchair, crutches, leg braces, limbs twisted n faces of people with downs n said oh poor things but turned away from them not seeing their true value!!!

Ok brain has run out of what else to say so I will stop here, this message is not meant for 99.9% of U I call friends but those that know they have thought of me as less then what I am U that know have thought of me as less then I really Am, Time For U to ReThink n Learn What I can do!!!

HUGs To U All!!!
Giovano 2/4/2015

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...