Tuesday, September 15, 2015

For Some Reason I am motivated to do a list of:

Let's start out with a word I hate (exception is with my oldest friend because of our long time relationship I know when he uses it, it's joking) the word is = cripple
  to me it is as offensive to me as the 'N' word is to others...

I am not Gay or Bisexual or even a Transgender - I am straight but I support equal rights for all...

I believe in God, His Son - Jesus n the Holy Ghost/Spirit n believe others have the right to not believe or have different faith...
  Each person has their own path n if they are lost I can/willing to share my path, till they find theirs...
Faiths should be shared n Never Forced on to others...

I don't believe in abortion but being a man I don't think I should a vote in this except if it is my (future) wife think me n her should talk about it but the decision is really her since it is her body...
   abortion should be allowed in cases of rape, incest n if the health of the woman/girl is at risk of other health issues or death... again in a vote I will not vote on either side because as I wrote it is still the woman's body n I have no right to impose my opinion on any woman...

As earlier I stated I am for equal rights for all n Christians/Jewish/Muslims should never impose their faiths on to others; people in the USA should remember our First Amendment (which part of it says we have freedom of religion) that mean we can believe what we want in faiths or even not believe...
   also in the USA we have a separation of Church n State(government) which means the state(government) doesn't mess around with church(s) rules n beliefs but also church is not to mess with state(government) rules/laws...
I believe if two people love each other n want to be married I support them as long as each are of legal age...

I believe America was a great country n could be a great country again if we got rid of long time office sitting officials like Senators n Congressman/woman n jail any official caught excepting bribes/gifts...

I do not take the Flu vaccines since 2005 n don't plan on taking it again in the future, I am wary of the vaccines made for other stuff I believe some vaccines are important but on fence about many others n don't like the multiple vaccines put together in one shot for babies/children if these vaccines are important they should be given a week or two apart from each other to give child's system time to recover from earlier shot... 

I also believe in the right to bear arms aka firearms, a rifle, a shotgun n a handgun these are reasonable to defend your home n family... I am on the fence about rapid firing rifles aka semi-auto/machine guns; if the country falls because of economics or end of days type event like deadly virus or some type of event that starts people killing each other for resources a semi-auto/machine guns would be an important weapon(s) to defend your home n family but then you also should have a bunker/shelter with backup foods, water, n even wine seeing that wine last a long time(wines get better with age they say), toilet paper(lots of it), ammo, spare parts for your weapons, have extra electronics parts n devices, there most likely will not be any internet but computer n spare parts might be useful like ham radio, ATVs, storage tanks for fuel for ATVs... Ok yes I have thought about this issue but if the end of days happens say very soon(I believe the end of days is not going to happen for many many decades) if end of days happens in near future I believe Myself n My Mother won't last long because we have medication needs n we need of power to recharge our wheelchairs not to mention if there is an end of days there go's our income n medical care so we wouldn't last long because we wouldn't have any resources to fall back on but this also why I believe the end of days will not happen any time soon, I think we have over a hundred years at least to go... Need to say backup food in a pantry or in a basement or a shed is a good idea for everyone a organization I use to belong told it's members a 6months to 12months of food n water, soda n etc is a good idea for reasons 1 - end of days, 2 - a sudden hard ship in income, 3 - a disaster by nature/man caused/ a strike of workers (like truckers, farmers), 4 - something unknown at this time...

I see/read about many Christian(n other faiths) arguing about gay/lesbians/etc life, marriage, equal rights this makes no sense to me at all - how does a person being gay/lesbian/etc effect them??? Someone being Gay/Lesbian/etc is none of our business, if you hate Gay/Lesbian/etc Don't Be Gay/Lesbian/etc simple, might not be easy because if you are gay/lesbian/etc n you try to resist it you might become very depressed n you might have other issues n could start hating yourself n even gay/lesbian/etc that love who they are... Ok some people will say anyone that is Gay/Lesbian/etc is sinning n God hates gay/lesbian/etc you might be correct n you might be wrong, but who are we to judge others life??? What happened to Jesus saying "He(she) without Sin can cast the first Stone" out of all the people around the woman sinner there was 1 person there that was without sin (yes Jesus) n He did not throw a stone at the woman; So why are there some many Christian hating n some misguided that hurt/kill gay/lesbian/etc...
I feel saddened that Christian forget Jesus told us to love our neighbors n not to judge them, if their being Gay/Lesbian/etc is a Sin guess what the judge of us - Jesus will tell them if you are truly a Christian don't you believe Jesus knows who to accept n not-to-accept into heaven, He wants us to share His message of Love for everyone n not be judgmental...

I thought I wanted to add more but my inspiration has run dry but might add to this at a future time...

~ Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.
  submitted 9/15/2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

Hello Everyone 9/10/2015

Hello Everyone,
I want to share something with you all, the day before yesterday I couldn't fall a sleep I was up for over 24hours; I finally fell a sleep n earlier today before I woke up I was feeling low/depressed n self doubt n even why should I continue to struggle in this world, there is so much hate, there are so many issues, also I am so lonely n dream was feeling doubt I would ever be in a loving relationship with a woman or have a family of my own so why do I bother to continue???
  ...Luckily, I felt a positive vibe n the vibe could say a presence reassured me I have something beautiful in my near future; no details on what or when but Whatever/Whenever it happens n it will happen that it will be a great blessing n I Will Be Loved by Many(family)... I woke up a bit later n I felt good n happy...

Before my stroke I never felt or heard messages before but the more I pray, more I confess my failings/sins n follow the path that I am on n share it with all that are willing to read/hear it the more dreams/visions messages I receive... Before my stroke if anyone told me they were receiving dreams, visions n messages I would look at them like they lost their marbles but now that I am blessed by these dreams, visions n messages... I am amazed by these dreams, visions n messages but of course I have no way to prove them well one of my earlier dreams gave me a poem/song which when I woke I typed into my computer which amazed then too 1) I am not a peon/song writer 2) How I remembered the whole thing n to write/type it out is so cool... As I said I can't prove these things or prove they are from God or His Son - Jesus but I believe they are true blessings n I know I am meant to share them with everyone willing to read/hear them...

The Main Message/Feelings I am to Share with You All is Jesus want's Us to Love God n do as Jesus did when He did 'Love Everyone n Share n Teach Love to Everyone' this doesn't mean hating/hurting them because they have a relationship You don't like nor does Jesus tell us to condemn anyone; So Put the Stone down n Open Up Our Arms n HUG instead of hating/condemning/hurting others...

I wrote this because I was inspired to n so I can share it with you/others!!!

~ written 11:59pm - 9/10/2015
Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr...

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Hello Everyone...

Hello All,
After my stroke I have gained a deep love for God n Jesus, I had a vision shortly after my stroke about Jesus n the true pain n suffering He suffered n it wasn't done by the Romans; my spiritual growth increase but suffered a set back after I went to Vegas for a week where I fell off the wagon n started drink again but slowly regained my direction in my spiritual belief... I started having more visions n inspirations n insights that I have been sharing in blogs n notes n for a while I was unsure about sharing them because I was unsure if others would believe me... I say/write the above statement because I was kind of conditioned by people around me to think insight, inspirations n vision was nutty n I also never believed in them so when I started to having them I was sure if I shared them others would think I was truly crazy or I was making it up which I am not doing!!! 
   Now I do share my dreams, insights, inspirations n visions I am feeling that people are not believing me as I was worried about...
I also some times see looks in people I try to talk to n share my visions, inpiration n etc these looks I have seen from a few n felt from a number of others of disbelief which is upsetting but can't make people believe me n really is their loss for not being open to my dreams, insights, inspirations n visions... I also have seen many judging me because I am a fat, a male n have weird looks that I must be a guy that is into staring at beautiful women, maybe even think I lust after those type of women n also have impure thoughts about women; Well if they knew me before my stroke they would be correct but after my stroke my desires changed I don't believe in sex unless I am married n only for creation of a baby by the blessing of God... 
    I could be wrong but the reactions n looks I have seen in many people's eyes like they are thinking I am crazy or I am lying; it is so upsetting for me I am on a mission to share the Love I feel from Jesus n the desire to share it with others...
    Maybe people don't think a weird guy like me can be getting messages, dreams n visions or do they think a person needs to know the bible cover to cover to be given such vision, dreams n inspiration but is it true that the Mattrew, Mark, Luke n others on a different path in life before Jesus gathered them n transformed from their other lives to be teachers of Jesus's messages???
Did these men carry the Torah schools with them everywhere they went??? Did all of them know how to read??? Unsure, reading was primarily meant for the rabbis n not for the common man who were busy in their work/jobs... Research says the books of Mattrew, Mark, Luke, n John were not written till many many years after they died the scriptures/stories were passed along by word of month from Mark, Mattrew, Luke, John n etc to others to share n spread to more n more people n finally after many many many years the scripture/stories were finally written... 
    My dreams, Insights, inspiration n visions are coming to me n I am directed to share them with others n am saddened that some disbelieve me about them, my friends that don't believe in a God let alone Jesus I understand them not believing in my dreams, vision n etc which is totally understandable but when fellow Christians doubt me or don't even try to consider my dreams, visions n inspirations are from God or Jesus or they give the look like "yeah, sure I believe you, not..." maybe I should pray n ask God to suddenly heal my body so I can jump up n walk to get fellow Christians to believe me??? 
    My insights, I inspirations, dreams n visions are meant for me to share with everyone n I guess I have to resign myself there are Christians that won't believe in my dreams, insights, inspirations n visions n even Christian friends that won't believe either, so sad...

Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...