Friday, August 8, 2014

another dream...

Good Day All :-)
Not much to update today, body is well nothing is bothering it YAY slept a good amount this morning n today...
Went to bed at 4am then woke up about 8am after having a detailed dream of me talking to Howard Stern (don't know why I don't listen to his show) but was teaching him life is good even with challenges in it, I told him everyday I wake I am grateful, since doctor thought my stroke was the end of me even told mother buy a casket, then when I stayed alive he said I most likely never use my right side of my body again, when signs showed a little bit of use then he said I would be in recovery for over a year, a month n half I was told I could go home n continue recovery out of the hospital... During my hospital I worked hard to be able to transfer in/out of bed/wheelchair on my own power worked hard to be about to use bathroom on my own when I started doing those things I was so happy n blessed by a power above mine own, while at the hospital I had 2 missionaries coming each day n we prayed together n I credit the prayers for what the doctor said would not happen me improving n so fast as well... So I am so blesses by knowing the hardest n seemingly impossibles can happen with my relationship with the Big Guy n His Son n the Holy Ghost or some might say it was my will n hard work but without my faith I won't have that will because before the stroke I wanted to drink myself to death...
Have no idea why I had a dream like this unless I was meant to we share it here today...

Well Hope you are doing better/well today!!!


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