Saturday, August 9, 2014


I have been thinking, I know danger danger Will Robinson I mean Koala... LOL...

I love having you all as my friends n enjoy being a part of your lives most of you by means of Fb, n lucky to have a number great people locally I get to interact with inperson n again on here...

For my whole life I struggled with my identity as kid my mother made the decision on how I dressed, how I had my hair cut n etc... Between my teen years I tried to find myself n where I belonged with other... When I got super super super heavy I gave up on trying to impress anyone figured why bother... When I finally lost much of my weight when I was in my mid 30s n started dating a 20year old girl I learned to start finding myself n after my stroke I learned I really love myself n I dress to be me but comfortable n wear stuff that is easy to put on... Many of you know purple is my main favorite color, than black n then gold but wear a few others to break it up some...

I have changed many things in my life mainly started after my time at Job Corps teaching me many things about interacting with others but also to be true to ones self... After the stroke my spirituality mind n heart grew to levels beyond my measure... I love sharing my spirit with everyone but I try not to push my beliefs on anyone... I say hear, read, n etc my insights learn, laugh, ignore or love them but know they come from my heart n spirit n I think from a higher source...

My main thing is to teach, share love to everyone, never forcing it... I believe the best thing is loving everyone No Matter if they are Muslim, Islam, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, n others of the Christian faiths that split in minor n major differences n those that don't believe in a higher power because I believe I am not here to judge or ignore others for their faith, race, sex or sexual prefaces, abilities n etc... Some may say that those of different faiths or sexual prefaces are not worthy but I am not here to impose beliefs but only here to Love everyone even if they don"t want to be loved... Now, this doesn't mean I agree with others way of life, I just know how I am to live mine n what I am here to share...

I write this because I have had some people leave because I can only guess they find a fault in how I do things or my beliefs which was upsetting me n I had to think n pray about this, I am here to share my love, teach others it is ok to love those that are different from us n we not ever perfect we cam only be ourselves we can try to do better but know if we mess up that we can start again... I was thinking some don't understand my teachings of love n was too much for them to believe... Oh, maybe they think someone can't be that loving to everyone(hey there are people I have trouble loving those that do evil to women, children, animals) I am very spiritual ever since my stroke n it keeps growing, Lying is something I don't do yes it is bad to do but since stroke easier to remember than a lie, before my stroke I thought of two thing booze n sex, after my stroke my sexual desires have gone, I do hope to maybe have a child/family but feel now my old desire n now meant to be done for the sole purpose of building a family n not for pleasure, many that knew prestroke might find that hard to believe but is how I believe... I also now see beauty inside of people n don't base it on their outer looks, I am not blind to outer beauty the photographer in me can still admire beautiful women but I have seen more beauty in someone inner self...

So, saying all this my inspiration has stopped so I shall end her, accept me for me because I accept you for you, some of you have things you believe I don't but that is you n you are my friend n I accept all of you n just ask the same of you n guess if you can't,well that is up to you to...


Giovano 'Koala' Fusco 

Posted 3:00am(EST) 8/9/2014

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Trust Issues

Hello Everyone, To those that don’t know me my name is Giovano aka Rev. Koala Yes I am an ordained minister but am an independent minister (...