Sunday, July 6, 2014

thinking again...

oops thinking again, keep doing that I never did much of that before my stroke n must likely how I got mess up back then well,

Thinking as a believer of the teachings of Jesus(n yes he had some strange ways to teach some things ex: riding horse though eye of a needle) he wants us to share n teach his ways to everyone, all faiths n races Right???
He wants us to love all our neighbors n teach n share Jesus' teaching to them BUT n a Big But he also told us not to judge others because that is his job n everyone that excepts him will come to him to be judged by their actions n beliefs so in no way are we to judge everyone for believing differently then ourselves, or for their actions n their way of life... I want to note no where in his teachings while on Earth did he allow anyone to pick up a stone or sword to harm another person, he even told us to love our enemies so, remember when you see a sinner(what U think is a sinner) instead of hating on then try to do as Jesus would have, say hello n welcoming to the person n don't start out by saying you know I see you sinning n that is so bad of you, instead say Hi I want to hang with you n know you better n share your own life with the person without judgement... Basically teach by example of your own living of life in his heavenly plan n path n by doing so you can lead others as well in that path but how many can we lead if we start out by condemning those that we think are sinners n by doing that are we really following in Jesus' path n teaching???

Sorry if I am preaching but something lead me to write this so I did n when I am moved to write things like thing I do because I know I should!!!

I do not write these things to upset anyone but to share what I am lead to share...

Ok now back to the wacky world of Koala :-)


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