Thursday, January 8, 2015

this was meant as a status update on my FaceBook but wanted share with more...

Good Afternoon Everyone...

I am just getting up, just took my BP meds n a muscle relaxer n I am sluggish so far nothing is hurting just body making cracking noises 'snap, crackle n pop' nope not the cereal the body :-) but as I said not hurting n slowly allowing me to move it is like an old old car(never restored) in the middle of a freezing morning still runs but slow to start n it make a lot of noises from engine to the body but luckily the heater still works :-D if I had the money I would have some body work done on it get a few dents fixed put a new shocks in so it doesn't look like it's dragging it's body around... If there was the tech available would keep the engine(heart/brain) n replace the body n tires a nice lean Dodge Charger body sporty n cool but usable... :-)

Hope U are all doing well/better, I know there are days worst than others but keep up the fight n with a smile it confuses the heck out of life n others when life beats U up n U are still smiling, remember be like Rocky when Life beats us up/down smile get back up and say that all U got, life this is my life n I will WIN IT not U that think U can defeat me U Can't Defeat A Champion Like Me!!! Well in my case life can't figure out where to hit next because I have no clue what I am do myself well not totally I know I am loving my life n want to help others/U love your life as well it is hard for You I know but Your Life is Special if U don't think so I think So n stop all negative thinking it draws more negatives into your life ignore or wash away the negatives; Always look at the positives, plan for the positives, know the positives n welcome all the positives!!!


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